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Messages - JohnLegend

Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 03, 2012, 03:54:08 PM
Still your hit rate is so much better in private...

This reminds me of the guy who can do a thousand push-ups when no one is looking.

So you want credibility?  You want respect?  The publicize your hit rate.  subby is doing exactly that, so this is not for him.

Don't post a trot from Spielbank that is three years old.  We all know you shopped for it until you found one that showed you're a genius.  (Harsh, I know!)

Say this:  Three days from now, I'll download table 4 from Speilbank and I'll show you what it can do.  Name the date and the table.

Today, when I get the time, I will check tables 2,3,4 and 7 with the Stef tracker on the "other" forum. 

Now, honestly ask yourself---do you put more stock in today's unpublished numbers or those from three years ago?

Just trying to get us to quit BSing ourselves and do some verifiable testing.  In true science, if it's not verifiable, it's just laughed at.


EDIT:  I'll attach the Tally Sheet for the test if any have not seen it.  Note the days in advance to be filled in.
Sam my verification man is Superman. When I reach 4 or 5 hundred euro on BV. Im going over to PADDY POWER. Now im not up on the technical side of screenshots and such. Maybe you or Subby can help me when I get there.

This whole thing is going to get bigger than me Subby or anyone Sam you know that.

Im challenging very established views here that have stood for centuries. And im saying there's more to it than was previously thought/considered.

That's why I persist. When the realization of success and hard cash starts breaking through. Questions are going to start being asked on all levels.
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 03, 2012, 02:20:39 PM

Still your hit rate is so much better in private...
Actually no, Subby is matching my hit rate for PATTERN BREAKER. Others have surpassed it. The handful of people who REALLY put their heart into it will get close or surpass my numbers.

The lazy can't be bothered types will just stand on the sidelines repeating. Einstein said it can't be done. So it can't be done.

My job is to show/prove. That it most certainly can be done.
General Discussion / Re: Understanding Random Outcomes
December 03, 2012, 02:36:30 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 03, 2012, 02:19:14 PM

What are the claims. No need to feel attacked... Sorry if i hurt anything.  :-X
That PATTERN BREAKER can show a longterm profit while breaking all the rules. Martingale progression, hit and run etc. Spike said he knew PB was a loser in 1.5 seconds.

It will be amusing watching him explain how this loser made several thousand units profit next year. Its going to be a classic.
General Discussion / Re: Understanding Random Outcomes
December 03, 2012, 02:10:08 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 03, 2012, 11:12:01 AM

What are those claims? And in what way they have to do with Understanding Random Outcomes?

You just  click on the BV challenge button once a month. You, Spike, Steve, Gizmotron. All who think I make this up are in for a surprise.

And a lesson youll never forget. I am not goimg to argue with anyone over this again. Youll hold your beliefs until someone shows you.

There is another way. that's my job.
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 03, 2012, 12:58:33 PM

I am sorry but i never saw any verifiable results. None of this hit rates actually happened in your "challenges" both with Bayes' RNG and BV.
Marigny its ongoing. Look at the BV challenge summertime next year. And tell me you don't see major progress.

An acorn doesn't turn into an oaktree overnight. Watch as the months roll by.
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 01, 2012, 12:49:18 PM
Just to add some more to the conversation about randomness and looking at it from the casino side of the fence and then a little bit from mine. It doesn't appear as if the casino's fully understand randomness either. If they did, they wouldn't need to apply "house edge" rules such as table limits or the single or double zero. In some respect, that actually offers some comfort to me as a player.

What a great game this is ... it allows us to challenge ourselves, our thinking, and work on discipline, strategize, along with the power of observation ...and then we get to come here and share ideas about it.  The best part of all, we get to have fun doing it!  Every time I walk into the casino, I am captivated by the people, the environment and I always see something new. This game offers so many little tiny opportunities that can be taken advantage while waiting for a trigger and if you are one those people who learn to see those opportunites and jump on them, it can really add to the success of your game.
To add to what Chauncy says here, I've long believed RANDOM has virtual limits, points it can rarely pass.

Identify those limits, then forge a method to exploit them.  And the games for the taking. Sit back and give the negatives of the game too much respect. And another 300 years from now people will still believe a myth. I.E that its impossible to profit from this game in the long run.

