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Messages - JohnLegend

Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
December 13, 2012, 08:20:54 PM
Quote from: subby on December 13, 2012, 08:07:05 PM
That's definitely a good way to approach it...I like that idea but I'm locked in to rules. I'll look to be doing what you've said above, when I am playing my own BR


My money management plan for anyone wanting to have a look at it. I uploaded it twice in error but I can't remove one of them  :-[ It is the same file.

This has 10x a BR, 15x a BR and 20 x a BR total loss setup. Along with green insurance info and projected earnings for units won. Someone might find it in some way, useful  :bye:
I know Subby, also playing the way I started. Losing is becoming more of a stranger. I came off a 28 game winning streak on BV.Then won 4 more there before we had to bail.

Now have won 11 on PADDYPOWER so far giving me a 28---15 and counting. I could never do this when I played both HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN. You would get decent streaks 15 plus. But then always have a sub 15 streak afterwards.  :thumbsup:
Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
December 13, 2012, 07:47:53 PM
Quote from: subby on December 13, 2012, 07:38:07 PM
It is my aim to eventually be playing with £40+ units with a BR over £5k. Your aim of 1 game a day would be my ideal grind too. Even if you had a dreadful run you'd still look to pull out a 10 units profit, overall, in a month. If you're playing £40 units then that is £400 which isn't to be sniffed at..imagine you got a streak and ended up 25+ units up a month...£1000 in a month  :nod:

Playing fewer games with larger unit size is my preferred option too  :thumbsup:
You know Subby, the OCCASIONAL blitz doesn't do you any harm either. Do you remember when you went around all the tables at PADDYPOWER. And played one game each and that was that??.

That's not a bad thing at all once in a while. I am thinking of doing the same soon. Although I am playing the original way for PATTERN BREAKER now. So I am only playing HIGH LOW. And at the moment I am only playing one table on PP.

When I reach a certain level. I will be alot more adventurous. I am also using various MM strategies to protect hard earned profits. I HATE GIVING THEM BACK. So after 5 consecutive wins. I will only play the 2nd and 3rd steps until I lose. So when I do lose I am only handing back 3 POINTS instead of 7.

I like to be playing with winnings casino money. It makes me feel more comfortable. And willing to take more risks. Yes its all relative. Lets say one day you are palying for £40 points. Twenty of those a month will do very nicely.
Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
December 13, 2012, 01:48:59 PM
Quote from: AMK on December 12, 2012, 11:21:59 PM
TREMENDOUS work here Subby, AMAZING.

PB 4 DL, although a method which has to show any consistency, was developed to eventually play with VERY large units. However to get to this stage, would as you mention,  take a longtime.

Because PB 4 DL uses less units proportionally to PB it would take less spins/time.

I like the thought of just playing 1 game per day : )
Truly inspirational AMK. You focus, visualize your plan of action then make it a reality.
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 13, 2012, 06:23:07 AM
       You may take it as a matter of pride but I think this is failure at your part or your concepts are vague and ambiguous.
Kingsroulette, it's a waste of time. They apparently know better than us. Yet will offer no clear cut model to test. Best to leave it.
Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 12, 2012, 07:16:45 PM
Quote from: marivo on December 10, 2012, 10:38:15 PM
Thank you!
This method has potential. BUT, only if you stick firmly to the game loss trigger. It won't work anyother way. I tried to rush in and just bet against all 4 patterns forming in the minumum of 8 spins. And got a good hiding.

I will test it from here on strictly to AMKs rules and see how it holds up after a few hundred games.
Quote from: Superman on December 12, 2012, 07:01:37 PM

Yup, did that TC, I even wrote the same on  a thread and the mods came along and deleted it!!! they don't want to lose members
Why? Afterall the owner of that forum has nothing to fear right? We are all crazy to even imagine this games for the taking with a method.  :nod:
Personally for me Victor, I like the public forum. If we keep everything in private groups then 300 years from now, when we are all long gone nothing much will have changed in the general perception, regarding this game's supposed invincibility against longterm success.

With a public forum, the seeds of inspiration can be planted in jaded and fresh minds alike. To show, and in my case now prove, this game can be beaten in the long run.  :thumbsup:

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 12, 2012, 02:49:34 PM







ALL the twelves today and all change. After a twin login issue with BV. Superman and me had to bail out and transfer over to the best of em all PADDYPOWER. Maintaining my play on only HIGH--LOW. I just came off a nice streak of 28. And am currently on a streak of 7. I would expect at least a few sub 15 streaks now. So will stake with more caution until I lose.

