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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: klw on November 14, 2015, 10:18:38 PM
Thanks for those links.

I have read them , again. I have had Nick code me a couple of excel sheets to assist me with your ideas in the past , maybe I am just not clever enough,maybe just simply not " getting " it but I couldn't make it pay. It's not as if I havn't put the hours into this.

Where do I go from here ?

I'm sorry but I'm keeping that to myself.

You can't make it pay, as you say. You have to let opportunity come to you. You must find a way to wait for the time to attack. One of my posts shows how long you have to wait for sleepers to line up just right. You need a method to recoup your tries, while waiting for the attack. Try to stay even. Don't descend into deep losses. Get out at a reasonable amount for your effort. You can become a millionaire with just three units ahead for each session.
Quote from: klw on November 13, 2015, 10:19:34 PM
705 posts is going to take some reading and it won't be my first time to read all your posts, digesting it all correctly and using it is another matter. Any direction would be much appreciated. Where do we start ?

I would start with these:

Here is where I put some stuff that is not exactly in my section of sub-forums:


Here is the global effect:


I put hints in other threads on purpose. They are hard to find by design. It's easier to find my clues here than it is to find them out by the school of hard nocks, on your own, the way I learned them.
Gizmotron / Re: A Personal Request
November 13, 2015, 05:25:11 PM
Quote from: spike on January 01, 2013, 12:50:15 AM
By having good bet selection, how else. This game
isn't about math or variance or progressions, its
about bet selection. Precise bet selection.

Thanks Spike. You were right about "Precise bet selection." I know that is your cryptic answer to how you can make decisions in the recent past results.  I too find that the recent past results offer greater opportunity. I wish I had seen this method for myself  sooner.
Quote from: Gizmotron on January 30, 2015, 11:35:07 PM
Forget about the "law of averages" and the "law of large numbers". Consider the coincidences of characteristics and sequences of random events.

I know this sounds smarmy and possibly condescending. So, let me elaborate. I know many of you have been searching for an advantage or an edge to take into the casino. I have searched for decades to find such an advantage. Coincidences that occurred more than twenty five years ago put me on the path I'm on now. I'm giving clues because that is the way that I decided to share this. Nobody, but one other person, has given me any clues. Many of you know who that person was over the past ten years. Spike was right regarding one thing that I was doing differently. Spike saw advantage in the short term. I saw advantage in the longer "Global Effect" range of spins. In the past year I have discovered that Spike was on to something that I have ignored for decades. I have since utilized the big picture combined with the shorter term to force the exposure of characteristics that I prefer to take advantage of. Please don't ask what those characteristics are. Figure it out for yourself. When you work for something you will value it more.

Please don't complain. Nobody gave me any clues but Spike. That hint took me from doing very well to an almost level of astonishment that I find far more amusing. Perhaps you are not amused by my comment? Roulette has been around for more  than two hundred years, and in all that time, it has never been taken advantage of. I know that I have it. I just want to exploit it some more before I fully disclose it. Anyone here can take what I have already disclosed, add their own take on what I have hinted at regarding three triggers, and take advantage themselves. This is the best way to do this. If you have questions about what I have already written I will try to direct you to the answers that have already been given.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Someone bets sleeper locations?
November 02, 2015, 04:45:11 PM
Quote from: horus on November 01, 2015, 11:30:24 AM
Great to see you are still around Gizmotron.

The quote above sounds like everyone should know it and it makes perfect sense. Yet, I see the majority of players do the exact opposite.


Yep, still alive. Thanks

The secret to being a winner is in the Bible. I had it shown to me by a Day-Trader. Many people think that the Bible says "Money is the root of all evil." That's not what it says. It says: "The love of money is the root of many evils."

The point is, that many players can't accept a win on its own merit.  They want more, so they play strong right into a bad streak. Their greed or motivation to get more causes them to depend on unreasonable expectations. It's because of human nature that casinos are built, not the house's advantage. Human nature is the true enemy. Many people have and use magical beliefs to motivate their playing stratagem. Becoming aware often takes making many mistakes before useful insight even comes close to becoming useful.
I bet on the sleepers by not betting on them. This is what happens. They go through phases of working real good, working blandly with very little in  the way of progress, and working like kryptonite for Superman where they lose almost every time you bet for them to keep sleeping. The trick is to focus on the effectiveness while using the bet selection process as a mechanism only. Bet big when it works, bet small when it's mediocre or bad. Nobody can tell you when good will start or when bad will end. That's where skill and craftsmanship becomes handy.
Quote from: GodOfThunder on December 13, 2014, 03:05:21 AM
Thanks Bayes.   So basically we can disregard the "law of averages" and concentrate on the "law of large numbers".

