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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: greenguy on May 31, 2014, 09:05:04 PM

Hello mr. gizmotron
Can I ask what is the use of this bet? I can see it is a solid break even bet, and that means the only advantage to come will be in a streak of the high 18, but at those times wouldn't you be best to simply bet the high 18? I don't understand the arrangement.

Here are the rounded percentages:

49% chance of winning.
32% chance of nothing happening, you get your bet back.
19% chance of losing.

This is exceptionally good when you have a single sleeping double street.
Every once in a while, a dozen or two of the same double streets will sleep for 30 consecutive spins in a row.

Check this out: bet 100 on the high 18, (19-36). Bet 25 on two of the three double streets from the low 18, (1-18). If you get a high 18 spin then you get 50. If you get one of the low 18 double streets then you break even. If you get the one double street without a bet then you lose 150, same for zero.
" 25 dozens!"

There are six double streets, six table based dozens, three private dozens based on wheel layout, the tens, 0 00 10 20 30, 1 11 21 31, 2 12 22 32, -- 8 18 28, 9 19 29. The Tens are easy to track with the table marquee. The others are tracked with index cards laid out like the charts in my practice software. That software is available here at no charge. It's somewhere around here.

Quote from: wannawin on May 29, 2014, 03:22:57 AM
Thank you. this deserves its own thread and hopefully could be consolidated. Are you sure you can not make a program that bet by itself? programming all possible patterns: llw, LWLW, lllw absolutely all patterns used. While patterns are active it identifies them taking advantage of all opportunities to bet.

I have changed my over all method. I'm no longer interested in grinding out agrigated wins, that take hours to reach satisfaction. I could write a pattern recognition application that targets opportunities. It only requires the identification of this single  pattern, "w w w w... ." With one, two, or three maximum bets placed its easy. One of the most common streaks are any two of the six double streets sleeping for many spins in a row. I doubt that you can't find some form of a sleeping dozen in every wheel being played in any given five to ten hours not happening. It's always somewhere. I track 25 unique dozens while I search for streaks of sleepers or dominance of singles. It's  enough. You don't need progression based blind betting
1. Know how to read randomness.
2. Find out what is going on in the strongest form.
3. Get actual data on the current effectiveness state.
4. Only place a bet while currently in the winning state.
  a. any loss is proof that you are not in the winning state any longer.
5. Use large enough bets that two or three net wins over any losses is enough.
6. Leave the casino with your success.

It takes experience with every step. It comes down to being in a win streak to place bets, and to quit while you are ahead.
" My objective is to adapt a progression of maximum 4 double-streets bets selecting only good ones from the first cycle during the second cycle of 6. For this I need long-term statistics ..."

You will find that any progression, based on this trigger, will have times when it would fail. So to succeed, you need to add a factor, a circumstance that triggers when to use the progression. Otherwise you will fall victim to the progression you wish to use. A good trigger might be when singles are dominating. Or perhaps a best time to use it are when singles are sleeping.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is there a causeless effect?
August 17, 2013, 08:05:35 PM
Low information voters love Obama. The media loves and protects Obama. They
never connect his policies to the results we now see. There is a track record for
why the economy is the way it is. Japan has been in a twenty year downslide for
doing exactly what Obama is trying now. Same result too.

People that drink the coolaid are not expected to go beyond the propaganda
they are expected to consume. This is the new normal. Get used to it.

I wish we could all just get along. The world is a happy go lucky place if you
just let the government solve everything. There's nothing more rewarding
than a low information perspective.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is there a causeless effect?
August 16, 2013, 02:48:18 PM
Well you don't have to wait. I've always said that you can prove to yourself what
works. Take the swarms of singles or the sleeping dozen in the 2/1 bets. They happen
everyday. If you are an expert at detecting these conditions, and if you know how
to cobble together winning sessions exploiting these conditions then you have all
the proof there is necessary.  Did you know that a parlay progression of just three
steps works great during long streaks of singles or sleepers?  Here it is:
15 = 10/5, 20/10, 40/20 = 120 - 15 = 105 net win

after each large win you move up to the next step. One dozen gets 10, the other dozen
gets the 5. After the large win, the 10, becomes 20, and the 5 becomes 10. When the small
bet wins you stay at the same level. If the trend condition continues you have a fifty/ fifty
chance of moving up the progression. So it's break even or win while it's working.
Gizmotron / Re: Proof that trends work
August 13, 2013, 02:52:50 AM
Dream on!

