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Messages - Gizmotron

General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
January 31, 2013, 10:40:21 PM
Nice addition to this thread.

I've focused on the double dozens/columns/wheelDozens for decades. I've also spent a few years exclusively on even chances only. I've tried flat betting and two level betting.

In all that there is, there is one tactic that must be dealt with. There must be a constant vigilance with regards to what is currently happening. Wishful thinking leads to disaster.

The secret to beating this is in being aware of the current states. You must know what characteristics of randomness are working. That can be discussed for any betting group. So if it where me, that is where discussion might be the greatest value .
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
January 31, 2013, 08:06:10 PM
When it comes to table layout groupings compared to wheel sector groupings there is no beneficial difference. The characteristics of randomness are the same. To believe there is,  leaves the uninformed gambler with the consequences of suffering from magical thinking. Magical thinking leads to loss of bankroll. Telling other people that magical things makes for success leads to eventual embarrassment. There should be a price for leading others to financial doom. This thread is for that doom.
General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
January 31, 2013, 07:41:34 PM
Just for the record, there has never been a trigger based system that ever proved to be economically viable in the past 200 years of attempting to find one. All rule based systems encounter more sequences that kill them off than can be avoided by any known creative discovery. We have not seen one yet either. I will remove every JL post from this thread. He has not proven anything. So he will be politely removed from posting in this thread. If you want to read his drivel then seek it elsewhere.

This thread is to discuss the true failings of system players, in front of their faces, but behind their backs. So kindly don't bother to defend system play in this thread. Otherwise your rantings will be removed.
General Discussion / Trigger This
January 31, 2013, 07:31:22 PM
 RoulettKEY -" Ignatus...why do you not ever listen to people who have far more experience in testing, study and play than you?

No one here is trying to beat you down...we offer constructive advice and then you get offended and it spirals a little outta control sometimes.

I can recall on another board being scolded by you for "complaining too much" when I tried to offer a voice of reason because you had invented the grail which I knew did not work...(this is just a month ago)...you would not listen to reason. Your minions had run thousands and thousands of spins with defective math and were ready to own the casinos. You continued to deride me and within 12 hours of the holy grails discovery it was fully tested, annoited, and anyone with a voice of reason shouted down...oh yeah..and then it was removed because of faulty math, faulty logic and it crashed and burned... And...it did so in such a dramatic way that you removed the entire thread as if it had never happened.

Do you get your kicks by starting these kind of threads and then just try to keep punking people?

Just askin'. Real players try to help you and everytime we all come away with the same feeling...every single friggin time. I am sure I am not speaking solely for myself. I do not know Gizmo or Ophis...have never talked to either. But I've read their posts, and I've read yours. You may not agree but you should take counsel and respond with a little dignity. Take it for what it's worth.

Now just a tidbit on your 123-Move. It's a 12 or 13 number bet with basically 3 sets of 3 fixed wheel sectors. You just linked wheel sectors 1,2 and 3 together and called it dozen 1...wheel sectors 4,5 and 6 together...dozen 2. Wheel sectors 7,8 and 9 together...dozen three. It's not revolutionary. You are talking to people like they have never bet wheel sectors before. We have...we do.

Some sector methods play the center sector and the two neighbors, sometimes people take the last number hit and it's direct 6 neighbors on either side (keeping with your dozens theme). Some are looking for hot numbers and other sleepers, others are looking for patterns such as your 1.2.3 or 3.2.1. People are speaking from experience that you are not giving them credit for because anybody that has been on the forums or around the wheels for any length of time have seen it, done it and know what the upside and downside of these methods are. We are trying to tell you.

Many methods can be great if they are just 10% new. Just a little different slant at the way you look at something. Change the trigger, change a progression, implement mid-stream stop-losses...the list goes on and on so far as the tweaks that make a decent method an exceptional method. The problem is many of the best tweaks make the methods difficult to track and play in live wheel sessions and that has to be taken into consideration as well. There are many players on these forums that can be a great asset to you...don't keep driving everyone away and wondering aloud why no one will help you test today's great idea."

Just thought I would save this before it was cowardly removed.
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 31, 2013, 05:54:07 PM
Here's a trigger for you. Count to ten, open your wallet, grab all you money, light it on fire, and scratch your head. Next, take the clue.
Sam, how did you figure that they were restarting 100's of times per day? A fair RNG can put out a half million spins before needing to be re-seeded. I'm just curious.
General Discussion / Re: anyone know?
January 30, 2013, 08:03:40 AM
Any kind of a huge streak can start at any moment. That includes if you get an irate phone call from your mother in law at 2:00am. That includes if you only had one flat tire in the past year. Don't forget the streaks that always appear when you are looking for them. There is no such thing as a trigger for randomness. It's just wishful thinking. ...unless you are a magical legend.
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 29, 2013, 09:18:06 PM
39 singles. That's huge. Sometimes roulette is like a free ATM machine.
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 29, 2013, 08:30:52 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on January 29, 2013, 08:14:49 PM
I was just playing at BV on the NZ wheel.

It went 25 spins without the 2nd dozen before I logged out.

Who knows how many it would have ended up going to!  :o

I've seen 33 in a row for a sleeping column while playing. It was the highest paying sleeper that I ever took advantage of. Nobody else there bothered.
Ophis, good idea. It would be easier if you had 60 split personalities too.
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 29, 2013, 05:49:48 PM
Bayes, I think you are ready to open your casino. There's nothing like the house edge.
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 29, 2013, 03:47:45 PM
Quote from: spike on January 29, 2013, 08:44:51 AM
What physical source? I checked out BV. "In field 3, the player can see the checksum of sequence, computed according to the SHA-256 algorithm."

Algorithm? Randomness Control? Who are they kidding. Everybody, obviously. Did you read their gobblygook explanation of how it works? This is how you get sleeping dozens and massive black dominance. 'Randomness Control'.

I prefer the little ball falling into the pocket.

The hash function is for the purpose of validation that no manipulation is occurring where the casino is targeting or cheating any players. I know I could write a manipulation program for a live wheel.  One that would fool the very best players. But you can't cheat if people can actually see the live spins and compare the sessions. Well that's what the hash function is for. You can compare the sequences.

The hash has nothing to do with generating random spin results. Furthermore, There is nobody here that can tell the difference between spins from a modern RNG and the results from a live wheel. I dare anyone to prove they can. Spike says he can. I'm sure someone like Bayes could test him. Long streaks of even chance occurrences or sleeping dozens are not proof of anything more than what is a normal aspect of randomness. I think Spike has a case of magical thinking.
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 26, 2013, 06:59:20 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 06:52:58 PM
Anyone could have become a millionaire betting on a repeater. BUT you have to know its going to happen. Nobody knows.

You don't have to know. Nobody knows what the future holds. But you do have to know how to get into it without getting killed off. The same is true of rock climbing. No risk, no gain.

General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 26, 2013, 04:51:21 PM
Take that, all you naysayers of the Elegant Pattern. Unless you have the IQ of a good round of golf, anyone could have become a millionaire with this. That ends this argument forever.
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 26, 2013, 06:24:05 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 06:06:02 AM
How would I know? I won't even answer that. The numbers will talk for me this year.

You mean you won't dignify it. You are as clueless as to imply my ignorance as your own. But I'm not the one telling everyone to wait, you'll see.