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Messages - Gizmotron

I read all your posts. You have very interesting things to say about experience and staying under the radar as well as getting robbed with two wallets. I've considered these myself. I was targeted in Vegas after a nice win in in the middle of the day. The pirates thought I was going for the parking garage. I was headed up the street instead to my RV site and walked there along the main drag.

It's just that this (welcome to the gang you upstart) that riles me up to maximum. I know that you have always kept it a secret. But it's so secret that it is questionable to all these imaginary followers. But what the heck, that just goes to style.

I posted the old comments to see if you are a space cadet, now not so bad, the newest branch of our military. But it really gets New Age there for a while. If I have to tolerate condescending Zen like pestering then you have to endure my sarcasm. Who cares anyway?

You use conditional awareness to extrapolate advantage states. You seem to advocate an everything up against the wall to see what sticks method. I have learned to confine just a few common occurring characteristics across 12 sets that make up 6 groupings. And I also use feelings to make guesses. I know when it is working and I know when it is not working. All I've done recently is to simplify it to the degree that a few rules combined with a very few opportunities makes the aggregated session a positive outcome. That video was a watershed moment. It showed me to play for the big win, the long termed win. So I'm going to explain it so that the debate will end. The math crowd will have to explain why it works. And that will be when they eat crow, no pun intended.
I already have gone with the second option. I can remove any more disruptions. I thought he had something to say. He can pose his positions in his own area.
Quote from: The Crow on October 23, 2018, 09:38:13 PM
While there are thousands of characteristics to choose from, there is only one that matters. Having the skills and knowledge of recognizing occurrences comes with experience. What good are these skills when it is not properly applied to playing roulette? I can teach a layman, who has never played roulette, one skill; and they will win every single time.

Recently, I taught two individuals that one skill. One person was not concerned with how much he made, but the consistency the strategy provided, as he played .25 cents betting, buy in 8.00 to 20.00. He won 5 sessions in a row, 100.00 in two hours. That was not his main concern. He was super happy about the consistency.

The other player is currently playing everyday for one hour and makes 100.00 to 170.00 each session. He plays only one session per visit. He started a week ago.

These two players now belong to the exclusive group and talk among themselves. So you see, all this talk about randomness, strategies, patterns, is just that, talk, people searching for answers. You have found a glimpse of recognition. All you have to do is know how to apply it skillfully.

The Crow

What a condescending pile of Zen master BS. You are still clueless to what I have to say yet you suggest that you already know where I'm headed. And this crud about an exclusive group of neophytes that have shared in the crumbs that have fallen from your table is almost just short of comical.

We will carry on here with my sharing the real and you doing a Bozo act. All you have done is to pose as a professional gambler that teaches newbies your so called secret "always win" tactics. I'm not buying it anymore. Start your own thread. Seeing what is currently occurring and matching the sequences so as to reveal the effectiveness is as old as the hills. I told everyone back in the Gambler's Glen days. The time of hidden secrets is over. The mathBoyz are about to get a lesson they will never forget. Welcome to the side in the light of day.
Quote from: The Crow on October 23, 2018, 05:14:55 PM

I don't understand your reasoning for posting old post of mine and requesting responses from them. With regard to your topic, your examples do not show how to capitalize on the trends provided, nor does it show what 0 6, P, S represents. You may have explained it in other posts, but it would appreciated if you post them here for other people who are not familiar with your groupings.

I was just trying to confirm that you claim to know what I have just arrived at, something you have been doing for years. I've been banging away at the trends and patterns for more than a decade. I have just been doing it badly.

Before you can capitalize on trends and patterns you must learn to see them. I use the charts, live, while at a casino in order to see the best occurring continuation of any trend or pattern. It is the cart before the horse at this point to explain how to strategically use them. But I did that all in my first example anyway. You are going to get a little observation in the charts and you are going to get suggested strategy for the examples as I continue forward.

I'm puzzled now. You suggest that you already know this stuff. So your question is a rhetorical one for the benefit of other readers or are you in some kind of confusion as to what I'm showing?

Those sets " 0 6 " are sets of 18 or 20 numbers made from the American wheel and are based on locations on the wheel with regards to proximity. There are four sectors. It is meaningless. You can make up any sets that you want. The "P's" and "S's" are pet groups as well with two sets making each grouping also. I don't need to share them. People can make up their own. Use Kimo Li groups that are 18 to 20 numbers if you want.

