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Messages - JohnLegend

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 01:04:36 PM
Quote from: Superman on December 22, 2012, 12:45:03 PM

It's your choice to respond, nobody has to respond to anything.

You've seen a few members lately posting losing runs for PB, Trebor was one of them, he also played your style, HAR, it failed for him, how do you sum that up? was he player B in Bayes example? I think what is trying to be highlighted here is the fact that HAR is not something that works for everyone, and if it does not work for the majority then it can't really be classified as a method of play, you must be keeping some sort of mental note of how many people are actually winning with HAR style play as opposed to those that it has failed for, the ones who have posted they are winning following HAR are just a drop in the ocean and strangley they are new or newer members, which as you know always looks iffy to say the least.

Wether you are winning or not is not the contention here, the fact is, it's timing which equates to luck, you've been lucky that you played at the times you played.

As with everything in roulette, what works for ONE person may not work for the majority, maybe the difinition of HAR is wrong, is hitting your session target really HAR?
Superman, I never guarantee what I do will work for everyone. Most people are already negative towards this game. Totally jaded. All I do is present what I do when its worked for me. Its then up to the individual to make of it what they want.
For some it will work. For others its may not. I never said PB was bullet proof. You don't get bullet proof for 7 units. Everyone must surely know that. You don't even get bullet proof for 242 units.

But you do get CLOSER to it. Everyone wants something for next to nothing. Human nature at its best. The reason im doing the challenge is to prove I CAN WIN. Not anyone else. Because I've been called every low down term associated with bad people in this game.

You have to have iron self belief. Some people arent made to beat this game period. Trebor and Shogun both simmered around 7/1 after two or three hundred games. For them failure. But NOT FOR ME that's the difference. I know how to make this method pay EVEN when it drops below its break even point 7/1.

When its flying as it is at the moment for me. You don't need any smart MM you just let it GO. So NO, not everyone will get stellar results with PB. Most will fold before they ever see what is really possible.

They want INSTANT GRATIFICATION. And when it doesn't come they will bend and drop out. STAYING POWER. its lacking in most people Superman. 7/1 doesn't buy you a miracle. You have to work at it.
242/1 that's another story. Bayes has a surprise coming his way next year with that one.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 12:46:30 PM
Quote from: AMK on December 22, 2012, 12:35:29 PM
I posted this on another thread already but is more fitting here.

A longtime ago a friend tested PB over 100K continuous spins.


TOTAL GAMES WON        1530

TOTAL GAMES LOST          212 ........  in 6000 games JL had 531 losses

DOUBLE LOSSES                36 .........  in 6000 games JL had 7 double losses

BALANCE                           negative

JLs current 6000 game stats clearly show that his live HAR playing style is significantly different from continually computer testing.








AMK its no good posting those stats. Everyone thinks I just make them up. That's why July next year is a month few will forget. The realization that I am no liar will finally come to rest in most reasonable minded people.

Persistent negatives will  continue to doubt. And I will continue to play and win until I am shut down. And that will be the ultimate verification that what I do, if done faithfully and persistently. Is indeed a threat to the powers that be.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 12:19:06 PM
Quote from: Bayes on December 22, 2012, 11:45:26 AM
That's right. Nothing wrong with quitting a session if you feel tired, or if you've made your predetermined profits. The crucial thing in HAR is that the entry and exit points are random, so how are you to know whether the conditions are right to start or quit?
Take blackjack card-counting; a card-counter will enter the game at a random time but not actually place any bets until the composition of the deck is in his favour. At that point he'll start making bets, then when the deck is heavy in low cards and low in tens he'll stop betting.

Suppose player B knew that player A had just lost his game. If the system was such that 2 losses in a row were very rare, that would be a better reason for starting play at that point in the random stream than a purely random entry, although of course the math says it makes no difference. The point is more to do with consistency than anything else. If you're using a trigger based on past spins then knowing nothing about the past spins with respect to when you enter and exit cannot possibly IMPROVE your chances of winning (assuming that observing past spins does make a difference).
I guess im supposed to respond to this with my usual defiance. ALL I can say to both of you is July next year will give you your answer.

What will be seen will be enough to show the virtues of what I do. And of course it would have been highly unlikely those numbers would have been reached with continuous play. Especially with methods that are according to one forum owner are pure garbage.

If for exampLe you can sit there and win more than 40 games of PATTERN BREAKER in a row. Do let me know.
Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 22, 2012, 01:13:00 AM
Quote from: atlantis on December 21, 2012, 09:12:30 PM
Hi JohnLegend,
Thanks for your very encouraging report update about your discoveries with the 5-L trigger... It also confirms what I am finding out myself the more I test that way... :)
That means adding your games to mine we have 99 games without defeat and highest step 5. Not bad at all!!

I am prepared to use an 8 step progression after the 5 L's: 1,1,1,2,3,5,7,11 (31u) - but of course am hoping that will not be reached or even be necessary. Finding the optimum type of progression will be of key importance...

