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Messages - Gizmotron

Off-topic / Re: Music thread
May 20, 2013, 06:05:54 AM
General Discussion / Re: Mobile site, Mobile apps
May 06, 2013, 01:18:34 AM
Yes, LiveCode does offer these. I need to learn all the little specifics and all that stuff. Simple things like copy and paste, you know, all that platform specific stuff.
General Discussion / Re: Mobile site, Mobile apps
May 06, 2013, 12:17:29 AM
Everything I've posted on this forum has been from my Android phone. That includes when I posted those charting apps, and all those screen shots from my DOZer laptop.

I might get into smart phone development, depends how hard it ends up being. Who knows, it could be fun.
Quote from: spike on April 28, 2013, 06:42:17 PM
I can't even identify a hot streak till its almost
over. Tell us how you identify it early enough
to take advantage of it.

Razor, you sound like a mathboyz. I would not be surprised if you were the
snowman himself. What do you know? Proof is all you are interested in.All I'm
interested in is watching people reject a method that actually works. I get a big
kick out of watching others showing their ignorance. This thread is perfect. It's
the zenith of irony.
I was right. My winning methods are complicated. I even attempted making it as simple as possible. You use a list of characteristics to identify easy to see conditions. You apply bets to these conditions to see session difficulty vs ease. At no time was any of this process used to confirm a process of prediction. It was used to find the over all conditions during the session. My method works because I deliberately set out to find the hot streaks. All the information gathering is to have a syntactic method for finding hot streaks. I've never had a session that didn't have a hottest streak.

Now please don't tell me that you can't figure out what to do with a hot streak. You evaluate the session difficulty and you attack each session proportional to the difficulties or successes already experienced. In other words, you take advantage of discovered opportunities. Why is this so hard to understand? You bet small when nothing streaks for good, you bet big when it's a hot streak. This advice is as old as the hills.
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 23, 2013, 10:54:33 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on April 23, 2013, 10:30:12 PM
Why should   Spike  spill tne  beans ?  Please state 3 good reasons.


There's nothing to spill. You look for the best opportune moments and you take advantage of them. There is ample proof that opportunity exist. It's no mystery how to exploit it. It's also no mystery how to stay out of bad sections of any session. If you don't have firm answers to these methods then you do not have any position to pass judgment on anyone that claims them as basic skills.
I started reading it. It's interesting. This is not a quote, but generalized, it is too costly to be occasionally lucky if what you do has excessive failings that destroy any success.
I can't, easily code my intuition, my ability to react to constantly changing conditions. I can make clunky, slow reacting software that acts on basic characteristics of randomness. Randomness is readable. It definitely experiences sequences of extreme opportunity. Because there are so many types of opportunity, it's much better to handle it as the subject of a human exercise, and much less the enterprise of intelligent machines.  I know this because I'm very good at the human approach, and not half bad at the machine side of this.
Great question. I was waiting for five wins in a row before an attack bet. Any loss inside of the last five bets would kill off the opportunity. That makes me miss out on several sleeping dozens or columns. I'm going to play around with the effectiveness and the attack points for sleepers and singles.
QuoteI guess in the end, all that matters is whether AI is able to deliver a better hit rate than random.

Actually I'm more interested in targeted, effective, attack points. Win rates can improve during moderately effective points in a session but these are not optimal typicaly speaking.
Thanks Mr. Bell. Yes, there is some tweaking to do with the bet selections. But I have the basic framework worked out.
Here is some new telemetry:

Too big to post

If you check at the bottom you will see it was a very difficult session.

Gizmotron / Re: liveCode goes Open Source
April 10, 2013, 01:52:20 PM
It's here, code for free. True open source, write-once, software development.

Off-topic / Re: Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 09, 2013, 04:18:27 PM
Bayes, she plays creepy in UltraViolet. Perhaps you liked her better as the fifth element?

Milla Jovovich The Fifth Element