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Messages - GreatGrampa

Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
June 21, 2013, 04:22:21 PM
Switched capturing software to improve the viewing experience :) But decided to reduce the resolution to keep the size in limit. 8)

On the video, this is a slightly advanced version of the game. As you can see, we are flat-betting 1u on straight-ups throughout the game in both the videos. Again, it should be self explanatory from the video if you have read all my previous posts. I will try posting the selection process, why it works and how to get off from a sequence from hell when I find more time. Cheers and happy weekend for now!

+210u from 25 spins.

Roulette Game 6]
Quote from: Albalaha on June 21, 2013, 03:19:21 AM
Will regression towards mean help anyways in winning with flat bet? Does it offer more winning opportunities to play after 3.0 STD than not? This is my last query.
Answer is no for both
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
June 21, 2013, 02:00:58 AM
OK! it's a long time we discussed something on Triple shooter. Now Victor's vote suggested that most are fans of Straight up play. How do we apply Triple shooter framework to straight-ups?

All the concepts - Playing 3 ECs, keeping it simple, catching the trend. But instead of ECs, do it on straight ups. I will post the details on the method later when I find time. But at the moment watch the teaser! Pretty much self explanatory if you know triple shooter.

+119u on 37 spins.

Triple shooter straight
Off-topic / Re: Guys you just must see this video!
June 21, 2013, 12:39:37 AM
Nice one to watch before going to sleep!
General Discussion / EC + line and quad cycle
June 20, 2013, 05:23:45 PM
Atlantis, turner

Knowingly or unknowingly you both have created two systems in the last week which are amongst the best I have seen in my life.  One who knows the game will vouch me! Keep up your great creative thinking process. 

I have sets of sequences which are examples of extreme sessions from the hell. You will be surprised to know that they passed 70-80% of these sequences. Well done both! :thumbsup:
I have only two things to say. One is just a sentence - "Diamonds are nothing but polished carbons"

The second is a long story.

This is a story about Pacific Power and Light company in USA. they had a problem with ice forming on the electrical wires after snow storms. the ice had to be removed, or over time the weight of the ice may break the electrical lines. the manual process was slow, tedious and dangerous.

Pacific Power and Light therefore gathered some brainstorming teams to help solve the issue. the teams gathered were people from different departments in the company. there were linesmen, managers, secretaries and supervisors. it was said that even the mailroom personnel were invited.

Duing one of the breaks, one of the linesmen shared with some of the participants about how he came face to face with a big, brown bear when he was servicing the power lines, and how he narrowly escaped being mauled by it.
When they returned for the meeting, someone suggested training the brown bears to climb the poles to shake off the ice from the wires. brown bears were very common in the areas that had this issue and they were strong enough to cause the poles to shake when they climb them.

Someone else then suggested putting honey pots at the top of the poles to entice the bears to climb them.

They then started to discuss about how to put the pots of honey at the top of the poles and someone threw out the idea of using helicopters to do the job.

As they were thinking about how much resources it would take to place pots of honey at the top of every electrical pole and whether it will work, a secretary in the meeting pointed out that the downwash from the helicopters could possibly break the ice and blow it off the wires.

There was silence, then the team started to realize that it could work. they tested the idea and it proved to be a good one. today, all Pacific Power and Light has to do to remove ice from the wires is to charter a helicopter to fly at low altitude above the electrical wires and the downwash from the helicopter does all the work. linesmen no longer have to risk their lives to climb the electrical poles.

Imagine if someone:
· started to laugh at the person who suggested training the bears to shake the poles; or
· ridiculing at the idea of putting pots of honey at the top of the poles(because you will still have to climb up the poles to refill them when the bears finish the honey).

Double-street / Re: One step to the right or left
June 17, 2013, 03:46:30 PM
Not two adjacent lines. not 2 units. Two lines with atleast 2 street gap between them. Watch the video. Explains much better.
+17u from 19 spins.

one to the left and one to the right
Quote from: Sputnik on June 17, 2013, 01:22:35 PM
Looks like it is more solid then his method.
Thought so!  with respect to staking plan, it might be possible that cyclic betting suits this better, as we are using fixed cycles of 5 bets.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 17, 2013, 01:07:49 PM
So Turner, hopefully I was of some help to you for progressions. Apologies for the lengthy posts. I have tried to be as concise as possible.

Strategies I explained here for progression can be applied for any bet selection method. The key is seeing any timewarp in a session as 4 distinct playing modes and use the progression that best suits the mini-game in progress at that point in time. A summary of those 4 modes are.

"Bread and butter" - Starting/regular playing mode. Objective is to optimize the risk and return and finding a balance between them.

"The Cocoon" - Playing mode when a slow down is required. Slow down could be because you are losing/winning/closer to target.  Objective is to reduce the risk and finding consistent hit ratio.

"The Edge" - Playing mode when on a winning trend. can be used interchangeably with "Bread and butter". Objective is to improve the return on investment % with a slightly higher risk base.

"The kill" - To be used when you have exceed targets. Objective is to maximize the BR using a higher risk and an ROI atleast at the Bread and butter level.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 17, 2013, 01:00:12 PM
"The Kill"
The key theme behind this approach is maximizing the BR as much as possible with a reasonable ROI, if not as high as the one "The edge" might give. Obviously, this will require a higher outlay and hence it is more appropriate to play once you have exceeded your target by a comfortable margin.

