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Messages - JohnLegend

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:45:10 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 14, 2012, 04:42:34 PM
@ bally, I don't have a problem mate, nice to see a productive poster like yourself on board.

And nice to see you Atlantis. Maybe we can get George (GLC) on board too;  think I'll send him a pm. Let's poach all the best contributors from cc.  ^-^

BTW, I've just let Superman know what's going on here, so hopefully he'll be along shortly.  :applause:
Pm them all Bayes, this is fantastic. Im getting emotional here. :'(
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:39:36 PM
Quote from: dino246 on November 14, 2012, 04:35:26 PM
Hi Guys.

Great link Twister......AND a big HELLO to you JL.

Nice to be here in such homely surroundings.


Thanks Dino246. Wow this is like the class of 2011 reunion. Tears are beinning to well up in me eyes.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:30:44 PM
Quote from: atlantis on November 14, 2012, 04:22:17 PM
I'm in with you guys!
It's nice to be a new member here and great to see John is here too!

OMGOSH Atlantis welcome!! I was just saying it would be nice to get you in here too. Twister remember. You me and Atlantis are the ORIGINAL MATRIX BOYS  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
Quote from: bally6354 on November 14, 2012, 04:20:51 PM

Well I registered here a few weeks ago and I will say straight out that I was flukey luke on that particular forum. (I am saying that because I would rather be upfront and let people know who I am.)

I think I was pretty harshly treated by Steve calling me a troll. I don't consider myself a troll and spent a lot of time posting what I thought were some original concepts. I don't even use bots and still contributed to get my system botted just so it would make it easier for the other guys.

Now I will also admit that I did say some particularly nasty words on another forum as a general swipe at other members on another forum previous to that. But that was around 6 months before I posted system 9 and I was having a lot of personal problems at the time. That is still no excuse for what I said and I can only say sorry for that.

I am no saint, I admit that. But I do have my good points and do have a passion for the game very much along the same lines as someone like JL.

Regarding System 9. I still use a variant of it to this day and I remember my very last post was me saying to the members that I was going to show them a easier way to play my system which also improved it significantly. I then found out I was banned. Now I am not sure if that was what got me banned or an incident which happened a few months earlier.

Victor set up that other forum for a while and I remember Steve going mental about it. I stuck up for Victor and basically said what I thought of Steve. Maybe the guy was just acting petty and getting his revenge.

I would like to continue posting here but will also understand if some of you would rather I didn't.

p.s. JL, I can't say I have studied your methods at great length because I play my own stuff and I have also disagreed with you at times however my respect goes to you because you put your stuff out there and are a positive minded person. Kudos to you. By the way, I think we all know you have nothing to do with CEH. The term 'clutching at straws' springs to mind.
Welcome friend. Nothing wrong with passion. The world would have never have been without it.
Everyone welcome Bally6354 a.k.a Flukey. Its great to have you onboard mate. This is getting better by the minute. We just need Atlantis and a few others and the scene is set. :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:10:41 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 14, 2012, 04:08:37 PM
Well Im glad we jumped Ship so to speak and its great to see the 'Usual Suspects' all comin over too  :applause:

I don't know about Vic and his plans to sell but Im sure if it came to it we cud all club together and come to some arrangement

Further there are things goin on that will generate an income for Vic so at this time it all looks good  :thumbsup:

Here is to the future, friends  :beer:
Yes Twister your timing was spot on with the exodus lol!
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:04:09 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 14, 2012, 03:56:43 PM

I feel inclined to agree that Jl was a threat to Steve.  I also think flukey luke was.  That guy was nothing but nice and offered a system he said worked.  I'm still not sure it doesn't.

Anyway Steve has taken his proverbial ball and left the field.  Nolo problemo!  We have a field here.

Carry on, John!  I've even come to enjoy your bolviating.

Lol, Sam I love how you phrase things. If I succeed which I will Sam I am definately a threat. Its like Jack Nicholson in One flew over the Cookoos nest. Everything is fine as long as you take your medication and don't step out of line. A forum is no good if its run in a facist manner.

