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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: 3Nine on August 06, 2016, 03:02:04 PM
How you limit the frequency of the miss, is perhaps the better question?

You are on the right path to what makes betting against trends work. I figured it out by playing live in real casinos and learning from what mistakes there are to be found. The trick is to not make many or even a few mistakes. I expect you people on these forums to work things out for yourselves. I never had any advice given to me. I figured it out from a blank slate. The topic is also covered in knowing how to lose effectively without blowing your entire bankroll.
Quote from: Albalaha on August 06, 2016, 05:03:06 AM
If your way is purely mechanical, learning the same is not so difficult. Experience is all about having our own inputs that is not needed in a purely mechanical way to play. If winning your way varies with individual's judgement, intellect or experience, it is not purely mechanical way to play.

Right you are. I need to program my experience so that several sets of mechanical rules might be applied. Not the easiest of tasks but doable.
Quote from: Albalaha on August 06, 2016, 04:43:29 AM
Streaks do come but the size and frequency is still as uncertain. What is the certainty of getting a 15 step in 200 spins? I do not think it is even regular or 1/2 i.e. even 1 in 2x200 is possible. Can Gizmo put some more stats in this regard?

I sent you a PM with some more in it.

It's not stats that your need. It's the skill at learning when to strike and for how much. You get this by detecting opportunities in my charting system technique. Visual dexterity, the ability to see a characteristic that you can use is the trick.

Look at this to see what I mean:

|       X |    X    |    X    |    X    | -- 9
| X       |       X |       X | X       | -- 6
|       X |       X | X       | X       | -- 7
| X       | X       | X       | X       | -- 1
| X       |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 2
|       X |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 0
| X       |       X | X       |       X | -- 9
|    X    |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 4
| X       |    X    |    X    |    X    | -- 1
|    X    |    X    | X       |       X | -- 4
| X       |       X |       X | X       | -- 6
| X       |       X |       X | X       | -- 6
|-------------------| X       | X       | -- 0
|    X    | X       |       X |       X | -- 9
|    X    |       X |       X | X       | -- 8
| X       | X       | X       | X       | -- 1
| X       |    X    |       X | X       | -- 5
| X       |    X    |    X    |    X    | -- 8
|    X    | X       | X       |       X | -- 3
|       X |    X    | X       |       X | -- 6
|-------------------| X       | X       | -- 0
|       X |    X    |       X | X       | -- 2
|-------------------| X       | X       | -- 0
| X       |       X | X       |       X | -- 9
|    X    |    X    | X       |       X | -- 4
|       X |    X    | X       |       X | -- 5
|       X |       X | X       | X       | -- 7
|    X    | X       |       X |       X | -- 9
|    X    | X       |    X    |    X    | -- 6
|       X |       X | X       |       X | -- 6
|       X |       X | X       | X       | -- 7
| X       |    X    |    X    |    X    | -- 8
| X       |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 2
|       X | X       | X       | X       | -- 8
|       X |    X    | X       |       X | -- 5
| X       | X       |    X    |    X    | -- 7
|    X    |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 4
| X       |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 3
|       X | X       |       X | X       | -- 1
| X       |       X |    X    |    X    | -- 3
| X       | X       |    X    |    X    | -- 7
| X       |    X    |    X    |    X    | -- 1
|       X | X       |       X |       X | -- 4
|    X    |       X |       X | X       | -- 8
|       X | X       | X       | X       | -- 8
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 06, 2016, 04:38:11 AM
After a quick look at a few 200spins,
of mine selection.

It really awe me to see that streak of 4,5,6..very common,
And streak of 7,8,9 even 12, hit too!

If streak of 10, happen every 200, then that huge killing!!!

Now all you need to do is get good at staying even while trying to exploit the big streaks. Experience doing this is the key.
Quote from: Albalaha on August 06, 2016, 03:51:40 AM
          Can you please elaborate this part a bit more?

A single dozen sleeps for about 8 to 10 spins when it's a good one. A great one happens most times I play at a casino. These great ones last from 14 to 16 times in a row. The Elegant Pattern version of a sleeper will go on for 20 to 40 spins in a row.

You can write your own tracker that shows you sleepers. My free training software here at this forum shows you the trends. Look for it in my section.
Quote from: esoito on August 06, 2016, 01:41:58 AM
Why haven't you read the Rules?    http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/our-forum's-very-straightforward-*rules*/

To Victor: "So my basic question is on advertising or mentioning a school and a price?"
Quote from: VLSMark, others are using our pages to peddle their products in their blogs, so feel free to do it too. At this point -with our current set of rules- it is the community who says what's the limit with their reports.We are going to change the rules when the new BetForum.cc site is up, so you get Gizmotron.betforum.cc as your own personal space to do as you please, including selling, while we streamline the sections/blogs here at BetSelection to feature systems/methods. BetForum.cc is a "pet project" at this point, but we'll get there. In the mean time, feel free to mention your offering in your blog.Cheers!Vic
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 06, 2016, 12:10:17 AM
Dear Gizmo,
With respect  ,

One pertinent question.
You may choose, not to answer, and I understand.

