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Messages - Gizmotron

General Discussion / Re: Just for the sake of argument?
September 08, 2016, 01:45:35 PM
Still, it would be nice to complete the Ai project. A road trip that pays for itself might be nice too. I take medications that slow my heart rate and that slowing brings my aortic valve back into an efficient enough state that I'm still around. It's clear to me that other measures might have brought different results. It's been seven years and I feel normal except for getting very weak at times. Over exertion wipes me out after two to four hours of it. Not true about sitting on a stool at a Roulette table though. I'm good for 8 hours with no troubles if I have to. I did a two and one half year road trip in an RV recently.

You have to know that a couple of significant changes occurred in my strategy in the past few months. I didn't have them before when I did the west coast casinos from San Diego to Ocean Shores, Washington. Back and forth for 30 months I went. But I didn't have this new stuff, stuff I teach my seven active students now.

I'm going to get ready for the road perhaps. Maybe next spring. I'm all battened down for the approaching winter now.

This is what I'm thinking will be the smart idea. The Ai project will be completed by winters end. I will bring in only ten more than the ten that are already there now. That makes 20 in total, a couple people I invited were for free. These last ten slots are only $100 each. Last time I taught 10 and closed up shop. This time, with the new stuff, it will be 20. With those first ten, this new 20, and all my posts here at this forum, everyone will know where the ideas came from. That's all I really wanted to happen. So the door is going to close at ten more if that's a good idea. If any of you were thinking of getting in on this you would be very welcome to join in.

I will make an attempt to demonstrate the Ai charting app to any students that are there at the school. I might create a self destructive version that will shut down as soon as I blow up the online key for it. It will give the students a couple of weeks to use it and to learn form it. The students will be able to test it against online live spins one spin at a time if they want to. Then there might be 20 witnesses that saw it work. These witnesses will have been taught how it works too.

One thing though. Should I keep the self taught online school open? Perhaps I should not limit the number of students and let as many in, as want to learn, to come in. It's only costs me ten dollars a year to maintain. The work is done and paid for. I rewrote the charting program at least six times and added all kinds of teaching features along the way. I could still activate an Ai version of the charting program that self destructs by a phone home technique that the cord can be pulled whenever I want. I wrote an extremely powerful version of the Blowfish algorithm with a completely unique version of cyber block chaining at the front end. I did it in the native language of the development language that I'm using. When I say that I can kill this thing, hackers can't break my call home access code. Armed with a Md5 hash function, and a key that only I know, the door lock can't be picked or duplicated. As long as the key is online and has the function as a match, there is no way to enter if the key goes missing. In that way I can both share it to my students and keep it safe. I can kill the app on startup so they can't bit source it too. They would have to attempt a brute force attack on the access key's actual string of text in order to break it. Even if they could get their hands on the source code. Why do all that if they could get all the information they wanted for $100.

Just throwing ideas around again. I mean I've gone from whales to road trip in just a couple of days.
General Discussion / Re: Just for the sake of argument?
September 08, 2016, 01:27:34 AM
Interesting choices. There is no way I'm planning an Ed Thorp. Perhaps the best choice is to go on a road trip. I could connect a bunch of casinos all along the interstate and the coast.
General Discussion / Re: Just for the sake of argument?
September 08, 2016, 12:16:12 AM
This is the conversation I wanted to have.

I see that the online route is out by the experience of those that have done it. Thanks.

Keeping it to myself seems the fairest solution for my students. I am selling them everything I think about reading randomness. They have the expectation to use what they paid for.

I can live without the money. I'm done proving it to myself that it works, just like you have what works for you. I just wanted to see if I could teach it to others. The few students that I have are responsive and show that they are gaining the experience needed to make it work for them.

A whale can't use it for online and the computer app can't be used in a casino unless hidden somehow. The app serves one purpose and one purpose only. It proves that my method works while at the same time being worthless to actually using it against a casino. It's the method that gets the credit. So my choice to share it slowly, with only a very few students turns out to be what works the best.

A public demonstration of it working would wreck everything. There would be a stampede to learn how it works and the casinos would figure out a way to adjust for it. I can see them outlawing hand written charts of any kind. It would still work without charts though. They would take down all those Marquees that light up near the tables for each game too. Yep, gambling's going to change in the next ten years, but it won't go away at all.
General Discussion / Re: Just for the sake of argument?
September 07, 2016, 11:45:47 PM
Quote from: esoito on September 07, 2016, 11:01:10 PM
re:   Ai artificial intelligence machine project

A brief reminder [couple of sentences would do] of its objectives and functions would improve the chance of useful suggestions.

