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Messages - KungFuBac

Press To Our Win /Never Stand Still (1st in a series)

My beliefs:

If one utilizes a fast pospro and compounding then one will bust their buyin more frequently (vs flat bet or slower pospro/and smaller or no compounding) , though will have greater potential for very large wins (>=buyin), along with consolation prizes of smaller, yet meaningful sizes. 

Be Aware: This could require some heavy lifting as one carries their bags of loot /stacks of banded 100s out of the casino. 



WARNING: The following is not recommended for women, children, or small men.



In future posts I will address and clarify some of the following in specific threads (if there is enough interest). Addressing individually or in small grouping of like topics may help us discuss in more detail.  Hopefully, some of my thoughts will spur an idea or two for all parties so that we can help each other's game. I'm constantly striving to improve my game each day. 

Re: Pospro

My main premise on Positive Progressions:

Pr1% >=Pr2%>=Pr3% (Read : As a function of my base (or initial bet in that series:

Press One percentage greater or equal to PressTwo percentage greater or equal to PressThree percentage, ....etc.

This premise is obviously based on the thought:

I will win: 1iar >2iar >3iar (Read: I will win One In A Row, more often then Two In A Row, more often then Three In A Row ) . This applies regardless of if one is betting all wagers in the same streak or across events or across shoes. 

Though the above may seem overly simplistic and obvious I find it important that we press(or regress) along a smooth and predetermined curve that is fitted to hit our >=target.

*Compounding is our friend and an important ally for winning.

*Compounding is often ignored, misunderstood, or simply not utilized most efficiently by many players.

*One can compound (or spin off) a % greater than house edge (HE) with minimal risk to buyin. I'm not saying change HE(as its written in), I'm simply saying we can neutralize some or all of the buyin erosion from HE.  I will discuss various formulas and % to achieve this. IMO we should have varied % progressions as a function (Fx) of where we are in that streak and the current ratio to our win, buyin, and bankroll. As well as where we are going with that wager. One should always know where that wager will be (3-5 wagers from now if pospro) and what will be next bet if this wager loses right here. As well as how many bets (and sizes) will I need to make up this current deficit. 


*Some players that do utilize compounding often use it against themselves with greater force (compound their losses against their own buyin) yet will not compound into a winning streak of a similar probability. IMO its perfectly fine to do both(a pospro/negpro) just understand the speed(acceleration) of each and its effect on our buyin.

 However, one should be willing to implement the pospro with the same zealousness as the negpro. In other words (IOW), if one is willing to live and die with a pospro then one mustn't kill said pospro when it does reach its higher ranges. One absolutely must be unafraid to win and win big. REMINDER: One isn't required to kill the pressed-up-wager just because we think that event is nearing the end. Nor are we required to kill it because it's the end of the shoe, or we have hit table max(Tmax)...etc. I see players on an almost daily basis battle a shoe(s) in a deficit, and finally claw their way back to even or slightly ahead and: "color coming in". We should never end anything when on an uptick---Its ok to end a shoe without betting to the end of a W streak. If hesitant just set that pressed-up wager aside for later compounding and finish current W streak at >= 1.0 base unit, or no bet.


     *That's one thing I admire about negpro bettor's vs pospro as its my observation that negpro players are dogmatic and without much hesitation will push out that final (and potentially buyin-ending wager) on that final tier. On the other hand, I frequently watch my fellow pospro bettors "chicken out" even when the majority of the wager size is the casinos own money.

*I primarily utilize a positive progression(pospro) with compounding to achieve my wins. I generally combine a fast/efficient pospro with a slower negpro when on the unavoidable L streaks. My goal is to strive to get on the casinos' monies asap in my exchange of Ws/Ls. My perception is that I perform more optimally by using both(negpro/pospro). I ponder at times if I could win consistently without the power of compounding. 

*Compounding can be utilized to compound bet-to-bet(I.e., increase the wager size as its winning), bet-to-buyin(increase buyin as a function (%) of net bet wins, and bet-to-buyin-to bankroll simultaneously. (All three).

*A players aversiveness to risk ones whole buyin is inversely (or close to it) proportional to one's unwillingness to win ones >=buyin.  We should always strive to win >=buyin or at least >=50% of buyin (if we are willing to give them a chance at our whole buyin). I find that even when I don't reach a large win goal, I often still hit a small or moderate W by striving for that loftier objective.

*Pressing (and regressing) is most efficient when compounding is along a smooth curve (visually if observing along a graph curve). If not on a smooth incremental curve, then we are incorporating a "timing or guessing effect" and our wins or losses will be mostly due to "if" we guess correctly at the perfect moment.

*RE: Never Stand Still*. It's my opinion we should never stand still regardless of if doing a pospro , negpro, and or regression as one should always be looking to improve our current standing with any single win, even if it's only a $5 improvement (*with the exception of making sure  >50% of losing wagers are at 1.0 base unit). 

Thus, my theory it's easier to win with a larger base unit (due to the $5 min increment). Sometimes this can be too much at a lower base unit. E.G.,  If one's min bet at their home casinos is low (say $25, which is smallest I've observed since covid, at my casinos)  I would recommend betting at least a couple increments ($10=2 increments) above that minimum, and if your budget allows try to wager a base unit much larger. Contrary to what many think it's easier to win with a larger base bet size. 

*If one is afraid to win (or win big—meaning >=buyin or as a minimum >½ buyin)then a pospro and utilization of a compounding scheme is not recommended. 

*A pospro bettor utilizing a compounding regime can also utilize a regressing regime (compounding back into their stack) and or start charging the casino a vig(or Commish). Either way (compounding or decompounding) should be implemented along a smooth curve vs an erratic emotion-driven ratio)

*Utilizing a pospro and compounding regime to our win is much the same as driving a car and trying to reach our destination as quickly/ efficiently as possible. It is imperative to have a very clear plan with predetermined objective(s).

1) Do I want to travel from point A to point B as quickly as possible while ignoring fuel usage (chips –buyin). Do I have more than just one objective in this race?

2) Is this a race? In other words, is there a bonus for reaching my destination as soon as possible? Is there a speed limit? Is there a limit on how many tries I will likely get? Is there a max speed limit? What is my optimal speed to reach  ""{MY}""  destination or win goal. 

3) Is my time allowed to reach my destination limited? What happens if I have poor mpg "run out of fuel(chips)" before reaching my destination? Do I have more fuel? How much fuel am I willing to use to reach my destination. Is my fuel cost greater then what I win when I do reach my destination? How often will I reach my destination (on avg) with this predetermined amount of gas in the tank? Do I need more gas at the beginning of trip so that I don't get stranded >50% of my trips?

4. What is the optimal speed and or average speed to reach my destination as efficiently as possible. Would a turbo booster at times help with my objective and reaching my destination in a timely manner. When is the best time to push the button on the turbo?

5. I find it important when driving our pospro/compounding car that we don't change directions more than once. IOW, It is most important to utilize momentum while accelerating our vehicle. It would not be efficient use of our time and fuel if we accelerated toward our destination, then suddenly slammed on the breaks at say 50mph and slowed back down to 25 mph, then accelerated again back up to >50mph. Same with betting: If one must regress(and nothing wrong with slowing our acceleration), then continue slowing down at the remaining change-of-speed stages.  Just make sure we originally reached a high enough speed that even though we are slowing down (or even cruising) we still have enough momentum to reach our destination. When changing directions more than once we just gave back our speed gained from the earlier momentum. 


My greattttt Uncle Confucius once told me: "Grasshopper, It's not about how fast you win, it's how well you win fast."



Continued Success to All,
KungFuBac / Re: WELCOME
November 30, 2022, 05:21:59 AM
Hi Asymbacguy

Several good thoughts and as always appreciate your fine posts.

re: Your thoughts/question below:

" ...For what I've grasped from your precious writings I guess you start to think to raise (minimally) your standard bet after a positive period of some length.
Say you're crossing an unfortunate long negative sequence just after you've raised your standard bet.
I'm asking: do you stay at that level or reverting back to an inferior step?
Or maybe by diluting more the betting frequency when in 'doubt'? ,,,"

I made the reference to the Kelly Criterion to give an example in my response to your original post re: flat betting.
I was simply stating that I would be in more agreement with one utilizing a Flat Bet if one adjusted said Flat Bet higher as a function of bankroll growth (Meaning as buyin/bankroll increased so should the bet size similar to a kelly criterion %).
I typically do not wager a flat bet / not an advocate for a non-adjusting static flat bet.

re: Kelly Criterion(KC). I feel Kelly Criterion is a very important metric/ helpful for us to consider. However, IMO the difficulty arises as we don't always know our precise advantage. Furthermore, as you correctly stated above : We could sometimes go as long as 5-6 shoes without our advantage shining through.

So "IF" my goal was to play as many hands as possible on one buyin or bankroll with hopes of doubling buyin or bankroll as well as equally having a goal of not busting said buyin-bankroll, --and--

"IF" I was extremely risk averse to losing my buyin (I am not) , then I would utilize some metric of the Kelly Criterion or whatever my verified advantage (though I would be more aligned with half kelly or maybe half my advantage). Coupled with a constant adjustment of the bet size (up and down) as the bankroll went up/down.

Your specific question: "Say you're crossing an unfortunate long negative sequence just after you've raised your standard bet.
I'm asking: do you stay at that level or reverting back to an inferior step?"

If crossing and unfortunate long negative sequence I would reduce back toward my original KC increment though I would not go below this initial increment (even if the bankroll dipped below my initial level). My reasoning is I don't wan t to require more wins to win back my losing wagers. Reminder too, if we are wagering Kelly Criterion or similar we are basing that on the premise we have an advantage. Therefore we shouldn't be too overly concerned with drawdowns if flat betting.

I realize Im getting a little off topic.
    *Side Note: The issue I have with a Kelly Criterion bet metric and implementing after every decision(W or L), is that our smallest adjustment is $5. So lets say we think our KC criterion or "advantage" is (.012 ) which is approximately the casinos written-in edge. Then to adjust $5 after every decision we would need a base unit of approx $415 (415/5=.012). Ideally (and just my opinion), one would want their buyin to approximate $35000 (35000/415= ~~.012).

Not a bad method if ones objective is to play a very long time on one buyin. Though one would also need a very long time to double their buyin(and it may never happen).

Continued Success,

KungFuBac / Re: WELCOME
November 28, 2022, 04:15:33 PM
Thanks alrelax, ADulay, Asymbacguy , et al for the pos wishes.

"If we have found an advantage, best way we'll exploit it is by flat betting as we significantly reduce the variance."

     My thinking is that if one has an advantage (verified not just the V swaying) greater than the house edge we want as much money as possible on said advantage as often as possible(as many compounds as possible).

When you say "flat betting" to reduce the Variance I would agree.

 However, re: flat betting with a verified advantage I would be more in agreement if your term flat betting means increasing as a function of our buyin or bankroll. Meaning as the buyin/bankroll increased so does the "flat bet" increase.

If your term "flat betting" means always keeping the bet size the same regardless of buyin increasing  or decreasing, then I would be in less agreement.

For example:
Lets say if one starts with a $2000 buyin and $50 wager size (.025) and one wins +400. So now buyin is 2400. I would prefer the wager size to also increase to $60(.025) vs remaining at the original flat bet size of $50. Still a flat bet though now a function of buyin.

The $60 is still a flat bet(meaning it doesn't change within the shoe), yet it has upward potential "or growth" and compounding into our buyin/bankroll, (Especially if one has a verified advantage greater than house edge). Most players do in my opinion although most players may not perceive it(their advantage) when Variance is swaying (-) against their bet selection. Thus they go on tilt or abandon their methodology when it was really just a little blip.

To my thinking we want growth (or compounding) of our advantage vibrating through our bet, through our buyin, and through our bankroll. This compounding can be applied "bet-to-bet" or "bet-to-buyin" (as mentioned above), as it is still growing. Which is a good thing.

Continued success,
November 21, 2022, 03:09:10 AM

Welcome to KungFuBacs' section.
A little personal gaming history, theories, and beliefs to follow.

I've played Baccarat since the early 2000s (2003 or so) and this is my only game. I've played full time for approximately four years. I play mostly in USA and have well over 100 casinos within an approximate 10Min to 3hour drive near a four-state junction in the Midwest.  Most of my casinos are Indian casinos. Many only have one (or two) Bac tables and some have zero.  I strive to play 1800 hands per week (Play not necessarily wager). I mostly play during the day and weekdays and by design avoid late Friday nights and Saturday night.

Primary Wagering Mode: Positive Progression with an emphasis on compounding with precise efficiency to >= my goal.

Below are a few topics that came to mind from my personal list of gambling theories, opinions, proverbs related to gambling...etc (not in any particular order), that I find worthy of further discussion.

I find all of these topics important for one trying to develop an overall gameplan for utilization on a daily basis. I'm still striving to improve my gameplan, so addendum ideas/ strategies are welcomed.

•   Focus on managing Variance including and not limited to: Bet selection, Bet size to buyin to bankroll ratios. For the most part a successful casino investor(player) its all about Money management, patience, and discipline, AND LIMITING LOSING STREAKS/SESSIONS. They happen to all.

•   Most importantly design the above gameplan to match ones personal and specific monetary objective. This trumps everything.

•   Be unafraid to win

•   Accept losing shoes and sessions. They are inevitable. Don't dwell on them and don't strive to "make up" or catch up in the next shoe(s) or session(s). We may have that opportunity in the next shoe or session. However, we can't always bulldoze our desires into that next shoe. Though one must always be in anticipatory mode for when that makeup shoe or session shows(and it will).

•   Successful gambling must be learned by doing. Most of us probably attended post-high school education for 2-12 years to learn theory and skill in our occupation. Yet I think most of us travelled our most accelerated learning curve in the first couple years of applying (doing) that occupation. Gambling is no different in my opinion.

•   If one wants to become an expert at something a most efficient path is to seek someone that has already developed that area of expertise through experience. It does not matter if that field of study is gambler, doctor, mechanic, engineer, or electrician. Most highly skilled and successful professionals are glad to assist a less-experienced comrade in their same field. That willingness to help is also a sign one is highly skilled and a professional. All things being equal seek knowledge from that old white-haired 75yo vs that 25yo.
Though we should always believe we can learn something from everybody. Sometimes that lesson may be what not to do.

•   Reading and studying Bac, running 000s, and 000000s of sims are all helpful and that's all good and fine. However, playing with real money on that real shoe that's in front of you right now is the best teacher of all.

•   Winning ITLR (in the long run) is all about limiting our losses on the really bad shoes.  MM, patience, and discipline ITSR are important allies.

•   Never feel a need to continuously chase a losing spot. Never completely depart a winning spot.

•   Variance is our nemesis. Variance can also be our best friend and crucial to our winning.

•   One should utilize ones whole buyin if we are willing to give the casino a chance at our whole buyin. IOW its disadvantageous to only use say 30-40% of ones buyin if ones stop loss is 100% of said buyin.

•   Im an advocate for managing our casino bankroll and buyin in a similar manner to managing a small business, one's stock and investments portfolio,...etc.

•   I view my buyin as Im playing my buyin against my buyin. In other words, I'm not playing my buyin against the casinos bankroll. Im trying to win >= my buyin  prior  to losing my buyin.

•   The casino investor(player) has many advantages over the casino. For the most part the casino is required to "match" our move. We get to choose when/where to place our wager along with size. Most importantly we get to make choices  after  an event or decision has occurred.

From the gamblers rules of etiquette:

Don't complain to others about losing sessions. 90% don't care and the remaining 10% are halfway glad you lost.

Continued Success To All,
General Discussion / Re: crypto
November 14, 2022, 03:42:26 PM
Hi 8OR9

Good reads/thx for posts.
I read a similar article on the Ftx/Sam bankman-fried fellow. I posted the link below as it appears on breitbartnews.com.


The most important part in above link) and what I found interesting about the comparison with bear stearns/ lehman borthers financial debacle is WHY the government bailed out one entity(banks) but didn't bail out the others(FTX et al cryptos). IMO the government doesnot want crypto to compete with the USD (or not at this stage).

Its also my opinion some of these crypto exchanges/ owners of crypto exchanges/ individuals owning(&leveraging) large amounts of cryptos are now going to implement huge "preplanned" bankruptcies, and wipeout ALL of their debt under the guise(well, i was ripped off by those damn cryptos").

Their appears to be several hollywood and professional athletes also in the middle of several crypto defaults. Im thinking we will see more in next few months.

*The kicker is on or near the very same day this story started breaking on FTX/Sam bankman fried, I saw these type of headlines below optimistically touting cryptos. I wonder at times if the media and individual reporters ever listen to themselves.

Is crypto the way to fight inflation(2022)

Bitcoin vs Gold: Are cryptos the new gold


Continued Success To All/ To All A Good Week
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
November 10, 2022, 04:54:06 PM
Hi AsymBacGuy

"A large percentage of casinos' profits come from bad players attitude loving to bet huge as losers and being more prudent when winning."

I agree 100%. This is a phenomenon that I perceive is just  a part of the human psyche.  IMO it has much to do with how we are bombarded with "fear" from an early age and throughout life.
Plus, coupled with our emotions tied to money, and this can allow fear to really affect our decisions.

I see fear being utilized everyday in our lives.

e.g., Roadside assistance insurance for your roadside assistance plan,..etc.

e.g., Insurance for the possibility that our new electronic device may not last x # of years.
IMO that's what the manufacturers 2-year warranty is for. Unless its an expensive item we shouldnt have much fear about all the whatifs.

     I recently bought an extension for a lightbulb socket(basically an extension that screws into the light bulb recepticle and drops down 3"). The cost was $6.95. I immediately started receiving offers that for just $2.95 (43% of the actual cost of the gadget), I could insure that extension for two years (of course this 2.95 policy would only start after the manufacturers 2-year warranty had ended).  FEAR.
I declined.lol. I have NO FEAR, just like at the Bac table,lol..
If my $7 gadget malfunctions in 23mo Ill just toss it and go spend another $7.

Our whole society tries to "FEAR" us into a life of fear.

Same as at the Bac table. Its my opinion we fear losing too much in comparison with our emotions for accepting a big Win.

Cheers, kfb
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
November 02, 2022, 02:45:08 AM
Hi Asym/ thx for your reply to my Qs.

To clarify this following statement from your post above-- October 31, 2022, 11:21:59 PM:

"...Yet if a 'moderate' deviation is a good trigger to risk our money at, we must know that sometimes 'moderate' could shift into 'strong' instead of going toward the searched RTM effect..."

Are you saying this moderate deviation may instead of continuing with RTM may actually turn the other direction and become even stronger (meaning diverge away from TM) ?

Thx in advance,
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 31, 2022, 03:20:17 AM
Hi all,

Asymbac in your Setting Up A System post #711 above you say:

In order to reduce the variance's impact acute players tend to utilize three ploys:

a) waiting that a moderate-strong unwanted deviation will come out then betting huge;

b) progressively betting by a multilayered multistep scheme just on positive spots;

c) progressively betting by a multilayered multistep scheme after negative spots of any lenght came out (so a light negative spot constitutes the trigger).

Once we've verified our possible edge, the decision to take one of the three different approach is unimportant, maybe and providing a proper bankroll a mix of the three is best.

a) waiting that a moderate-strong unwanted deviation will come out then betting huge;
    Can you give a specific example of this (and how you would typically wager that spot. e.g., One bet , 2-step neg pro,...etc, or do you do a longer neg pro (say 5-step neg pro),...etc. or None of the above?  other?

Q: Are you personally more likely to wager a slow neg pro in perceived EV+ spot or if you hit that first wager are u then more likely to do a pospro (i.e., Pressing that first hit) in the same or other EV+ spot(s) later in that shoe or following shoe(s)??

Thx in advance,
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 28, 2022, 03:21:59 PM
Hi as / thx for all your writings(especially this one).
There are many true statements and just a few of my favorites are posted below.

I like that your essays include real-time table experiences along with statistics, not ignoring either, and blending them appropriately. IMO there is room for both in a professional Bac players regime(or there better be room for both) if one wants to survive at the tables.

I will comment more this weekend as your truisms deserve a more detailed reply.

Not in any particular order of importance:

*It's intuitive to think that if no system works any other approach wouldn't. Providing sequences are random regardless of the method utilized.
In a nutshell, successful players of both categories rely upon 'non randomness' of the outcomes.

*A system player is more adapted to the natural negative variance than any other player, mainly as he/she thinks the game as a long term succession not splitted into sessions, days or other very short term evaluations.

*If any shoe dealt would produce random successions the probability to win is 0.
Humans can't read randomness by any means, actually casinos hope their shoes to be randomly offered and somewhat hoping some shoes will produce strong deviations to be caught by players. So giving the perfect 'illusion' that the game could be beaten.

*HE can only be beaten by a bet selection working at supposedly unrandom productions and not by progressions or human guesses, therefore most of our bets must be placed at EV+ spots otherwise we'll lose.

*Standard deviation values of our bets are the watchdog of randomness or possible unrandomness.

*If the system provides a strict flat betting scheme, the probability to be ahead by chance is very close to zero.

*Regardless of a bet selection capable to get the advantage of verified smaller sd values than expected, variance remains a strong enemy of every system or replicable approach, especially when adopting a flat betting scheme.

*Remember that anytime we sit at a bac table we must adopt a kind of 'sky's the limit' approach, the only thing we can concede at casinos is their HE that counts nothing itlr.

    IMO on this last one: Variance always swamps HE.

Good thread AsymBacGuy and I look forward to your future discussions on the above. I encourage others to jump in and offer their opinions/ questions as well.

Continued Success,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 26, 2022, 04:23:48 AM
knowing thay we can afford to let them to reach some values without risking a dime.

Positive / Re: Good article on Positive Betting Systems
October 25, 2022, 03:46:34 PM
The link is a good read on several topics.

re:Post by wannawin and One Half Up

"... - June 24, 2013, 12:47:17 PM
What is your opinion about the One Half Up betting system?

One Half Up

This is a very popular positive progression system. You do not increase your bet until you win two bets in a row, then you keep increasing your bet by one half of your original bet. Here is an example.

You make a $10 bet and win. You are now even so you don't progress yet. You make another $10 bet and win. You are now ahead $10. Your next bet is $15. You are progressing but you still have a profit of $5. If you win the $15 bet your next bet is $20. If you lose you go back to $10. You still have a profit of $15.  ..."

     First I will note that many pos progression regimes posted and discussed on forums almost always indicate(or assume) the wager is placed for consecutive wins streak on one side(meaning PPPPPP  OR BBBBBBB or PBPBPBPB, ...etc.

Im an advocate for pos progressions, however, not necessarily the same event reoccurring in a row. I find for me personally I can put together a longer win streak by grabbing 1-3 wins in a row several times vs all consecutively in a row. I will even carry that pressed-up wager over into another shoe or session. Its my opinion there are only so many "best" spots per shoe for only a few select events.

re: wannawins one half up
     I would be inclined to do a fractional addendum press% as a function of the original bet size not the most recent bet size as wannawins' example. In his example I would be more inclined to make the increase a f(x) of the $10 base unit( e.g.,($10 +5 +3,  ,, etc). Obviously it is easier with a larger starting-size wager (Plus I find it easier to do with a metric that uses a base bet easily divided by sixths (e.g., $60 or one could use $30, though most of my casinos are $50 min). The sixths provides options just in case we can put together a longer streak. Its difficult to put together a longer streak than six so I wouldn't be too overly concerned on what to do after the sixth press.
For example ($60,90,110,...etc) or (1+1/2+1/3 ,...etc) with my main point being to make each successive press a less-than-or-equal press % than the previous press %.

Ultimately what we are saying when choosing to do a pos progression is : "I want to replace a higher % of my lossess at my base unit near 1.0 units with fewer wins at a higher level. Thus I don't need to win as many wagers as I lose , though I will need to put together a streak of wins".
As most of you wil agree this streak-of-wins is undetermined because we don't know how many 1.0 U losses we will accrue PRIOR to getting that streak of wins. If one can put together a streak of 3 and possibly 4 based on their preferred base unit size -to- buyin, they are well on their way to winning more than they lose. If not then a pospro is risky for that individual.

For example: wannawins' question:
"You make a $10 bet and win. You are now even so you don't progress yet. You make another $10 bet and win. You are now ahead $10. Your next bet is $15."
     My preference is to press from the first win instead of second win(We don't know any more about how long our hit streak will be after the second win than we do on the first. IMO we must get the compounding started immediately (if one is choosing to live or die by the press), so we can get a compounding % spinoff.

Im in favor of whatever we choose as our press % to make: Pr1% > Pr2% >Pr3%,...etc with only one stutter step where we collect our monies out of the pressed up wager(though still pressing on that stutter step).


More later,
Roulette Forum / Re: Goof bets at B&M
October 21, 2022, 05:40:42 AM
Welcome to the forum BrendanMelendez
     I agree. Nothing more fun than a cash extraction from the casino.

Continued Success,
General Discussion / Re: crypto
October 19, 2022, 05:27:50 PM
Thx 8OR9 /good link.

I saw a brief sketch on that story when it broke a few days ago but didn't realize the heist occurred such a long time ago. I feel for the many victims as they will likely see very little of the recovered loot.

*I'm guessing in a couple years we will start seeing movies about all these crypto heists.
Similar to "Oceans 11 series" with George Clooney or "Catch me if you can" with Leonardo Decaprio, ...etc.
