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Messages - Gizmotron

Ken, I started out trying to change my life by applying my intelligence. There is nothing wrong with any of us as people, trying to apply our arithmetic pseudo neo-mathematical educations on a brainless, as I call it, consideration that I must adapt to the situation being presented and nothing else can work attitude. But that's what I stumbled across anyway, despite myself. It's my bag of gold for a 49'er gold rush. How I do it is my own consideration to myself. I, __ at least know that much.

Let me be the first to suggest that the progression, with consideration to situational existence, if properly deduced by an expert, can break the concept that the casino actually always has an edge.

That's why I'm charging for the good seats at the concert. It must be done this way. It's the best idea that I can come up with at this time. So later in life, in retrospect, I apologize if there is a better wisdom decided upon by readers in a future where hindsight is always best. I'm doing my swan song people.

Is there a  bucket list kind of a website where people list their accomplishments without trying to come off bragging? A book about my life is so much crud. Who needs another BS trip like that?

Quote from: TheLaw on August 24, 2016, 01:14:45 AM
Can't get enough of Ken's dad-humor.............watch out Tyler Perry!!! :o

Ken, you have always been a passionate gambler and contributor to these forums. In fact we went around and around in the first years like cats and dogs. But you always stayed true to your stance. In fact I always admired you as a progression player that stood for it. There are others here now that stand behind the progression. Now I think I see you considering randomness as a possible method.

For all these years of contributions I want to invite you into my school for free. Be prepared to have your mind blown. I'll send you a PM with the how. Read the threads. The answers to questions are a good part of the training.

Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 23, 2016, 10:02:59 PM
Spike exposed you for what you are years ago on other boards.  You're a nickle and dime player just like him, both with winning systems, yeah that figures.

There will come a time, a very interesting time for some, if this betselection.cc board is still available and these sections are still here for everyone to read. Everyone will be able to read in retrospect what I placed right under everyone's noses. Your presence here will be noted as how passionate some people can get, excusably of course. Yep, society will let you off the hook, without consideration for your own grace too. You are a whiny little pipsqueak of a cheapskate. Enjoy your legacy as well.
Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 23, 2016, 12:16:01 PM
Just checking has everything been "put on the line" yet?

Yes. I'm just charging a small fee just to tick you off. You are so much fun. You really can't stand it that I made it available to the few that are curious enough to get themselves the good seats. Tweak!
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 23, 2016, 02:13:25 PM


When I taught before, for $500 I did it on chat, online, with it private, student to teacher, one at a time. That took about 35 to 50 actual hours being in a live chat with each student.

No why did I do that? I was mad. The ridicule and the banter online made me hit the ceiling. I was absolutely sure that knowing my secrets would not bring down the casinos because it was so hard to be a skilled craftsman of these methods. So I told the forum that I would teach ten and prove it.

I should really have charged $100,000 placed in escrow and released to me once I proved it actually was the way to win. But I was already winning. I just wanted to get something for my time. I know it's worth millions. I just don't need millions. I prefer to be one of those "captives set free."

This is as a major contribution to gambling as Ed Thorp's "Beat The Dealer" and card counting was when he published his book. One day you will see that.

Now look at card counting today. The casinos make more off the bad players that can't adjust for randomness in the short term, even though they are card counting. You only get asked to take your game elsewhere if you are good at it. Funny how they do that.

BTW, you asked for just one example of pimping a method that works. I give you Ed Thorp and "Beat The Dealer." He could have made millions too. But he had his big laugh and then went back to his academic life.

You might consider this for a moment. The challenge was to figure it out. My life is a vast ocean of accepting challenges and reaching fulfillment from taking them on in the first place. How do you put a price on that?

I have chosen to send a throng into the mainstream with the full knowledge of where they all got it. It's my version of my face to the crowd, an acceptable version of an entertainment concept. What makes it even more interesting is that you are here to claim it is nothing more than a hoax. That makes the story more interesting don't you think?

It should take years for this new simple method to get out there as wide spread knowledge. I will in all likelihood be gone by then.
Roulette Forum / Re: ''Ruin the City of Las Vegas''
August 23, 2016, 02:45:26 AM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on August 23, 2016, 01:27:22 AM
I don't know and I don't care who this guy claims to be, not even his name is real, Don Colonne or Don Corleone?? Perhaps Don Column because on some languages column=colon!

Great catch, and great way of expressing it too. That's what I thought when I first started reading it.
Quote from: greenguy on August 23, 2016, 02:32:23 AM
I wish you and your school of students every success.

The knowledge on offer and the price were tempting, and in the end I only "passed on it" because I have my own successful way of playing that I'm more than comfortable with. It's enough for me for now.


I'm having fun teaching people and leading them to what works for me. It's challenging and people come from their own frame of reference. I'm especially interested in how bets are limited around the world, how it is different.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on August 23, 2016, 02:14:59 AM
After all these are just a promotion for roulette lessons?
And if you don't care about money then why do you charge 200 per head?
Sometimes you are contradicting yourself, perhaps not everyone has good memory and attention to details in order to read between the lines but I do, so you cannot fool me.

So that the world will look back in retrospect and laugh that I sold what actually works for peanuts. That makes the ones that passed on it funny people. I'm enjoying my own version of flat earth people. All you have is to claim it's a hoax. That's funny to me. You have accusations from the peanut gallery and I have my school. I have a banana on a stick and I'm doing my best to make you the donkey. I'm doing it so you can always claim that you never knew. But that's not true is it. I published it right underneath your nose. I'm enjoying the irony. You are my trained Barney Fife, my Don Quixotic. I love your involvement. Trust me, you math Nazi's earned your reward.
XXVV, that's a nice tome.