Some would find a bit more information helpful to lift the veil of ignorance...lol

OK, I have a teaching tool at my school. It allows the students to make easy bet selection guesses based on reading my charting method of tracking Roulette spins. They asked me to do more live demonstrations of how I make my selections. I decided to tackle getting the computer to make those selections for me based on all the principles that I teach in the school. It will artificially make the next bet based on reading randomness.

So far I have it identifying the sleepers and passing on a percentage recommendation to a function that compares almost all the groupings that the charting tool tracks for sleepers. I need to pass on the single's percentages too, and then compare them all for the best guess. Since it's mathematically making the best guess based on situational awareness it should be a bit clunky compared to a human response. I will try to add a layer of instinct for smoothing out the rough edges. It's still just a machine but it will create a track-able wL list for effectiveness states and that evaluation and recommendation too. Last of all it will recognize the global effect and give that recommendation to the guess handler algorithm. Once it makes a guess, it will add a small comment why it decided what it did. It will do all that before the next spin is entered and clicked to spin.

Once it does what it does I don't want to have to explain it. It's for my students to see how I make choices on each bet. Apparently, seeing it happen and why teaches a lot more than trying to explain a concept.
General Discussion / Re: Just for the sake of argument?
September 07, 2016, 10:04:11 PM
Quote from: The Crow on September 07, 2016, 09:43:40 PM
"What would be a good idea to do with it?"

The bird story

....Keep your mouth shut.

The Crow, of course, what was I thinking.

So you would hold it back for yourself only? I hadn't thought of that.

It will teach me the best way to consider sleepers and singles though. All I have to do is add telemetry before the final selection for each bet. I learned a long time ago that sims can teach you about conditional changes. You can see the flow change as a session goes on. Some people call it variance. It's good to see variance as it happens.
General Discussion / Just for the sake of argument?
September 07, 2016, 07:28:52 PM
Just for the sake of argument. I know that's a loaded question. Just assume that I have my Ai artificial intelligence machine project completed. I want to tap the brain trust of this forum on what to do with it if it's really successful.

I'm not claiming that I've done it. But just play along as if I were here with it in hand.

What would be a good idea to do with it?

I thought gambling syndicate, a team effort. I've thought, just a hand full of big spenders get it first or even exclusively.  The last people that I want to see it are the math experts in the academic fields. They'd wreck everything for us all.

How about a room full of players using different ISP's that log into several casinos and use the computer program to select bets. The computer will make a bet selection in less than a second after the next spin is entered. That's plenty of time to make the next bet. Is there a way to watch other players play roulette online? We don't get to do this in the USA.

QuotePeople like Baloney festivals.

Quote from: TheLaw on September 07, 2016, 05:45:06 PM
Well......mark the date and time........Gizmotron and I finally agree!!!

I got so tired of these whizzbang explosions on the forum, that went on for weeks or even months, that I decided to do a fake one that I would admit to in 48 hours. I did it too. It tarnished my reputation here among many. I didn't care. A real admittedly deliberate baloney festival needed to become a teachable moment. You should have seen the long faces so to speak. I created a software sim that looked for the most unlikely pattern that could only be the way to kill it. The sim did large number, long term testing. At first it looked fantastic. But after a monster multi-million spin test it showed that the killer sequence occurred at the expected house advantage rate. But for those two days I acted like it really worked. I busted myself at the end of those two days. The throng that went wild was left there with baloney on their faces. Not just a few of them were mad too.
People like Baloney festivals.
General Discussion / Re: PINWHEEL, TEST SIM PLEASE...
September 07, 2016, 03:29:11 PM
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on September 07, 2016, 02:33:13 PM
the forum's horse's thirst mechanism in the horse brain,
does not  function  efficiently...

As far as I'm concerned, I'm working on a very complex conditional awareness sim of my own at this time. Do you have any idea how nebular a conglomeration of decisions that something like this can be? You are asking for conditional response routines. Some of us paid for our educations. Would you ask for a plumber to come to your house and fix a leaking faucet with no consideration for compensation? There are people here that do requests for small fees. They already understand Roulette and bet telemetry issues. Try to see if the horse likes that?
Quote from: Lupo on September 06, 2016, 09:03:48 AM
Can you clarify the purpose of this Ai project? Is it a future add on to your existing tracking software or something different?

That's what I'm discussing right now with some of the students. Of course they want their hands on it. I see their progress. They don't really need it. It's being built because most of the math world insists that it can't be done. I've split it off from the Charting Program that was designed to teach with. Barring any bug fixes that will turn up, that's done. This is a Mt Everest for me, just another mountain top. Just looking for another first ascent. And it's hard too.

But it brings up the biggest question of all, what to do with it. I'm considering starting a consortium of a small group of gamblers that use it to bet online and to put their take into an automatic splitting paypal kind of deposit system that automatically splits all the earnings with all the participants. I've also considered splitting with anyone that can sell it to a millionaire whale that will buy it for $20,000 for their own private use. In either case, I won't have to drive 700 miles to play, and it continues to get out there slowly and smartly. I just want to see people, a small group mind you, enjoy it. It's a mountain top if it works. It does not get any cooler than that. It gives me something to do this winter too. I'm retired. People like me are always looking for something interesting to do. I have my MTML project to get going again. That might be far more interesting with serious seed capital.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 05, 2016, 09:26:51 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I'm always looking to add to my knowledge but usually it's not possible for various reasons.
In order to get 1% to 2% valuable information, I've to weed out the 98% to 99%, unfortunately there are a lot of craps to weed out.
That's why I'm trying as much direct and straightforward as possible.
There are many things to see,check,do, but not so much time, if something has a bad ''face'' it doesn't take too long to show its ugly face, so I'm just moving on in order not to waste more time with methods which fail to live up to my high expectations.

You are welcome.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 05, 2016, 08:34:47 PM
Apophenia pareidolia.

Is that a suggestion of a fallacy or a question?

If you had bothered to read what I've published on this forum, I've clearly stated that these patterns and trends don't actually exist. They are in fact creations of our own imagination. So what's to stop us from making meaningless bet selections based on these perceptions of our imagination? That process creates a real tangible object that can not be refuted. They produce a lineal track of data symbolizing an actual reality, the effectiveness track of information.

Unless you live on the event horizon of a black hole, I wonder if this information, that I bothered to share with you, will in fact escape you.

It's not fun dragging you along through information that has already been covered.

I'm beginning to see some Apophenia with you.
Wow, I forgot about all this.

The Ai Project:

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"

I have all aspects of my newest training and practice software aimed at one logical algorithm that is in fact a call of several created functions that do all the tasks to pick the best bet for the next spin. That page of functions, calls, and responses would be the mathematical proof that is determinable to be true to people with the capacity to validate it. It could serve as a single page document as an example for investigation by a peer reviewed jury.

If I succeed, I'm not sure what to do with it, any suggestions? Please refrain from telling me where I can put it. The algorithm is just the kind of thing that academics like to steal and claim for themselves as their invention. It might be worth a lot of money to those whales we hear that frequent the big casinos. I know I said I was not interested in the money, meaning that I would not charge thousands of dollars for my school, but a one time sell could come in handy for another unrelated project that could move forward. If I had a lot of money I could revolutionize the internet significantly.
Quote from: Albalaha on September 04, 2016, 04:18:56 PM
           Gizmotron has been a nice contributor, undoubtedly. He belongs to the genre of Bayes, another very valuable member here. I do not understand why everyone is attacking him without trying to understand what he is offering. Now, he has some takers of his methodology. They can vouch for him or against him, clarifying whether his claims are valid or not. Before the flying machine was invented, everybody was suspicious of that ever working in real. Physics existed before that too but none could prove that an aeroplane kind of thing will ever exist that can carry hundreds of people together thousands of miles in a few hours.
                              Those who are very sure that nothing can win in gambling should not be on gambling forums and try something else somewhere else. Maybe some day I and Gizmo work together bettering each other.

Thanks for that support Albalaha.

I'm working on the Ai project again after 2 - 1/2 days off of it.

Just posted at my school:

I've changed the way the computer sees the chart in the Ai project. It now sends the latest 30 spins as nine strings of delimited items:


This way I solve the global effect and the local effect with the same data stream.  As you might have figured out, I'm not programming it to watch the primes and the not primes.

General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 05, 2016, 01:13:09 AM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 05, 2016, 12:03:55 AM
I'm going to charge 200 for teaching how to read randomness.

It's too late, that horse has left the barn. Why don't you teach tolerance to math Nazis instead. There is the world before my revelations are known and the world after that, where you can let everyone in on your secret recipe for Crow à la Mode.