The point is to place even chance bets that you can then place "X's" in a chart while playing live at a casino. From those charts you can read randomness.

Once you are skilled at all the best characteristics you can learn about the strategy that best mimics what the stock trader suggests in the video. A person must walk before they can run. If you only have one characteristic and one grouping with two sets then your options are very limited. That's sort of all you get with Craps and Baccarat.

Here are the best characteristics to look for.

Repeaters, including any patterns associated with the size of reoccurring stretches.

Chop -- better known on gambling forums as singles in series.

Swarms of doubles, triples, quadruples, etc...

Singles or Doubles in series on one side during an other side's domination.

The allusive global effect and the perfect reoccurring pattern.

This is the first time that I have shown exactly what to look for and at what spin numbers & grouping to find the examples in the charts. It will take a while. You suggest that you already have the skill. I'm actually concerned that you have the power of sight and don't rely on the skill. But this is a question too so I'm willing to answer you.

Back to the latest chart:

Look at the "| 0 6 |" column from spin 60 and down. The 0's hit as singles for a while and then the repeats start to swarm. All that is needed is a strategy to get way more wins than losses. All you have to do is bet that conditions will continue and to protect when sides change.
Roulette is the same thing. The numbers paint a wonderful picture. It's never the same. Random bets are never the same as well. When the two are combined, something magically happens, you win.

I know everything about roulette. More importantly, I know nothing about roulette, which makes me either delusional or real.
Now that's random.

So you make random bet selections. Do you consider that sometimes those bets work badly or do you always bet randomly with a winning accuracy? Do you see where the combinations intersect before you place bets?
Crow, this is one that is more than five years old:

Hi Gizmotron,

I am curious how you would choose bet selection while at a live table without all of your sorting tools and filtering. You need some kind of reference. If not by grid, then how?

I use random against random, stream of consciousness if you will. Do you do the same? or are you changing your groups as you play?


I change my groupings constantly based on the best looking continuation. My ESP is fragmentary and only works in short bursts. I have learned to "fly the plane" on instruments. It's a mistake to feed a losing hunch, for me that is.

Quote from: The Crow on October 23, 2018, 07:45:03 AM
Hello Gizmotron,

I am happy for you. But, I have some news for you. You are way behind on the discovery ladder. There is a group that has been exploiting this concept for years, sophisticated and fine tuned. Anyway, good for you.

The Crow

I see by an early post that you are illuding to something in an early post:

Quote from: The Crow on March 08, 2013, 10:48:25 AM
There is another approach which does not entail linear thinking, which drives the math guys crazy, synchronistic events.

"Synchronicity refers to those random yet seemingly meaningful coincidences that enrich our lives, sometimes to our amazement, sometimes to our distress, and sometimes to our delight," a foreword by Alan Combs to Dr. Kirby Surprise's book called Synchronicity.

There are many roulette players who experience these events as they are deciding what numbers to choose. It's almost like they know what numbers are coming in. I'm sure at one point or another many have experienced such an event. You say to yourself, number seven is coming in and the dealer says no more bets. The number seven come in.

I believe lateral thinking combined with synchronistic events offers the roulette player an advantage over randomness.

The mathBoyz have the furthest to go. They are stuck on prediction and nothing else. I get it. They predict what a bias wheel will produce, a spin computer will calculate, or a dealer signature will occur. Without tangible advantages beyond probability they can't consider being mistaken. So, we carry on. As for the inexperienced players they are mostly stuck on systems. It's a right of passage to find out that the Martingale won't work. Then they spend years tweaking that.
Thanks XXVV. You are an analytical researcher. You will probably find a way of your own to modify what I suggest and make it yours. And that is good too.
Quote from: esoito on October 23, 2018, 04:15:17 AM
"funny, it's crickets here and I'm not telling anyone that it's here."
"This place is like crickets central. "

You seem to have broken up your interesting narrative with some sort of insider-crickets-joke that flew right over my head -- and possibly the other reader as well.

Care to explain -- briefly?

"Crickets" is a "campy" reference to when in the silence all you can hear are the crickets. It's like saying "really out there" too. It's a common reference in American Movies and  some political talking-heads that just discovered the metaphor.  Funny that too. It's as old as the hills among teenagers. Some talking heads are total nerds. It's a way of seeing if you can get it too. It's a right of passage in slang. I'm sure there must be many other ways to say it among the teenagers of the world. I'd love to hear about that. Teenagers always find a way to be cool.
Want to blow away a casino? It's all here. All you need is virtual bets and knowing when to step back and when to attack.

You want to learn that? You should if you want to keep up.

You might want to fight for blind absolutism if you don't. I hope you do. We need to see the death throws of the loyal opposition. This is the moment that I always hoped would make the mathBoyz cringe.  They will be destroyed by me. And so far nobody knows I'm doing this. This place is like crickets central. Funny.  Let's keep it a secret.
OK, the chart to back it up:

W | B  R | O  E | L  H | 0  6 | P | S |  --  SN  --  SP
X |    X | X    | X    | X    | X |   |  --  01  --  01 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X |    X |    X |   | X |  --  02  --  22 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    | X |   |  --  03  --  02 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X | X | X |  --  04  --  31 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    |   | X |  --  05  --  23 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X | X | X |  --  06  --  32 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X | X | X |  --  07  --  32 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  08  --  38 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  09  --  26 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  10  --  16 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  11  --  33 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    | X |   |  --  12  --  01 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X | X | X |  --  13  --  31 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  14  --  38 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X | X |   |  --  15  --  06 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   |   |  --  16  --  19 ( $ -36 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    |   | X |  --  17  --  23 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    |   | X |  --  18  --  10 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    | X |   |  --  19  --  02 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X |   |   |  --  20  --  34 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    | X    |    X |   |   |  --  21  --  07 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X |   |  --  22  --  17 ( $ -36 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    |   | X |  --  23  --  23 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X | X | X |  --  24  --  31 ( $ -36 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  25  --  26 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  26  --  24 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X | X    | X    | X    | X    |   | X |  --  27  --  13 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X |   |   |  --  28  --  34 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    | X |   |  --  29  --  27 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    |   | X |  --  30  --  25 ( $ 36 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  31  --  26 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  32  --  26 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X | X |   |  --  33  --  18 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    |   | X |  --  34  --  10 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X | X |  --  35  --  11 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    | X |   |  --  36  --  28 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    |   | X |  --  37  --  25 ( $ 90 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  38  --  24 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X |    X |    X |   | X |  --  39  --  20 ( $ 90 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  40  --  38 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
X | X    | X    |    X | X    |   |   |  --  41  --  29 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    |   |   |  --  42  --  09 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  43  --  16 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  44  --  38 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    | X    |    X | X |   |  --  45  --  03 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    | X |   |  --  46  --  01 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X |   |   |  --  47  --  34 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  48  --  08 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    |   | X |  --  49  --  10 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X |    X | X    | X |   |  --  50  --  28 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    |   |   |  --  51  --  09 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    |   | X |  --  52  --  10 ( $ 180 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X | X |  --  53  --  11 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
X |    X |    X | X    | X    |   |   |  --  54  --  14 ( $ 180 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X |    X |    X |   | X |  --  55  --  20 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X |   |  --  56  --  17 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
X |    X |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  57  --  36 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  58  --  37 ( $ 180 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  59  --  38 ( $ 198 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  60  --  21 ( $ 180 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X | X |   |  --  61  --  18 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  62  --  38 ( $ 180 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  63  --  16 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  64  --  33 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
X |    X |    X |    X | X    |   |   |  --  65  --  36 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  66  --  08 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    | X |   |  --  67  --  27 ( $ 162 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X | X | X |  --  68  --  32 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X | X | X |  --  69  --  31 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    |    X | X    | X |   |  --  70  --  27 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X | X |  --  71  --  11 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  72  --  33 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
X | X    |    X | X    | X    |   | X |  --  73  --  10 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X |   |  --  74  --  17 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X | X | X |  --  75  --  32 ( $ 90 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X |   |  --  76  --  17 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  77  --  08 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
X |    X |    X | X    | X    |   |   |  --  78  --  14 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X | X |   |  --  79  --  06 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  80  --  38 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    |   |   |  --  81  --  09 ( $ 90 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  82  --  37 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  83  --  38 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
X |    X | X    | X    | X    | X |   |  --  84  --  01 ( $ 144 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   |   |  --  85  --  19 ( $ 126 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X |    X |    X |   |   |  --  86  --  34 ( $ 108 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   |   |  --  87  --  19 ( $ 90 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    | X    |    X |   |   |  --  88  --  07 ( $ 72 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  89  --  33 ( $ 54 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X | X |   |  --  90  --  06 ( $ 36 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  91  --  08 ( $ 18 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    | X    |    X |   |   |  --  92  --  07 ( $ 0 ) Zeros
   | X    | X    | X    |    X | X | X |  --  93  --  11 ( $ -18 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   |   |  --  94  --  19 ( $ -36 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  95  --  21 ( $ -54 ) Zeros
   |    X |    X | X    |    X | X | X |  --  96  --  12 ( $ -72 ) Zeros
   |    X | X    |    X |    X |   | X |  --  97  --  21 ( $ -90 ) Zeros
   | X    |    X | X    |    X |   |   |  --  98  --  08 ( $ -108 ) Zeros
X |--------------------| X    | X | X |  --  99  --  38 ( $ -90 ) Zeros
X |    X |    X | X    | X    |   |   |  --  100  --  14 ( $ -72 ) Zeros
Time for more BS, and I don't mean bet selection. That's for those that have no idea that I'm back here explaining it all. funny, it's crickets here and I'm not telling anyone that it's here.

