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Messages - JohnLegend

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 16, 2012, 07:03:13 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 16, 2012, 05:55:31 PM
John, when playing how many spins do you wait between each game, what is the minimum number of spins would you suggest ..?
Well on BV im playing all three even chances. Although my old instincts tell me don't push your luck mate. So lets say I win the first two even chances to qualify.

I don't play the third. Then I simply logout of BV and back in again Rinse and repeat as Twister would say. Playing 15--20 games like this on play days.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 16, 2012, 06:59:22 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 05:59:56 PM
If you look on the wheel the red black spacing is alternate RBRBRBRBRBRBRBR etc...wheras the EVEN ODD and HIGH LOW are different.

H/L is marginally more different from R/B spacing

I think the uniform spacing of R/B is just too easy for random to get you. Just an opinion
Yes Sam and Snubby, I feel its got something to do with the layout too.  O0 >:D O0 >:D
Actuals/Hands / Re: 1 million actuals for download
November 16, 2012, 05:25:55 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 16, 2012, 05:03:31 PM
Enjoy.  ^-^

Thanks bayes, what was the source?  ???
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 16, 2012, 04:01:32 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:28:18 PM
How are you thinking of playing then?

are you going to work out the units for 2.5% of £200( £5)  and bet it for a 1 unit win....then take a 2.5% of £205 and bet it etc?
Well it never goes that smoothly Subby.You realize that after nearly 20 years in this game.

There will be days where I might take a loss. And good days where I win even more than 3%. But yes I will up the stakes to

garner the required profit margin.

It becomes so much easier once I am playing for EUROS. You see the problem I have right now is I am playing for pennies

and it takes pennies to move the wheel. Now say it takes me 40 spins to get my game of PATTERN BREAKER.

By the time I get there I may have lost more moving the wheel than I am going to win on the bet. So I am having to work two

or three times harder than normal alot of the time, to get less profit FOR MY TIME., than I am used to. Plus I have a

1 EURO bet limit. And that is seriously hindering my progress. Without that limit id have won the challenges already and be

at the next level right now. :pirate:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 16, 2012, 03:54:34 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.
I can't get over your group name Subby, Speramus. I know its latin but it also sounds a bit naughty lol!. If you keep

going like you are mate.

You could rename it SPEARANDOM...
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 15, 2012, 11:34:55 PM
Quote from: subby on November 15, 2012, 08:04:35 PM
£27712.78  ???
Yes Subby and half of that is Supermans. Not a bad return for a 20 EURO investment. Even if  I only manage half that amount. Everyones happy. O0 O0 O0
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 09:01:01 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 07:25:52 PM
R/B give me better results as well !
Strange Tarantino because normaly it loses more than the other two. Longest streak I had before this 23 live for R/B  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 07:01:57 PM








As you can see over the last few days things have levelled out to a more expected strikerate of 14/1 I am still happy with this

Surprisingly although RED AND BLACK gave me two early losses. They haven't lost since. Now holding an impressive
streak of 38 games.

No double losses and for sure no treble losses. When im playing this method there's usually an old Meatloaf song playing in my head called TWO OUT OF THREE AINT BAD.

Next update Saturday.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 15, 2012, 05:33:22 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 04:00:50 PM
So JL.... After all these games u have played of PB, do u still play with that progression. Or have you upped it, as your bank has grew.

By the way, The other site has been a disgrace in all this towards you. I have'nt been around for that long on that forum, but how can they say you are a scammer ! You never ask for a penny for your ideas...

You carry on JL, doing what u do best. We are know betting comes with a risk, and no player will win everytime he plays.
But winning more than u lose is what we want. And this way is working for me :nod: ...
Yes Tarantino, shows what a lovely man he is. But I want to move on now and do this thing for next year.

Well I am giving you an example there points can be worth whatever you can afford up to the house limit. I use £5 points

live. Im small at the moment on BV. But next year I will be betting euros when I top it up to 200 once the original challenge

is over. It will be time to take it to the next level.. If you have a spare half hour get a a calculator with % on it. And add 2.5%

to 200 euro in compounded form 200 times.

And you will get an idea of what I am going to do next year.  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 15, 2012, 03:21:12 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 02:54:38 PM
My Records so far playing PB...

H/L..... Won 41...Lost 3

R/B.... Won 34.... Lost 1

0/E..... Won 14... Lost 1

Playing Tarantino Style  Won 7 ... lost 0

Playing Tarantino style takes  more spins to complete a trigger. I play after work, so its taking time to build up results.  I play only 60 spins, and if no trigger.... C:-) I LOG OFF... C:-)

I also only play the first 2 of the H/L, R/B and O/E  to trigger , and then again... C:-) I LOG OFF !!! C:-)

I am not sure how to do my progression, i have been playing "thepilot" way. No progression, accept the loss !!!

But when a loss occurs, its soooooo tempting to up my progression. But when u playing 25, 50, 100.... A double loss could wipe u out almost. I have seen a double loss, but it appeared after the  60th spin, and choose not to play! 

                                                    ??? Any ideas on progression  ???
You could use a three level staking plan Tarantino.

LEVEL 1   1--2--4
LEVEL 3   6--12--24

So you always start at level two. You stay there for 4 consecutive wins 8 units. Then drop to level one and stay there unitl you LOSE. IMMEDIATELY after that loss. You raise to level 3 for ONE GAME. Then drop back to level two and try and win another 4 games in a row then back to level 1 again.

This is how im staking on BV as I am playing all three even chances. If Subby and the Speramus boys did it like this. They would still be in profit. after their first loss. But its their call.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 03:14:25 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 03:04:04 PM
My Records so far playing PB...

H/L..... Won 41...Lost 3

R/B.... Won 34.... Lost 1

0/E..... Won 14... Lost 1

Playing Tarantino Style  Won 7 ... lost 0

Total  won 96    lost  5....

:cheer: Strike rate of 19.2  wins per loss...    :cheer:

Playing my way ( tarantino style)  JL, takes a lot longer to complete the trigger within the 60 spins max i have set ! Not sure if that a good thing or not !
Fantastic results Tarantino. I would be happy with half that figure. Well me personally I see a game through even if it goes to 100 plus spins.

Random doesn't care if its 24 or 84. When its going to lose its going to lose. There is no set threshold. Im going to give your new variation a good look mate.

Always open to new things. If something can be improved im there. On BV I've come down to below 20/1 now. As I expected. but still no double losses. Full update this evening. :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 02:52:30 PM
Quote from: Superman on November 15, 2012, 02:48:24 PM
ok for those that like to look at lines and lines of results, when PB came out I did bot it, and wrote it off, as you do lol. Anyhow, the first was coded for red/black, I had time today so coded it again for high/low results attached, don't worry about the progression I didn't fix that, just wanted to see if there were any double or triple losses, look at the file and let us all know if you have time, I'm off out now so haven't looked through it.
These are the sequences

This would be a loss

Seq 0 L  Prog 1 Cash 5 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 2 Cash 3 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 4 Cash -1 Peak 6

each attack has all the above, as the 8 patterns get removed working down to the remaining one then the 3 bets if needed.
Big mistake Superman lol!! What you wrote off is going to put at least 5,000 euro in your pocket by this time next year.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 15, 2012, 02:21:22 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 15, 2012, 02:07:21 PM

You must realize people are going to disagree with you.  They just can't go on a slobbering, cussing rant while they do it.  You will still have your detractors.  For my part, I'd much rather throw you a stepping stone than a stumbling block.

Of course I know this Sam. I see that man is STILL trying to say I am this CEH charactor and I was banned multiple times.
What is his problem? I was Fender for 6 or so months on VLS. And am now Johnlegend since I joined cc nearly 2 years ago
If he lived in the UK I would have him in court for false allegations. You don't brandish someone of wrong doing and being someone else without ABSOLUTE PROOF.

Saying I live close to CEH and have a similar ISP doesn't cut the mustard, Its like me saying a bank was robbed in Australia yesterday afternoon and the suspect has a similar location and 1SP to him. Therefore he is our man.

He has made this up to cover his total overeaction, for how he dealt badly with me calling him out. And then losing it and banning me. A forum owner with no class, patience or understanding. Total arrogance, I will ask him one question 1 year from now, just wait for that.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 01:56:18 PM
Quote from: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:29:06 PM
If you are using Ophis tracker...ALWAYS...reset the tracker using the



To reset and using the marquee on screen/at casino...use that to give you a 10-15 number head start with a CLEAN tracker.

After a 1 unit win...always clear your numbers and start again :)

You should really be playing for 1 unit then log out and come back again later on for 3-5 games per day MAX...don't let random catch up with you by over playing each day  :thumbsup:
Subby thanks for anwsering Supermans question. So I see you won 7 and lost 1. Now you know why I play the follow up bet normaly.

Playing it on BV things are now starting to even out as expected full update later. But no doulbe losses, and no trebles.

This is something to consider for SPERAMUS Subby. I know it can be disheartenning to win 7 games then give it back. Been there many times.

But you push on. At some point you will hit that long streak and pull away. But even if I only got 6/1 overall with 7/1 odds. I would profit from this method.

Until that's understood, you will never understand how this works for me.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 12:25:51 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 15, 2012, 02:30:13 AM
JL you said PB4 was not good, so how do you rate Pattern Filler?
Hi Malcop, PATTERN FILLER first suggested by the brilliant XXVV. Is about on par with PATTERN BREAKER.

Although there is one danger. It tends to produce more double losses when at its worst. What alot of people have never taken onboard about PB,

Is the consistency of the follow up bet. You are tracking all three even chances and you lose the first bet. You are very likely to win the second.

In more than 6100 games I've asked the follow up bet to hold for me more than 550 times. Its only let me down 7 times.

that's what makes PATTERN BREAKER work longterm. It means even if my pure strikerate drops below 7/1, which it does from time to time.

I can still profit. And I've never seen a treble loss in 4 years. This is what has to be understood about this method.

Someone will play 20 games and lose 3 or 4. Then form the attitude that the method doesn't work. When IF, they had the staying power to even test 300.

They would have seen why this method works.

STAYING POWER. Few really have it. The mind bends first, this is what I've been saying for over two years.