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Messages - Gizmotron

corrected for text trashing functionality:

That makes zero sense. numbers and events occur because of a continuous stream of spins. Anyone might relate this stream of spins as a session. It takes individual spins to make up events. You have done what he has done. Deal with coincidences, and forget about probability and predictions. Everyone uses this basic logic to ignore coincidences. It always stops with probability and predictions.

"It ain't over until it's over."

Quote from: alrelax on March 07, 2017, 11:04:15 AM
You don't have to agree.

But he is correct about numbers.  Not events

Two huge and different areas of concern.  Numbers and Events.

That makes zero sense. numbers and events occur because of a continuous stream of spins. Anyone might relate this stream of spins as a session. It takes individual spins to make up events. You have done what he has done. Deal with coincidences, and forget about probability and predictions. Everyone uses this basic logic to ignore coincidences. It always stops with probability and predictions.

"It ain't over until it's over."
Anyway, the author says that patterns are predictable in the section title. He goes on to say there is no predictability based on probability, "Consequently each number has the same chance of selection in the next game..."

Probability will not tell you when a coincidence will occur and how long it will last. Therefore probability has nothing to do with prediction. Nobody can tell you how long a coincidence will last after it has begun.

ref; Mason Malmuth; "Gambling Theory and Other Topics" ; 2004

Let me make it perfectly clear. Coincidences exist and they can be exploited as if they were predictable, even though they are never predictable.
Wow, you can't edit your posts and I can't figure out how to post an image. This is different.
I don't agree with this author's opinion:


Gizmotron / Re: my online school
February 28, 2017, 10:54:36 PM
It's too much to teach all at once. The students are from all over the world. A person must first learn how to see opportunities and once that level is achieved then the real learning begins. It's worthless without playing experience. Then each student goes back to what I taught them and sees it for the first time in a better way. Knowledge combined with experience is the final experience. That can't be taught in a seminar. Maybe I could get people to walk on hot coals barefoot. That could be fun. There's always that up side.
Gizmotron / Re: my online school
February 22, 2017, 11:09:00 PM
Quote from: Mr J on February 22, 2017, 11:03:18 PM
You help a lot of people Gizmo, you should be thanked for that!!


I watch you try to help people too. There is no substitute for in the trenches experience. It's not easy watching people go through the phases of learning what to do and what not to do.
Gizmotron / Re: my online school
February 22, 2017, 09:35:32 PM
I created software that allows the students to practice getting really good at observation of conditions. I teach how to see conditions that work. It's a skill of waiting until the casino is exposed. It includes how to stay out of trouble and how to exploit real weaknesses when they occur. Working with the software and reading about the weaknesses is a learning process. It took me years to get good at it. So I put it all down in the school. If enough people bug me I'll let them in. People are there every day reading how to see the characteristics and the different approaches.
The people that have monetized the internet have found a way to specifically target the advertising to the viewer. The more webpages that you travel to the more that the ads can be presented to you, gathered from your internet searches. The sideways loading of endless web based algorithms is the brainchild of non-gifted programmers following the monetized model expected from them by their development teams and IT supervisors. What they have failed to get so far is that these horizontal tactics are very annoying. They are slow to execute, and in many cases the stalling technique in the scriptable code embedded in each webpage is actually intentional. It's so that the external code from a different server has time to load so that you can see the annoying ad.

I know this because I invented my own internet language called MTML, Meaningful Text Markup Language. I was one of a very small group of people interested in the concept of a Human Markup Language. I took XML and broke the rules of well formed and executable documents based on the SGML protocol. On my own I built a cross platform internet browser that had revolutionary capabilities built into it. The browser and each web page was interactive without the need for sever side executable capabilities. The browser was capable of gathering similar information from websites and adding it to your own original web site in a way that you or any user could grow relational information from hundreds of topically related websites in the same MTML format. The browser was the WYSIWYG. The browser let you take notes. It lest you record messages for each page in your multi paged website. A user could download the entire website in one file. The user could then surf the internet to add more relative information and add it to their existing file on the same topic. The browser allowed creative people to build topical constructs based on key words and phrases that best fit the topic at hand. These constructs would become the bases for a human readable facilitation of the Human Markup Language. The websites also include the images as part of the markup language and the single file being presented. I built it so that no executable scripting language could be used to sabotage the loading process. No Hijacking or viruses where possible. I never found a way to monetize it. I've be en sitting on it for more than 12 years. It puts an end to this sideways internet. I was considering making it run on all operating systems and mobile systems as an open source project. But I know the first thing that would happen is that it would get clobbered and made to go sideways.

