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Messages - Gizmotron

General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 08:22:26 PM
Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 08:08:33 PM
Gamblers Fallacy sequences? You mean you think after
a bunch of events in a row, you are willing to bet your
whole BR on the next spin?

That was an imbacilic remark. Are you deliberately playing unintelligent? Why would someone pass up 30 sleeping dozens only to just begin betting it will continue. The opportunity has passed. You've got to be kidding. WHY ARE YOU HERE?
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 08:16:09 PM
I expect to have an exceptional opportunity at least once in every five to ten sessions. I expect to have at least three great opportunities in every 150 spin session. I see good opportunities at least six to ten times per session. I see strong downturns, that I deliberately avoid, at least three to six times during a 150 spin session. In all that there are micro ups & downs to navigate. If you look for enough opportunities, based on many characteristics to watch for, then you don't have to wait forever, as several of you suggest. Here is a big clue. All huge opportunities start out as micro opportunities. If you can't play the micro bets then you will never get the huge wins from the best thing there is. All I'm hearing are excuses for passing on this. Perhaps spike is correct after all.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 03:15:16 PM
I'll bet there are people here that know what I mean by spectacular opportunities. I would really like to know if people really don't know what to do with a sleeping dozen that sleeps for thirty spins in a row. How about a sequence of singles in the dozens that lasts more than 20 spins in a row? Do people here ignore 20 reds in a row? Perhaps Spike is correct here. Maybe very few here play the very best opportunities. Maybe they are as clueless as Spike. Let's  see about that.

Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 02:54:04 PM

What do those look like, exactly, I've never
seen one. All betting opportunities have
exactly the same chance of being right. Odd
that you think differently about that, what
with being a roulette expert and all. Maybe
you can enlighten us as to what bet in roulette
has a better chance of winning. You usually
hear this kind of thing from a newbie..
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 02:38:31 PM
Quote from: soggett on February 04, 2013, 08:43:10 AM

yes, I know Gizmo, but ie I can't find anything from spike
I don't know if he plays the same as you but I really think you two should team up
even if you don't agree on certain things you can make that a good thing

I don't need to carry him. He rides the casino bus & plays for $100 a visit. He's is clueless when it comes to taking advantage of spectacular opportunities. He says he doesn't need to. But it's clear to me that it's mostly ignorance on his part. He can learn from the real expert on randomness any time he wants to. But he enjoys surrounding himself with the masses of uninformed gamblers. As long as he can fool them he gets his jolly's off. Just listen to why he is here. I angered him for sharing what I have. He became very bitter on the very day that I started sharing. All he is is a very angry boy. That is the simple truth here. He can join up with the has been marvels of the scrap heep. He's nothing but an internet troll.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 09:22:13 PM
The only system that I have is to look at what the last spin results were. They confirm the continuation of the trend or pattern. They confirm the possible end to a trend or pattern. From that single bit of information what to do next is configured. I've explained that extensively.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 09:00:24 PM
Spike just had a comment. He said that 90% can't understand my concepts and methods. If that's true then ask questions. Unlike Spike, I'll try to answer them.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 03:03:52 PM
Quote from: spike on February 03, 2013, 02:29:31 PM

Exposing you is my contribution. Small as it is..

You have only exposed yourself. That was my goal. I got you to admit to your agenda. How do you like being manipulated?

Nobody that has considered using my list of characteristics of randomness, my charting system as a concept or guide to any tracked groupings, or my revolutionary idea of playing against the effectiveness track has expressed a sense of danger or warning regarding me sharing it.

If I have done a poor job of communicating my methods then I'm sure it's because I didn't listen much in school. Still, it seems that most people have either forgiven or ignored that process. It seems that you Spike are all alone in your quest to rid the world of your demon. I've shared what I call reading randomness. You shared flat betting, HAR, and making an educated guess where you play to win $100 and then leave. Your vast contribution in the past six years has been, to say the most, underwhelming.

Consider yourself as ignore status.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 06:16:35 AM
Spike, you only have your name calling. You have your little EC bet and your blowhard attitude. And your biggest thrill of them all. You are a self appointed savior. And you are stuck on me. Now how intelligent is that.

It's time for you to contribute. It's time to prove your more than an internets stalker. It's either that or I'll post in threads where everything you say will be removed.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 03:00:57 AM
Quote from: spike on February 03, 2013, 02:39:27 AM
Can, don't want to. Or need to. That kind of fun is for, well,
you know. The tourists..

Just like I thought. You don't know.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 03, 2013, 12:40:31 AM
Quote from: spike on February 02, 2013, 11:32:42 PM
Done that. You can get in serious trouble very fast
playing 2 dozens. A bad bet and two zeros back
to back can put you in a bind very quickly.

A person that can't play the wild swings of randomness with double dozen bets has no background in giving advice regarding the risk and reward concerning them. You have already gone on the record concerning them and balances.  You are clueless and can't explain it. I'm glad you limit yourself to HAR-EC class only.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 02, 2013, 08:13:05 PM
Quote from: spike on February 02, 2013, 02:12:16 PM
Well known that I don't bet every spin? Who
does. Only people who are clueless. Get in,
get it done, get out. that's what the old timers
say. Gambling is for tourists.
Due to the censorship on the proper use of an adequate comment, you will have to fill in the banks for yourself. For the past 40 years the casinos I play in require you to place a minimum bet for every spin. Reno, Tahoe, Laughlin, Vegas, and the Indian casinos near me all have this rule. If you hold a seat at the table you must place at least a minimum bet.

So Spike, please explain your unqualified remarks?
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 01, 2013, 09:59:36 PM
I'm not the one that won't explain my methods. If there were a fast way to run 30 to 40 spins at a time then I would challenge you to a contest. Now that it's well known that you sit out spins there's almost nothing for you to hide. Try not to chicken out.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 01, 2013, 04:11:48 PM
Quote from: spike on February 01, 2013, 08:55:57 AM
What day was that, I missed it. Could you open it again
and let us know the exact time so we'll know what the
heck you're talking about most of the time?

Like they say in show business. Keep them wanting more.

" Randomness studies leads to solutions that offer successes." And that will eventually lead to enough people using it that will then close down most, if not all, table games in casinos.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 01, 2013, 06:42:09 AM
Here's the really big deal. It doesn't matter if what I say is right. People are getting it. I have already opened a Pandora's box. Randomness studies leads to solutions that offer successes.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
January 31, 2013, 11:12:49 PM
It's not enough to see patterns and trends as triggers. They don't always work. They can be detected as working though. You have to be smarter than the chips.