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Messages - Kav

Quote from: maestro on April 20, 2015, 08:28:38 AM
just the answer is very easy...same question can be put as how to maximizzze our winings in losing session ..both qwestions have the same answear you have to know exactly when you will hit "W"or "L" and that's i guess is having cristal ball..

No, they are totally different questions.
Maximize your winnings in a losing session could be impossible.
But minimizing your winnings in a winning session could be possible.

Now let me put in in a different way:
There are you and another guy on a roulette table. That day the Black has a higher hit rate that Red, something like a 60% hit rate, in every 100 spins, 60 are Black.
Now there comes a guy with a gun in his hand and tells you that you all should keep betting on Black and after 100 spins he will kill the guy the most chips.
What method would you use?

Quote from: Xander on April 20, 2015, 06:38:29 AM
The best way to lose at a rate that could theoretically exceed the house edge is to bet on the coldest numbers possible on a live game.
If you want to keep wins to a minimum then bet several numbers, rather than just a few.

The winning rate is a given and it is higher than the losing rate. These are the conditions of the problem.
Now the question is how to minimize profits in a winning session.

I understand that we are used searching for the HG when when someone asks something out of the ordinary we find it difficult to absorb the new question.
Quote from: greenguy on April 20, 2015, 01:18:02 AM
For example you could have 5 blocks of 5 progressive bets:


D'alembert up and down the individual blocks as well as up and down between the blocks, always reverting to block 1 bet 1 whenever you go plus 1.

I want to MINIMIZE profits in winning session. Is that what you re trying to achieve with this progression?
Since we have more wins than losses, most of the time the progression will look as flat betting.
It seems the general consensus is that flat betting is the best way to minimize your winnings in a wining session.
I find it strange.
I think some sort of parlay is the bestay to minimize your winnings as one single loss can wipe out all your profits.
Quote from: Xander on April 19, 2015, 07:20:47 PM
What would you like to hear?
That there's a magic progression that can make it work and here it is...?


The truth- that your trapped in the box because you believe that there's an ideal progression?
If you want to keep profits low, just flat bet one unit
I would like to hear an interesting thought process.
If flat betting is the best way to keep your profits low, I wonder about those who think flat betting is the best way to bet.
Anyway I believe there is "better" way to lose your profits than flat betting, for example parlay... I do not have a predetermined answer. This i not a test. Just a question that I hoped could produce some interesting discussion.
General Discussion / Strange question about roulette
April 19, 2015, 05:18:16 PM
I posted this question in my site's forum and got all sorts of unrelated answers. It was overwhelming. I took it as evidence that our minds are so fixed on a very specific approach to roulette, that we can't think out of the box.

So I will post the same question here, to see what answers I will get from this forum's members.
What money management/progression would you use in order to keep your winnings/profits LOW even if your bet wins often.

If you need an example of a winning session take this: WWWWLLWWWLWWWLWWWWWLWWWLWWWWWLLWL

So, can you devise a reliable money management method that will guarantee that in a winning session your profit will be as low as possible?

That most members do not have the adequate bankroll may be a very good comment.
I think one needs a solid bankroll to be able to stand the test of time. This should be a common disclaimer in all system discussions and holds true even for the Kavouras System.

Indeed the more I think about it the more I believe that the bankroll requirements are often ignored by beginners and it is worth to remind this parameter often. That would be in my opinion much more useful than the constant remind of the house edge. People who know all about the zero, can easily misunderstand the role of the bankroll.

I believe that one of the main reasons people like to play online is that the bets are low, therefore their bankrolls can last longer. In theory this is a good reason to play online, but the most important thing is to find a fair game and that is quite difficult online. Furthermore, even if your online bets seem very low, this doesn't mean your bankroll can be peanuts. Especially so, since online players tend to use aggressive progressions.

Now to answer your question about investments, I would use a Warren Buffet quote "invest only in what you understand". I would add "invest in what you love".  This can be a very good reason to use your bankroll in roulette rather than investing in a pharmaceutical company.

Furthermore, as Horus points out, the possible pay-off can be extremely high in very short time. And you enjoy the adrenalin rush. And you don't have to wake up early in the morning. That's in short the allure of gambling. You enjoy your investment more when it pays off.
This is very interesting, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Anyone is free to interpret the results any way he wants. Personally I read them as showing an advantage for the positive progression vs flat betting.
It would be interesting to know if he also tested negative progressions.
General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 10, 2015, 08:07:49 AM
Where did the 50%-50% rule go?
General Discussion / Re: New forum starting - sort of
December 30, 2014, 03:27:47 AM
Hello guys,

CaviarKid thank you very much for your kind words.

Vic, I will watch with great interest the new experiment and wish you success in your software endeavors.

General Discussion / Re: You Tube again
September 30, 2014, 03:40:41 AM
Well... seven out of ten are Greeks!
I think it is still under construction.
Quote from: wannawin on May 01, 2014, 03:55:02 PM
I agree with Mike. it says above so the community can have a say. well this smells like a scam in progress. this is what we say.
This is obvious to everyone except...
Vic is an intelligent man knowing his rights and doesn't need anyone acting in his behalf. You learned nothing from Vic's posts about moving forward.
I do not understand what is your (legal) interest in this.
If you want to leave a better world to your kids go plant a tree instead of messing with other peoples affairs and probably making matters worse for the community and even for this forum.
You seem to get great pleasure from this unfortunate situation for the community.

Quote from: Kav on September 11, 2013, 07:24:08 PM

Somehow I messed up.

I kindly request my signature to be :

My site: Roulette30.com - Roulette Theory & Life


Hello Moderator, I added my personal text "Gambling is buying hope on credit" and my signature has disappeared. Please restore. Thank you very much.

My site: Roulette 30 - Roulette Theory & Life

[mod]Done! :thumbsup:[/mod]
General Discussion / Re: Help find the word
January 25, 2014, 07:40:44 PM
Nick you're the man!