Imagine downloading a single file that has human readable indexing, all the linkage to the internet, if you wanted it to, and would run off line if you wanted to. It would allow you to surf the website and load pages from the site in less than a single second. As an example you could take everything I have written here and place it into a topical reference of retrievable ideas, indexed to gather all instances of a topic or idea and give yourself the exact context that the writer had intended. You could deliver a local magazine as a single file. It could be a sales catalog. It could be a law book with human readability indexing based on a legal construct language. It could be a medical reference. Think of it as a PDF file that surfs the internet without leaving the file. You can add to each open file and save what you have added to it on your own computer. The only thing missing now is a version that works on mobiles, laptops, and several e-book readers. It can't get a virus. It will only read text. The markup language is text and so are the images. There are no commands to read executable scripts. It's one way to take back the internet.

I need help in order to continue work on it. I got this far all alone on it. It needs a team and backing. Imagine inventing the PDF. People use it all over the world. I wonder what would happen with a KickStart campaign?
General Discussion / Re: B&M casino players?
February 10, 2017, 04:54:24 PM
Quote from: ADulay on February 05, 2017, 02:25:44 PM
Nah, it's our monthly Blue Knights meeting.   An international order of current and retired motorcycle LEO's.


Much Cooler indeed.
General Discussion / Re: B&M casino players?
February 05, 2017, 01:42:27 PM
Quote from: ADulay on January 24, 2017, 07:52:55 PM
Brink[sp] and mortar casino (Indian) every third Thursday of the month after my meeting in Fort Myers.


Because I'm already halfway there when the meeting lets out.

Otherwise it online play.


You had me going there for a minute. I was thinking your Gamblers Anonymous meetings.
Gizmotron / Re: my online school
January 31, 2017, 11:40:52 AM
A couple of us have been trying to figure out TorboGenius' so called working progression and a couple of other things. They are off topic to reading randomness. My RR technique is for grinding out session wins. That is the meat and potatoes way to gamble. You just exploit coincidences. These experiments with progressions have been going on for centuries.

The school is done. Everything is there. The skill set has all that software to help you learn and master the skills. It took me years to figure it out and master it. It should take you a long time too. But this is the complete road map.
Gizmotron / Re: my online school
January 31, 2017, 07:37:41 AM
This is the last day for entrance into my school.
Take it from me. Ken knows this topic more than any gambler in the world.

P.S. that was not meant to be sarcasm. I'm not kidding anyone.
Quote from: Gulp37 on January 25, 2017, 02:15:39 PM

ONCE EVERY 1,900 spins you will see 123 123

If you are in a global effect of singles don't bet this way that I will show you.

If you see 123, then for the next bet, bet 1 / 1 on 2 and 3 respectively.

If 1 happens, you lose. So then bet 4 / 4 on 1 and 3 respectively.

If 2 happens, you lose again. So then bet 13 / 13 on 1 and 2 respectively.

In this method you will win one unit for each step until you win. If it wins on step one then you win one unit. If it wins on step 2 you win two units. If it wins on step three you win three units. If you lose all three steps you lose 36 units. The method has an odds of reoccurrance of 1 in a hundred spins, if that stat is true. So you can win 97 units to every 36 lost if this is all true. The problem is that you have to wait for 123 before trying it. And that is to win yourself 3 units. It is obvious that if you have a global effect of doubles and triples that betting on a pattern of singles to win is not a good idea at the time. So you need sets of threes, TUD's, for each dominating situation of awareness. If you see a swarm of doubles than any triple will win, like 333 or 111 for an example. If you see a swarm of singles than 222 would not be so good because 131 or 313 could happen. The trick to this is in identifying how the dozens are currently acting. I'd bet that the odds of a repeating TUD are even larger than 1 in 100 when situational awareness is applied.

It's all good thinking, this search for the very rare event.

I think I will write a sim to test this.