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Messages - Gizmotron


John 8:32 ; "...Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

The secret to why Jesus came, who God is, and who the captives are is all summed up knowing that truth. The captives are those that are ruled by their own human nature. Even if you achieve the greatest selfless state as a human, denying yourself of all the vile aspects of human satisfaction, and condemning the unrighteous aspects of others around you, you will have failed because knowing God loves you fulfills all that is required.

1 Corinthians 13:1

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing...."

It is my opinion that you can't know God's love without direct intervention from God. He selects according to his will. There is no Jesus pill of magic phrase that forces God to act the way that you want. How can the un-holy command what is Holy? Yet all the realigns of the world attempt a form of this. Even the Christian church is full of blind members.

I would suggest that you confirm for yourself what is true. Funny how that works though. Until you can see you can't see that you are blind. That old time song, I was blind, but now I see, that is not scripture but it sure does tend to resemble the truth.

I have no doubt that you see me as blind. I'm a fan of the concept of "Tough Cookies." I don't care who gets God's plan. I'm not on this planet to waste my time trying to gather a flock or press notches in my salvation slate. I was set free from needing to carry the world on my shoulders. But this is your thread, so knock yourself out.
Can you see the difference between the first half and the second half of these results?


In the first half of betting on 24 numbers there is both a rapid or steady slow decent in bankroll. But in the second half there is a huge increase in wins.

These changing conditions occur without regards for the mathematical disadvantage in the payback on wins. They are just a changing phase. If you bet small when it's not good and bigger when it is good then there is nothing complex about the MM or the bet selection to figure out. Very few players can see how this simple method can be so effective. So it does not help much to complicate the bet selection.
I got the second one in about a half a minute. The first one never occurred to me.
General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 11, 2017, 12:12:50 PM

Here is a subject regarding Reading Randomness:How Understanding Randomness Will Give You Mind-Reading Powers


QuoteMore recently, psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman proposed the so-called Law of Small Numbers, a theory that accounts for human misunderstandings of randomness. Specifically, we wrongly expect small samples to behave like very large ones. So if you toss a coin five times, you assume that you'll get some variation of a pattern that includes two or three heads and two or three tails. If your coin lands on tails five times in a row, you tend to believe that it can't be a coincidence. But in fact, the odds of five tails in a row are 1 in 32—not especially common, but not terribly rare, either. "So we have all these sort of false positives where we figure there must be something wrong with that coin, or maybe the person's got some magic hot-hand in tossing coins," Poundstone says.
Gizmotron / Re: Overcome the Chimp
July 03, 2017, 10:28:04 PM
This is as good a place as any. IT WORKS! I've done it. ... and I'm done posting too. I've mastered my method, posted how to think about it all over places on the BetSelection forum. It took 11 years plus a decade more to figure it out. I had to deal with my own issues of keeping my focus on the target. There was trial and error and invention all along the way.

There is no need to post anything more. I'm not needed in discussions supporting my methods or in arguing against them. I like it just the way that it is. I also like the fact that Vic let me publish my findings here.

May you all succeed where you have made the effort to succeed. Beating a casino is a thought experiment. It's a war against the chemical reactions associated with pleasure or in keeping your logic. It's in understanding the low expectations of soft bigotry. It's in knowing what normal is in all it's wild capacities. It's in sterilizing yourself from massive streaks of losses. It's in knowing when to quit. It's in knowing when to quit while you are ahead.

It is my belief that people stay with these forums in order to find a secret that makes the difference. They stay out of habit even after finding enough that works for them, one way or an other. I've had to go through a self discipline problem for the past three years. I've done that now.

I've shown far more than I should have. Yet, to my astonishment, it goes on baffling just about everybody. I'm not one to flog a dead horse for those that can't see it. It's here, I'm done, and I'm gone.

Goodbye to all,

Greenguy, I had to not approve your comment.

