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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: wannawin on October 11, 2016, 01:20:18 PM
why not a split? or one street or a corner? If something works for numbers it may be useful for the others.

Why do you think I settled on groups the size of 12, 14, 16, 24, and 26? The characteristics of one single hot number are true in the short run of only a few spins when it comes to larger groupings of numbers. The search for a temporarily constant characteristic is the bigger picture here. Exploitation of an opportunity, with self control always kept in mind, is better than long termed guessing.

Here is an app for researching single hot numbers.

You hit Start, then Continue

You can change the number you bet on and the number of losses before it stops after a win.
Gambling Philosophy / Hot Number Software
October 11, 2016, 01:01:52 AM

Here is an app for researching single hot numbers.

You hit Start, then Continue

You can change the number you bet on and the number of losses before it stops after a win. can change the number you bet on and the number of losses before it stops after a win.
I did my first research on randomness with seeking the three hottest numbers in 300 spins.

This is what can happen. The hottest number hit 24 times in 300 spins. You need 9 winning bets, while betting flat, to break even with 300 bets on a single number. That hottest number that hit 24 times did not hit for 64 spins while still hitting 24 times in the 300. Now that is the extreme. You can count on the hottest number hitting between 14 and 18 times for each 300 spins. Typically a number will be hotter in the first half than in the last half. In that last 150 spins another number will be hotter than the hottest number for the full 300 spins. So segments of 100 to 150 spins is a better choice if you can find it for picking the hottest numbers.

It's a very interesting thing to try to beat Roulette with. It might be fun to create a bot that seeks out the best hottest number.
Gizmotron / Re: An open letter to all my students...
October 08, 2016, 01:47:01 PM
Everyone anticipating entering the school should know this:

"In the following discussions you will see many references to using a seven step and later a four step parlay, a positive progression. It is not advisable to use them as they tend to not work at times. Because they only work some of the time, it is far better to observe the winning characteristics and to exploit them one spin at a time."

The newest training software reflects this.
Here is a screen shot of the Ai Charting Program:
It's out at the school. This version is just the beginning.

This is the first version of the Artificial Intelligence Charting Program vs 1.0

The Parlay functions have all been removed. If you want to do a parlay of some kind you can do that by adjusting the amounts for each bet selection before making that selection.

If you select Ai On then you will have bet selections made for you for each spin. The amounts will change too. You will still have control over selecting single dozens (12) or double dozens (24) before the next spin. It works this way so that you can learn the value of reading the wL list at the top of the chart.

You have more control over everything if you select Ai Off. That's when you will know if you have this figured out.
Quote from: Lupo on September 26, 2016, 10:25:05 AM
I see that you (via Ai) started chasing singles on dozens @ first bet, but then immediately switched to columns even though you were winning and the trend is present. Why is that?

How do you determine which trend has higher priority?

I really don't. But the answer to your question will be answered at the school. I'm going to break from publishing everything here for the first time. And up till now everything is here, somewhere. The answer to your question is something that the Ai project is teaching me. It's so simple that it must be guarded for the few. So while I push forward on this, I will share the progress but not the solutions or the actual way that it decides things. I just need this to happen slowly. I don't want it blabbed to the world. I hope you understand.
Quote from: Azim on September 26, 2016, 04:10:00 AM
Do you mind explaining what 0,3,6 and P columns are?

Those are from two pet groups of mine that I created during my magical thinking period. I had them memorized so, what the heck, why not use them. They are based on the fallacy that sectors on the wheel hold a value over non sectors on the wheel. That's true at times and at other times it's not true. Funny how that works. If you get married to a pet group of 36, 37, or 38 numbers you can believe what you want about them but it will not make their value more significant than plain old randomness. The characteristics of randomness are all spelled out in my online school that is available for the price of a good book on gambling. There you will get all the answers as well as access to my Ai project when it is completed. My software automatically tracks these two groups as well as the table layout groups that everyone is familiar with.
OK, it's getting somewhere. The Ai machine is going after the best sleeper or the best single from the past spins. So the next step is to get it to search through the effectiveness conditions. There are some ideas on how to do that too. Here is an example of it thinking about sleepers and singles. It also needs to see any win streaks and to attack those good conditions too.


| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
|    X    |    X    |    X    |   | -- 23
| X       | X       | X       |   | -- 10
|    X    |       X |    X    |   | -- 15
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
|       X | X       | X       |   | -- 25
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
|       X |       X | X       |   | -- 36
|       X | X       |       X |   | -- 34
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 19
| X       |       X |    X    | P | -- 3
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 26 --  -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 19 --  -- Won -- 12 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
| X       |    X    |    X    |   |  # 8 --  -- Won -- 24 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 24 --  -- Won -- 36 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 --  -- Won -- 48 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|       X |       X |    X    |   |  # 30 --  -- Won -- 60 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 --  -- Lost  -- 36 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 35 --  -- Won -- 48 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 22 --  -- Won -- 60 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 --  -- Won -- 72 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    |    X    |       X |   |  # 20 --  -- Won -- 84 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 --  -- Won -- 96 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|       X | X       |       X | P |  # 31 --  -- Won -- 108 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 --  -- Won -- 120 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 --  -- Won -- 132 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|-------------------| X       | P |  # 37 --  -- Lost  -- 108 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 19 --  -- Won -- 120 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    |    X    |       X |   |  # 20 --  -- Won -- 132 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
| X       |    X    |    X    |   |  # 8 --  -- Won -- 144 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|       X |       X | X       | P |  # 27 --  -- Lost  -- 120 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 --  -- Won -- 132 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1 -- Singles
|       X |       X | X       |   |  # 36 --  -- Won -- 144 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 --  -- Won -- 156 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|-------------------| X       | P |  # 38 --  -- Lost  -- 132 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 --  -- Won -- 144 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 25, 2016, 01:51:37 PM
I see 13 losses and 13 wins. With bets at 2 to 1 payoffs on wins, that's far beyond spectacular. What's your secret?

Look what my Artificial Intelligence machine just did this morning:

| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
| X       |       X |    X    | P | -- 12
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 19
|       X |       X | X       |   | -- 36
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
|       X |    X    |    X    |   | -- 29
| X       |       X |    X    | P | -- 3
|    X    |       X |       X |   | -- 21
| X       |    X    |       X | P | -- 5
|       X |       X |       X |   |  # 33 --  -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 --  -- Lost  -- -24 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|-------------------| X       | P |  # 37 --  -- Lost  -- -48 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
| X       | X       | X       | P |  # 1 --  -- Won -- -36 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1 -- Sleepers
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 --  -- Lost  -- -36 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 0 -- Sleepers
|    X    |       X |       X |   |  # 21 --  -- Lost  -- -36 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 0 -- Sleepers
| X       |       X |    X    | P |  # 3 --  -- Won -- -36 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 0 -- Singles
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 --  -- Won -- -36 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 0 -- Sleepers
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 --  -- Won -- 12 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 --  -- Won -- 60 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 15 --  -- Won -- 108 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 --  -- Won -- 156 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 --  -- Won -- 204 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
| X       |    X    |       X | P |  # 5 --  -- Won -- 252 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 --  -- Lost  -- 156 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 4 -- Sleepers

It's still not selecting the best single yet, but that will be fixed soon enough.

This was a win streak. There in no way to get this kind of a result consistently.
General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 24, 2016, 07:02:18 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on September 24, 2016, 06:44:07 PM
I understand that one dozen sleep and two remain - but i can not see it so common that you get 5, 10, 15, 20 to sleep on regular basis which make it hard to take advantage.
Also the selection criteria picking the right 12 numbers remain with a 50/50 situation.

My Point from the beginning was that this is a bad selection criteria - my opinion.


That's an OK opinion I guess. In 300 spin sessions I see 15 usually happen twice. I see 10 from 10 to 20 times. Course I 'm looking at 4 groups with three each for a total of 12 individual dozens when I look. So it's not good enough for you to have the casino be your personal ATM machine a few times in a 300 spin session. OK, to each their own.

I want it all so I never just pick 12, I always pick 24. That way it's 100% at half the win amount and twice the risk. You will see that it balances out. It all comes out to a net win of one for each win and you get twice as many losses with a 12 number bet. One dozen or two dozens it makes very little difference if you are hunting singles and sleepers. To ignore the opportunities because they don't happen enough is unwise.
General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 24, 2016, 06:38:29 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on September 24, 2016, 05:40:39 PM
I don't understand when and why you bet - i add 100 random bits from random org - maybe you can show with them how to bet one dozen with a 50/50 situation.

Here is how. You don't need a 100 spin list to understand it. Let's say that you can in fact see a sleeping dozen. Say the first dozen from the sections on the table layout are not hitting at all. That's the 1 through 12, the low dozen. Say they haven't hit for six spins in a row and that they are going to continue not to hit for the next ten spins, just for the sake of argument and demonstration.

Got that so far?

So that implies that the other two sections, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36 are going to hit for the next ten spins, just for the sake of demonstration purposes that is. If you only place a bet on one of those two remaining sets, say the 25 to 36 set, just for the sake of argument, then you have a 50% chance of winning as long as the 1 to 12 set is still sleeping, that's means not hitting, just for the sake of demonstration that is.

So do you understand how a 50 / 50 bet could pay two to one from that?

If not, then please ask someone else at this forum to make it clear to you.
General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 24, 2016, 04:20:24 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on September 24, 2016, 03:54:05 PM
My understanding or what i assume is that the pinwheel method is 12 number bet.
I don't Think that is a good advice to wait for a sleeping dozen and then play a 50/50 situation - is not working - but feel free to show an example.

I don't either. I would prefer to win every time the dozen sleeps.


| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
|       X |    X    | X       | P | -- 32
| X       |    X    |    X    | P | -- 11
|       X |       X |    X    |   | -- 33
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
| X       |    X    | X       |   | -- 8
|       X |       X |       X |   | -- 27
|-------------------| X       | P | -- 37
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
| X       | X       | X       | P | -- 10
|       X | X       |       X |   | -- 25
|       X | X       |    X    | P | -- 28
|       X | X       |    X    | P | -- 28
|       X |    X    | X       | P | -- 26
|       X | X       |       X | P | -- 31
|       X | X       |       X | P | -- 34
| X       |       X | X       |   | -- 3
|       X |    X    | X       |   | -- 35
| X       | X       |    X    | P | -- 1
| X       |       X |    X    |   | -- 12
|       X | X       |       X | P | -- 34
|    X    |    X    | X       | P | -- 23
|    X    |    X    | X       | P | -- 23

See the sleeper in the first grouping, 123's? That's an opportunity. One side of the non sleeper hits 8 times while the other hits 11 times. There's always that imbalance to guess at. But if you bet both dozens you get a perfect split every time.

Does it begin to make sense to you?

General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 24, 2016, 03:11:11 PM
Hey, if it's the single dozen, 12 numbers, that you are going after then that one is simple. When a dozen sleeps the other two dozens have a 50/50 chance of winning. It's the same for streaks of singles in the dozens too. You just bet one of the possible two that are the choice for another single. So your trigger is a sleeping dozen or a stretch of singles. You also get the very rare repeating dozen too. These characteristics happen all the time. You just have to watch for them. Nobody knows when things will change. You just have to know that when a sleeping dozen wakes up that that trend is done. The same goes for the singles and the long repeaters. Change always happens. It's good to know what it changes to. So you observe. I teach the double dozens bets in my school but the single dozen is just as interesting. Kimo's sets of dozens are just a few of what can be created, memorized, and exploited. You just have to observe. So in those times you have a 50/50 chance and a two to one payoff. That's an interesting mix.