Casinos don't win from this game because of house edge, random or house limits. They continue to win (and always will overall) because of what's lacking in the people who PLAY THIS GAME.

If you could clone a Subby or Chauncy47. And send 10s of thousands of them to casinos all around the world. A big noise would be made in the gambling world. And the game would be in trouble. Thankfully human nature being what it is. This will never happen.

And only an elite few, who can apply themselves to this game properly and consistently will prosper over the long-term. That is how its always going to be. That said, my goal is to make it be known. The game is indeed for the taking. If you can step up to the plate with the right set of mental tools.

And the few that do, have a prosperous future ahead of them... :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Understanding Random Outcomes
December 02, 2012, 04:46:28 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 01, 2012, 08:06:48 AM
Without understanding how random works you don't have
a chance of beating roulette. If you don't learn how to
think like random thinks, it will never let you tame it.

  If you have understood randmoness properly why don't you tell your way of beating/taming it? Empty preachings do not impress.  :no:
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Actions speak louder than words. I claimed some big things but by this time next year people will know I can back up my claims.
Math & Statistics / Re: Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
December 01, 2012, 05:56:39 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 01, 2012, 04:35:16 AM

Since you are the one that has any grasp of statistics let me put it this way. We have here 1120 winning bets on double dozens and some losing ones. Forget about steps. Can you calculate the odds of having this sequence:  LLLW not consecutively 70 times in a row for double dozens bet?  So each time after you lose 3 bets you win the 4th one.
How about the odds of seeing B 70 times each time after you see RRR?  These events don't have to be consecutive.  ;)
Matt I don't think FIVE is comparable to your example. RRRB is a consecutive formation. With FIVE the main thing that threw most people was THE BET TRIGGER. It could be all over the place. Before around the same time.

And after the game trigger. That's what most people couldnt grasp. And what makes what you deem impossible. Possible. Its not a rigid 1,2,3,4. Like a MATRIX method.

In essence, by the time I got to that fourth step it was actually a fifth step some of the time (with the 2nd step GAME TRIGGER UNPLAYED ) and a fourth step other times. That may be why it survived so long. I've been thinking on this sometime now.

Because don't get me wrong, I was as amazed as you are. But I think that the complexity of the BET TRIGGER. Is what makes it so powerful.

And indeed hard to grasp. So to summarize many of what you thought were consecutive 4 step wins. Were in reality FIVE STEP WINS. Can you understand what im saying here Matt?

I will use the diagram below to try and bring Bayes in on this understanding. Also wading through my results. for what you think is a miracle 70 4 step wins in a row. of the 70. 29 were in reality 5 step wins. And the longest string of PURE 4 steps wins I have during the 70 is 6.

44--STEP 2
44--STEP 3
44--STEP 4------All 4 steps started and qualified after the G/T

44--BET TRIGGER---And step one bet as it started before the game trigger but qualified after the G/T
44--STEP 2 BET
44--STEP 3 BET
44--STEP 4 BET

So what im saying Bayes is 29 of the 70 games that Matt asumes were consecutive 4 STEP winners. Were in reality 5 STEP winners with the second step (GAME TRIGGER) unplayed. Because what FIVE has in common with PATTERN BREAKER. Is we are leaving the BET SELECTION.

Entirely up to RANDOM. This is where I believe both draw their power from. We arent fighting the grain we are flowing with it. And of course random can't be rushed. It does things in its own time.
Quote from: spike on November 30, 2012, 10:13:32 PM
Sigh. But you don't know that it works, that's
the point. Its like the drug company releasing
a new drug to the public cause it works on rats.
"Hey, we only know that it works, good enough
for us." that's how Thorp changed BJ forever.
There were card counters for decades before
Thorp. But he showed HOW it works and WHY it
works and proved it with the math.

I say take your system to the casino and throw
money at it, you'll find out the truth soon enough.
Been doing that 4 years now. Its taking its time showing me. But youll learn. Just keep popping in and out of this forum over the coming years. And see if you can still push that attitude even a year from now.
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 30, 2012, 09:11:51 PM
The reality of PB or any other system that produces more wins than losses, based on this discussion of randomness, is that "we" may not be able to explain why it works.  We believe we know why it works.  I believe I know why it works.   It's my opinion that the answer is simple:  This method is not for everyone.

