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Messages - Gizmotron

Roulette Forum / Re: Golden Peak
August 13, 2016, 02:20:02 AM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on August 13, 2016, 01:28:55 AM
Ken is  from Wyoming, I'm from Athens, Greece.
BTW, what's the verb wyom-ing? any idea?
Sounds like cat's voice!:-)

What about your questions?

Pardon me for this brief moment of servility. I can't resist this moment in history. Greece is the poster child for a society that has run out of other people's money. Wyoming is the poster child for "preppers"  that think that America is about to run out of other people's money. I can't resist this ironic moment.

I'll get to programming it soon enough. I'm on a pile of meds that take almost all of my energy and I worked for the past two months when I went way beyond my limits. I need to get to my school but also, I'm intrigued by your puzzle that I know will play out as a worthless adventure. However, I have never analyzed the first 18 bets against 50/50 chances as a balance point. Not exactly your goal perhaps but that is what peaks my interest. Without that interest it's nearly impossible to proceed.
Roulette Forum / Re: Golden Peak
August 13, 2016, 12:10:21 AM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on August 12, 2016, 09:31:38 PM
You thought my native language is English?

Absolutely. I had you down as a Wyoming survivalist prepper.  :)
Roulette Forum / Re: Golden Peak
August 12, 2016, 09:24:46 PM
Had me fooled.
Roulette Forum / Re: Golden Peak
August 12, 2016, 08:20:51 PM
I can, but I will have to make sure that I fully understand it. So I will ask questions just to make sure that I get it. I will also include each bet's telemetry so that the bets and results add up as the system describes that it should add up. It's my way of debugging any programming mistakes.
Roulette Forum / Re: Golden Peak
August 12, 2016, 05:33:59 PM
Do you program? Can you sim this? This is covered under that very tempting "law of thirds" phenomenon. What I like is the steps from one to eighteen that are added. I wonder what the balance point is. How many wins must occur just to break even. A few early wins might be far beyond any break point. I wonder if determining the hottest 18 numbers with 74 spins first might add to the choices.

Just brain storming.
I've started an invitation only forum (school) where I will teach everyone at once. Because of this I will discount the cost by as much as 100% People at the forum will openly be able to discuss each facet of characteristic training. When I taught before I went over the same ground for each person, one at a time. That took 35 to 50 hours of instruction for each times 10 = 500 hours work. This better way will allow me to answer a question that might apply to all. Everyone will get a better education.

I just started adding to it so I want to get several teaching topics written before opening my school.

There will be a section for students to talk about their achievements too. This group will be the one that changes gambling forever. One thing that I loved about teaching. Nobody took the training off topic. That's impossible in these open forums. I like instructing something that is actually wanted.
Quote from: from100 on August 11, 2016, 07:11:09 AM
Any chance that we can see the posts that BeatTheWheel posted?
I can't find it anywhere...

I didn't delete them. The re thread re titled posts that were done by me and others too. It added "re" to the titles of some  posts. That being said BEAT-THE-WHEEL deleted text from one of his remaining posts.

Then he went on to do some kind of interpretation of what I've been talking about for years.

Elegant Patterns, and the topic is clearly published that way everywhere for the past decade. They are not called Elegance. I've only seen six of them in the past 25 years. Still, it would be a mistake to ignore them.

Reading Randomness, the prerequisite to making an educated guess. I've posted at length at this forum a list of random characteristic as revealed in my simple to use charting method. It's one thing to see trends all over the place and entirely another how to take advantage of it.

Reasonable expectation has been a primary topic in playing Roulette for the past decade on every forum I have frequented.

Discipline is a tactic that must be adhered to if you actually want to make a living from playing Roulette.

The characteristic, Global Effect, the name comes from global variables that are useful throughout many functions and object oriented type programming languages. They imply an overallness to them.

I'm once again focusing on them. They don't always appear in the charts, but when they do they telegraph a type of "Tell" that lets you know that a type of trend is reappearing in different locations but consistently.

The Effectiveness State, It's a must know if you plan to become disciplined.

I haven't openly taught when to start following a trend characteristic with bets. I suppose some clever name is needed for that, ... not.

When I teach students privately, I focus on the simplification of tactics and methods. I have found that some techniques around here, for trend identification, are so extraneous that actually seeing a trend in time becomes some kind of deliberate self sabotage. I have no interest in off topic revelations. I know what works and what does not work. I have several people that wish to be instructed privately. I forgot what a hassle it is to have people use these forums as some kind of knitting club for gabbing.