Moving on.

I just ran 100 more spins to see what I will see. And it's a huge lesson in reading the effectiveness state. Gotta come up with a better title for that. How about an acronym from " your behind is grass," or some other 50's catch phrase. Somebody coin a phrase. Jokes are permitted from the cricket squads. We all want to laugh.

So this is amazing. It's up and down. And it shows what I want to say if a person where to use good logic to deal with it.

First the graph and then the chart, like before.

So let's take a look at one characteristic in the red/black grouping. That's the first group from the left.

First black dominates over red.

Then red takes over.

There are micro phases that switch back and forth all the way down the 100 spins. They are small mini domination stretches. You can see them and the quality of them.

I notice a lot of times that when one side dominates the other side of the group hits as a single or as a swarm of doubles. Those are signals to try to duplicate the rhythm of the sequence.  If there is a swarm of singles on the resistant side then you can go right back to hammering the dominate side. Now this is very common. With so many data streams, 6 groups in all with this chart, you can just hunt domination where singles or doubles are either prevalent or interspersed equally. The total absence of triples on the weak side is a major opportunity.  You have varying lengths of dominance on the strong side. If you are just seeing singles on the weak side then you can go right back to a win on the next bet. It's a matter of seeing the pattern and betting it to win.

The trick is to have a policy to stop once the pattern breaks. You must stop placing bets once the first triple shows up. You then look to see if the sets flop sides in the grouping. You look for another condition that is repeating. You have 6 groups, 12 sets, to find at least four or five common trends and patterns from at any time. You know "chop." Those are swarms of singles. Sometimes a trait will return right away and continue. You need to watch for that too. You must become a skillful viewer. The more characteristics and common patterns you know the more opportunities you will see occurring. You use virtual bets when you are not placing real bets. You must keep a record of your effectiveness had you flat bet every spin. You only strike when a trend works.

If you only had betting on four in a row tactics, "Quads," then hitting triples each time you place a bet would produce a sequence of losses. You will hit sequences of first bets always losing. It's part of the mathematics of randomness. It's that perfect sequence of death acting up again. It tells you the effectiveness of your session. But you will also hit streaks of winners too. When betting on even chance bets you balance one lost bet with one winning bet. So it's real easy to see effectiveness in bet selections. If you are at least hitting 50/50 on your first bet losses then your winners that contain more wins than losses puts you ahead like the video suggests. You aggregate a 1 win or more for every lost bet. That is what you are looking to accomplish. You know that you will lose 50% of all first bets. But you also know that you will hit the dominant side of the groups for far more. So the challenge here is to learn to see the characteristics of randomness. The skill is to stop feeding a swarm of first bet losses. The chaos and the streaks of dominance and patterns will return if you wait for it to surface.

You can't expect to see your pet numbers go hyperactive just because you have arrived at the casino. You must see what the spins are serving up for today's meal. If you have a plan then you can exploit it. If you don't, then you can't. This would be true of a noticed bias wheel too. Only the casinos change out the parts in order to discourage that.

Do you see this yet? Can you see the method to get more wins than losses from each first try bet? Each first try of a trend or a pattern is like a single stock purchase in the video. In the stocks you hang on for sell points. In this method you go with the pattern until it breaks. You lose a first bet that is a sell loss like in the video. You get more than one win before a loss and that is like a sell at up momentum on the range expected. You are just playing the unknown randomness with speculation that a strong pattern will continue to dominate. It doesn't actually need to be perfect also. It can be slightly imperfect and still have a very strong side to it.