PADDYPOWER have a nice selection of tables, and you can bet a minumum of 0.50p LIVE on their sports roulette wheel. Which is very useful for methods like FIVE and 7 ON 1 while I build up funds over the coming weeks. Surprisingly. I've had two games of 7 ON 1 already in a short number of spins. And one for FIVE. They are both playable with live online.

Opportunities will come while tracking the wheel for PB. And each time they do, I will take advantage of them to help with BR growth. Both FIVE and 7 ON 1 will be introduced to the forum in the new year.
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 09, 2012, 04:24:36 AM
This Martingale and Grand Martingale type of progressions are proven failures. We should try something lesser harmful.
I don't dismiss the use of a mild 2 or 3 step Marthingale. I think they can be very rewarding and powerful. I am totally against a suicidal Martingale. Like I and many others tried years ago.

Where you would wait for say 3 reds or blacks. Then using a 9 stepper 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256

Betting you wouldn't see 12 reds or Blacks. You could win hundreds of times. I did, then get wiped out when that 12 was staring you in the face or even 10 reds peppered with a couple of ZEROS.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 08, 2012, 10:02:29 AM
Quote from: shogun on December 08, 2012, 09:52:10 AM

Hi John,
i have read and understand all the money management posts about PB and totally agree. I had the correct bank roll for the different stakes i played. I have an overall bank roll i use for roulette and its in my bank account. I just use what i need.
I had a bad run, nothing to do with money management but a bad strike rate. I am going to continue as i still have faith. In the grand scale of things i have not played that many games of PB.

I may try just H/L. I am looking forward to hear your new idea with Chauncy47.

Yes and don't forget AMK he has joined the forum. And has a very interesting idea with only a 3UNIT BUY IN. Check the discussions section. I am currently testing it. 4/0 so far. And only 3 wins are required to break even. Its all good.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 08, 2012, 09:34:21 AM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:45:49 PM
Dino: I had 4 losses in which a zero played its part including 1 double loss.

Chauncy47: I bet on H/L and O/E only. When i first started i also played R/B but gave this up as it was running at 5/1. I started betting .10p while i was learning PB. I quickly moved on to £1,£2,£5 and then £10 bets  :scared:
So during this last bad run i was betting £10,£20 and £40. I do not do a recovery bet and i was playng HAR.
I have lost some money with PB that is ok we all know the risks. I still have faith but it's a grind.
On a positive note i have got back most of what i lost playing another system  :)
Looking over this post Shogun, you were moving way too fast. Here is my advice for BR and win/loss expectations.

1, Your BANKROLL ideally should be 20x7. Meaning in the case of PATTERN BREAKER twenty times the 7 UNITS RISK. That's minumum.

2, If you are maintaining the 20x7 bankroll. For you to reach a point where you are betting 10,20,40. your minumum BR should be 1,400 units.

3, Me personally I have a rule of thumb when it comes to staking for PB. And that is, your overall BANKROLL should be ONE HUNDRED TIMES the size of your minumum stake. So for example if I am staking 2,4,8=14 units risk. My overall BANKROLL ***MUST*** be at least 200 UNITS.

there's no ifs buts or maybes about it. That is the ABSOLUTE MINUMUM. That way when you experience a bad period you arent completely wiped out. SMART MONEY MANAGEMENT is extremely powerful. Using is correctly means even when your method dips below break even point.

Which it will from time to time. You can STILL secure a profit margin. That is why I have no doubt I will succeed with PATTERN BREAKER, for as long as I play it. Its perfectly made to execute smart money management with. The follow up bet is very strong. Meaning 2--4 sevenths of a loss can be recovered very quickly.

When it hits that nice 15 plus winning streak, you pull further into profit. When its behaving badly you bring it back up with the recovery bet. There are many ways you can money-manage this method and still come out in profit. People have to break loose from rigid thinking.  :forbidden:

Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 08, 2012, 02:21:51 AM
Martingale always looks like a panacea but risking 31 units for gaining 1 unit is not a wise idea, irrespective of u use it for a fixed bet or randomise the series of bets, bet it on roulette, baccarat, craps, coin flipping or sports bet. It is one and same.
Good points Esoito and Kingsroulette. For me a mild martingale is workable. And can be justified if the strikerate has the potential to overcome that you are risking.

Everyone by now knows PATTERN BREAKER has a minumum buy in of 7 UNITS. What amuses me is people will attack that three step Martingale. Then speak of riding out downturns of 300 plus units with their own methods of play.

You only have to think about that to realize the attitude makes no sesnse. I will only use a Martingale style progression if I feel its use is justified.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 08, 2012, 06:45:32 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 08, 2012, 03:53:40 AM
Odds of 1 to 2000 if im not mistaken. Not so rare in my book. The same odds like around 60 winning run. Anything can happen.  ;)   Making predictions about a strike rate is useless and the more testing and playing is done the more people will realize that.
Matt with PB I don't expect a big strikerate. As the math says it should wittle down to around 7/1 longterm.
With H.A.R depending on certain factors luck, timing etc you can experience two extremes. You might put together a huge winning streak that gives you a longterm advantage. Or you might run into a very poor run as Shogun did.

Given the relatively small buy in of 7 units. The method is more open to volatile extremes. When I started out I got some amazing winning streaks that put me in a very comfortable place.

Shogun himself had a 37 early on. Which is like winning 5 progressions. When things arent going well most players start to question themselves. Shogun even after that very poor run overall is still just over break even after a relatively small number of games. His numbers for me would still mean profit.

The mind is often the weak link. STAYING POWER separates longterm success from failure. There are millions of players out there who will never know this game can be beaten. Simply because their mindset will never allow it.

They are fine so long as they are winning. When a downturn spell hits they lose focus and desire very quickly. I've experienced it all with this method and game. That's why I don't worry when I see things arent going as good as I want.

I am always thinking LONGTERM like a business that has periods where P&L fluctuates. So I don't try to predict strikerates Matt. I report what I experience.

No method with such a small buy in like PB will ever be big bang proof. To get close to that you have to put more spare change into the cycle. But that's another story.

Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 08, 2012, 12:09:50 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 08, 2012, 12:05:53 AM
Thank you VLS, JohnLegend and Vic.

I forgot to mention that it is ofcourse a 3 unit bet: 1,2

PB has a lot of strength JL.

Thanks for explaining that little 5 to 1 detail.
You are welcome. With a 3 unit bet this gem will be impregnable. I still have to see if it can hold even half as well as the original.

But going on what I know. you will DEFINATELY win more than 3 times to every double loss. And that would make this one of the strongest methods ever with next to nothing to buy in.

I will test this over the coming weeks AMK and report back to you with my findings. Very good work. 8) 8) 8)
Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 07, 2012, 11:35:45 PM
Quote from: AMK on December 07, 2012, 11:31:58 PM
Hello everyone,

First post. I like the vibe of the forum.


PB 4 DL is based around JohnLegends Double Loss results for PATTERN BREAKER.  Strikerate 111/1

My assumption is that this win to loss rate will be seen even when we halve the number of patterns. PATTERN BREAKER revolves around 8 patterns. Will there be a proportional strikerate when we only use 4 patterns? Remember we are waiting for a loss, playing against a double loss.

On all EC's we can find 4 patterns:

HL         OE        RB
HH        OO        RR
LH         EO        BB
LL          EE        BR

We translate this into numbers 1 through 4

1        1        1
2        2        2
3        3        3
4        4        4

We start playing just as regular PATTERN BREAKER, but only with 4 patterns on each EC.

We wait for a loss on one of the EC's


4....  pattern 4 (last unhit pattern) appears directly after pattern 3

Now we observe the other two EC's which have not seen a loss yet.

First EC to qualify we bet against the last unhit pattern to appear directly.


..   here we bet against pattern 3 appearing directly.

I am inclined to think that we can expect a proportional Double Loss strikerate as with PATTERN BREAKER.

I hope to start playing this live soon.
Very nice AMK you are playing to the REAL strength, powerpoint of the PB method. I have to really look at this.

Its truly excellent thanks for sharing it. And a warm welcome from me. This forum just got that bit
better. If the strikerate for a pure win can be good with PB. The strikerate against a double loss can be

fantastic. I had a run of 139 wins against a double loss on the regular PB. And have only suffered 8
double losses LIVE out of a potential 594. That's the reason I use it as a recovery bet. When you consider
even 8/1 will give you a profit. While in reality 30/1 minumum is very realistic. This is where I've found the real value and power of the method over the Last 4 years. It means PATTERN BREAKER could be
running as low as 5/1 and I will still show a profit.  :thumbsup: