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Messages - JohnLegend

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 08, 2012, 06:15:15 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 08, 2012, 05:06:52 PM
John/Everyone, can I ask what do you do when you get a loss, do you continue with the next game immediately or do you take a break, then play the next game..?

Hi Topcat love the name and avatar. Its about time I get me one. What we do is track ALL THREE even chances. You are playing for ONE WIN per session. But say the first one to qualify is HIGH--LOW and it loses. I personaly now play the very next E/C to qualify and treble stakes to revover three sevenths of the loss,. and it nearly always wins. Out of 6,010 played games I have only had 7 DOUBLE LOSSES. And I didn't used to play the third even chance but im now strong enough to follow up on that and that's nearly impossible to lose. This reliability on the follow up bet. And an average strikerate of 10/1 playing H.A.R longterm. Assures an overall profit LONGTERM.

So to summarize TOP CAT we track all three even chances but play for the first one to win then STOP. Shut it down and start a fresh session. I Hope that anwsers your question.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 07, 2012, 05:20:48 PM








Well I've reached 6,000 games playing H.A.R the method has lost 46 off the last 500 games. BUT only suffered two DOUBLE LOSSES included in those 46 losses. So the strikerate is holding at 10/1 at present. Also within those 500 games I got two dream breakdowns of 7 patterns in 21 spins which I took advantage of by trebling stakes as it's a virtual gaurantee of a win. The longest winning streak is 22 games for High and Low. I have recently started playing the third even chance after a double loss too as its another virtual gaurantee of a win. I play for one win per session then shut it down. Next update at 6,500 games played. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 07, 2012, 12:10:37 AM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 11:02:21 PM
That all sound most promising. 

No doubt others will be interested in your observations about BV.

Yes, I think Twister will stay with it, judging by his positive comments to me in a private email.

In fact, I even wrote a basic tracker yesterday for us both, thinking I might give it a go as well.

And from someone who is very risk-averse and is very conservative, that's quite an admission!
Risk is relative Esoito, everyone wants the grail. But at WHAT PRICE??. If you think you are going to beat this game without ever losing or taking a risk and just risking a few points think again. I am not saying 8 ON 1 is a grail. But it may be as close as you can come in terms of playability and risk. 242 seems alot. But I have over 3500 possible games recorded from THE ZONE data where is hasnt lost once.

Its one of those phenomenons. That when it sets off on a winning run it might be months or even years before you catch a loss. You might lose twice inside 500 games. Then not again for 5,000. that's what we are dealing with here when playing H.A.R People who don't really understand the concept of H.A.R argue there is no advantage. They don't understand that when you play long continuos sessions, you are in effect travelling towards a loss. When you play H.A.R to lose at say 8 ON 1. I have to land smack on top of that losing game. Now bearing in mind that even played continuosly this method could win 200 times in a row across thousands of spins. You can begin to see how long you might go before you land SMACK ON TOP OF THAT LOSING GAME. This and this alone MUST be understood about the concept.

The argument that leaving the table and coming back 5 minutes later or one year later makes no difference at all. COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT. From the moment you start playing you are on a track that is heading towards a loss. it could be a short or long journey.Playing H.A.R there IS NO JOURNEY. You either land smack on top of the loss or you win. And with 8 ON 1. The wins could go into the thousands. Time will tell the story. Twister and myself are both in the 400 zone and haven't even been challenged. One day I know this method will lose. But that could be 3 years and several thousand wins from now. that's the fantastic mystery of this method. What if one day when I lose I have 10,000 wins under my belt? As far as I would be concerned I would call this a GRAIL.  Once something wins so much that a loss or two hardly dents what you have achieved you basically have a GRAIL.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 06, 2012, 10:50:51 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:40:22 PM
Goodo. Thanks for the clarification.

Be interesting to see if the BV results hold up as well.  Twister seems to be successful...at the moment! LOL
Esoito I gather you don't trust BV? I would have shared your opinion until I had a closer look at it. I am not saying they don't or won't cheat. But at the moment the breakdowns and expected results are IDENTICAL fun mode and live mode to a live wheel in my experience. 8 ON 1 is a very powerful method. OKAY you have 242 units on the line. But what if this thing wins 2,000/1 or MORE??? all of a sudden 242 doesn't look so bad anymore. And it could well average that strikerate H.A.R I will go into great detail when I publish that method here. Twister has hit the ground running with it. And he is going to do some serious things with it if he sticks to it.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 06, 2012, 10:31:46 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:27:57 PM
"But in my records of the last 900 games I have played this is the percentages for each even chance."

Just to clarify:  was this analysis based on real roulette with a real ball and wheel, or RNG software?
890 of those games were played and recorded live Esoito. I have only recently started playing at BV with this method. And its beating it just as it would a live wheel.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 06, 2012, 07:25:31 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 06, 2012, 07:09:56 PM

& what do you do if HL does follow, so you have LHL?
Even though I don't play it like Twister Monaco. I can see the logic behind his decision to stake like this. He is exposing a minumum risk to random. Longterm it's a win, win situation. One thing that I have noticed over the 4 years I have been playing Pattern Breaker is that final 8th PATTERN can go to two extremes. It could form instantly resulting in a lost game. OR, at the other extreme go on a world cruise and not show for 30 plus lines. I have seen this. The average being around 12.

The thing about this method that Twister mentioned in his post and I will touch on again and again. Is its solid reliability on the follow up game/s. As Twister stated I have only suffered 7 double losses in 5,986 games. That is a stat that cannot be ignored. It is the prime POWER-POINT of the method. What it says to me is even if the law of averages takes me down to 7/1 from my usual stable of 10/1---12/1 playing H.A.R. I can show a profit longterm. And that is why this method will be in my bag for keeps.
General Discussion / Re: Hello
November 06, 2012, 06:55:08 PM
Quote from: subby on November 06, 2012, 08:35:49 AM
Twister and JohnL told me about this forum and it looks good so far :) Glad to be on board and hope I can share some stuff with you guys  :bye:
Glad to have you with us Subby. You are one of the members from the other forum I really admire and respect. You have a good head for this game and you are going to succeed in the longterm. A very warm welcome from me. :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 06, 2012, 02:59:27 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 06:25:38 AM

Welcome to the forum! 

I have been using the MST program, putting in numbers from Spielbank.  OK, I'm not ready to shout from the rooftops, but PB4 is a very even system.  Many of them go wildly up and down.  Yours plays very even and ends in a profit for the four trots I tested.

This is PB4.  Could you elaborate on the difference between PB and PB4?  If you will do that for me, I will run tests on a few thousand spins and report.

Thankyou Sam, that's the word EVEN. Think of it like this Sam. The method at the end of the day might not wittle down to much better than its supposed to. 7/1. BUT, it has no nasty clusters of losses like other methods do. You win 10 you lose 1. You win 7 you lose 1. You win 14 you lose 1. You gain a confidence Sam after seeing these numbers for years. Yes WE ARE GOING TO LOSE. But we aren't going to lose even 3 in a row. NOW, how do you take advantage of that fact? That's what the PATTERN BREAKER concept is about Sam. I have confidence to raise stakes following a loss, because in nearly 6000 played games I only lost twice in a row 7 times. Pattern 4 is good but less stable than PB its about producing the same pattern its already done in a set place. We wait for a reason Sam. The hardest thing to convince people is. Is that WAIT worthwhile. For PB it certainly is.

PB4 can win 20 times in a row then lose 3 in a row. Its more volatile. Its faster than PB but at a price. Why did I come up with it then? My pandering to others on the other forum to give them speed that's why. But my strongest methods all have one thing in common. They don't rush Mr random.

So that's the difference between the two. PB4 could lose multiple times in a short span of games when its at its worst. PATTERN BREAKER asks random to show you the 8th pattern immediately after the 7th. And that's something random can certainly do. But its never done it in 24 spins. And its never done it on all three even chances in the same session. Random has virtual limits for sure. So you have had favourable results with PB4 so far. But you'll get the other side of the story too soon. With PB you will get a CONSISTENCY an even flow, no other method at such a small buy in can compete with.

I hope that illustrates to you Sam why I'm prepared to wait for PB.
Quote from: NoBody on November 02, 2012, 10:33:54 AM
Dear all,

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." by Thomas A. Edison

Enjoy the process and don't be frustrated.  :thumbsup:


NoBody ^.^
EXACTLY, its easy for many to become jaded with this game. But keep this thought in your head. Just because you have never played or seen a winning method to beat this game in the longterm. It does not mean they do not exist. I believe a good method played Hit and Run is an absolute way of beating this game longterm.

I have been doing it for nearly 8 years. So I can think no other way. My presence on this forum is to try and show a few other open minded people that this game really is beatable longterm. It doesn't require a holy grail to be taken. A good method yes.

But most importantly a good head playing that method. Understanding that anytime you start playing. You set off on a track layed by random. The longer you stay on that track the greater the possibility that you will pull into a town called loserville.

When you play CONTINUOSLY, you are always moving towards a loss. When you play Hit and run to lose, you must land on TOP OF A LOSS. Which is harder to do. Over the course of time this gives you a definitive edge, that tranlates into greater profit margins for your patience and effort.

But to come to this realization takes a speical mind. Solid in discipline and firm in staying power. This may at best respresent 1% of all who play this game. This game was always beatable.

The fact is very few who play it possess the necessary mental tools to attain the longterm success most seek.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 05, 2012, 09:35:12 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 05, 2012, 09:25:47 PM
Welcome John.
Have a fine and productive stay at our little, cozy community  :thumbsup:
Thankyou Victor, as they say its quality not quantity that counts. I feel this forum will represent that. Thanks again... :thumbsup:
Even chance / *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 05, 2012, 08:05:04 PM
Introduction. Hello to everyone on Victor's new forum. I have been playing this even chance method for nearly 4 years with excellent success. It requires patience and above all STAYING POWER. But those who have or can aquire those attributes, will be rewarded with steady and sure growth of their Bankroll over time.


1, We write down the 8 possible three spin patterns for H/L---O/E and R/B. Example below for H/L

2, We now record spins and each time one of the 8 possible patterns is formed we cross it off. Until only one pattern remains.

3, Once there is one pattern remaining we IMMEDIATELY bet AGAINST it forming, using a 3 step progression of 1,2,4=7 units risk.

4, If we win within the three step progression that game is over.

5, OPTIONS. We can continue to play the remaining two even chances or shut down that session and start a new one
STAKING, you may also play just the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression for a 3 unit risk. This is useful for newbies with smaller bankrolls.

Lost first game? If the first loses. You can either take the loss and start a fresh session. Or as I do bet on the next even chance to qualify. So lets say your first game was on HIGH LOW. And it lost. As soon as ODD/EVEN or RED/BLACK qualified I would bet 3,6,12 on it. The value of this and the REAL POWERPOINT of this method, is double losses seldom happen.

Another time to consider upping stakes. There are two phenomenons I have never seen occur in nearly 6,000 played games with this method.



These are what I call virtual limits. I believe there are certain limits random rarely passes. many of my methods are based on this understanding. I will give an update of my results soon. I advise you to play this method in a hit and run fashion. And use precise discipline. Played in this manner the 7/1 odds will be surpassed. And will fluctuate between 10/1 and 12/1. Once you are playing with increased stakes on the follow up bet after a loss. You BR will grow steadily. You can win over 20 games in a row on a good run. But as I aforementioned double losses don't happen often.

THE ZERO. If you are tracking spins while crossing off patterns to arrive at your final pattern and a ZERO hits. I ignore it. And continue as soon as regular numbers start hitting again. It is optional whether you want to cover it while betting. I don't personally. But if I were betting on a follow up bet to a lost game. I would on the last spin for insurance.
Okay that's it any questions are welcome. Thankyou.