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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: Jake on August 28, 2016, 03:39:00 PM
That's all anyone needs to know. What does reading random mean if it doesn't result in an improved win rate? Nothing, that's what. What good does spotting trends do you if you can't do any better than someone who is betting randomly? You're only "good" at spotting and following trends if the win rate is better than the expected win rate.

So it's as I suspected. Your so-called advantage has to do with the progression, not the bet selection.

Read this:
QuoteIn the long run, my win rate is, HAPPILY, at the expected 61% or 64% rate.

In the short run my win rate is higher based on knowing when and where to place bets in the first place. You want a quantitative valuation that you can hang your hat on. BTW, that's confirmation bias that you are leaning on. It's the most common fallacy known to occur in doing research. Just because your brain is dedicated to understanding anything here by a win rate quotient, a predetermined conclusion I might add, you jump right to your conclusion like the man that first yelled Eureka!

It's not happening. Home-style don't play that.

Try to open your eyes and ears one time. Probability does not tell you when a trend will occur or for how long it will last. During those coincidental moments of opportunity, in the hands of a trained expert, you can outperform the statistical long termed average or expectation for a brief time if you select the correct bets. But YOU can't do that because you command the world and what you say goes as your current phase of awareness dictates.
Quote from: Albalaha on June 22, 2016, 10:40:31 AM
             In my main Sales page I mentioned that one person my get that for free as well. Who will be that person? Someone who can beat each and every session mentioned in : http://betselection.cc/albalaha's-exclusive/harsh-sessions-won-by-positive-gambling-module/
playing each and every spin in a clear pre defined manner within a bankroll of 300 units and max bet 50 as I did. Such person deserves to exchange his system with that of mine and gain mutually. I believe there is none among the members here who has any such MM and even if someone has that will never think of sharing that. I would love to be proved wrong on this point.

Oh, that's me, I do. I just got back from the casino last night. I used $300 as the bankroll and used $48 bets that never increased the staking rate. I left the casino with an extra $235. 

Here is my deal. I let you into my school and you teach me what you have. We can even compare notes on what we both have discovered. I mean talk like the experts that we are.

What do you think of that idea?

Quote from: Jake on August 28, 2016, 08:44:10 AM
Ok, so what is your win rate betting on two dozens if it isn't 24/37?

In the long run, my win rate is, HAPPILY, at the expected 61% or 64% rate. But please consider this for a moment: This was my signature here for a while, "Probability never tells you when a trend will occur." I have become a scientist and researcher regarding identification of typical and not so typical trends. My experience is in turning any continuing recognizable phenomenon into opportunity based on nothing more than the natural tendencies found in coincidence. Reading randomness is a skill and an effective tool. When I see people ignore it I am forced to laugh at the total irony of it all. It's like watching people walk past bags of gold laying at their feet.

This is one person's definition of a genius: "Being a genius is nothing more than someone discovering something that has always been the truth." They just do it first and some people hang the label on them. I'm smarter than average but in no way a genius. Most of this is from first making mistakes. As a builder I get the notion of "form follows function." As a recording engineer and musician I get the notion of "less is more." As a professional gambler I get this notion too: "Bet big when you are doing well and bet small when you aren't."
Quote from: Jake on August 27, 2016, 04:52:41 PM
But it doesn't achieve a higher win rate than expected, or does it? If it does, you don't need a progression.

As far as you know. When it all becomes clear to you someday, please look back at your question.

Reading randomness produces a higher win rate than blind selection using random on random. So how do you know that a progression is not needed? Please remember, you don't believe in "any superior bet selection."
Quote from: Blue_Angel on August 28, 2016, 05:36:43 AM
Your name seems familiar...it suddenly hit me, Gizmo is the good white gremlin from the 80s!  :D

Actually, I developed my own internet and cross platform browser under the name Gizmotron Graphics. I stole the name off of an Anvil case I used to carry two drum machines in.

This is the origin of that sticker, The Gizmotron: http://www.gizmotron.com/


Quote from: Jake on August 27, 2016, 12:57:59 PM
I think that if Gizmo's method turns out to be a winner it won't be because of any superior bet selection, because I don't believe they exist. It's more to do with the progression. The probability of a win is about 65% and the type of staking used reminds me of Malcolm Maclean's My Mathematical Formula progression used on horse racing and sports betting. It's been around for about 40 years and is still being advertised online. It's quite a clever progression but only works if the win rate is high. You will have some small losses but eventually a nice winning run will come along and you'll clean up.


I have my decision making processes for bet selections. I've taught them, for the most part, to my students, depending on whether or not they actually learned them or not. So, I'm beginning work on the AI feature, that's Artificial Intelligence. I have proven to myself that random on random produces far more losing streaks. If I can get the software to perform as well as myself on bet selections then I will have mathematical proof that a Bayesian form of probability can be demonstrated as valid.

I found this comment written by the author:

QuoteDo I need to have patience, I'm a little bit greedy... I want to win lots of money tomorrow - Will your plan do that for me? - Probably NOT - I've written a lot on this subject over the years. The bottom line if you want to succeed in this game - You require PATIENCE - NOT to Bet on EVERY RACE - Be VERY selective with your choice - FOLLOW the rules contained in My Mathematical Formula when selecting your runner. DO NOT EVER EXPECT TO WIN MILLIONS OVER NIGHT - It's not going to happen and walk away from any advert you see promising such things.
Gizmotron / my online school
August 26, 2016, 06:32:16 PM
I decided to make an official announcement and offer to my past ten students.

If you were one of my ten students from years ago, I'm offering you a chance to go at it again. This time I built software that really blows away the casino. I show you how to focus just in one area and consequently get really good at it. There are several things that you should add to what I taught you before. You deserve to get in on this round. I know that it will get out sooner as apposed to later. It's too simplified now not to.

I cut the price from $500 down to $200 because I don't have to chat for hours this time. Because you were one of the ten I'm cutting that price in half to $100.

Let me know if that interests you,

Quote from: BetJack on August 26, 2016, 02:04:13 AM
I thought You teach your students ... How to  Play  your  "THE HG"
If the HG is not come OUT yet

:-( What can I say more :-)

Good Luck with the school...

with Respect

That deserves an honest answer. For me to be honest I must admit that most people here searching for a possible solution are skeptical of me actually already knowing one, let alone the actual holy grail.

So hear is the truth about the law of thirds, if you can handle it. The selection process, that includes moving from the existing two thirds to a new two thirds must make those moves based on conditional coincidences that are observable. The idea that a blind move based on a mechanical trigger won't ever be a holy grail. But a situational awareness method will work in combination with the law of thirds.

I chose a different kind of situational awareness to succeed at my exceptional version of the holy grail. I'm just suggesting that a law of third version could be constructed. So your assumption suggests a kind of hopeful, wishful thinking that I stumbled in my ignorance somehow and that you caught me in some proven deception. Sorry to disappoint you. I hope that I cleared that up.
Roulette Forum / Re: Law of The Third
August 25, 2016, 11:56:08 PM

The law of third is the most thought provoking idea regarding Roulette that I have ever thought about. It applies to hot numbers, and all the characteristics of randomness descend from that. I've written more system sims on that subject and spent more years on it than anything else.

Perhaps one day the HG will come from the law of thirds.
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 25, 2016, 11:49:46 PM
Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 24, 2016, 11:10:21 PM
... No doubt the same applies to Roulette, but of course Gizmo is going to the the world's first since the history of the game, to prove everybody wrong, once he receives a few $200 payments (only $200??).     

Not only can my students and I beat the game of Roulette through skills that I've shared with them, I have completely confounded you regarding the worth of the same. You question why anyone would sell something worth thousands and thousands of dollars, something that I personally lost thousands and thousands of dollars learning in the first place. I'm the only one that can truly put a value on it. I chose $200 because I knew that teaching all the students at once would take far less effort than that I had to teach each one individually, like I did before.

What gratifies me most of all is that I have so much more to offer my students now then when before all I had was proof that there are trends that present opportunities.

I should have offered this sooner. If you were a student from the first ten, then I will let you in to see the big deal difference for $100.

Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 24, 2016, 11:15:01 PM
Don't get to agitated, remember the old ticker.  I'd have sympathy for you if you weren't trying to steal from fellow forum members, as it is, you get none.

Why should I get upset that you see the world as a member of the flat earth society. I've sailed around the globe and have seen for myself what is what and what is the truth. You "Danger, Danger, Will Robinson" guys are also a ubiquitous part of the internet experience.
Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 24, 2016, 12:12:32 PM
If what you claim is true, I will send you $200 so you can buy some groceries. Some of us know, you are stone cold BROKE, and this is one of few chances you have left to keep your head above water, assuming you haven't sunk already.

You really are a Captain Spandex Boy aren't you. Come to save us all from the horrible scammer.
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 02:26:04 PM
Quote from: Lupo on August 24, 2016, 08:27:26 AM
Maybe. I am very moderate in my purchases in general.

My concern here is that my time is quite limited due to work & family and I cannot spend many hours on studying, discussion boards, chats etc. I need to be sure it is put straightforward.

It's basically complete. You can just read it. Others have already asked enough questions that discussion has now dropped to examples of sessions and my comments of how and why I select bets that I do. So for the next several weeks I will be uploading sessions with comments and results for each spin in the sessions. I'm improving my practice software so that it too makes practicing my strategy easier.

The real point is, do you have time to go to the casino?
Quote from: Mr J on August 24, 2016, 02:55:03 AM
don't get me wrong, there is no bad answer. Not judging.


I didn't think that you were judging. I guess I'm suggesting, I'm trying to tempt you to read about this amazing moment. Nothing more than that.