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Messages - JohnLegend

Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 30, 2012, 05:51:03 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 30, 2012, 02:12:01 PM
Noticed Robin hood after u again JL...  :)) :)) :)) ...

JL has nothing to prove to me, he has shown me an idea on how to play. And i have CHOSEN to play it, and it works for me.
You carry on JL doing what u do best, some people appretiate what u are doin mate.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ...

And for the record, i have made a profit from PB, and i am grateful !
Thanks Tarantino, yes I had noticed he jumped overhere because he realized im not coming back to the other forum YET!

Look all I do is report how I play and what it gives me. I am as amazed as anyone else when I get some incredible results. If I hadnt won 70 times on the 4th step non consecutively I would never have said so.

What have I got to gain from making that up? Its simply what H.A.R has given me. Now when you think about it, if a method like PATTERN BREAKER with only 7/1 odds can win 100 times in a row played H.A.R.

What could a method like FIVE with 80/1 odds or 8 ON 1 with 242/1 odds do? That's all you have to consider.

When you play H.A.R to LOSE YOU MUST LAND DEAD ON TOP OF A LOSS. Now if H,A.R can dodge that fatal pattern with only 8 possible combinations 20,30,40 or even 100 plus times.

You don't have to be a genius to realize it could take thousands of attempts to land dead on top of that fatal pattern with odds of 242/1. Why people find that so hard to believe is beyond me. And its the reason I've set out to prove these things are possible.
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 30, 2012, 01:58:47 PM
I would like to add to the randomness conversation again regarding any system or PB in this case.  I am stating this from a place of pure observation, nothing more, nothing less:

I don't think JL is here to compare systems as much as he is sharing his methods that simply work well for him.  When he finds something that works, he shares it ... nothing more, nothing less.  He is not selling it or pushing it in a book, he is simply sharing his data with the forum.

I am not sure "we" will ever be able to fully understand randomness within the roulette world.  We all are trying, that's for sure ...and good constructive conversation like this may finally get us some further understanding :thumbsup:   It is my opinion that randomness struggles to repeat certain events, especially at very specific "moments in time.  If players like JL and myself simply believe that we will win (playing PB) by betting against the last pattern forming and it works for us and we are successful at it, then players like JL and I are catagorically 100% correct.  However, if there are players the don't believe that PB is any better than another system or produces the results claimed, then they are also catagorically 100% correct.  It simply doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on, it simply matters what you believe and what works for you.  Again, just sharing ....
This debate will go on forever Chauncy, its about more than winning and losing.

Its about people questioning their own intelligence. Its not like faith where you believe in god while you can't prove god exists.

Its about an aspect of the game that maths probability have a weaker grip on. People like to feel they are in control. They know that after A you have B. H.A.R throws that out of the window.

Because you just don't know what it might show you. And at its best. At its VERY BEST. It will give you the edge required to win against this game.

I could never and will never beat this game playing like the masses. But I will always beat this game playing as I now do.

Math & Statistics / Re: Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 30, 2012, 01:33:52 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 30, 2012, 10:46:15 AM
It does seem odd that almost every win on the 4th bet was uninterrupted by any wins on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bets.

However, the calculations all assume, of course, that the system has no advantage, and since I never got my head around FIVE, I can't do any tests on it, not to mention that apparently it's impossible to simulate hit & run.  ::)

But it's right to be sceptical about these stats until JL shows us that they're plausible. One thing about them is that you WOULD expect to get more wins on the first bet and proportionately fewer on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th bets. The theoretical breakdown over 1120 bets is this:

1st bet -  727
2nd bet - 255
3rd bet -  90
4th bet -  31

JL's stats are pretty out of whack compared to these, but at least they follow the same pattern in that there are increasingly fewer wins on successive bets.
Bayes will Matt ever let this go? Yes I survived 70 bets on the 4th step, many on your RNG. But they werent consecutive. They were interrupted by wins on the other three steps. Sometimes days apart.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 08:35:11 PM
Quote from: spike on November 29, 2012, 07:50:40 PM
Throw a little curve fitting into the mix and that's
where we always end up with these scenerios.
Curve fitting is nasty, you can do it without even
realizing it. You think you have a winning system
when your thumb has been on the scale the
whole time, screwing up the true results.
Bankrolls don't grow by themselves. Hard cash will prove my point. those are  my final words in this to you Spike and Gizmotron.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 07:31:57 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 29, 2012, 07:22:39 PM
JL, I clearly believe that you have been lucky when it comes to your results for recovery bets. You think it's "HAR" and the common occurrences of win streaks. By your own statements you have yet to experience a triple loss. That alone is a validation of experiencing a lucky break. It's completely believable. It's also naive to think that your luck is because you know something that we don't. You are one of the free thinking type personalities that have an explanation for the most common forms of random occurrences. This is getting old and tired.
Success never gets old Giz. But do NOT take my word for it. This is what Speramus is all about. And what I am doing on BV. Two years from now even you may raise an eyebrow.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 07:10:16 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 29, 2012, 07:03:13 PM
JL is completely correct that PB has long sequences of wins, win streaks. I just had my simulation break out win streaks and display them. At 100 sessions at a time it's easy to see that long win streaks are very common. I just had 33 wins in a row on a 100 session test. That test produced a 6.7 to 1 hit rate. I also had two 25+ win streaks in a 100 spin test that produced a 9 to 1 hit rate. It's not a verification or validation of PB but more it's a validation that PB can look like a winner in the short run but that it will always be a loser in the long run. 6,400 is not a large number sample.
Gizmotron heres my problem with what youre saying. It simply doesn't pan out that way. Yes in the big picture 6.400 games may not be a large sample.

But do you really think I am going to surrender 6,000 units profit. Of course I can have periods of downturn and loss. But overall it will always level out and clearly ahead resume on the road to additional

profit. The type of bankroll devastation you talk of simply doesn't happen with a method like PB.
That's why I will play it until the day I die.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 07:01:54 PM
Quote from: spike on November 29, 2012, 06:56:13 PM
Its usually because they haven't discovered they don't
work yet. Every guy who pushes these things always
has a boatload of bragging to back him up. Why, I've
done this for 9 years and 7600 games and bought a house
and a boat and a $100K car with the proceeds.

The truth is, they discovered the thing a short time ago,
have never bet real money with it, and want the
forum to prove if it works or doesn't work so they can
save themselves the time of doing the heavy lifting

Unless the laws of probability have changed and nobody
told me, all of these systems are doomed. But they can
be fun to work on as long as you do it without investing
real money.
Spike you will be proven wrong and shallow in your thought process. I GAURANTEE YOU THAT.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 06:50:30 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 29, 2012, 06:37:43 PM


This is not a comment on you, but on FlAtMaN.  Why did he push so hard on a system he very well knew was a loser?  Why does anyone?  Hear me now and believe me later----I've seen this more times than I've got fingers and toes.  Frankly, I think I've seen it all!!  I'm sure there are people on this forum who followed the mess on the "other" forum.  They know what I'm talking about.

Long before I knew you, I studied the idea of just dropping in.  I had a system that worked 90% of the time doing it.  That 10% ate my lunch and gave me the check!

Hang in there.  I, for one, am always pulling for you to win and for snubby to win.

Sam I will tell you this. You have a very special guy heading your Speramus team. If you stay with Subby. He can win all of you guys a small fortune. And once and for all. Show everyone PB works. And he is not even using any recovery staking.

I will attempt to do the same on BV. But regardless I will do it live in the near future too. I will hand one of my accounts over to Superman so he can verify my success. Everyone will know this method is a winner in the future. From the most ardent maths boy. To a man who sells expensive computer gimmicks. For sums that could buy a nice house down south.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 06:39:58 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 29, 2012, 06:33:56 PM
May be not yet, but it in fact possible. The chances are small but even 10000 is not impossible, I am waiting.
I can tell you with absolute certaintly Ralph, no one will ever win 1,000 consecutive games of PATTERN BREAKER.

FIVE possible. 8 ON 1 very POSSIBLE. But not PATTERN BREAKER. If you even break the 100 barrier celebrate. You have done something very special. And put yourself way ahead.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 06:26:15 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 29, 2012, 06:20:58 PM
Jl I just said yhat I wrot, the odds are so it will not happen always, if the whole world used it they will not win at your rate. It is not at all impossible to win 1000 times in a row, not common anyhow.
Ralph hold on a minute. Where have I ever stated I won a 1000 games of PATTERN BREAKER in a row???
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 06:10:46 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 29, 2012, 05:53:27 PM
Yes if all of the worlds population try, about 4000 will make it, one of them seems to be JL. If we count those not try it is more than 4000 fold less. My be only one. It must be JL. :bored:
Ralph what exactly are you saying here? If the entire world played Pattern breaker. Longterm just about the entire world should show a profit.

Bayes is excellent at statistics, but what even he cannot accommodate for, is the FREAK RUNS H.A.R is capable of showing you.

I might plod along with a win loss pattern as follows WON 4--LOST 1--WON 9--LOST 1--WON 2--LOST 1--WON 8--LOST 1-------------------------THEN SOMETHING HAPPENS.

WON 24--LOST 1--WON 9--LOST 1--WON 17--LOST 1. You see the first string of wins and losses BARELY gave me 5/1. And I've experienced these kind of breakdowns many times. Then the second string of wins and losses takes me to a level where I want to be. around 9/1

Or more often between 10/1---12/1 Then by raising and lowering stakes usually after a loss. I secure a profit margin. Anyone who stays with PB long enough will experience something similar to this.

What happens to alot of the casual people is they will play 30 or 40 REAL GAMES. Get that poor breakdown and then completely dismiss the method as a failure. The detractors standing on the sidelines then say, "See I told you so, JL is full of it". STAYING POWER, is seriously lacking in most people.

That's why im so adamant about the virtues of this method. I've seen it all. And why I've unsertaken to show it works, aswell as have an independant player do a test. I already know this baby works. None of you have ever asked yourself this question. "WHY IS THIS JL CHARACTOR GOING TO PUSH A METHOD SO HARD IF HE KNOWS IT doesn't WORK??  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 29, 2012, 02:48:01 PM
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on November 29, 2012, 02:13:56 PM
@JohnLegend it would be nice if you had more specific information about your sessions  (example: name of casino--some way we can track the numbers in your sessions that would show a win or loss_
Superman will report my progress on BV Proof.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 29, 2012, 02:41:50 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 29, 2012, 01:23:37 PM
I can only add my 2 cents in on the randomness conversation.  Here are some things that I have observed: 

Randomness struggles to repeat "a sequence of events"  and the longer the sequence, the harder it is for it to duplicate at some point in the future.   Will it? Absolutely! But will it do it at "that" specific moment in time?  "That" = the moment you chose to play.  Those times are far and few between, atleast for me!  When it does, it simply has little impact on my BR at this point.  Randomness might strike back to back and even back to back, to back, to back, etc...and it has for me.

However, if I understand JL ... He isn't just pushing H&R ... What I believe he is saying is that when you combine H&R, with a solid money managment approach, discpline, confidence and vision, this game is very beatable.  What do I mean by vision?  Its not about what I won that day or even week, it's about what I have gained at the end of the month or months and having the vision and confidence that the methods being played will continue to perform for you. 

I started out my very first game of November playing CODE 4 and lost the first 3 spins.  So for me it's 10 units, 15 units and 30 units.  I started the month down 55 units.  I could have thrown in the towel on CODE 4 and jumped off the deep edge or tried something new, but I didn't.  Since November 3rd, I have only lost 1 game in CODE 4.    It works for me and that way of thinking may not be for everyone, but I am hoping to offer some insight to what I belive JL is trying to say.
Well said Chauncy47. Its the TOTAL PACKAGE. One without the other isn't happening.
The bet selection has to be good. Then how you apply MM and H.A.R to it does the rest. You leave too much respect for random and the house edge at the door. Because pre doubts turn into festering mountains of negativity.

And once you are owned by that negativity you can never put your heart into beating this game. You side with the illusion that's been perpetuated for centuries.
Understand this now. Just because you assume something cannot work, given all the pre-knowledge and warnings from the so called experts. It does not mean it can't.

It is and always will be the total package. BET SELECTION, MONEY MANAGEMENT, HIT AND RUN and IRON SELF DISCIPLINE.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 29, 2012, 12:54:24 PM







Im starting afresh with the update of my results on BV to come into line with my increased BR and stakes. So after 40 games things stand at break even in strikerate.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 11:24:45 PM
Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 11:14:07 PM
Legend says:

"Random will bite you at some point. And that point could be fatal."

Every spin in roulette is random. There are no
'less random' spins. That being said, how can
random 'bite you', or do anything to you. Its
always random all the time.

I'm trying to understand where you're coming
from. And you still haven't explained how R/B
is weaker than H/L or O/E. Enquiring minds
want to know.
All can not always be explained simplistically. The results while tracking show R/B performs less favourably than the other two.

Now physically the outstanding difference is its placing on the wheel. Make of that what you will.