What happened to Flukey Sam? fill me in please.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:54:26 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 14, 2012, 03:48:33 PM
John, I know you were never CEH.  :)

I've had enough of Steve's stuff, and that aggressive banner ad is the last straw. When he replies to the PATTERN BREAKER thread I'll ask him to delete me from the forum. At least it's nice to see that quite a few members have supported you.

And thanks for the offer of putting some of the proceeds my way, but maybe it would be better to donate some to Vic for the upkeep of this forum? as you say, we want at least one forum which isn't owned by Steve. I don't blame Victor for selling out in the past, he has to make a living, but let's try to keep this forum for US.
I couldnt say it any better Bayes. We have to keep this one for us. If its about money we can sort that out. wouldn't it be a bit special Bayes if the money keeping this site running was actually coming from one of the methods on it?? Thars my intention.  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:50:36 PM
Quote from: subby on November 14, 2012, 03:46:49 PM
Ridiculous behaviour from him if you ask me. Hope this site doesn't go down that route and anyone who stirs is put off this site pronto. This place has a nicer feeling than Steve's forum imo. Onwards and upwards though JL...you know it and so do I that PB will work
Absolutely. I have to tell you Subby. Pilot was doing something right. I am playing all three even chances on BV. And Im 34/1 after 105 games. :cheer:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:35:28 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 14, 2012, 03:29:33 PM

If Steve is so sure your systems don't work, where is the threat?

Not that I'm saying they do work, mind you, just that I think it's more of a personal thing rather than you being any threat to his business, is all I'm saying. Funny how only now, after years of you being on the forum,  he "realizes" that your IP is the same as CEH.  ::)

I've never trusted Steve, and don't believe his systems work, there are just too many things that don't add up. A few months ago I tackled him about one of the claims on his FAQ, as a result of which he amended it. One thing's for sure: I'm never going to shell out the $2,500 to find out if his system works, and as for the roulette computers, I'm just not interested.

This is going to be my roulette forum of choice from now on;  looks like a good crew of mods here who'll run a tight ship.  :thumbsup:
Bayes, I was never CEH. I was fender to start with for about 6 months on VLS. You are a good balanced guy Bayes. I didn't always see that. And Id like to throw some coin your way for all the hard work you put in getting this whole challenge

Started. All the more reason for us to continue with the challenge. We can always verify it on here. And I will cut you in 20% of my share. Which will be no chump change by the close of 2013. Yes I like it here. And I just pray Victor is not going to sell this to you know who. I would rather buy it with a few other members if he is up for that. There has to be one quality forum on the net Please Victor.  :nope:
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:12:40 PM
Quote from: subby on November 14, 2012, 01:40:29 PM
That's a bit stuff if true  :thumbsdown:

Surely we can have our own opinions without someone going off on one.
there's more to it than you realize Subby. I can fill you in by email. I was leaving that forum anyhow. Its gone the way of VLS. It all started as you know two weeks ago when Pilot came on with his amazing claim for PATTERN BREAKER. Steve immediately saw a threat and jumped in to basically dismiss the legitimacy of it.

The last thing he wants is a free method on the forum that actually works. Pilots endorsement was the fuse lit. Me being a person who doesn't hide my passion for my methods which I absolutely know work. I defended Pilot and made it clear I am going to play his way on the BV challenge and turn 200 euros into at least 10,000 by the end of 2013. And have Superman verify it on the forum.

That REALLY was the red flag to the bull. PROOF that a free method works. What would that mean for him and his Computer scam?? Think that over. So of course the only way he can make sure that doesn't happen is get me out of there NOW. Hey presto here we are.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:00:09 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 14, 2012, 01:35:51 PM
Has Steve actually banned you from the cc forum John? I see the challenge thread has been locked...
Bayes yes. I stepped on his ego. Told him something he didn't want to hear. And he suddenly saw me as a threat to the scam you know he runs. Selling ridiculously expensive computers and books that don't work.

