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Messages - Gizmotron

Gizmotron / An open letter to all my students...
September 20, 2016, 12:50:37 PM
An open letter to all my students, past, present, and future.

By now some of you or all of you have discovered a sense of disappointment. My method does not win every time you go into a casino. You have experienced deep downward sessions that have cleaned out your bankroll. At least I hope most of you have had that experience.

I know how hard guessing can be. If you chase your losses you will even lose more. This is common sense known throughout the gambling world. I am teaching you how to win by coincidence alone. You do well when your guesses are in sequence with the obvious trends that you have been trained to recognize. Perfect changes can sequence also. Three trends indicate a guess that it will continue on the fourth too. But a perfect sequence of losses on the fourth event of any trend can add up to a straight down losing streak.

So you learn to adjust so as to not be killed off. You do this or you get killed off. I can't teach you to not be killed off. You must learn how much you dislike it. That is a lesson you must experience for yourself.

That lesson to learn is why I wish all of you to fail. It's also why I want to encourage all of you to learn from avoiding it. It can be avoided too. It's a skill. Hitting the win streak is easy. Not getting killed is hard. It plays with your confidence. You need to become confident that you can live with your bad streaks and to limit them.

Some of you may have given up. Some of you are learning that you must evaluate each change. The entire method's success hangs on how well you can deal with changes. It was easy to teach you to see the trends and the opportunities that can be had by seeing them. It's not easy to teach you to be agile and to adjust to changes. That comes with practice and real playing experience.

If you can avoid the downturns and learn to grind your way up to an adequate win goal then you have a realistic chance of success.

I have struggled for years to deal with winning enough. You will face this same challenge yourselves. Self control is at the heart of your success. I have given you a basic skill and tools to practice it with. You must learn the lessons on your own. In the end it is you that make the difference. The opportunities always come to you. I have never seen them not come at least once in all the long sessions of playing at casinos over the past 20 years. In the old days for me, when I was perfecting these skills, I always came prepared to play for ten straight hours. The win streaks always appeared at least once.

I'm saying that the chance to win enough is almost always there if you wait for it to come to you.

Posted here and at the school.
General Discussion / Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
September 19, 2016, 01:45:33 AM
Quote from: esoito on September 18, 2016, 06:27:45 AM

Newsflash:    Apparently "There are 15, with five that are brand new."

Or so Gz wrote, and then subsequently deleted the post for some strange reason that's too hard for me to fathom  ;)

I just wanted to preserve the integrity of this thread. A pestering ranting-jerk was dogging me and I just decided to clear the objection. Now all you see is him as the only disruption. He looks pretty stupid just hanging there as the crud.  The idea of the thread is good. It completely depends on people doing what they want to do. I'm staying out of it until my Ai project becomes my best student. So we will see what we will see. Meanwhile I'm attempting rocket science with a computer based on what I teach my students. That's turning out to be a massive challenge. It's the only thing that interests me now.

New news, Vic showed me how to present the Ai project. His solution is the final solution.
Gizmotron / Newbies; /no͞o bē/s to Professionals; /prō/
September 18, 2016, 06:56:12 PM

Newbies; /no͞o bē/s to Professionals /prō/ 

At first there is the new gambler. They have almost no experience. The first time is an exploration with the usual curiosity that this is meant to be some form of entertainment. So the first time they go into a casino, it is with the expectation that the time they spend, will eat all of their entertainment money that they are already willing the spend.

They have no idea what to expect as far as what is about to hit their senses. If they have a big win they will be hit by adrenalin and dopamine in their blood systems. That will be a new experience for them and will set a foundation for wanting it to happen again. There is one problem with that though. It desensitizes a person to losing. If they keep coming back to the casino for more, they will begin to experience it on the drive to the casino. Their minds will have already left the logic center behind and moved into the pleasure center and  reward parts of the brain before they even get there. This is a proven conclusion of psychological research.

Now being a newbie, the new player has very little logic to go on anyway. But if they are a table gamblers who like Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, or Craps and some of the other table games, then they have yet to discover what most players call gambling systems and fallacies.

