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Messages - JohnLegend

General Discussion / Re: Is variance really a killer?
December 15, 2012, 03:30:32 PM
Variance is less effective when you play H.A.R because you are not staying there long enough to be hurt. That's why a progression such as the one I use with PB will be more effective.

Everybody talks about VARIANCE of the game. What they don't talk about is VARIANCE in our money managment, that's how you negate the effect of variance in the game. You learn the common win loss pattern of your given method. Then stake to take advantage of this. You don't mechanically stick to the same staking plan.

Especially if you are betting against small odds. With odds of 7/1 you don't bet on auto-pilot nada. That's not going to get you very far in the longterm. With odds of 242/1. You can  bet MORE rigidly. Because H.A.R will take care of business and give you a definitive edge.

Landing dead on top of a losss at odds of 242/1 playing H.A.R is very hard to do. Landing dead on top of a loss at odds of 7/1 isn't. You bring in smart MM and on the spot decision making to garner the edge that secures a longterm overall profit.

Everything comes down to your BR and your given risk for a method. Many players want something without risking anything. It doesn't work like that. I have to laugh out loud when I read of players willing to let their bankrolls drawdown by three or four hundred units playing level stakes. Before they can expect recovery and hopeful profit.

Yet these same people will sneer at and criticize anyone using a martingale that might risk 80 or even 242 units. But is alot mote certain of winning. This thinking Makes absolutely no sense at all. Risk is RISK. You only need to find out through plenty of testing how justified that risk is.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 15, 2012, 03:11:47 PM
Quote from: Trebor on December 15, 2012, 12:38:09 PM
Still plodding away.

Results as of 15/12/12.

Total games played           284

Total games won               249

Total games lost                 35

Double losses                      2

Strike rate                          7.1/1

Trebor what is your longest and average winning streak over this sample of games?
Quote from: spike on December 15, 2012, 01:54:51 AM
"Random struggles" and "it MUST". Random doesn't do anything
deterministically, it just is. There's a lot I could say at this point
about what you think you have and the amount of actual experience
behind it, but it would have the censors going berzerk, so I won't

You don't have to attempt to explain anything more, I now know exactly
where you're coming from.
Spike no need to get excited. This is the point to be proven. You have your theory, I will have proof to support what I say.

And that's all there is to it.
Quote from: spike on December 15, 2012, 12:38:04 AM
Let me get this straight. You think in every 30
spins, every dozen sleeps for at least 5 in a row.
Is that correct?
No to be precise as you will find out when Victor finishes the tracker/tester for 7 ON 1. RANDOM struggles to produce more than 3 or 4 gaps like this 1--23--32--27--3. Before it MUST then produce a gap like this 1--23--32--27--30--3 or more. It could on occasion total more than 30 spins because of repeaters and shorter gaps of 2 or three. But seven 4 gaps in a row playing H,A,R. Will be rare.

This is a by product of playing the ZONE for many years. I noticed that random simply cannot stay under 5 or more for too long. And played H.A.R its scarey. I might go years without loss.

For 7 ON 1 to lose random at the PRECISE time I decide to play a game. Has to show me seven 4 gaps without producing a 5 gap or more. And using H.A.R that's very, very, very hard to lose.
Quote from: spike on December 15, 2012, 12:25:12 AM
A dozen doesn't hit for 5 spins and that's a virtual limit on
random outcomes? How so? Its just a dozen not hitting
for 5 spins, it doesn't mean anything.

How is it a limit on random?
What I am saying is go and see how many times you can count over 30 CONSECUTIVE SPINS. Without seeing a dozen produce a 5 gap or more.

7 ON 1 takes advantage of this weakness in random. You think you are the only person who knows anything about random behaviour. Think again. The difference is im not merely talking. This is going to be proven with real money.
Quote from: spike on December 15, 2012, 12:04:46 AM
"I struggles to keep a dozen producing a 5 gap"

HUH? What on earth does this mean???

"a dozen that hits sleeps for 4 spins than hits again
for more than 30 spins"

And what the heck does THIS mean? Seriously, I
have no idea.
Example this is a 5 gap for DOZEN ONE---11--13--24--33--22--12.
That should be straight forward to understand.
Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:39:52 PM
By making statements you can't back up? Why would I want to do that?

You just said "random has virtual limits". Like what? Name some
limits, explain what you mean. Why do so many people here love
to make statements they can't back up? They act offended when
you ask them to explain something.

Any statement I make here I will gladly explain till the cows come
home. I never make a statement I can't back up.
One of randoms VIRTUAL LIMITS. Is it struggles to keep a dozen under producing a 5 Gap I.E a dozen that hits sleeps for 4 spins then hits again or greater a 6 gap or more for more than 30 consecutive spins.

This is what 7 On 1 deals with. And played H.A.R you can win several thousand times to every loss. Making it a semi grail. Basically a.method that will always produce a profit.

I am not into endless theories, this will be proven beyond doubt. The play strategy coupled with H.A.R. Is a powerful pairing.
Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 11:12:26 PM
Not suprizingly, I have no idea what this means. Does anybody?

"Random has VIRTUAL LIMITS. Points it can not pass very often."

Really? Name some limits. Go ahead, you can do it. Right?

"That's exactly what Ill prove by July."

that's what you said about The Zone, and we waited
and waited and we're still waiting. You have a track
record on predictions, you never make good on them.
I was never in a position to conduct a test for real money back then. I am now.

The zone was/is a good method that I will prove is profitable in time.

PATTERN BREAKER is very good. FIVE and 7 ON 1 semi grails. All will be proven money makers and roulette defeaters.

I am putting myself on the.line with real working methods. Can you do the same?

Quote from: spike on December 14, 2012, 10:40:15 PM
The use of the term trigger defeats the explanation of what
random is. It traps you into thinking its something it isn't.
To deal with random effectively, you need to understand
it as well as possible, and that means not trying to make it
do things that aren't possible.
To beat random you don't need it to do anything. You simply need it to be poor at doing something. And a TRIGGER is PURE GOLD when it comes to identifying the start of that.

Random has VIRTUAL LIMITS. Points it can not pass very often. FIND one of these virtual limits. And forge a PLAYABLE method around it. And the games beaten.

That's exactly what Ill prove by July. No mathematician, detractor or negative thinker will be able to refute this.
Even chance / Re: Pattern Breaker with a Twist
December 14, 2012, 04:58:12 PM
Quote from: peauke on December 14, 2012, 02:57:04 PM

I am a relative newbie to the game of roulette (1,5 year now). I started with the classic system Red / Black and Marti progression (did not knew this was not going to work very naïve). Lost some cash to it then started to read on forums and sites about systems and strategies. Visited rr.cc and vls.com quite often. Tried different systems but the main thing in my opinion is good MM and DISCIPLINE. Especially the last one is difficult when you are on a streak, because after a winning streak there can be some losses and then you think bet one more time to catch up the loss you made and then you lose and again and again until your BR is gone.

So enough for my intro back to the system I wanna talk to you about. I have always liked JL systems and PB is a very constant one. My strikerate is about 1:12/13 at the moment. I haven't played hundred games but still in my opinion it is a steady system. If HAR really works I don't know maybe it does maybe it doesn't. I also think Luck is a great factor.

My system is based on PB and the TWIST is from TwisterUK. I saw this twist at the baccarat topic.

Okay enough talk, here it goes.
1.     Start a new game/session.
2.     Don't use history spins ( I only use the last spun number, you don't have to)
3.     Start tracking the combinations.
4.     We have 6 cluster combinations:


5.     We start betting after one cluster has 1 combination left, ex.

You see RBB is left now we bet opposite so bet BRR, with progression 1-2-4.

6.     If a combination has formed twice but a cross after the first one (see ex) this is because I do layer betting (also from TwisterUK).
7.     Finally I also play the original PB within this session. Let say the following happens:


You see in cluster 1,2 we already had one bet on BBR and RBB, this was say 6 spins ago. Now the new combination is forming and this is BBR so we cross off this one and in the original PB we have to bet the opposite of RBB because this is the last pattern. So we do this.

8.     When tracking I ignore the zero. For ex. 24-5-0-6. I write down
            H  L  L

9.     I usually bet a max off 2 layers or if I win +5 units.

My results so far for this system:

WIN: 58

LOSS with ZERO in combi: 2

It is still early but I think it looks good and you have got more betting opportunities.

Questions suggestions are welcome.

Nice Twist Peauke, you mentioned MM and DISCIPLIINE. Both are crucial. Also STAYING POWER. I would like to see how you are doing with this 6 months from now.

Lets hope you can stay on it that long, I will give it a try myself. :thumbsup:
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 14, 2012, 02:37:49 PM
How to learn about negative feedback the Redneck way:

Go into a biker bar, find the biggest, meanest S.O.B. in the place and go spit in his beer.



Worse steel the S.O.Bs Harley. Or do an Arnie T2 Style I want your boots your jacket and your motorcycle. Were talking murder she wrote.

I was in a bar in Texas a few years back. When about 25 hells angels came in. The nicest one looked like Chewbackas brother. Not to be messed with.

Quote from: topcat888 on December 14, 2012, 07:05:02 AM
John, keep out of the way, I think the 'Twins Coalition' is about to implode..!  This is the most entertained I've been for weeks...

Spike, I believe it's your go..?
TC your are right.
Archive / Re: Sponsor a community software!
December 13, 2012, 09:01:27 PM
don't know much about trackers Victor. But I want to contribute. I have a method unknown to most on the forum as yet. Called 7 on 1. If I pm you the details. You can see if you can work something out for me? And I will double your asking price. How does that sound?
Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:41:30 PM
Uh Huh. Go here: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=11347.msg100104;topicseen#msg100104

As you can see, Steve erased most of the evidence when he
deleted Fender's and Fender's shills posts. But you know that,
don't you.
I know nothing because I never had any shills period. If you consider enthusiastic members shills then that's your mistake and problem. But not anything to do with me. Steve is Mr overeaction. And the first person who will be proven out of line and flawed in his beliefs next year.
Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:11:00 PM
He admits to being Fender1000 and Fender had
more shills that could be counted. But you're
right, test his system till the cows come home,
idle hands and all that..

I don't use triggers. I have no idea what the next
outcome is, that's why I guess. Using triggers with
random outcomes is a disaster waiting to happen.

I grind. I play till I reach my goal and I leave. I
make the best guess I can on every spin and let
the chips fall where they may.
Spike would you care to name these so-called Shills?. Because this is news to me. If you are going to attempt to drag someones name through the mud. You need irrefutable PROOF. Not blind allegations AND fabrications. To support your wishful thinking.
You don't agree with my method of play as MANY don't. I can live with that. But that doesn't mean you have the right to make stuff up either.