Forget about the "law of averages" and the "law of large numbers". Consider the coincidences of characteristics and sequences of random events.

Quote from: Rinzler on August 03, 2014, 06:01:37 PM

Remnants of the Kennedy era, I suppose.  Each side convincing its own people of the other side's axis of evil.

I take it you are young, just getting ready to join the work force. Perhaps you expect to live in grandmother's basement. Who knows what your great plan is. The remnant of the Kennedy era is the most devastating thing that ever happened to America. JFK made it legal for public sector employees to become unionized. Now, because of pension over reach, this nation is headed for bankruptcy and/or runaway inflation. That means you will pay all your life for a promise of utopian existence and will instead get nothing but the bill and an empty promise. When America and the experiment of freedom from tyrants fails I wonder how things will go for you when all you got are sticks and stones and that deer in the headlights look on your face.  Ha ha, you're going to get stuck holding the bag. I plan on being dead.
General Discussion / Re: Preface to TGSL
August 03, 2014, 05:16:09 PM
Let's take Set Theory, Axiom of Choice. If I can discover a sleeping dozen that lasts for more than 20 consecutive spins then I can place bets as if I know the future. On the first bet I have 65% chance of winning the first bet. I have a 40% of winning both bets needed to pay for any later loss. Even though I have a 65% chance of winning the second bet, as a set, I only win 40% of the time. Now that's the risk. The rewards can be anywhere from nothing to as much as 30 wins in a row without a loss. All this from identifying a set. Now, from experience, I know how to live with these risks and rewards. I'm not claiming special powers or trying to sell anything. I just know that the degree of session difficulty can be a known thing. I live on the edges of chance, observing and reacting to its changing features. It's an art form similar to jazz music and improvisation.
Quote from: Rinzler on August 02, 2014, 10:45:01 PM

Not what I wrote?  So, let's leave the non-researched spew at that, shall we.

Sticks and stones. [smiley]aes/joking.png[/smiley]

Research this. At the end of the Cold War we, the USA, convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes. And they did, on the promise that we would stand by them. To this date all we have done is send them MRE's and night vision goggles. That's about as good for them as sticks and stones. I'm sure they will be fine for watching S.A.M. missles and party favorites like meals ready to eat. We are throwing Ukraine under the bus. Research that.
Quote" If the Americans stopped arming one side, and the Russians the other some where else... they'd be left with sticks and stones."

Are you really that uninformed? It's not the Russians arming Gaza/Hamas. It's Iran and it's proxies. If Israel had sticks and stones there would not be an Israel today. History teaches us that. A 2000 year old disagreement will not be resolved by anything other than becoming tired of being killed.  It's time to give them an offer that they can't refuse. Anyway, Its Hamas that is holding the Palestinians hostage in Gaza. Just look at the West Bank. Where's the missles and tunnels there? Funny how facts get in the way.
Quote from: Rinzler on August 02, 2014, 08:02:06 PM

No wonder that Obama's sending free bombs to Israel to kill a bunch of essentially defenseless Palestinians.

Or that it was Bush who sent a bunch of free chemical weapons to Hussein after putting him into power over in Iraq.

So, keep that grin on your face when Russia starts shipping over the nukes.

Drinking the coolaid. So I suppose we should send bombs to Gaza so we can escalate things? Everyone knows that this conflict is lackluster compared to the death toll building up in the new Syrian/Iraq, ISIS.  Same old proxy war though, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dominatrix
July 27, 2014, 02:50:11 PM
The constantly changing trigger, used only once per session, works no better than using a single, complex trigger. I spent two days coding this. Four losses in a row happen at the expected rate of probability. I have yet to find a fixed rule, a mechanism based system that beats the odds. This four step progression will never work as a blind, rule based system. Flat betting is the only way to go.
Very interesting. The use of associations to create groupings. You will find that no matter what groupings you create, there are three things that will happen to them. That's for every kind of trend, be it sleeper, singles, pattern, or dominance. These three things are, works real good, flat -neither good or bad, or works bad.  The trick to success is in learning how to live with these three conditions. You must grow beyond focusing on the complexity of the bet selection process, and focus on the three conditions that are the result of your favorite or selected groupings.

In case you wonder where this is all going. This is the final goal, or the final destination of trend players. You want to produce these conditions where the conditions tend to stay in their respective types. In that way you can target the "works good" condition.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dominatrix
July 24, 2014, 09:10:16 PM
If you stick to the same trigger it will run straight into the sequence that kills it.

What happens if you have a bag of trigger sequences and you only use that sequence once per session? It has to kill it on the first and only time it's used. Then next time you use the progression you use a different trigger. Constantly changing triggers.  I think I'll write another algorithm to test this theory.

Thanks for the inspiration.