If you want to see what I really think, then PM me and I will proceed as I did before with students four years ago. This time you get the trick to getting those first bets in your favor. People ask me questions right where they are not seeing something. I answer all the questions and guide each student though actual examples using my teaching software. I will give these students two years before I will consider publishing my full disclosure. That's fair. I'm sure Mike will claim I' not keeping my word or some disingenuous like that. You just have to live with people that think they know everything.

Quote from: Denzie on August 10, 2016, 06:19:24 PM
If you fill those empty spaces with "s" then you see things very clear  :)

When I play live at a casino I take index cards and turn them vertical. I darken every third line with ink. That way I can see the spaces but still tell the difference between sets. I found that placing anything in the not hit (sleeper) positions clutters it to the point that good visual dexterity is hampered to the point of it being so cluttered that seeing the sleepers and the clusters of repeats are almost indeterminable. I do understand that many here have trained themselves to read charts as Matrix style.

I can see patterns, singles, and sleepers in four different sets of dozens in just a few seconds. You must be able to see the trends in just a few seconds. I can keep up with the Rapid Roulette game. It's much easier at a real table with several players making bets. It takes about five seconds to write down 4 X's. After that I look for the changes. I then make my choices and place my bets. When I play I have to get 24 to 26 straight up bets placed before the cut off point occurs.

Can you really do that with a cluttered chart?
Actually I don't necessarily attack at all. People want to know how I win those first bets at 28 & 28. They want to know how I stay close to even. There's just enough edge here in knowing that the singles are dominating at times or repeats are dominating at times. I adjust my attempts to win several of those first bets by taking notice of the dominating conditions, so later I will have them added up into an opportunity wallet. You don't have to get that first win and go right into using it. You can wait to use it at a better time, a time to attack.
Here is a typical example of a 100 spin session involving just the dozens.

|    X    |
|       X |
| X       |
| X       |
|    X    |
|       X |
|    X    |
|       X |
|    X    |
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| X       |
| X       |
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| X       |
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|    X    |
| X       |
| X       |
|       X |
|    X    |

Notice how the singles flow together and the repeats flow together. If you can't see that then you can't read the charts from top to bottom.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 10, 2016, 12:10:54 AM
My posting gone?

Not gone,  just moved to the "re" thread. Here's the deal, I wanted to focus on the things that I have kept sort of cryptic, yet still here at the bet selection forum. You want to pursue your own interests tangentially off of anything I have to say. I'm not talking here to make people think that progressions are the holy grail. I'm trying to open people's minds to the advantages of trends as seen as a set of tools and skills. So I will continue to attempt to stay on topic. Your information is still here and I won't delete any of it. I just intend to move all your stuff that is declarative. I'm the one that knows what is useful for this thread and will respond to all questions that are about using trends for bet selection choices. Progressions are mindless attempts to enrich a persons life. They only work if the targeting mechanism is based on coincidental advantage. I'm here right now in this thread ready to teach you how to see that advantage. If you want to bloviate for your quest to see only what you want to see then I will continue to segregate your efforts to contribute.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 09, 2016, 03:58:34 AM
2u,  on dozen one .
and a unit on a column???

I mean twice as much on dozen one and half of that on dozen two or dozen three.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 09, 2016, 03:29:08 AM
Thus if we bet SINGLE DOZEN,

The bet start with 1u.

1st win=2u. keep the 1u, bet 2 next.





  win=324=486-1=485u [6th win]

7th win=1458-1u=1457u

The only time I bet single dozens is when there is a very powerful global effect or a perfect occurring pattern.

But you should really look at 2 units on your target dozen and 1 unit on your most likely to hit other dozen type bets. If you hit the side bet with 1 unit on it your break even. If it hits the target you have 3 units won. So the risk is 50/50 with the pay being break even or 3 units risked for 3 units won. But here is the good news. You have a 61% or 64% chance of winning each bet. This too has a balance point. Playing to the balance point is the best way to stay close to even.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 09, 2016, 03:02:54 AM
In dozen probability,
The series and single of dozen to repeat,
are around 66% & 33%,

I think,

Thus, if no streaks, hit, after 100bets place,
Thus the losses, will around 33time, for double dozen,
66time will get back capital.

And single dozen, will lose, 66time, and 33time will get back 1u capital.
Thus lose 33u capital.

Just my half cent.

That's what I call balance. It takes two wins to balance one loss. But think about this. If you win the first bet but lose the second you have only lost half. So on the third bet, after a second bet loss, if you win, you are back to even. Balance in the double dozen bets are different than the even chance bets.
Quote from: tdx on August 09, 2016, 01:24:15 AM
What do  the  A  B   C  columns mean ?

A = 1 to 12
B = 13 to 24
C = 25 to 36