• It starts with 1u on each of the 3 streets that are getting tracked. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, form 1 street and 3 splits. See whether the split can cover the last number appeared in the section. Win ends the game
• On a loss, repeat the bet on splits, but split the street into a straight bet and a split bet. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, 1u individually on all the 9 numbers. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, repeat the bet on all the 9 numbers, but also add an additional bet from step 1 on this progression. So it will be 1u on all the individual numbers and 1u on all the streets. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, repeat 9 individual numbers and step 2. So 1u on all 9 numbers, 1u on one of the streets and 1u on each on the other splits. This goes on until a win or a defined stop loss.

Attaching the excel with the Kill. At the end of 129 spins, we are +92 with a 118u outlay. As you can see the profit is maximum from any of the other strategies, but the risk is also high. Also, the ROI stands at over 75% which is in between "bread and butter" and "the edge"
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 17, 2013, 11:56:04 AM
"The Edge"
As the name suggests, the key here is to create an edge between you and the casino on your BR, when you are doing well at the table. There is really a very thin line between the "bread and butter" strategy and "The edge" strategy. The risk that you will take in Edge will be a little higher than the "bread and butter", but we will also target a higher ROI. You can also chose Edge as your starting play instead of "bread and butter".

• It starts with 2 units on the EC(High or Low).  On a win, if the win came from the section that I am tracking, the game ends here. If the win came from the section other than the one am tracking, I proceed to the next step.
• On a loss or win coming from section other than the one we are tracking, place 3u on the dozen where the tracking section is. If the section is split across 2 dozens, lets take an example of 3rd section 19-27, we place the bets as follows. 1u on 19-24, 1u on 22-27, 1u on 25-30. Essentially stay in the H/L area, but spread 3u across 3 lines covering the tracking section. On a win, if the win came from the section that you are tracking, game ends here. If the win comes from the section other than the one that you are tracking or on a loss, go to the next step.
• Form 3 playing positions comprising of a street, a split and a quad/corner bet using the 3 streets that we are tracking. Where possible, make sure that the split falls in the last number that we tracked in the section. On a win, end game.
• On every loss from here on, use atila to increase first on quad, the next losing spin on street, the next losing one on split and so on until a hit or a pre-defined stop-loss.

Attaching the excel with the Edge. You will notice that at the end of 129 spins, we are +57u on a 69u outlay (over 80% ROI). The risk is higher in this, not only because the outlay is higher, there is a potential of small negatives coming in the mini games even after its won. But the return is really good, especially when we have repeaters which hit the splits. And in comparison with the return, the risk is low.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 17, 2013, 11:11:34 AM
"The Cocoon"
The cocoon as described earlier is a super conservative play. Here the target is to slowly and steadily "grind" towards recovery. The focal point here is not return on investment. The focal point here is improving the hit ratio and preserving the bank. You start playing this only if the table is consistently playing against you and you are getting long progressions in the "bread and butter" method. I also resort to this, when I have tasted huge success and have a "feeling" that sooner or later the table is going to turn against me, or to slow things down when am so close to the target for the session.

• It starts with 3 unit on the EC(High or Low).  Win ends game
• On a loss 6units on the EC(H/L). Win ends the game.
• On a loss, form 1line and 1street from the section we are tracking. Try creating the street from the last hit number where possible. 2u on line and 2u on street. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, increase the line on every loss, until the output from line equals the output from street. When the output from line equals the output from street, increase the units on street by 1. This cycle goes on until a win or you give up with a pre-defined stop loss.

Attaching the excel amended with the cocoon. As I already mentioned, the key here is the "grind". The return on your investments will not be that great, but at the same time, will not be poor. For the same number of spins, I got +21u from 39u outlay(a little over 50%). I have gone beyond 129 spins to explain the 3rd stage in progression, as I didn't get it within the first 150 spins. As you can see, the outlay was very low in this eventhough we are throwing huge bets on the ECs. Also, the return normally hovers around 40-50%. That is why this is super conservative and that is why you should use this only in select scenarios.
Quote from: Atlantis on June 17, 2013, 10:01:57 AM
I had an idea about that some time ago which might be worth another look to go with that progression:

Nice way of simplifying the approach to chops and series. What is your success rate with this method. Does it hold up?
Quote from: Atlantis on June 17, 2013, 10:01:57 AM
As a matter of fact, I've checked out a few of Martin Silverthorne's books just lately: Checkmate, Knockout, CCBT, Jagger roulette - and they are good reads and all about trend catching using either FTL, DBL, opp of DBL and so on in various configurations. Yes, you can win but as always when the dreaded LLR arrives you can wipe out lots of gains...
I used to follow the books to the dots and lines few years back. But after learning it the hard way have a strong conclusion that you can succeed if you understand the concepts and use it when it is supposed to be used!
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 17, 2013, 12:27:11 AM
"The bread and butter"
• It starts with 2 units on the EC(High or Low).  On a win, if the win came from the section that I am tracking, the game ends here. If the win came from the section other than the one am tracking, I do the EC bet again. This process repeats.
• On a loss, I bet on the dozen where the section I am tracking falls in with 2 units. If the section is across two dozen, then I bet 1 unit each on the two lines the section falls under. On a win, same as step 1. If the win came from the section we are tracking, game ends. Win coming from section we are not tracking, we go back to EC bets and continue.
• On a loss, I split the section that I am tracking into 1 street and 1 line. I try to select the street such that it covers the last number that came in that section if possible. 1u on street and 1u on line. Win ends the game.
• On a loss, I go Attila. Every loss increase 1u on street and line alternately. Your first increase will be on line and the second increase will be on the street. This process goes on until you give up 

Attaching your excel amended with the bread and butter progression. The key behind any working progression is how to improve your return on investment. As you are able to see from the excel, we have improved the return on investment from a little under 60% (+54u from 92u outlay) to over 75% (+38u from 50u outlay) by following this progression for this bet selection. When I find more time, I shall post the other progression suggestions.