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Messages - Gizmotron

Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 25, 2013, 10:11:34 PM
Quote from: Blood Angel on February 25, 2013, 09:54:01 PM
Run of Reds,Blacks,Reds,Blacks,Run of Chops, Red,Blacks, Reds, Blacks, Run of Chops, Red,Black,Red,Black,Red,Black...all streaks.

That's what it is. But is there a bigger picture to be extrapolated?
Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 25, 2013, 09:45:54 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on February 25, 2013, 09:03:25 PM
Did I kill this thread?

Sorry. Was only trying to participate and learn.

You did not. I was just waiting for anyone else that wishes to make an observation or to share their insights with regards to this stretch of spins.
General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 25, 2013, 06:07:00 PM
Last day is tomorrow. If you wish to vote you have one day left.
It's interesting to see a thread that involves balance points. If you use a 1, 2, 4, progression and never bet higher -- you can find those three bets actually having a  balance point. They do exist. Just like even chance bets balancing in two bets -- the three step Martingale balances in eight. You must win one of two even chance bets to have your balancing point. In the three step Marti you must have eight wins for every loss in order to achieve the balance point. 

So is it possible to make a three step Marti an opportunistic, situational awareness, effective method? You don't have to make your bets sequentially back to back. You can play them any time you want. You can throw them in among winning streaks. Anyone that knows this game knows that the odds on any single spin don't change. So you have to mitigate bad guesses, if you can. Only experience can tell you if you will do that. It literally comes down to execution of will. You must enter the casino with the will to win.

I've decided to talk with you all here as if you understand the simple basics of randomness. I've gone on for years talking about the basics. It's time to look at the complex. The giant leap forward is agility. You can't discuss it if your prerequisite knowledge of basic randomness is lacking.
Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 24, 2013, 11:26:57 PM
Actually you are very close. What is red doing also?
Gizmotron / The Global Effect, what is it?
February 24, 2013, 11:01:22 PM
Just in case it's too difficult to find this information I have decided to make it all clear right here.

First a simple test.

Can you see the global effect in this string of red & blacks?

rrrr BBB rr BBBB rBrrr BB rrr BBBBB rBrBrB rrrr BBB rr BB rrrr BBB rrrrrrr ...

When I'm done you will be able to see it the way that I do. You could kill the casino if you see it the way that I do. Lets first see if anyone sees the big picture. Please contribute. There are no wrong answers that have useful directions. Please, no progression stuff. This is about guessing the next bets.
Quote from: Sputnik on February 24, 2013, 10:07:24 PM

Well i just wanted your opinion, that´s all.
Could later see that Bayes alredy ask ...
I would say one loss is an indication for a change and two loses is a change, that way you can catch does long strings of dominance like WLWWWWLWLWLWLWWWLWWLWLWLWWLWWWW ...


I agree. If the trend is dominance, then a few single losses are just part of the process. If I only half believe a change is coming I might go with a half priced attacking price. You don't know what's going to happen. Rules will lead you straight into trouble. You must learn how to play agile with respect to the effectiveness track. At least that's what I do. You must find a way to make this randomness stuff your own.
Quote from: Sputnik on February 24, 2013, 09:42:06 PM
So what would you say is the attack window to catch does dominant events, two, three or even four bets ?
Lets assume flat betting, then what kind of staking plan would you pick, regression, parlay, guetting ?

And what kind of ending tail would you say is good, two, three loses ?

First off I would not hold myself to a flat bet. When I'm searching, my bet level is at minimum. Once I see an opportunity I jump up to attack pricing. I then keep up that high pace as long as the trend or pattern holds up. You never know when a long streak is starting. To win big you must be hanging in there. Any loss is an indication that the conditions have changed. So I back off, UNLESS there's indication that a global effect indicates occasional losses in an otherwise very powerful stretch of positive opportunities.

It's just too bad that most of you think that what I just shared is gibberish. That's not my fault. If you don't know what the global effect indicates then please find out. Its here, right on this forum. It will make the process of communication and discussion far more interesting and informative.
General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 24, 2013, 03:44:28 AM
You can't make it any clearer than that. I have my own method for avoiding big downturns. In a way, that's an opportunity too.
Quote from: Sputnik on February 23, 2013, 12:52:41 PM
Do you know how to capitalize on zig zag events EC
I notice you can win on does strings LWLWLWLW or WLWLWLWLWL

What you are referring to as "zig zag" is known as singles. It's part of the concept known in series. If you notice, each spin only wins once, then loses once. This is in direct correlation to your effectiveness. You are experiencing a perfect pattern. So bet the pattern as long as it holds up. It's like prospecting for gold. You probe the game of Roulette in search of hidden nuggets. As long as any pattern continues, it can be optimised by formatting a most profitable configuration of a bet. In your pattern's example, you bet small on the losses and bet big on the winners. It takes experience looking for patterns and exploiting them with properly configured bet schemes. That's why I created my charting program as a practice tool.
You are very welcome. Thanks
General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 22, 2013, 11:19:00 PM
I'm surprised at the results so far. Very surprised.  :cheer:
General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 21, 2013, 05:43:02 PM
Thanks, everyone that posts. How very interesting. There are results all over the place. All I can tell you is that I was inspired by two strong occurrences of wild randomness. Had it not been wild I doubt that I would have ever seen it. It took ten years to take what I was seeing and turn it into a method. My first action was to research every rule based system that I could find. After that I spent years on attempting to win by betting on the three hottest numbers. I researched that to its eventual end. It was later that I discovered the need to test the waters as you go. From that I discovered the value of detachment from the bet selection and the effectiveness track. In the end I have discovered that I can control things as they change. I can win any session if I find the opportunities and exploit them while they occur. While at the same time not making big mistakes. It's really a simple method. It doesn't make redicliouse expectations of the game. Good moments come and go all the time. All it does is exploit that. It deliberately avoids the bad moments that the mathboys say you can't avoid. I say you can. I've proven it to myself. I've always said that anyone could prove it to themselves. That would be proof that you would believe too.
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
February 21, 2013, 05:24:37 PM
4.5 months to go. Then we all will know.
Off-topic / Re: GeeGee Burgers Rule
February 20, 2013, 04:20:02 PM
I think these burgers are a little runny.