You must know he is not a good man Bayes. Only interested in profit. Regardless if Superman is still up for it I will continue. that's if he still wants his 5 grand plus share of next year. If not I will open my own account. I have the measure of BV now. I want to talk to him does he have my email addy??
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 13, 2012, 01:53:47 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:45:15 PM
Thanks to you dear John. I do look forward to integrate our forum to the scene in a positive manner  :thumbsup:
POSITIVE is the prime word Victor. Everyone has a right to question something. But they should also keep an open mind. Cheers... :thumbsup:









This is going amazingly well so far, closing on 100 games. And still only 2 losses both on RED AND BLACK. I realize this

can't go on much longer. Its already an alltime high for me for two even chances. Never ever have I had two break even 20.

And here I have two about to break 30. Since I have played by simply ignoring the zero its also improved my strikerate I
believe.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 10:15:52 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:10:01 PM
The M.S.T. just got its own section:


Thanks Victor there's a feeling of lift off on this forum now. A positive place to be. Even Steve on the other forum has got involved in all of this. Its time to change MINDS.... :pirate:
Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
November 12, 2012, 08:54:14 PM
Quote from: subby on November 08, 2012, 08:27:41 PM
If a total loss is 7 units (betting 1, 2, 4 units) and you just suck up any loss and never increase your bet, then your bankroll needs to be 20 times a loss....minimum.

Why 20 you may ask?

It's to do with the "fear/panic factor" when we take a loss.

Say you have a bankroll of £100 (I'm using GPB £'s as I'm from the UK) say you have that 100 bankroll and you were playing £5 units, due to the fact you didn't really know much about money management techniques. Your 3 bets would be £5, £10, £20 - That's a loss of £35 which against a £100 bankroll is over a third. If you lose a third of your bankroll then the fear can creep into your mindset and make you try to recoup some of it back fast...You've just lost a third of your bankroll, that's a scary thought and one that catches MANY people out and makes them chase a quick recovery. We all know that this can be fatal to your remaining bankroll. NEVER CHASE - PATIENCE WINS....NOT RASH "FAST RECOVERY" BETS

BUT...and here is where the "20 times" bankroll mindset comes in...When you take a loss of £35 but your bankroll is in excess of £700, well, that's a SERIOUSLY less fearful loss when you look at your bankroll 1/20th which is mentally a LOT easier to take and even walk away with a "Oooh nice one random, you got me there but I@ll get you the next time"...perhaps with a wry smile from you too :)

This is just my money management suggestion for pattern breaker -

ASSUMING £1 is 1unit

Ideally you need a BR to be at as a MINIMUM-
£140 to bet £1 units
£280 ...........£2 units
£420 ...........£3 units
£560............£4 units
£700............£5 units

I'd suggest that, ON AVERAGE, you stick with £5 units as you only need to play 2-4 games a day to take out a nice amount of money at the end of each month for life's nicer things (holiday, presents for kids etc) You can of course ignore this and go ahead and bet your comfort unit size.

£840 ...........£6 units
£980............£7 units
£1120..........£8 units
£1260..........£9 units
£1400..........£10 units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

If you have a substantial BR like £3,500

You can then look at really serious money making by using units worth £25 betting sequence would be something like £25, £50, £100.

With a bankroll that size you can perhaps afford to cover the green Zero on the last bet with perhaps a £5 on green zero as insurance...each to their own on that green zero bet though. I cover green on my last bet as I@ve hit it so many times on a final bet.

Remember to keep your BR in your own savings account though and not all in a casino account :) Let the interest grow it as well as your game play winnings  :thumbsup:

If you have a bankroll of 100 units and you lose 7 (1 total loss for pattern Breaker) that's not much really of a % loss of your overall bankroll.

Play 6 games in one day and from experience you will get 3 or 4 days of no losses which will let you build your bankroll up when you DO lose...ULTRA MARATHON...not a sprint

---a game is HIGH/LOW
---a game is ODD/EVEN
---a game is RED/BLACK

So if you're tracking all 3 then you only play twice day! If you only play 2 methods ( I personally only play ODD/EVEN and HIGH.LOW as I found RED/BLACK loses more often due to the board layout) then you'll log in 3 times a day for 2 games each time...of course you can play less...the call is yours - JUST REMEMBER TO SET YOURSELF A GOAL AND DON'T TRY TO PLAY TOO MUCH OR BE GREEDY - Ultra marathon remember!!

If you say to yourself...today I'm going in to play 6 games only ...then that EXACTLY what you do. Regardless of if you get six wins in those 6 games or four wins and two loss etc...

Never play more than six games in one day. More often than not you will win all six games and you can go 2 or 3 days or more when you win all six games.

The more you play consistently at one table the more likely that random will find a way to beat you. I know most people don't believe in playing hit and run but I swear by it. I think that there are long periods in a day when things will go your way in numbers spun by the wheel but if you play long hours then you'll be more likely to hit one of the times in the day when numbers will go against you. Just my opinion.

If you play hit and run for six games there is more chance of you playing in the zone when things will go your way. If you play longer then there is more chance that you'll also hit the bad zone when things will go against you...like hitting a triple spun number etc..

Take the LONG outlook view for playing a method...it's a REAL hard grind at the start to get your bankroll up high but if you can do it, the rewards are there for sure.

Say you play 5 games a day (I use 5 as an easier example for number adding purposes as opposed to 6) of PATTERN BREAKER for 30 days...that's 150 games in one month...just as an example ok.

Taking a 10win to 1loss view then you can expect, from that 150 games, something like...

130 wins of 1 unit = 130 units

You'll expect to hit 10-13 losses over that month's worth of 150 games which works out at - 7units x 13losses = 91 units lost - I'LL USE 90 AS AN EVEN FIGURE TO EXPLAIN

130units won - 90 units lost = 40 units profit for the month

40 units @ £1 or €1 doesn't sound much...but if you build on that and do this a number of months so your bankroll lets you play £5 or €5 units....then that 40 units profit each month x £5/€5 = 200 which is a nice earner each month.

...take it one stage further like the poster called Pilot has...where your 1 unit is £50/€50 then multiply that by 40 units profit each month...2,000!!!   That is where you want to be. BUT...and this is the HUGE BUT...it is the patience needed to GET your small bankroll up to a huge level that is the hard part. Playing the system isn't hard, it's the mental ability to stick to a method that seems to be going slowly...only for it to explode after 5-6 months.

Can you do that 5-6 months play to get your BR up? That's the key.

Say you started with £100 bankroll

End of month 1 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £100 plus 40units you win = £140 betting £1 units

End of month 2 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £140 plus 40units you win = £180 betting £1 units

End of month 3 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £180 plus 40units you win = £220 betting £1 units

End of month 4 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £220 plus 40units you win = £260 betting £1 units

End of month 5 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £260 plus 40units you win = £300 betting £1 units

At this stage...£300 in our BR...we've now gone past the "bankroll needed to move up a unit value" (20 times a total loss) 7 units as a loss x 20 = £140units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units
£280 ........................£2 units
£420 ........................£3 units
£560.........................£4 units
£700.........................£5 units

You're at end of month 5 and now with a BR of over 300 it allows you to move the unit value up from £1 up to £2 units

End of month 6 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £300 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £300 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £380

End of month 7 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £380 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £380 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £460

At this stage you can move up to £3 unit values form the £2 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 8 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £460 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £3 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £2 unit) = £460 BR plus (40 units won x £3 = 120) = £580 <- new unit value threshold

At this stage you can move up to £4 unit values from the £3 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 9 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £580 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £4 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £3 unit) = £580  BR plus (40 units won x £4 = 160) = £740

...and so on

***REMEMBER THAT THIS IS AN ULTRA MARATHON - NOT A SPRINT!!!!*** 9 months sounds a LOT and will take a LOT of dedication

You can see not a lot of movement in the unit value for the first 6 months but then it starts to rocket when you have a BR big enough to let you bet higher unit values. It's this 9 month plan that we should all be sticking too  which will let us fleece the casinos for all we can get :thumbsup:

You can accelerate your speed if you place £50 each month into your bankroll as a topup - ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE WORKING AND CAN AFFORD TO!!! Remember don't bet with money you need to pay bills and eat!!!  :thumbsup:
Perfect money management Subby 20 times is the MINIMUM we should have. The fear factor has wiped out many gamblers.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 08:03:33 PM
Quote from: subby on November 12, 2012, 07:57:32 PM
I will also download and use the new Ophis tracker for Speramus  :cheer: :thumbsup:
Yes that will be good Subby, im winning more often treating the ZERO this way.