A win on my third step simply returns +0 (level)  so my  five step prog is 1-1-1-2-3 (only 8 units risk) but of course I know your profits would have been higher over the 75 games that you playtested with your preferred progression 1-1-2-3-5 (12u)

Let's hope this thing pans out to even more success. I'm warily optimistic, JL.  :)

Yes Atlantis, I risked 80 units per game on the original CODE 4. I would certainly be prepared to risk 46 on this. It will be interesting and exciting to see how long it holds. I will stake 1,1,2,3,5,7,11,16=46 Units risk. So 25--30 wins secure a progression. Then Im playing for pure profit.

80/1 or better longterm and I personally would be over the moon. H.A.R I've a feeling it could last a lot longer. And I will find out as I play the first 1,000 games.  :thumbsup:
Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 21, 2012, 08:34:45 PM
Quote from: atlantis on December 21, 2012, 04:35:40 PM
Today's test of CODE 4 HORIZONTAL (with trigger 5-L's)

3 b 1 c   L L
1 a 1 b   W L
1 a 2 b   L L
1 c 3 a   L L         trigger
2 c 3 c   L1 W2     +1
1 a 2 a   L W
1 a 2 a   L W
3 b 2 a   L L
2 c 1 b   L L         trigger
1 a 2 a   L W2      +3
3 a 2 a   L W
2 b 2 b   W W
2 a 1 b   L L
3 c 3 c   W W
2 a 3 a   L W
2 a 3 b   L L
1 c 2 b   L L
3 a 3 a   W W
2 a 2 b   W L
1 a 1 b   W L
2 c 2 b   W L
3 c 3 c   W W
2 a 1 c   L L
1 a 3 c   L L
1 a 3 b   L L1       trigger
1 c 2 b   L1 L1
3 a 3 a   W4 W     +4
1 b 3 a   L L
1 b 1 c   W L
1 c 1 c   W W
1 a 1 b   W L
3 a 3 b   W L
3 b 2 b   L W
2 c 1 a   L L
2 c 3 c   L W
2 c 3 a   L L
1 a 2 b   L L
3 c 2 a   L L1        trigger
3 c 2 b   L1 L1
2 b 2 b   W4 W       +5
1 a 1 a   W W
2 b 1 a   L L
2 b 1 c   L L
1 b 3 b   L W2      trigger +7
3 b 3 a   W L
3 c 3 b   W L
2 b 3 c   L L
3 b 1 b   L W
1 a 1 b   W L
1 c 3 b   L L
1 c 1 c   W W
1 a 1 a   W W
3 b 1 c   L L
3 a 2 a   L W
3 a 1 b   L L
1 a 1 b   W L
3 a 1 c   L L
1 a 3 a   L W
1 a 2 c   L L
3 c 2 b   L L
1 c 2 b   L L1          trigger
2 b 1 c   L1 L1
1 b 1 a   W4 L           +8
2 c 2 b   W L
3 a 3 a   W W
3 a 3 a   W W
3 a 3 c   W L
2 b 2 c   W L
3 a 3 b   W L
1 a 1 b   W L
2 c 3 c   L W
2 a 2 b   W L
1 c 2 a   L L
1 b 3 c   L L             trigger
2 a 1 a   L1 W2          +9
2 b 1 c   L L
3 b 2 b   L W
2 b 1 a   L L
2 c 3 b   L L
2 a 3 b   L L1           trigger
2 b 2 b   W2 W         +10
1 c 2 c   L W
1 b 3 a   L L
3 a 2 b   L L
1 c 2 a   L L1           trigger
3 a 3 a   W2 W          +11
1 b 1 a   W L
3 c 3 b   W L
1 c 1 a   W L
2 b 3 b   L W
3 b 2 a   L L
3 a 3 a   W W
2 b 3 b   L W
2 c 3 c   L W
3 c 1 b   L L
2 a 3 c   L L
1 c 2 c   L W2       trigger +13
2 a 2 b   W L
2 b 1 c   L L
2 a 3 a   L W

400 spins.   +13u profit

More profit could have been achieved using the reverse code 4 notation in tandem with standard code 4 matrix as in previous post...

So that's 24 games played so far with the 5-L mod.

24 won - 0 lost     Profit: +30u     Highest progression reached so far: Step 4

Hi Atlantis, your five loss trigger may end up being the ultimate option for playing longer sessions. I've played 75 games now.

And the TOTAL longest wait for a win using your five loss trigger over those 75 games is five bets. Which means a progression of 1,1,2,3,5=12 Units risk.

Would have won all 75 of those bets. This method is fantastic. My next update will be tomorrow evening.  :thumbsup:
Quote from: Bally6354 on December 21, 2012, 03:04:27 PM
Here is wishing your Mother a very speedy recovery Proof.
Yes hope your mother will make a speedy recovery Proof. Health always comes first.
Quote from: dino246 on December 20, 2012, 10:17:24 PM
JL,H+R should in theory work the same Online same as live......yet.

Where do you NOW play....is it at Paddy's with a Live Dealer.