I was recalling my experience with the winner of the Northern California Architecture award for that year in the field of high density apartment complexes. I was the builder. They were the prize winners. They billed me for $25,000 back in 1985 money for being asked to explain parapets that seemed to hang in mid-air, parapets that they didn't see in their plans. You probably know that the connection of various units don't actually connect properly when there are 350 units of them. So we called them "the in the air a bit parapets." I thought it the absolute excess of hubris that they actually had the gall to charge me for a possible breach of contract had I actually built them. Anyone contracting with the bank investors knew they were required to build "as per plan." Those are words that stand up in court. You can take your "Teen Spirit" oops, team spirit and pound dirt. I billed the esteemed winner $25,000 for pointing out the FLAW and they never bothered me again. So stick up for your trade if you want to, but I'm never going to be a fan.

And just for name dropping references, my grandfather was the city engineer for Berkeley, Oakland, and San Rafael California. He worked with frank lloyd wright. Frank gave my grandmother the right to live at vikingsholm emerald bay for that relationship.

My nephew got a full boat ride to MIT in architectural engineering. He went back there to get his Masters too. I went to his graduation.  I'm still the smartest a-hole in the room. So don't try to cheer lead your grand expression of existence to me. I'm a dyed in the wool, life long cynic. I will never come around to architects do impeccable work.
So what Lawman. You are hooked on your own petard.
Quote from: TheLaw on August 23, 2016, 01:18:11 AM
Actually.........it's a quote from Martin Mull about art that I used here as a metaphor to describe your evasiveness regarding the discussion of Roulette.

Hint:........it has nothing to do with architecture.

It's my fault for talking over your head............please accept my apologies.

Cheers!  8)

I'm not inept when it comes to communication and metaphorical references. I just tried to pull your chain. As far as that declaration of superiority regarding the same I do appreciate that narcissism indication once again. I will never be your narcissistic supply. ...There is no reason to yell. I have students that have been shown how to beat this game. It's so gratifying to see that. Too bad it's beyond your reach. Why don't you open a school for architects?
Quote from: TheLaw on August 23, 2016, 12:38:58 AM
You act like talking about Roulette.......is like dancing about architecture. :o

I assure you that chewing up architects for a living was the national pastime for me. But that is another story. Here's the dirty little secret. County inspectors or rejects from architect's school who think they are qualified engineers. And architects themselves are lazy intellectuals that think they can bluff their way through their own mistakes. Here's the professional secret. When they charge you to fix their F-Ups, you charge them right back for the same amount, for pointing them out in the first place. It doesn't completely suck to be the builder in charge.

Better try a new metaphor bub.
Perhaps Lawman, but has everything really all been said? You are just a protagonist insinuating that your are most likely correct.

I have fought the good fight for ten years with educated guessing, reading randomness, elegant patterns, global effect, effectiveness states, and a full list of the characteristics of randomness. I even told everyone to look at the short duration trends.

All you have done is chant "independent spins can't predict the future." Like we don't know that. jeez
General Discussion / Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 22, 2016, 11:59:17 PM
Quote from: esoito on August 22, 2016, 11:27:26 PM
For a fee a member is offering to tutor members through his roulette 'school'.

Hardly surprising that he's copping a bit of flack from cynics and unbelievers... ;D 

These days mention the word 'money' and there's an immediate knee-jerk reaction -- justified sometimes but not always!

So I've opened this thread for some of his past and current students to post their thoughts and opinions.

A bit of feedback will help to either reinforce or dispel  others' fears and suspicions.

I for one would love to hear from any one of them here. This betselection.cc forum is the only forum I openly discussed what I taught. I focused on the reality that in my charts you could see characteristics that were exploitable. You must remember that almost everyone was against me back then. Not like that now. I have won the war on trends. Some people will never learn. But I think I at least was successful in teaching that you could at least see my characteristics in the charts. I taught the trends, the global effect, and then effectiveness trend.

Now is totally a different time. Now that I have published what I previously and privately taught, and it has been in everyone's face for years, it would be real interesting to see what everyone thinks.

Just remember this. I chose to let it all out at first for $500, and later for $200 with extra information added. The part that some of you don't get is that old thing about human nature, that nobody would let the holy grail be this easily obtainable. It makes no sense.

Solve that dilemma ingenious ones.
Quote from: TheLaw on August 22, 2016, 10:50:29 PM
Good question Gizmo.

On the one hand, you did promise to only accept 10 students........"you gave your word".........

On the other hand, you haven't kept your word up until now............so might was well.

Looking forward to hearing more about your fantasy school where you teach students how to win at Roulette!!!

Cheers! :)

So this whole thing started because Mike ticked me off. You at least openly discuss it as if it's pure excrement.

So here is the deal with the first ten. I taught them and then waited two years. Then I published almost all the secrets here for the next three years. Then I got ticked off. Screw those that think I owe the world my silence and that includes anyone trying to lay a guilt trip on me. Know anyone?

In that time I discovered something Spike tried to suggest to me. He can get thrown under the bus too. I'm acting on what his suggestions meant to me, even if they were not what he meant in the first place. No matter what, I discovered two very new things that are very important to my method. So here we are. I told the first ten that they had two years for sure. I kept my word. If that isn't good enough for you then you can eat the sentiments of the implication of my school's impression on you. The Law, are you a narcissistic effigy of a symptom gone wild? That's right, you dish it out, but can you take it.