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Messages - GreatGrampa

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 22, 2013, 11:06:44 PM
East or west.  Londoners are the best  >:D
General Discussion / Re: BV random
May 22, 2013, 11:05:13 PM
Me too saw that.  Don't know what it means. Can someone help explaining.  RNG business is new to me. 
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 22, 2013, 04:13:39 PM
Quote from: soggett on May 21, 2013, 01:12:21 PM
thank you for this GG
just quick tested it and got +30 in 80 spins  :thumbsup:
can you tell us please what was the largest DD you ever had playing this? What was the largest bet per cycle?
thanks again
I have never played this system for more than the 2nd stage of d-alembert. But that doesn't mean that it will go beyond it as i always play in live casinos with a mix and match of frameworks. So don't take my words for hte drawdon and big bets. May be Sam will be able to answre this question better as he is botting and sure would have crossed more than 1000 spins :) 

Quote from: soggett on May 21, 2013, 01:12:21 PM
btw did you try to maybe after the line losses use the streets, then the split and then the single number?
I ask cause I just tested and had a loss cycle, if going to streets and then splits... would have made it out
The reason is because the odds on them are not great for our framework that i have explained so far. We will get more losses than gain cycles. There is a second part where we will go into those territory, which i shall explain when most of us have got our head around this. At the moment i would like to keep it simple :)
General Discussion / q1`
May 22, 2013, 04:09:29 PM
Quote from: Nickmsi on May 21, 2013, 03:47:13 PM
I posted a bot sheet in the ExcelBot section of the forum but anyone can download it and use it manually. 

:thumbsup: Nick. Greatly appreciate your work. The link for those who follow the thread is

Bot excel
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 22, 2013, 04:07:36 PM
Quote from: FLAT_IN_O on May 21, 2013, 04:05:56 PM
What about columns...wouldn't it qualify in above bet.

Flat you are a star :cheer: . You closed one more missing link in my puzzle. There is truth when the ancestors said, knowledge is the only stuff which can multiply by sharing. Refer to my original choice on why I didn't pick up High low for even chances.

Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 21, 2013, 10:39:28 AM
Also, my preference would be to stick to either colours or Even/odd for the EC, because we don't want to tie our ECs to DZs.

In the same lines to obtain greater results, we should not tie the DZs to lines. So columns will be a better option for hte second stage compared to dozens. This will give us three mutually exclusive bets for all our 3 stages. :) I should start modifying the framework to suit this.
Quote from: Chrisbis on May 20, 2013, 02:34:32 PM
Its only my second Excel sheet.......so its still a little amateurish!...... (Excel download at the bottom of the post)

Probably Nick can vouch! Even professionals can't play excels like the way you have done Mark! :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 21, 2013, 11:23:56 AM
Here is my video explaining this. +20 units in 17 spins.

123 Framework
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 21, 2013, 10:39:28 AM
Why only 1 even chance and not 3 even chances like triple shooter
This framework thrives on taking all the opportunities under through parachuting between ECs, DZs and DSs. So when we are doing this, we need to ensure that we are not missing any specific trends that come our way in ECs on the production cycle. If we stray between all 3 even chances alternating for every 123 cycle, there is a higher probability of we missing a very productive trend. that's why we stick to one EC instead of straying between 3 ECs.

Also, my preference would be to stick to either colours or Even/odd for the EC, because we don't want to tie our ECs to DZs.
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 21, 2013, 10:35:07 AM
Now, why 123 progression?
Two reasons to it.

1. Remember when we were reading Production and recovery. While we are adopting production and recovery by parachuting between ECs (production), dozens(recovery) and double streets (second recovery), we are doing the same within each of those as well. So 123 is a derivation of the 1st bet 1 unit for production, 2nd bet 2 unit for 1st level of recovery and 3rd bet 3 unit for 2nd level of recovery. Our aim of production is to get into positive, 1st recovery is to recover from the loss at production stage on a high and 2nd recovery is to recover from the above two steps at par. that's the reason, if you carefully read, we are not going to wait until a new high to move back from DS to DZ after a hit, while we wait until a new high to move back from DZ to EC.

2. As we have all seen, great frameworks thrive on keeping your cycle size to 36 units. 123 progression is an attempt to do that. We have tried to keep the maximum drawdown before we get out of the session on 3 continuous 123 losses on Double streets as 36 (123 on EC, 123 on DZ, 123 3 times on DS and I have allowed for two zeroes to come in when we are betting 3 units).

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 21, 2013, 10:24:13 AM
Quote from: ignatus on May 17, 2013, 05:35:41 PM
* First of all, progression need to be modified. I use a much more agressive progression (since profits are hard to get when playing with your suggested progression) OK

Progression I use a very agressive progression +2 for each loss. Reset to *2u* at hit (at any stage). 2u is minimum bet. So progression would look like this: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16..... and so on.


Thought before getting into the concept, will explain with some example on why a 123 strategy is more aggressive than what you have mentioned as an aggressive progression.

Lets see what is the maximum drawdown for this framework per session. It is 30 units considering we lost the entire cycle (123 on EC, 123 on DZ, 123 on DS for 3 times). However the maximum draw down on your progression is 240 units (2,4,6.....28, 30), which is 8 times the risk that i have taken.

To do a comparison we need to get to level ground in terms of the amount we are ready to risk. We cannot get your progression down to 30 units, so I up my risk to 240 units. That indicates that the base unit size for 123 progression is 8 units for risking a drawdown of 240 units. (240/30).

Lets take a set of 10 spins to see how it works on your aggressive progression.

[reveal=It gives us +4 units for these spins as below.]
Spin           Bet              BR             Comment
5                                                    Bet on red for the next 3 spins
28              2                 -2
24              4                 -6
7                6                  0              We are resetting progression on hit. Also, staying EC red for another 3 spins
13              2                  -2
25              4                  +2
33              2                  0
13              4                  -4
7                6                  +2
32              2                  +4

Lets see how it works with 123 progression. Hurray!

[reveal=We get +16units for the same risk. ]
Spin           Bet              BR             Comment
5                                                    Bet on red for the next 3 spins
28              8                 -8
24              16               -16
7                24               0              We are resetting progression on hit. Also, staying EC red for another 3 spins
13              8                 -8
25              16               +8
33              8                  0
13              16               -16
7                24               +8
32              8                 +16

So as you can see, 123 progression is controlled in draw-down, but aggressive in reaping profits for this framework. Hope I make sense.
Quote from: ignatus link=topic=1725.msg14717#msg14717 With an "ordinary" doubedozen bet, the distribution of the bets would not be possible, like it's possible with this bet.

Agreed.  That's what I wanted to know whether this is the only difference.  Now it's clear :thumbsup:

Quote from: ignatus link=topic=1725.msg14717#msg14717

As you can see from my gameplay: WLWWWWWLWWLLWLLWWWWWWWWWWLLLWLWWWWW +345U from this session.Try betting 1 unit on 24, do same spins, you'll notice the difference.

Tried.  Iambic getting the same result. +345 u.  Bet 1 unit on all 24 numbers covered in  your play. +1u progression equally on all 24 nos.  can u help see the diff.  May be am doing something wrong.
Quote from: ignatus on May 19, 2013, 11:04:12 PM

What I meant by this IS that each hit will give 12u profits (or more) so, it's not playing for 1u profit like ordinary doubledozen-strategies.
But you are betting 24 units, which is as good as 12u per dozen and 12 unit profit. Am I missing any trick here? Also, how is this different from betting 1 unit on 24 numbers?
Quote from: ignatus on May 19, 2013, 05:22:50 PM

This strategy will beat most doubledozen-strategies.

Can't quite get this claim.  If you can explain it will probably get into this rotten brain.  To me both looks even except the fact that it is not a fixed set of numbers within two dozen an could vary anywhere in the table. 

Also is this not the same as placing 1 unit on 24 numbers.  For example you are placing 6 units on dbbl street = 1 uni each on 6 nos.  4 units on corners = 1 unit each on 4 numbers.  Just trying to get my hea around
Straight-up / Re: The Finale Crossing
May 19, 2013, 08:16:32 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 18, 2013, 12:50:55 PM
You rang?

Sam.  Yes. I did ring.  Being the greatest follower and experimenter (is it a word?) of GUT wanted to know your views on this. 
Straight-up / Re: The Finale Crossing
May 19, 2013, 08:14:42 PM
Quote from: Turner on May 17, 2013, 06:16:41 PM

If its not too much trouble that would be nice of you.

Been busy at a family reunion.  Will go overt this this week.