Quote from: Archie on August 13, 2013, 02:09:50 AM
Are you kidding?

Deep progressive betting is the purest form of gambling.  I think the word in Vegas is hellacious.  The money goes to the casino, then it comes back to you with friends.  And so on.  Only thing is, the casino doesn't come with a limit on how much you can win when things really hit.  Just know your breaking point, but still bring a lot of cash to the casino.  When you bust out, well, there's your long vacation to "soak up some sun".  No second guessing.  You'll get 'em next time!

Flat betting puts you right up against the commission, vigorish, twist, whatever you want to call it.  Sunday Grannies with tight grips on their little purses don't get any.  BJ players are only slightly better off.  Put in a good five years to learn how to consistently grind out peanuts, only to find yourself with nowhere left to play.  Cuba maybe, or over in Czech, but you can't even buy protection there, lol.

Casinos love the flat bettors, but hate the deep bettors.
Gizmotron / Re: Proof that trends work
August 12, 2013, 02:18:06 PM
Progressions ... right. To each his own.

Quote from: Archie on August 11, 2013, 10:38:11 PM
Trending ---> Variance play ---> Progression.

As far as the bet, a progression of to be followed through brings a series of seemingly present but then connected outcomes into the past.  It's like watching your overall "bet" in slow motion.  But how to bring those "outcomes" into a present overall selection process by which progression in a conceptually similar sense?

Further hint:  Things never even out per se.  Those go one way or other; and roughly half the time, both.  Moreover, when those do "even out", there's no excuse for not having won.  Win when win - Lose when lose + Win when "break even" > 0.
Gizmotron / Re: Proof that trends work
August 11, 2013, 01:16:07 AM
By all means, tell people you can trend the future. The present tense is the current bet, before the ball drops.
Go ahead and scam the suckers, followers.
Gizmotron / Re: Proof that trends work
August 10, 2013, 05:29:35 PM
Frank says "Trend bettors fail to understand that what they are betting on is hindsight, and has nothing to do with proper play in the future-----even if that future is the very next spin , roll or turn of the cards."

First off, once and for all, I know that guesses based on past events are just a made up excuse to make bet selections. All I'm  doing is checking for when those guesses are working consistently.

I could use the FRANK'S system to seek the same kind of results.

The weight of Frank's fat mother divided by the day of the week.
The color of Frank's mother's hair.
The number of lousy books written by Frank.
The number of sycophants with names that start with N.

You can use anything you want to check for effectiveness. That works despite Frank's opinion.
Gizmotron / Re: Proof that trends work
August 09, 2013, 06:04:25 PM
I look for any continuing trend. I also use the absence of a trend. That's information too. From that I make bet selection guesses. With those guesses comes the three states. Your true trend line comes from the actual bets placed. It is from that that you get win streaks.
Interesting work you've done here.

The secret is in finding moments when the bet selection method works and avoiding making bets when they don't. It all boils down to watching for the more consistent conditions. If you have that then you have optimal opportunity.
You can use any bet selection method that you want to. All it needs to do is to
provide you with the state of current conditions. The most effective method is to
use your bet selections to see what the current conditions are.

There are three basic conditions. These three conditions are extremely good,
moderate, and extremely bad. I have found that targeting the extremely good
works very well for me. I also avoid placing large bets when either moderate
or extremely bad conditions are occurring.

From that, conditional management, CM, you can deliberately change the
effect that variance has on continuous play. I would call the method an
advantage. If you want to learn this technique then set out to identify these
three common conditions. Once you can see them you will never be able
to ignore them. The casinos can't prevent them from occurring. You can
take advantage of them.