Can YOU swear It's 10000000% Kosher.
I can't speak for all online live casinis Dino. But I believe PADDYPOWER to be very fair. My results there are no different to any B&M casino. Just faster.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 21, 2012, 05:28:08 AM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 11:09:19 PM
I got it now. In 6 months you will try to turn 200 units in 4000-6000 units.
Good luck then...
Thankyou Marigny...
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 20, 2012, 10:57:24 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 09:38:44 PM
in 6 months?
Not in 6 months, July represents phase 1 four to six thousand units from 200. It will be ongoing from there until im stopped.
Quote from: wannawin on December 20, 2012, 08:46:45 PM
Why do many people say the hit and run technique can not be programmed? In the casino you have a hit and walk out the door. When on your computer you have a hit for you to make a pause.

The program can make pauses to miss any number of sets without playing. It simulates not being present in the casino as the game continues. If it is a bot it can surely be made to stop for a few hours betting dummy bets. If it is a test with a file using past numbers then the entire file is to be discarded when you hit to pass to the next file as if it is the next day in the casino again.

If is not too much to ask you can tell me your opinion. I just think it should not be hard to make a program to pause without betting. This simulates the run.

If you tell me there is a difference between leaving the casino through the door as opposed to pause the computer then I have no case.

Thank you.
Its about breaking a cycle. Can any method with a progression survive a million spin test? Everyone just said no. Can a method played H.A.R with a progression survive the equivalent broken into shorter frames.

YES. Why is it different to play H.A.R on a computer or 5 different live tables. Think about that. Then think some more.

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 20, 2012, 08:59:11 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 07:52:16 PM
May i ask what is your goal with the 200 units?
That depends on PP Marigny. I will go until they stop me. If that's a quarter million then that's what it will be. Whatever their limit is.
Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 20, 2012, 04:17:42 PM
Quote from: atlantis on December 20, 2012, 03:43:45 PM

Had time to do another test of 176 spins using the 5-LOSS TRIGGER
This time on dublinbet table 1 actuals:

Only 4 games qualified.

Profit +6

2 won on 1st bet
2 won on 2nd bet

I'm going to continue with the 5-L's TRIGGER testing even though JL is using a DOUBLE TRIGGER that seems working well.
Example of 5-LOSS TRIGGER

1C2B   L L
1C3B   L L
3B1C   L L1  -    Trigger and first bet (lost)
2A2A  W2 W       = +1  (2nd bet win)

Atlantis its going steady with the double trigger. I will update on Saturday or Sunday. I think youve hit on one great single dozen method. I like how steady this is flowing. Once I have a 1,000  games in the bag I will know if this is as strong as I suspect.

Great work Atlantis, your best offering ever in my opinion.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 20, 2012, 01:59:31 PM
Quote from: AMK on December 20, 2012, 12:11:58 PM
Hello again Robeenhuut,

From my perspective JL is not saying that everyone will be successful with his methods or playing style but there is a good chance if you try. In my mind JL is saying that HE can be successful and wants to show this so that others have a better chance of doing the same.

That is all I am going to say as it takes away from the thread.

Look for PB HORIZONTAL soon!!
Spot on AMK. If more could grasp that theyd understand me better. I offer up how I play and what works for ME. Its then up to the individual to see if they can make it work for them or not.

If you play exactly as I play you will do okay. If you have a great run of success you  could do better than me. But staying power issues. And slack MM control won't give an honest picture. that's why I had to do this challenge.

To show how I win with PB and the rest. Then when people see that I did it. They will understand my unwavering passion for these methods.

You will understand why I am like I am. When you are successful for many years. You too would become sure of yourself. As Bayes said its my personality. But its backed up by alot of success.

When others see what I did with just 200 units. They will understand my passion and self belief. And one person in particular. will owe me an apology, if he has a shread of decency in him.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 20, 2012, 06:16:38 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 20, 2012, 05:36:42 AM
For the record i never said that you were using different aliases. I questioned Mr Pilot stats and of course i disagree with your
HAR approach and idea that betting on some patterns can produce better results. And you forgot to mention that some guys like Trebor and Shogun reported less stellar results with PB. Besides what are you going to prove John?. Only that if you ride favorable deviations you will end your challenge with the profit.  :D If you end up in a loss there will be an explanation for it ready. Casino cheated or i should have played once a day instead of 5 times a day and so on....usual stuff. One that really amused me was for FIVE i think after somebody lost on BVNZ you came up with the theory that its better to play on BV zero RNG.
Im going to prove that I wasn't lying when I said I win with PATTERN BREAKER Matt. If I lost which I won't. I would put my hand up.

That's the point of the challenge, to prove im not this liar, fraud and scammer. I've been accused of being. Using a method in the words of you know who. That is pure garbage and will DEFINATELY FAIL.

That's what this is all about Matt, no lucky deviations will do what im going to do. I have to succeed, and I will.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 20, 2012, 12:48:57 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 19, 2012, 10:40:18 PM

The 7 times you hit the 40 barrier before, was when you were just playing H/L ?
Yes AMK, I've never won more than 34 games when I played both HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN.