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Messages - KingsRoulette

Quote from: esoito on November 27, 2012, 11:46:32 PM
This FREE tracker has been donated as an act of great kindness to the forum by a man who codes for a living.

And now you want him to give up even more unpaid time to add more features?

Some people are never satisfied!

I'm grateful that it tracks AND places bets as those are two areas where players can otherwise make mistakes (Sam will confirm that)

So THANK YOU, Normand, for your kind and generous donation.

It is fine as it is.
Did Ophis charge a penny to make MST and giving it to the community. I believe that it would have taken too much hardwork at his part. For his this great contribution, he is known to all. Maybe we get a tracker of GUT too in MST soon.
It is not an odds changer.

Perfect. It neither changes randomness nor can it change the house edge. Hence, opt it or not, is merely a choice, nothing special about it.
       GUT is a much acclaimed method. Many members say that they have not seen anything better than GUT and even consider it semi holy grail. If tracking abilities can be put in it, it would help us in understanding the reality of this claim.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 27, 2012, 07:48:49 PM
   do not get mad over bv. If you are playing nothing but martingale (whether u call it PB or PF), do u expect to keep winning always. These percentages that u are showing has made many guys suicide in gambling. In real gambling, specially with a bet like EC, nothing can be certain. Do not forget that what u r taking as Red (or Black or any damn EC of roulette) is merely a fictitious cluster of 18 independent options. If you get a shock by any order of number (or color) winning or losing, you are confusing yourself.
                  Do not try to find patterns in different numbers. They do not appear to make/follow or break a pattern, they appear randomly.
Wake up.
While reading this topic, I also saw the albalaha's open challenge and the performance of number 3 is really bad in zumma. I do have zumma book in excel format.

If we select any one number by any parameter, it may lead to similar fate as #3 had.

There is no universal principle, that can help in opting a number that WILL NOT BEHAVE RUDELY LATER.
This tracker doesn't have the capability to analyse any data file with the system it is meant for, like MST does. Can data input be added to it?

Quote from: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 06:51:19 PM
It's my turn to be lazy. I was planning on perfecting one for the past two months. But someone may have a good one. Here is a hint. Even the hottest number has intervals as long as 50-60 spins without hitting, while still being the hottest number occurring.
Actually, I worked upon the hottest number, way back. It doesn't only have intervals of 50-60 but even 3-4 time of that, even after remaining the hottest.
         Playing one number can never be a good idea. Whatever parameter you guys have discussed in this topic, doesn't make it a good bet.
it is more about MM than bet selection.
So, what is your conclusion, Gizmo?
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 05:56:59 PM
So these are interesting bet selection choices. What about a very long progression to pick up an eventual winner?
Why don't you suggest one, Gizmo?
 in my case:
4. Over-expectation or greed

i think this would be equal to:
8.  Not knowing when to stop  (Playing without a pre-defined stop-loss)

Exactly, If you keep playing even in bad times that it will recover soon, it is overexpectation. Similarly, not quitting even after winning in beginning is greed or overexpectation.
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 27, 2012, 10:57:40 AM
   from a gambling forum, we are heading towards a hospital.
General Discussion / Main reason of losses in gambling
November 27, 2012, 06:27:27 AM
I do not know how to create a poll here but I want to know your opinion in this regard as to which among this you consider the main reason of losses in gambling:
1. Martingale or martingale type progressions
2. Gamblers' fallacy
3. Martingale+gamblers' fallacy
4. Over-expectation or greed
5. Variance or delay/irregularities in our chosen bet
6. Bad luck
7. All of the above are equally liable.
What does it tell? can you brief?
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 27, 2012, 03:10:21 AM
        You said: 8. Win streak conditions are opportunities.

My question is how can I predict that a streak will come at this stage? Aren't we at same level of indecisiveness always, wherever we make bets?