The mother ship of all systems is the famous Martingale System, known simply as the "Marti." Basically it's a rule based method that says to double your last bet after a loss. You do this until you win. This concept of placing doubling bets is known as a belief system where the expectation is that a certain thing can't keep happening. For example 11 reds in a row on the Roulette table means that black is due. This is what is known as "Gamblers Fallacy." It also appears in another belief known as the "Hot Hand fallacy." Both of these positions of thought are classified as "Magical Thinking." 

So the first few years of gambling are spent on experimenting with the Marti and every other rule based gambling system they can think up or get their hands on. They try different obscure progressions that are the most unlikely sequences of events being the only thing that can kill these negative progressions off. That's expectation, wishful thinking, and also fallacy all based at the same time on things that have been proven already to never work. Yet, these systems are either free or sold all over the world and have been for hundreds of years. This process of seeking a mechanical system goes on until they give up on gambling altogether or at least give up on rule based, mechanical methods. Some gamblers are stuck in this phase for decades.

That's the point where almost all gamblers give up and quit. There is a next phase though. That's where the gambler stops relying on these mindless rule based systems, because they know that they don't work, and they move on to elaborate money management (MM) methods combined with bet selection wisdom. These more experienced players frequent the major online gambling forums in search of gambling wisdom. They learn about loss limits, win limits, smart expectations, bet selection secrets, mathematical probability, and self control issues. They also discover eventually that there are two major directions of thought regarding probability. There is the frequentist absolutist side verses the Bayes' theorem or Bayes' Law side that believes in conditional probability. These math experts on the absolutist side are called the mathBoyz. They ridicule anyone that disagrees with them. Such is the nature of discussion forums on the Internet.

To avoid these petty arguments and disruptions I have created my own online school. I have more than 35 years experience focusing on one thing. I wanted to write a book and back it up with training and practice software. It turns out that the online-forum format works better than a book could. It's still cheaper to join than purchasing a book by a well known and renowned author of Roulette. I teach a skill. It's not a mindless method that would promise to let you treat the casino like an ATM machine. I have pored the past twenty years of experience and testing into this skill set. I want my ideas to be around long after I'm gone.

There are a few people on the internet that will guide you further on your discovery of skills and methods that will actually give you a fighting chance at the casinos. Some of them sell books and others charge thousands of dollars for their secrets. To this point not a single person has published a working book on gambling other that one book published by  Ed Thorp and his 'Beat the Dealer' book written back in the 60's. That's a proven method for beating Blackjack, 21. It's based on a concept know as variable change. (See the movie "21.")

My expertise and research is also based on change. It's based on the coincidences that randomness offers in the short term. The gambler that counts cards in Blackjack gains themselves a short period of time that gives them an advantage, if they are looking for it. I have developed a skill for looking for moments of opportunity like that in Roulette. It's not based on mathematics. I have perfected the art and skill of reading the coincidences found in randomness and am teaching students how to exploit these opportunities. I have been talking about it for more than a decade on the internet forums. I'm known for Reading Randomness and a few other wacky ideas that the mathBoyz hate. I give you the chance to gain experience without going to the casino and losing any money. Prove that you can do it with my training software before you ever go into a casino with money. There can't be a better opportunity for new gamblers to learn advanced concepts like this all in one place. Please consider this because I don't see a lot of experienced players making contributions on this new forum.
I got it thinking. It's looking for sleepers and selecting bets for flat betting so far.


| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
|       X |       X |    X    |   | -- 30
|       X |       X | X       | P | -- 27
|       X | X       |       X |   | -- 34
| X       | X       | X       | P | -- 1
|       X |    X    | X       |   | -- 35
|    X    |       X |       X |   | -- 21
|    X    |    X    | X       |   | -- 14
|       X | X       |       X | P | -- 31
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
|    X    | X       | X       |   | -- 13
| X       |    X    |    X    |   |  # 8 -- Won -- 12 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 26 -- Lost  -- -12 -- ( 0's & 3's to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       |    X    | P |  # 4 -- Won -- -2 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    |       X | P |  # 5 -- Won -- 10 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |       X |    X    |   |  # 30 -- Won -- 22 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    |    X    |   |  # 23 -- Won -- 34 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |    X    | P |  # 3 -- Won -- 46 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 -- Lost  -- 22 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       | X       |   |  # 10 -- Won -- 34 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Lost  -- 10 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 -- Won -- 22 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X | P |  # 31 -- Won -- 34 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 -- Won -- 46 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 58 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    |    X    | P |  # 11 -- Lost  -- 34 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       |    X    | P |  # 4 -- Won -- 46 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 24 -- Lost  -- 22 -- ( 0's & 3's to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 -- Lost  -- -4 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
|       X |       X | X       |   |  # 36 -- Lost  -- -28 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |       X |   |  # 21 -- Won -- -16 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       |    X    |   |  # 16 -- Won -- -4 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       |    X    |   |  # 7 -- Won -- 8 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 -- Won -- 20 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X | P |  # 31 -- Won -- 32 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 -- Lost  -- 8 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    |       X |   |  # 20 -- Lost  -- -16 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 19 -- Won -- -4 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 8 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 -- Won -- 20 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|-------------------| X       | P |38 -- Lost  -- -4 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       |    X    |   |  # 16 -- Won -- 8 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 35 -- Won -- 20 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X |       X | X       |   |  # 36 -- Lost  -- -4 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       | X       |   |  # 10 -- Lost  -- -28 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- -18 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|-------------------| X       | P |38 -- Lost  -- -42 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    |    X    | P |  # 11 -- Won -- -30 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|-------------------| X       | P |38 -- Lost  -- -54 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 -- Lost  -- -78 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- -66 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 -- Won -- -54 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 -- Won -- -42 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |    X    | P |  # 12 -- Won -- -30 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       | X       | P |  # 28 -- Won -- -18 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 -- Lost  -- -42 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 35 -- Won -- -32 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 -- Lost  -- -56 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |       X |   |  # 21 -- Won -- -44 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 -- Won -- -32 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       | X       |   |  # 10 -- Lost  -- -56 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |    X    | P |  # 12 -- Won -- -44 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 24 -- Won -- -32 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       | X       |   |  # 10 -- Won -- -20 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
|       X |       X |       X |   |  # 33 -- Won -- -8 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       |       X |   |  # 34 -- Won -- 2 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    |    X    |   |  # 23 -- Lost  -- -24 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 15 -- Won -- -12 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |       X |    X    |   |  # 30 -- Won -- 0 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 -- Lost  -- -24 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    |       X | P |  # 17 -- Won -- -12 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|-------------------| X       | P |37 -- Won -- -2 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
|    X    |    X    | X       |   |  # 14 -- Won -- 8 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 20 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
|       X | X       | X       | P |  # 28 -- Won -- 32 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    |    X    |   |  # 8 -- Won -- 44 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 56 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 -- Lost  -- 32 -- ( 0's & 6's to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X | X       |   |  # 9 -- Won -- 42 -- ( 0's & 3's to win next) @ 1
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 -- Lost  -- 16 -- ( A & C to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       |    X    | P |  # 4 -- Won -- 28 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 1
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 -- Lost  -- 4 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 1
| X       |    X    |       X | P |  # 5 -- Won -- 16 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 1
| X       | X       |    X    |   |  # 7 -- Won -- 28 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 1

Gizmotron / Re: my online school
September 15, 2016, 04:42:09 PM
OK, the school is done, the teaching software is done. Because of requests the school is now at the price of a quality book on playing Roulette. Ellison's book cost's more, $39.95 + shipping added to that. The price for the school  is $34.95 and will not drop lower. You get access to a private forum where a lot of questions were asked and answered. The topic is Reading Randomness, educated guessing, to win more than you lose. It's a skill that is proving to be teachable. I've locked the threads and opened up a place to ask questions outside of the completed school's information.
I did it.

The computer can see the global effect for the sleepers:

,h1 4,h2 2,h3 1,hA 1,hB 4,hC 3,h0 0,h4 2,h6 4

,h0 0,h3 1,hA 1,h2 2,h4 2,hC 3,h1 4,hB 4,h6 4

NumWords 5,BiggestStreak 8,
NumWords 4,BiggestStreak 9,
NumWords 7,BiggestStreak 3,
NumWords 5,BiggestStreak 3,
NumWords 4,BiggestStreak 9,
NumWords 4,BiggestStreak 6,
NumWords 5,BiggestStreak 6,
NumWords 5,BiggestStreak 4,
NumWords 6,BiggestStreak 5,


Now is that because I just discovered snowman hiding under a rock and blazed away five years of pent up rage on him, or because I'm unintelligent enough to stick my neck out this far?

This is the forum where I have made my stand. It's funny how the mathBoyz everywhere else hate it, not that I'm here but that they hate this forum. They don't get to rant on and on here. I recently started posting at death valley and newbie junction. I can't believe how naive and uninformed new gamblers are. Were we ever that wet behind the ears? And the resident scam police are all over the dead sea scrolls of gambling at desperation springs. I can't help but laugh. TurboGenius is holding court as the resident brain with his confusing sophistry as proof of belief. And they gave a badge to Caleb/snowman and what other fake identities he has. They couldn't know that he is the one that destroyed Gamblers Glen forum. It's funny to get out a little.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment.
Here's the other two that go with this reusable function:

for this to work, this data must be created first:

   --   o,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,X,o,X,X,X,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,X,
   --   X,o,o,o,o,X,o,X,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,X,o,X,o,o,o,o,X,X,X,X,o,X,X,o,
   --   o,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,X,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,
   --   o,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,X,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,X,o,o,
   --   o,o,o,o,X,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,o,X,X,o,o,X,
   --   X,X,o,o,o,X,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,X,o,X,X,X,X,o,o,X,o,o,X,o,o,o,X,o,
   --   o,o,X,X,X,o,X,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,X,X,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,
   --   X,X,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,o,X,X,X,o,o,o,o,X,X,X,X,o,X,
   --   o,o,o,o,o,X,o,o,X,X,X,o,X,o,X,X,X,o,o,o,X,o,o,X,o,o,o,o,X,o,

on  AnalyzeSleeper thisGrouping
   global var1Xo, var2Xo, var3Xo, hResultSleeper
   global hC1, hC2, hC3, hC4, hC5, hC6, hC7, hC8, hC9
   put "" into var1Xo
   put "" into var2Xo
   put "" into var3Xo
   if  thisGrouping = "h123" then
      checkSleeper hC1, hC2, hC3
      put ",h1 " & var1Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",h2 " & var2Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",h3 " & var3Xo after hResultSleeper
   end if
   if  thisGrouping = "hABC" then
      checkSleeper hC4, hC5, hC6
      put ",hA " & var1Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",hB " & var2Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",hC " & var3Xo after hResultSleeper
   end if
   if  thisGrouping = "h036" then
      checkSleeper hC7, hC8, hC9
      put ",h0 " & var1Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",h3 " & var2Xo after hResultSleeper
      put ",h6 " & var3Xo after hResultSleeper
   end if
end AnalyzeSleeper

on checkSleeper thisSet1, thisSet2, thisSet3
   global var1Xo, var2Xo, var3Xo
   put item 27 to 30 of thisSet1 into smallSet1
   put item 27 to 30 of thisSet2 into smallSet2
   put item 27 to 30 of thisSet3 into smallSet3
   put item 4 of smallSet1 into X11
   put item 4 of smallSet2 into X12
   put item 4 of smallSet3 into X13
   put item 3 of smallSet1 into X21
   put item 3 of smallSet2 into X22
   put item 3 of smallSet3 into X23
   put item 2 of smallSet1 into X31
   put item 2 of smallSet2 into X32
   put item 2 of smallSet3 into X33
   put item 1 of smallSet1 into X41
   put item 1 of smallSet2 into X42
   put item 1 of smallSet3 into X43
   if X11 = "X" then
      put 0 into var1Xo
      if  X11 = "o" then
         put 1 into var1Xo
      end if
      if X21 = "X" then
         put 1 into var1Xo
         if X21 = "o" then
            put 2 into var1Xo
         end if
         if X31 = "X" then
            put 2 into var1Xo
            if X31 = "o" then
               put 3 into var1Xo
            end if
            if X41 = "X" then
               put 3 into var1Xo
               if X41 = "o" then
                  put 4 into var1Xo
               end if
            end if
         end if
      end if
   end if
   if X12 = "X" then
      put 0 into var2Xo
      if  X12 = "o" then
         put 1 into var2Xo
      end if
      if X22 = "X" then
         put 1 into var2Xo
         if X22 = "o" then
            put 2 into var2Xo
         end if
         if X32 = "X" then
            put 2 into var2Xo
            if X32 = "o" then
               put 3 into var2Xo
            end if
            if X42 = "X" then
               put 3 into var2Xo
               if X42 = "o" then
                  put 4 into var2Xo
               end if
            end if
         end if
      end if
   end if
   if X13 = "X" then
      put 0 into var3Xo
      if  X13 = "o" then
         put 1 into var3Xo
      end if
      if X23 = "X" then
         put 1 into var3Xo
         if X23 = "o" then
            put 2 into var3Xo
         end if
         if X33 = "X" then
            put 2 into var3Xo
            if X33 = "o" then
               put 3 into var3Xo
            end if
            if X43 = "X" then
               put 3 into var3Xo
               if X43 = "o" then
                  put 4 into var3Xo
               end if
            end if
         end if
      end if
   end if
end checkSleeper

Quote from: esoito on September 13, 2016, 11:17:38 PM
You're coding in which language, Mark?

It's the best version of X-Talk that I've found. It's language is now called liveCode. RunTime Revolution extended MetaCard way back when and called it Transcript for several years. It's a derivative of hyperCard.

It's very close to a write once run anywhere development platform. You can download the Open Source version and run it for free. It's a great way to learn X-Talk. Just look up LiveCode.
Quote from: Azim on September 13, 2016, 08:28:30 PM
Hi there,

1). Can you please explain first in plain simple words what is it you trying to achieve?
2). What do you want a programmer to do for you?

1.) I'm building an Ai algorithm that will prove that reading randomness beats Roulette.
2.) I don't need any help. But thanks.

This is not supposed to work. The conventional wisdom of the day says so. All that stuff above is abandon. I could delete it I suppose. This is the new Ai project. I'm not going to post day by day stuff. It's just that reading randomness itself was supposed to be impossible, yet here it is finding the best sleeping dozen.
Here is some of the new stuff:

,h1 1,h2 0,h3 4,hA 0,hB 2,hC 1,h0 3,h3 2,h6 0

,h2 0,hA 0,h6 0,h1 1,hC 1,hB 2,h3 2,h0 3,h3 4

on runAIalgorithm
   global hC1, hC2, hC3, hC4, hC5, hC6, hC7, hC8, hC9
   global var1Xo, var2Xo, var3Xo, hResultSleeper
   put "" into hResultSleeper
   AnalyzeSleeper "h123"
   AnalyzeSleeper "hABC"
   AnalyzeSleeper "h036"

   put  hResultSleeper & return into field "mainText" ----  ",h1 1,h2 0,h3 4,hA 0,hB 2,hC 1,h0 3,h3 2,h6 0"
   sort items of hResultSleeper by word 2 of each
   put return & hResultSleeper after field "mainText" ---- ",h2 0,hA 0,h6 0,h1 1,hC 1,hB 2,h3 2,h0 3,h3 4"
end runAIalgorithm
You can't beat the math, so don't try to beat the math by using the math. There is no variable change in the game of Roulette. But conditional probability, a form of statistics, says that there are times that conventional probability does not run parallel with conditional probability at the same time. If you use "Coincidental Change" to process a conditional probability, then you have a value that can be discernible as a kind of situational awareness, much the same as the advantage in a game that does have a variable change like 21. The implication is that there must be a situational math based on the coincidences found in randomness.

Does that make this argument a chicken or the egg paradox? That remains to be seen until someone proves it, one way or the other.

General Discussion / Re: Random! Try to beat that ...
September 12, 2016, 10:42:38 AM
You can't beat the math, so don't try to beat the math by using the math. There is no variable change in the game of Roulette. But conditional probability, a form of statistics, says that there are times that conventional probability does not run parallel with conditional probability at the same time. If you use "Coincidental Change" to process a conditional probability, then you have a value that can be discernible as a kind of situational awareness, much the same as the advantage in a game that does have a variable change like 21. The implication is that there must be a situational math based on the coincidences found in randomness.

Does that make this argument a chicken or the egg paradox? That remains to be seen until someone proves it, one way or the other.
General Discussion / Re: Try this game, are you an expert?
September 12, 2016, 10:27:10 AM
Remember to account for the variable change. This game has a memory, just like counting cards in 21. That's how you beat it.
Thanks for Blue_Angel for pointing this out:

Because of development on the Ai project I have added two new states to this.

Because of that work I'm adding two categories to the effectiveness States. There are now five states that exist. One new one is it can grind you down slowly and the other is that you can grind your way up slowly.