Quote from: Mike on June 19, 2018, 08:06:36 AM
... math by itself only gives you answers relative to your assumptions. If you haven't looked at the process which generates the data then no amount of manipulation of the data will tell you about causes and effects, ie, reality. Most systems on gambling forums only look at the data generated from the games, they don't look at the underlying process which generated it; that's the mistake.
Coincidence. I wonder how a person would go about accessing the equivocation of coincidences that occur from time to time. I have listened to Mike. He communicates very well. He is basically saying that you can't know when a streak will occur or when it will end. And also how long it will last. You can't know that in advance. I agree. You can't know that in advance. Mike is suggesting that absent that knowledge you don't have an edge. Is there math to support that theory?
If you get 20 red numbers in a row on a Roulette wheel is it possible to win just one single bet from that streak? If that is possible then is it possible to win two bets from that streak? Is there math to support the idea that during a streak, in other words a streak that has not yet displayed its ending, is there math to predict what the next spin will do? I'm not taking about the odds for one spin either. Is there math that predicts what will happen in a coincidence? It would need to predict what is going to happen. Does math predict the future? Does math give you that edge?