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Messages - Kav

General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 02, 2013, 04:36:14 PM
Hello Chrisbis,

I admit, I don't see the advantage of betting on RED numbers on the inside over betting them all together on the outside. However feel free to bet on red numbers in whatever combination, inside or outside, as long as your total bet per spins does not exceed 500 units.
General Discussion / A Money Management Challenge
September 02, 2013, 11:14:20 AM

We can argue forever if roulette can be beaten or not.
However here is a challenge for you to test your creativity, knowledge and intelligence: Beat roulette given specific (hypothetical) certainties.

The challenge

You have 20.000 units bankroll. Your bet can be from 1 unit to 500 units (500 is the table limit).
You are only allowed to bet on RED, as often as you like.
In the next 100 spins the RED will appear exactly 30 times, but we do not know in which spins.
Make a profit of at least 1 unit after the 100th spin.

How would you do it?

Roulette 30 ideas

Thank you Esoito for bringing this up.

KingsRoulette is correct. The underlying idea (one of the underlying ideas anyway) is covering 20 numbers with different bets