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Messages - Gizmotron

Gizmotron / Re: In a nutshell
July 17, 2013, 01:24:28 PM
Ref: http://betselection.cc/meta-selection/the-simple-explanation-attacking-trends/

This is one of many tips that I have cobbled together, at many different locations around the Betselection forum. Everything is here. One way to find it all is to check my profile and all my posts. It would be a lot of work to reconstruct it as a completed book. This forum is my legacy to Roulette.
Gizmotron / In a nutshell
July 10, 2013, 05:13:28 PM
The separation of the bet selection process from beliefs is a key to leaving the casino as a winner.

You use bet selection to see the current conditions. Having a fixed bet selection process allows you to use it as a tool. You can see the conditions caused by its use and the flow of random spins happening.

From the observation of those conditions you can adjust the value of your bets. If the conditions are that you would lose then your bets should be nothing or a minimum table bet. If the conditions are that you would win then you should use a high flat bet. If the conditions are that you neither win much or lose much the the bets should be minimum or nothing.

There is one condition that effects everything. That is when a condition changes. If it change a lot then you should bet nothing. You should only target and bet big when the conditions are great.. This is a skilled craft that you can learn to perfect. Experience is the needed requirement . From that alone you will begin to see valid opportunities.

If you know this technique then you know I'm telling the truth. There is no need to discuss how the sausage is made or to wander off into the weeds of disrupting the thread. You all know that I use the characteristics of trends for my bet selection choice. Refocus should be on the conditions and the repetition of the changes.
Gizmotron / Re: Welcome return to Gizmotron/Mark
July 09, 2013, 06:27:06 AM
I'll start a new thread tomorrow .
Gizmotron / Re: Welcome return to Gizmotron/Mark
July 09, 2013, 01:25:51 AM
Hi, I'm so glad to add a few comments. I don't want to argue with anyone.

I have just a little to add to what I've contributed so far. Following trends is just a bet selection method.
The trick is in formulating a method to take advantage of any bet selection method.
I'd be happy to discuss methods and techniques involving using bet selection techniques.
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 15, 2013, 11:53:48 PM
Blah blah blah... just more nothing.
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 15, 2013, 08:36:20 AM
Wow, why should I. All threads with Spike in them are the same. They have Spike's claims. You know. The guy that claims he is a winner but never explains how. He always deflects and dodges the questions. He's the Zin Master of Roulette. Get your answers from him. The guy is all hot air and disruption.
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 15, 2013, 05:28:26 AM
Quote from: spike on June 14, 2013, 10:03:43 PM
Speak for yourself, not me. There's most certainly
a method of play that has an advantage, but it
takes more practice than most are willing to give
it. They throw their hands over their heads after
just a few days and move on to something else.
If it were easy or obvious everybody would be
doing it. And they're not, are they...

And I tried to sell you nothing, nor will I ever.

Big deal. It's all unsubstantiated, as I said. And yes. You made me a $10,000 offer. There is no way for an advantage to exist. You are just teasing the forums with your boring fly-paper trick.
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 15, 2013, 05:20:36 AM
That's right Marshall
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 14, 2013, 09:45:16 PM
That sums up Spike's understanding very well. He assumes he knows why I suggest what I do. There is no chance to have an advantage, as Spike suggests. Anyone that believes there is needs to have more experience.  Spike is only here to sell his unsubstantiated claims. I know. He tried to sell it to me once.
Even chance / With regards to even chance
June 14, 2013, 03:24:35 PM
With regards to even chance please try to visualize this. You have A horizontal line running across the page. This line represents breaking even. Now overlayed on that is a sign-wave of win loss results. With that following a statistical path of average you would see a sign-wave of symmetrical form slightly edging its way down across the graph from left to right. It would descend  about 5 to 6 out of a 100 spins. Now everyone knows that Roulette does not act symmetrical. But it does tend to follow an up and down characteristic to it. When you start out, there are times when you can quit while you are ahead. Because of the law of averages eventually it will be impossible to end as a winner. Eventually the win spots on the graph can't ascend high enough to end above the break even point. But for a while, early on, there was an opportunity to quit as a winner. Roulette is not a complicated game. It's just that some people can't see the simplest of opportunities
" The update is aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate Google's Webmaster Guidelines"

No big deal here. I really don't care about search engine rankings. I don't expect my traffic to come from a search engine. I don't need to use software that must, by now, come across as spam. It's the idea of it. I can contact any high traffic website administrator to solicit advertising for my product. I'm just getting back into this. Monetizing the internet is still some kind of moving target. It's not too late to create supply and demand.
I'm not working on that anymore. In all this time I have left out a very simple principal that is indisputable and is commonly known once you've seen it. It's  the foundation of why reading randomness works. If you are smart it will come to you all eventually. There is no point in me spoiling that for you. It's the only thing that really works.
That's good for me then. I'm targeting everyone, kind of like the NSA here in America.
So Paul is not a funny Martian. Have you seen that movie?

So I've got the names all jungled  up. I still very much like the idea for reaching a very wide spread of interested traffic.
Hey, I think it's valuable information being shared. It's not the same as selling another martingale system. Anyway, I might try it out. It might be perfect for my interests. I'm currently involved in a feasibility study regarding software that I'm developing. I'm going to include the strategy in my marketing research. What a great idea. Nice going there Paul.