I might hate Narcissists and Co-Dependents but I admire Alrelax's tenacity as a Baccarat player. He is in fact a very talented player. You'll just have to take me as I am. I was raised by a massive Co-Dependent personality. I know this stuff inside and out. Co-Dependency causes millions of people to excel at things.
Quote from: Lungyeh on June 24, 2017, 10:36:58 PM
Dear all,

I really don't understand the accusations against Alrelax re fake games. I know him well enough to stand up for him to say to those who accuse him so 'stop the nonsense'

Why should he bother to make up fake results to disprove some book? When in reality there are all kinds of possible shoes that will kill a system one way or the other. As someone who has idiotically bought a few such systems (including BAT from Silverthorne) and in discussions wit Elliot himself on MvD etc etc there are always games that don't work well for ANY systems.

If you choose to believe there are holy grail systems that can handle ALL kinds of games please continue your faith. But please. Cut the accusation that Alrelax would do such a thing to post fake results.

From my @15 years Baccarat experience and research and experimentation including funding others for tests, I can say Alrelax has been one whose posts are factual, stimulating although sometimes, some may find it cocky at best and condescending at worst. But never, no, posting fake results. Please don't talk nonsense.

Alrelax may not like this but I agree with everything Lungyeh just said. Glen does not lie about his playing method and does not need to. He's really a good player, perhaps one of the best.
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 24, 2017, 10:15:11 PM
Quote from: alrelax on June 24, 2017, 10:04:05 PM
Mark, i said it was a story, two guys talking at a casino, a story.  What you did with another on this board is your business, his and i might (might) be privy to the details (7 hours), but Mark, i mentioned a story with the owner of The Garden Restaurant.  Whatever you want to interpret that as ro for is okay.

I'm done playing your games. Get you kicks from somewhere else.
I can't believe I've been sucked in by all this. The primary dysfunction of the Narcissist is to cause and thrive on conflict.

This all started in the past few days because of my private emails being handed to this malignant abuser. I'm still shocked how easily he became a global moderator around here. That was like feeding the pigeons to the cat.

This guy loves conflict. He lives for it. It's the real reason he is here.

My advice to any of you is not to be sucked into his game.

Ref: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/communication-success/201501/how-spot-and-stop-narcissists

Quote3.  Don't Try to Change Them

Some people try to change chronic narcissists through time-consuming dialogue about their behavior. Such attempts are admirable, but often end in frustration and disappointment. With some deeply pathological narcissists, your efforts at arguing or conflict resolution actually feed their vanity, for you're giving them the attention and power they otherwise wouldn't possess. For certain socially deficient narcissists, in the absence positive feedback, provoking negative feedback becomes a wretched alternative, for any attention is better than no attention at all. To them, it's better to be disliked (which holds power and makes them feel superior) than to be a nobody.
Reasons for pathological narcissism are complex and deep-seated. A narcissist changes only when he or she matures and becomes more self-aware (often through difficult life lessons). It's not your job to change the person. The best way to deal with a narcissist is to set healthy boundaries, and take back the rein of your own life.

Ref: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/tech-support/201601/4-behaviors-unmask-narcissists

QuoteWhat I didn't understand at the time and do now is that the narcissist shows his true colors in conflict. That point is brought out with clarity by two new books on the subject, Re-thinking Narcissism by Dr. Craig Malkin and The Narcissist You Know by Dr. Joseph Burgo (both are also bloggers on this site), and borne out by my own personal experience. Both of these authors take the position that the narcissist is, in fact, emotionally wounded. The behaviors he or she evinces are efforts to disguise or assuage the pain of that wounded self.

It's in conflict—when even the healthiest among us becomes defensive and self-protective—that the narcissist reveals him or herself in fullness. They fully expose their lack of empathy—the cornerstone of the narcissist—because when the narcissist feels threatened, winning or succeeding to protect him or herself is all that matters, not consequences. A narcissist's focus and determination to win at any cost underscore the shallow nature of their emotional connections—to you and to all others.

So he has my personal information. He's already used Joe's Ice-cream stands as veiled attempts to show that he knew my addresses. He's a dangerous human being. I wonder if he has my SS # and my banking information. Homeland Security might want to inspect his other internet activities. I'm looking into this. I can't be the first person that he has managed to manipulate on the internet.

Gizmotron / Re: Examples of My Playing Technique
June 24, 2017, 01:48:15 PM
This software was only available to the students at my school. I can't post it because it is too large for download from this forum. It would not be wise to get it out there in the public domain anyway. I do all this on hand written index cards at live casinos anyway. You don't need the software. I just don't write the telemetry. Your stack of chips takes care of that.
Quote from: alrelax on June 24, 2017, 01:29:26 PM
You know something Mark, I have not lied or mislead people on this board!!!!  At least outside of the humorous and comical, no matter how unintelligent, retarded or off-color those threads were---which i have started to delete last night until Vic put a darn halt to it!!  People, IMO--have confused some of the off-color/comical threads I tried to mostly bring out points and get interest going.  But that probably backfired too???

I go to numerous training seminars for my professional work world (Hazardous Materials Response) and some of the best seminars and courses is where the instructors or people in the audience bring out comical, off-color, off-the-wall agenda.  Seriously 100%!  But this board it appears those were held against me.  I was under the impression this board was like a newspaper (Vic--using this analogy because of your long Emails last night), if you don't want to read the sports, the household sections--trash them (SKIP THEM)!  Read the national and local news and the classified and the entertainment section, that is what I do.

As far as the editing and deletions of people's posts, those are not necessarily done by myself and they are done for the good of the board, appearance and keeping peace.  Right or wrong, things get moderated by various concerns, case closed on that one.

I did respect you for quite some time, it is just the other 3 or 4 people that have been permanently moderated and one appears to have had his moderated status lifted--that choose to humiliated, chastised, degrade and accuse the poster of a non-truth when they know absolutely nothing about the poster, have never et him or spent time with him and are not privy to the absolute facts.  Take for instance the score cards,  I put it on my 4 year old life and my parents that they were actual cards from live played games.  The problem is, many have little to no experience.  Personally i have seen nearly everything in baccarat and there will always be a bit of 'new' with results, stats, patterns, trends, wagering and production of winning and losing hands n a shoe.  Damn--just the other night, and i did not post the card I kept for the simple reason--i would be accused it was fake or altered.  Dealers dealing full time 5 and 6 days a week for 10 plus years and floor manager with 25 years experience on the floor did never see a shoe that happened the other night.  There was 20 ties, first 3 hands 3 ties back to back.  Then 7 players, then 2 more repeating ties.  Around hand 30 there was 8 banker run with 9 ties within that run!  Four of the ties were natural 8's.  There was 3 back to back Fortune 7's with 2 additional Fortune 7's late in the shoe and a Fortune 7 on the very last 77th, hand!  There was other things in that shoe as well.  But i never saw anything like it, add up another one to the experience book. 

Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 24, 2017, 01:10:26 PM
I've got your tome too Glen. Do you want that published? Remember that PDF of your dreams? How do you think I figured out that you are a control freak? It was your PM's and emails. You did all this.

BTW, I have no partner, ("and he partnered up with another guy down at the Garden restaurant ").

Not only is that a lie, you are suggesting a conspiracy to commit fraud. Are you actually attempting to make a false accusation here? You had better back that up. I guess it's not cyber-stalking if the mystery man gave you my private emails. But when you fabricate an accusation of a crime you open yourself to investigation. Just how rich are you?
Quote from: alrelax on June 24, 2017, 05:29:37 AM
Come on mark I think the emails and info are exciting!!!!  Lol

So you have the emails and the PM's?

So what. Go ahead and publish them. I could care less if I'm forever seen as hypocritical. I will have made the randomness characteristics known to everyone, given them names where names where missing, and backed up my life and decisions in the face of everyone that has seen me post on these forums.

You see buddy boy. I have the original discussions with the person you say was ripped off by me, and from the very start of any contact. It has already been proven that you will change what is written in a message. So if you do publish private emails and/or PM's, and you change a single letter or word, you will be the one with the sullied reputation.

Let's get one thing straight BOZO! I'm out in front of you and have always been out in front of you. I disclosed that I had focus issues for the past three years. I did this without your prompting for the past two months. It was so bad that I almost always lost every time I went into a casino. It does not prove that reading randomness does not work. The person I was working with started the process with dealing with issues I was having by opening a dialog here in PM's. I can't confirm anything but he was focused on it because we both have similar techniques and he had found some really good advice on the internet regarding self control issues. That led to him giving me money to move forward with. Not my usual 200 to 500 units but more than 2,000 units. I blew that money because of the self control issues. It didn't matter if more money was used to overcome down trends. I was going to lose it.

There is only one circumstance that I'm not proud of. I took the Turbo Effect concept a few months ago, wrote what I thought was an incredible computer simulation, and mentioned it to this mystery person. I even posted that I had broken roulette wide open on the forums. Until you have been a computer programmer you could not know how a mistake like this could occur. I put a computation, a single line of code, in the wrong place that dealt with the changes to a variable, but did it after the fact. The software still executed, it just did it with a false assumption. But I put it on the line anyway. I took the 1,500 units to the casino and got wiped out in three sessions. It was maddening. It should have worked. But it didn't.

When I told him what had happened he decided that I had intentionally ripped him off. This was the person that had helped me and all I had ended up doing was failing so badly that his conclusion was the only reasonable conclusion. He is the only person in my entire life that gave me money to gamble with.

The bottom line is that I did find the problem. I had decided to quit a month ago. I was never going to get ahead of my self control issues, even though I could win consistently in practice. But I openly published all this here in this forum.

I even went to the casino to see if I actually did fix the focus issues. I did. I'm going back to start my professional gambling period or end it. I've been beating this dead horse for three years.

I really believe that I have it now. Want to give me some more money? I found the problem. I went to the casino to find out. I have it now. I proved it to myself. I could use a grub stake. It will be harder on my own. If I do get things going I will gladly pay back the 1500 units. You figure out the way. I don't want this to end on dishonesty.

Alrelax has things he will have to live with for the rest of his life. Nothing can be done to help that man. At least that is what qualified experts have to say.  I can fix this between us though Mystery Man. And I want to thank you for putting me years ahead of where I would have been had you not involved yourself in my life. I needed to have those losses in order to find the problem. That last one was in pursuing an off topic method and doing it very badly. I was absolutely sure that I had the holy grail in a brainless, rule based method. Your experience is that I ripped you off. I just hope that it does not end like this.

I guess Alrelax has actually been a help. He has forced me to openly discuss my transgression. I'll have to find a way to resolve the issue.

Thanks Alrelax

I won't be giving gambling advice. If I can't win every time I walk into a casino to play, then I have no advice for others. When I practice my method, I win every time I play. This is not a condition of where I wrote bad code. I have published my playing method and practice results online. In other words, everything is there if anyone wants to make use of it or perfect it. I'm not selling anything and the school is closed to any new students. I wish that someone had given me this method instead of me having to save money and lose it in order to perfect it. It's been an interesting and exhilarating past 25 years.
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 24, 2017, 11:45:36 AM
Quote from: alrelax on June 24, 2017, 04:59:20 AM

thanks mark and I have to find a great article by mark ellsworth B-------, will post shortly!

Thank you. I didn't know this forum had ignore settings. I don't care what you have to share. I shouldn't let it bother me. Heck, I'm almost done posting anyway. I've done this for the past 11 years. Enough already. Ken was right. It's time for me to stop trying to teach. Just go out and let the playing speak for itself.

Good luck Glen.