After reading some of your postings, 

I deducecd that,
Your bet selection, alway reverting to rtm.

I ride a multi-faceted set of bets up from one win to seven wins in a row where I take off profit after each win. It's based on seven separate steps of a positive progression. It's is very common to have the global effect running concurrent with a strong randomness characteristic at the same time. One seven step win is enough to make up for grinding out all the attempts that don't work all the way to the big win. You should know from my writings that it is common in 200 spins for a sleeping dozen to occur at least once for at least 15 consecutive spins. This is what is funny to me regarding the absolutist faction of the probability class that frequent these forums. They are clueless as to what sleeping dozens typically do. They don't know how to grind out playing close to even while making attempts at these positive progressions. They can't figure it out for themselves. They don't actually have real playing experience when it comes to sleeping dozens and singles in a streak. You can configure your 24 numbers from any pet grouping that you wish to place your bets from. It doesn't matter. All you need to do is catch a win streak, all based on an educated guess. All based on reading the randomness flow. I can teach a computer to do what I do. That's easy. My experience is what is the hard part. I have to teach it that. It's just a real sophisticated set of rules.
Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 05, 2016, 08:36:52 PM
Highly unlikely, because you would be camped out within range of a few casino's, paying for accommodation out of your winnings, you're not and you can't.  However Imspirt or Nickmsi could test it for you.  As soon as you sell a few copies, things get passed around, so you wouldn't even sell a 100 copies never mind a million.   You're fooling nobody.

I already taught 10 students the rudimentary basics of what I do. I've basically disclosed here what I do also. The casinos are still here. Roulette is as popular as ever. What's missing is a Watson Computer simulation that actually beats the game without cheating and the publicity of that scenario and how the simulation does it. If I've learned anything from these forums it's that when anyone comes up with a so called HG the thread it's disclosed in goes ballistic. I can make my free computer app go viral in just a few days. It will be a news story it's such a break through. There once was this gambling paperback book that made it into the grocery store racks one summer. It sold 200,000 copies that summer alone. If it gets the right publicity it will sell huge. I just need to figure out how to sell it without it getting widely pirated in the first few months. I'll look into licensing it as shareware or something like that.

Quote from: Mike on August 05, 2016, 06:37:50 PM
Gizmo, let's indulge in a flight of fancy for a moment and assume that your algorithm really is a money-making machine. What would I do with it? Keep schtum like any sensible person and quietly milk the casinos. 

If you're looking for recognition and this isn't just a joke, then I suggest submitting your research to Open Science Journal. You've missed the deadline for submission but this will give you about a year to work on your algorithm and manuscript.

You don't need to be an academic or even have a college education.


I will seek validation by real peer review in my own way. The only reason I would seek any attention from the Open Source community, and they bother me every year to make a submission and a presentation at their annual conference, is if I wanted to sell something and to attract a lot of attention from the Open Source community in the first place. It's the Gambling community I wish to impress. The open source format of delivering the proof serves as one purpose only, to validate that no cheating is going on. An algorithm that beats Roulette by calculated guessing is in fact a mathematical proof that independent events, seen as clusters of coincidental advantage, are in fact real as apposed to just claimed as real. That would force the math professors to rewrite the school books.

http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon OSCON

BTW, I am milking the casinos. It's just that it takes a lot of time and driving too. Imagine if I could sell it for ten bucks and sell a million copies. That might be cool. Maybe I could sell an eBook and give the algorithm away in a free app. The book supports the app, and the app supports the book.
Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 05, 2016, 04:48:11 PM
That's your interpretation, if you had any valuable secrets, you wouldn't be auctioning them around for $500.  We both know you're probably broke, in need of cash and you can't do what you're trying to teach, but no worries I've met loads just like you in casinos, too far gone with their beliefs.  If it works, good luck go and make some money, quit wasting your time phishing for an unintelligent to give you $500.

Charging a person $15 per hour for my time, and what I get out of it is my business. Needing you to understand it or to make sense of it is my gift to myself. I don't care if experts like you are forever seen as getting it completely wrong, even when it has successfully been placed write underneath your noses. I've clearly disclosed my secrets here. Yet there are still a vast majority of people here that won't see it. I knew this would be the case. That's why I hid it all in plain sight. I guess it's time to embarrass the so called enlightened.

Perhaps I can have it ready for my own October surprise.

I mentioned only a while ago that I would be willing to tutor the once in a while person that comes along about every two months and asks me for a guided tour through my disclosed statements here at this forum. Then a few days go by and Mike comes off like this place is his personal command post. Then he tries to intimidate me into giving him all my secrets so he can write his own algorithm. Then he fails to respond to my request asking him what he would do with my secrets.

To prove I don't need the money all I have to do is build the app and write a sophisticated tutorial that teaches and proves my concepts. I could sell it to a few people with the full knowledge that I will give it to the world for free in a short time, or I could just give it away from the start. Some of you just can't understand that I want the recognition more than I want money. I just don't want it stolen. The thought of proving so many mathematics experts wrong is quite compelling.
Quote from: Mike on August 05, 2016, 11:06:35 AM

I'm well aware that I'm perceived as a naysayer on the forums, so in an effort to be constructive, I'll spare you the trouble of writing your algorithm by writing it myself, based on your 5 step procedure.

But it's pretty vague. In order to give the algorithm the best chance of success, please be a little more specific, or perhaps point me to some of your other posts so that I can fill in the gaps.

Are you betting on the wheel or the layout? which bets? what counts as an "opportunity"?. Some examples would help.

I'm willing to tutor you for a reasonable fee. It will take you less time to come up to speed than a new player. I must know what you intend to do with the  algorithm when it works in your favor as a winning method?

Nikola Tesla gave away his patents for AC electricity to Westinghouse so that they could beat Thomas Edison. Tesla died a penniless man. I want to monetize my discoveries. I've earned it. It makes no sense to hand it over to you.
Quote from: Mike on August 05, 2016, 08:07:12 AM
@ Gizmo,

That's an oxymoron, like saying you can "read randomness". Randomness by definition can't be "read". It's absurd. Similarly, coincidence is something you can't predict. You can't "take advantage" of coincidence until it's already happened, by which time it's too late to take advantage of it.

I get what your bet selection is attempting to do but it doesn't work. You try to catch a trend and if it doesn't work you find another one and jump on that. Rinse and repeat. Eventually you hit a nice long trend and clean up. It's not a bad idea but unfortunately the reality of randomness means that the losses you make in the many minor and failed trends will outweigh the gains made on the relatively few major trends. And again the selection is based on past spins, so the foundation is built on sand.

So says you. I limit my losses and attack the win streaks with  much higher bets. Every time I play there are draw downs and increases that put me well into the win column. The only thing I've ever struggled with is knowing when to quit. I have a lot of experience doing this. I have a reasonable expectation of what is typical to happen. If I beat the casino in the short term at least 75% of the time then I break even as I play for the long term at worst. If I limit my losses to less than 100% of my bankroll then I can decrease my win percentage as much as 10% to 20%.  Now that starts to fall closer to the actual 61% of playing double dozens/columns to win that the mathematical statistics equate to for each spin.
Quote from: Albalaha on August 05, 2016, 02:40:17 AM
                           Can you validate your claims via long run testing? I can provide you random sessions of European roulette and you need to just do your way of betting on 100k placed bets. If there is any profit betting flat, you are an undisputed champion of randomness and pattern play. Do you have any tracker that can process data and showcase a graph of how your ideas do?

Let's be practical. I play in real casinos with a plan to quit once I reach my goal each and every time. I can do that in less than 200 spins. My proof algorithm will stop loss based on a difficulty rate that exceeds a continuous downward grind of steepness that exceeds an undetermined yet practical index of the effectiveness occurring at the time of the session. This will occur before losing the full bankroll. I run a method that has a bankroll four times my win goal, my stop win. I can run 500 tests to see a 100,000 spins test. You should know that this will be a pure, multi-path set of strict rules that will occur sequentially based on which path follows the best effectiveness rate. The method follows the successful waves that seek a positive upward slope that continues until the win goal is reached. 

Now, that's what I do in a casino playing live. Getting a computer to do it is only a monumental trudge. I suppose a working bot that can take on online casinos and win more than it loses might actually be worth something. So how much would or should a person pay for a truly effective bot? What's it worth?
Quote from: Mike on August 04, 2016, 04:13:27 PM

It doesn't take a superior intellect to understand that past spins don't indicate future spins.

I don't need to know the future in order to speculate on it effectively. You continue to imply that I claim that I need to. Let's call what you are projecting as some kind of pseudo mathematical fallacy. You run around on these forums like some kind of Don Quixote disguised as Barney Fife. You keep dropping your red herrings and then acting like it's your duty to save the world from your subjective based crusade. Get real. I don't need to know the future in order to take advantage of coincidence.