I over hear this old saying time and time again while I am down at the casiono each night:  "The ball has no memory."  Really? No kidding!  The ball also doesn't understand math such as 7/1, ...and it doesn't understand probability and it doesn't understand black or red or even or odd or high or low.  Quite frankly, the ball doesn't care or understand Pattern Breaker either. 

Players like JL, me and some others, simply believe that randomness has limitations at very specific moments in time.  And so we believe that we can take advantage of those moments and win most of the time -regardless of the system.   And because we believe in that concept combined with believing in patience, good smart money management, discipline, creativity, open mindedness, etc.... It works very well for us.  Nothing more, nothing less.

I am not here to debate with anyone about PB, Code 4, P4 or any of the other great methods ... I am simply offering some insight to why we think the way we do and why we are comfortable playing these methods.
EXACTLY, you either open your mind to this or keep it stuck in a maths journal.

Exactly the point I've been making forever. Random doesn't care about any of it. It is and it does. All we do is find a method to play small frames and if its good we collect more profit than we lose over the longterm. That's what PB does today, tomorrow forever. Take it leave it.

It will still be working a thousand years from now.  :forbidden:
Quote from: spike on November 30, 2012, 07:56:27 PM
Which is meaningless. You don't know how the math
for your own system works, you don't know how it
wins, you know nothing about probability or the nature
of random outcomes. You're the guy who strapped
on some balsam wings and jumped off the barn roof
and didn't die, so now you're an expert on winged
flight. Keep jumping, Lindbergh, the truth will eventually
catch up to you.
Spike I only need to know it WORKS. I leave all the number crunching to maths boys like you. Its held for over 4 years. And its so far ahead. I would have to lose 200 times in a row just to half my profit.

You keep number crunching, the winning goes ON.
Quote from: spike on November 30, 2012, 07:39:53 PM
Implying you have a strong grip on it. All right,
I'll bite. What is it about probability that's weak
in your 'aspect' of the game that lets you win
more than lose. Go into detail, show us why
this works.
Is that you in the Avatar Spike or Billy Idol lol? I don't have an exact answer. My theory is simple. ITS HARDER TO LAND DEAD ON TOP OF A LOSS, THAN TO TRAVEL TOWARDS A LOSS.

That's all there is to it. And the greater the odds the more awesome the winning streak can be. That's why even with a method like PATTERN breaker, which only has paper odds of 7/1. People are stringing together streaks in excess of 20. Subby is currently on a streak of 21.
Quote from: KingsRoulette on November 30, 2012, 07:32:41 PM
Hey Gizmo,
        Do not overemphasize this topic. You have already said so many things about it. Has PB become a subject of research? Shouldn't we focus our attention towards other constructive things than keep on debating over PB.
Kingsroulette, its only the beginning im afraid. Success attracts attention.
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 30, 2012, 06:46:54 PM
So this works because of H.A.R. How do you know when to run? How do you know when to hit? This question is to all that are doing well with PB.

That is what I believe makes H.A.R  a superior way to approach the game. And the bigger the odds the more dramatic its effect can be. Playing one of my other methods FIVE I have a strikerate of 1,425/1 When probability says 80/1.

Playing another of my methods 8 ON 1. I currently have a strikerate of 605/0 When probability says 242/1 And 8 ON 1 hasnt even been challenged ONCE YET. Tests show neither method would make those numbers in continuos play.
Math & Statistics / Re: Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 30, 2012, 06:15:23 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 30, 2012, 08:29:49 AM
BTW, a winning run of 100 in PB is equivalent to an EC streak of 21, so it IS possible, but of course not very common.

As for a winning run of 1000, forget it.  :no:
I agree absolutely no one will EVER win even 300 times in a row with PATTERN BREAKER let alone 1,000. It simply will NEVER HAPPEN.

Im not even sure about Pilots 180. Lets just say he had the greatest freak run ever likely to happen with this method if its true.

I've had a few 100 plus wins. BUT, they were when I only played HIGH and LOW. And only played 5 games maximum a day. Since I started playing ODD EVEN and 10--15 games a day.

The best streak I have had live is 34 for high and Low. I will always tell it as it is. If it works I will say so. If it doesn't I will drop it. Not all my methods were world beaters you know. I've had a few white elephants. VERTICAL 8 didn't hold up. The MATRIX SLIDE slid into negativity.

TRILOGY ended up being pretty average. But when a method works, I will say so.  :thumbsup: