Quote from: james on June 20, 2017, 01:52:28 PM
Does your strategy in the book make use of the derived roads that are shown in the baccarat board? Do you have examples of the strategy in the book?
Our view is that the Derived Roads (Big Eye Boy, Small Road, and Cockroach Road) are extremely valuable to play and are covered in the book. Many of the same formations found on the Big Road with Bank and Player are found on the Derived Roads as well. As with everything in baccarat, there is no signal or trigger that is a lock, but you can observe the Derived Roads and follow what they are showing just the same way you can do so with the Big Road.
Some of the best baccarat shoes have strong formations on the Big Road as well as strong formations building on two or even all three Derived Roads. For example, you might have a very strong Bank shoe that is also showing red (trending) on all three Derived Roads.
The best way to gain experience with the Derived Roads is to start with a basic understanding of what they are and watch how they work in live play. Keep in mind there will be many times where there is conflict between the Big Road and the Derived Roads or within the Derived Roads themselves. That is, some formation has to break. This is a primary reason why players elect for no bet, free hands, or small bets at times.