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Messages - Gizmotron

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 09:09:41 PM
Spike, I get what you are saying. I think that playing on balance as an expectation is a fallacy. You can use it as a bet selection, but it will never work in a predictable way that makes you win more than you lose. My version of balance point is purely about the money. If you flat bet on even chance then you need to win one of two bets to break even. So my definition of balancing comes from breaking even.

Perhaps I should stop using balance point.
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 08:35:20 PM
Any time you bet on two dozens, any 24 numbers selected, it takes three separate spins to reach a balance point. You must have two wins for every loss in order to balance.
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 08:32:49 PM
Quote from: spike on March 14, 2013, 08:03:11 PM
In the spirit of friendship and harmony, Gizmo, could you
please explain what a balance point in roulette is. Thanks
in advance.

As you say, the best balance point is for even chance bets. It pays 1/1, you must win one out of two bets to balance. I hope I can at least assume that you understand me so far. It takes two bets to have a balance point for all even chance bets. In this case this is equivalent to 18 numbers selected, any 18 numbers per bet.

All 1/2 bets, bets that pay two to one, that's any 12 numbers have a balance point
Here, I'll  treat you right now, for free.

How do you feel about losing your paycheck?

You can't proceed until you admit that you are a loser.

I want you to tell all your friends that you are a loser.

You must admit to yourself that you will be a loser all your life long.

You must give up on changing your life for the better. That it is just a foolish dream. Very few people ever become successful, professional gamblers. But that's not you. You are a loser.

How do you feel about being a loser?

See me next week. We have a long ways to go. BTW, that will once again be $100.
Here we go again. It's another government program that creates a job for an academic achiever, one that's selling snake oil. The definition of a problem gambler never identifies the cause as addiction. But that doesn't stop many therapists from attempting to treat their clients for something that will have little or no effect in working. But that doesn't matter because they are well intentioned. The cause of problem gambling is not addiction. The cause is gambling ignorance. But therapists are not qualified to teach proper gambling tactics. So what. That inconvenience shouldn't stop them from capitalizing on ignorance. SUCKERS. We are all being suckered by people that need government to give them a job, regardless of the effect that will have on the poor unsuspecting problem gambler.
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 07:46:21 PM
Now that the lid is blown off, I'll add these features to the steps. A configuration for patterns, singles, and dominance must be built. I can now build my software, a validation of concept, in a fraction of the time. Thank you for this giant leap forward.
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 07:30:45 PM
Buffster, What an ingenious aspect of using your imagination. I congratulate you on taking the discussion of randomness forward.

I let sequences of positive associations come to me, because they are identified as states of continuation. These associations are in the form of fabricated characteristics that only exist in my mind, a kind of working syntax. But you have blown the lid off of everything. My years of experience tells me to capitalize on moments that appear to be continuing opportunity. That can be trends, the absence of trends, and pattern formations. But you have taken the meaning of groupings out of groups. You just bang away to find the grouping that fits the recent past the best. I love this.

I'll build an app that does this, but it will bang away until it hits a configuration that fits the seven / three scenario with just one button click. You have found a way to beat Roulette by throwing out the basic weakness of the human mind. Now the focus can be on effectiveness after one step. The world just changed. Did you notice it?
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 07:09:47 PM
In the spirit of friendship and harmony I want to tell you about some things that are true of the game of Roulette, as it pertains to randomness. It is impossible to avoid the sequence that kills. You can create the most complex set of instructions, to create the most diverse set of selections and level of bets, and none of that will protect your system from running into the sequence of death. The only way to beat Roulette is to win more than the balance point of your bet technique. It would help if you know what balance point means.
General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 06:52:11 PM
Every few years someone comes along and states the obvious. They point out the stages of learning, as it applies to Roulette and gambling. The first stage is exhausting yourself completely in systems. They search to find a set of rules, triggers, or progressions that will bring a life changing aspect to their existence. This stage leads in several directions. Some become math oriented agnostic fundamentalists. Because of their recent adventure in realism, they become one stage wonders, cynical critics of any further investigation. Others though, don't give up. They look for solutions beyond math. They look right past the odds and look directly at the randomness device, such as the physics of the machine. Others chose to find a way to go along with the randomness from devising ways of understanding its nature. So far, there is no study or research beyond randomness by nature or physics. Perhaps precognition and the development of a gambling's sixth- sense is the last stage? Until then, my money is on understanding randomness.
Even chance / Re: @Chrisbis
March 11, 2013, 06:24:16 PM
Even chance / @Chrisbis
March 11, 2013, 02:47:06 PM
" Hi Mark. Have you shown 213² your tracker system ? he could learn a thing or too about watching for trends and events."

It's posted here for anyone to download it. I think that he has seen it. But what's interesting is that he doesn't use it. He visualizes a common condition of randomness just by looking at the marquee. That's a wonderful trick. He's right about how often the common condition exists. It's most the time. The trend characteristics are much fewer and far between. I have to search among some 25+ groupings to find a strong occurring trend. They don't happen for long stretches at times. There are twice as many singles as there are doubles. Intermingled singles and doubles are the most common state. Anyone can verify this. Just make a list of trend/notTrend results ( tttNNNNN...) You will see a lot of N's.
Quote from: spike on March 10, 2013, 09:32:32 PM
what's an LvF 9 split?

Well if 2sCat is doing it, then it must be good.
Even chance / Re: flat bet & win consistently
March 10, 2013, 09:03:58 PM
Quote from: AMK on March 10, 2013, 08:44:58 PM

Your session is either +5 or -5, then it ends

I think that 213² shows that he gets out of difficult sessions with a draw.
Quote from: The Crow on March 10, 2013, 05:20:26 PM
Posers - what do you mean?


I believe that Mr. Bell has demonstrated clearly the duplicates nature of one curious individual. So what is it. What do we have, a wise guy come slithering as some neophite crawler. Or perhaps we have a writer, with a quest for his fifteen minutes. Perhaps he is a psychiatrist, here at the request of a brother or sister.

That moniker, The Crow, that's about as obvious as a head banger clad in spandex.
Even chance / Re: flat bet & win consistently
March 10, 2013, 04:22:45 PM
So you make an experienced guess. Spike will love that, a new phrase.