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Messages - Gizmotron

General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 19, 2013, 07:50:46 PM
Charting software:


The List:
" On every spin I check to see if a new characteristic is forming or that any existing ones are changing. So I scan the chart. I can see a characteristic in approximately one third of a second.

Look for sleepers in the dozens and columns. Look for singles, then doubles, triples, and larger in the dozens and columns. Look for global effects for all this. Look for perfect and almost perfect patterns in the dozens and columns. Look for a perfect or almost perfect dominance in the dozens and columns. Look for dominance in all of the even chance bets. Look for sequences of singles, doubles, and triples and above in the even chance bets. Look for perfect patterns in the even chance bets. Look for sleeping zeros and wide awake zeros. Look for any active attack bet ending. Evaluate the effectiveness of the current state. Repeat this process after every spin and before every bet."
General Discussion / "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 19, 2013, 07:19:54 PM
Sam - "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"

I would like to know what other's think. I provided the practice software, the charting program, the list of trend characteristics, and the complete technique for using these trends and the current conditions and effectiveness.

I chose this forum to publish my work for free. Except for advanced concepts everything is here. I would have gladly discussed these advanced concepts but nobody has expressed any interest, save that one here already knows them.

If you did not download my charting program then it is nearly impossible to understand my teachings. You could duplicate what I do in live casinos, where I use hand written index cards. You can't see the trends like I do without these kind of charts.
Off-topic / Re: @Gizmotron
February 16, 2013, 05:11:37 PM
Lord of the flies. 

I'm a better guitar player than you too.

Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 16, 2013, 05:03:50 PM

Frankly, you have done absolutely nothing!  I have read your tripe.  I have read it more than once.  Basically all is says it that you should have bet here!

"Woulda, coulda, shoulda"

Why do you think I was on your back?  Guilt? 

Do I lose?  Yes, I do.  But I am man enough to show people the truth, not hide behind some curtain like the Wizard blowing smoke on Dorothy. 

In all the years you've been on these forums blowing about how great you are--you have shown nothing.  You are such a coward you won't even make an attempt!!

I stay on your friggin' back as long as I chose. 

Now, let's hear some "brilliant" B.S.

General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 14, 2013, 11:31:31 PM
If you listen to yourself you will see that all you are suggesting is potential possibilities. To some of us that's the same as wishful thinking. If you have a trigger based system to try out then please start a thread. There might still be a few experts around here that might like to power simulate it. Thanks

Quote from: billion loudspeaker on February 14, 2013, 09:54:24 PM

You are sadly mistaken there buddy.
Some trigger based systems do have the potential to be economically viable, but as you say too many losing sequence kill them off.

The mistakes people make are to try and avoid the killer sequences, or try and push through with firebrand progressions, both are exercises in futility.

Well what if you can flat line all the killer sequences and let the winning sequences roll on unimpeded? This is similar to what you advise, bet small when things aren't clear and attack when they are. Well you can do this with triggers, absolutely.

That's what my trigger based system does very effectively. It doesn't lose much money but it does lose time. It can take a thousand spins or more to come through some bad dispersions, but it comes through will relatively small bankroll fluctuations or drawdowns. Then the profits roll in until the next flat line.

Think of trigger based systems like a game of snakes & ladders, now cut out all the snakes, lay them flat and paste them back on the board. That's how you make a trigger based system economically viable. It's not easy to do, and takes an enormous amount of calculation & configuring, but it can be done.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 08:27:15 PM
You see deeply into what's currently happening like I do. That's obviously beyond the scope of these basic discussions of randomness.You have learned to find your own way through it. I'm glad to hear you have found a way to make it work for you.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 06:45:40 PM
Like I said before. I have to place a bet on every spin. I have my small bankroll and my attacking bankroll. If the session looks like it will be easy then I use a regressive method  to get back in the game. That means I use a one quarter to one half value of my original losing bet to get a few wins. If that proves difficult then I'm out. I can stick around on minimum bets for hours. There's always huge opportunities lurking around. You just have to be prepared to take some educated risk. You don't have to take the elevator down.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 05:16:50 PM
Bayes, I consider you one of a very few on this website that are smart. But I realized that in just one example of attempting to teach that it is impossible to teach wisdom. I can talk until I'm blue in the face, but I don't seem to get across describing the process for limiting damage. I hinted at it for many years. I told everyone years ago to "test as you go." Back then I was cryptic about it. It means to test the waters as you go. If you understood this you would know that I would never stick around and allow myself to get 20 units down, as you suggest. I would like you to consider methods for mitigating damage. I know that I risk two units down when I attack. Now please hear this. I don't attack until I have that back. I never give up ground I have already won. It makes no sense to allow yourself to be dug into a great big hole.

I can't teach anything to people that can't get past this concept. It only took one basic example to find out why. Most people don't know how to control what happens to them. It's an eye opening experience. I can't imagine plodding along blindly, not knowing what to do, expecting wishful thinking to work for them. Until this phase is dealt with, nothing seems to matter.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 10:28:58 AM
Well one thing is easy to see. You are a waste of my time. I mean I'm incapable of teaching my methods. Spike would say there nothing to teach. He's right. He wants to expose me. He's the one with the most pathetic playing method. He's a recreation gambler with his pissant hit and get out, Barney Fife and his bullet, ride the tour bus, eat the buffet, talk like an expert, ride a white horse, lone ranger mylarky spoof - dog poop, tranvestite, lying dirt bag. You can have him.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 09:13:43 AM
Quote from: Ralph on February 05, 2013, 09:08:04 AM
It is really easier to talk than do! Some talk some do!

Well if you don't mind me saying, but you are the one talking about not being able to use trends. I don't see where that is my problem.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 09:02:42 AM
Bayes & Ralph, I've tried to suggest that this is much easier the simpler it gets. The simple rule is this. You can't attack with big bets unless you already have that money to attack with. I have that money before I sit down. My entire strategy is to gain that position while at least staying even. I take the top bets knowing that it might fail. If it does I make smaller moves to get back to that positive position where I can attack. It's always a war to gain position. If I have some disastrous session I will have never allowed myself to lose past more than one attacking loss. I fight to get back position that matters. I hope you guys can see the difference between trying to get lucky and making your own luck. Wishful thinking is for suckers.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 01:10:02 AM
Let's see if we can make progress right here first. I will assume that most of you know how to recognize  a sleeping dozen. Let's say that you have seen five spins where dozen 1 has not hit.  I seldom attack with a big bet if the session has proven difficult. I never attack if the global effect is a pattern of short sized sleeping dozens. That would mean that there have been many 4, 5, 6, & 7 sized sleeping dozens or columns recently. The over all trend suggests that for a while a long sleeper is over dominated by lots of shorter trends. You can't know when to go after a possible long streak. But if the current over all trends are continuing to serve up a lot of short ones then why buck the trend?

I only use house's money to strike at a possible opportunity. If you bet the maximum at my casino then that's $500 per bet. You stand to lose $1,000 on the first bet and $500 on the second try. Once you have $1,000 of the house's money, you can risk it without leaving a loser.  What is common is that you get 16 sleepers in a row when a good opportunity comes up. IF you strike at spin 5 of this sequence, and it holds to spin 16 then you win $4,500 after spin 17 of the streak loses. If you quit at spin 14 then you have $5,000. But then you can't win that monster 30 sleepers in a row. That can be more than $10,000 if it just happens to happen.

How many get the most important point in this?
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 12:48:40 AM
I just flushed Spike. He's trying to harp about me not posting something. AT THIS POINT Spike IS NOTHING BUT A TROLL.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 05, 2013, 12:03:53 AM
I've provided my tracking software. It's a duplicate verson of the index cards that I use while playing in a B&M casino. You can't understand my methods without using this charting system.

I've published a list of the characteristics that I look for while playing. They are here somewhere at this website. They all have their moments of extreme opportunity. You need to know and understand this list in order to understand my methods.

There is no point in attempting to talk with people that refuse to do prerequisite work. I'll know if you don't understand things and why. Spike has already demonstrated what happens with your head up your ...
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 09:10:54 PM
I guess I need to write a thread for the fantastic opportunities and exactly how to attack the casino when these opportunities rise up.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 09:03:36 PM
Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 08:41:14 PM
So what's so special about them, then. When will the
sequence end, exactly. You don't know and have
no way of knowing. So you bet accordingly, just like
with any other sequence. Streaks make me yawn,
they're so over rated..

If it is not clear to everyone here how Spike appears to be clueless then I don't know what else to say. He clearly treats everyone here as if they were stupid. He just keeps asking these same stupid questions. There is no way to get along with him.