Thank you AsymBacGuy.
Bac Money Management
In the following I will present my personal thoughts/preferences for MM of my buyin. I will try to avoid some very important and related subtopics from this very broad subject:MM. They too are part of my overall game but will i sidestep these other areas of MM so I don't make a long post longer.
To my thinking MM is extremely important and that along with the above subtopics must "fit" ones "own" overall gameplan. All the parts must fit together like a glove so our money (each wager) can work as a team (buy in) and not as separate individuals. Just like a basketball, soccer, or football team. If one player (wager) is performing poorly we need another to overperform.
Most importantly and first/foremost. Identify your win goal for this buyin and this buyin only, and every single action we take must be in pursuit of that goal.
As I've mentioned in previous posts most of my casinos only have one or two tables and often the only option is $50--$2K Tmax. A couple offer 25—1K, and a couple $50/100--$5K, and a couple Cas offer 10K Tmax . Though the 5K is often only on Fri/Sat night and very seldom during the week or days. The 10K tables are 6.5 hours away so not relevant for most of my daily play.
Thus, my methodology is based on the 50—2000 table unless stated otherwise. Any variation and I simply raise (or lower) the Buyin and base unit proportional to Tmax at the respective table.
So, my buyin is 2K and I make my base unit $60. If at a 100—5K table buyin/base unit (150) is proportional and so forth.
I like my BU (base unit) at increments of 60 (I.e. 120,150,180,240,...etc)because its an easy metric for some of my wagering regimes, compounding, and fractional betting scales ( 1,½,1/3,¼,1/5, et al). More on this fractional betting later on when I speak about compounding along a smooth curve.
The selection of a buyin for $2k at a 2K Tmax table, and $60 base unit is mainly due to my theseis: The max I can win on any one W is $2K and the max the casino will ever win from me in any one shoe is 2K. Though it will take the Cas more than one win and often at least three or more consecutive bad shoes to extract that from me.
My modus operandi. How can I most efficiently win >= my buyin >=once PRIOR to the casino winning my buyin <=once, when I run across several consecutive bad shoes.
This brings me to my next topic (How I handle bad shoes), and a very important part of my M.O.
The next paragraph is one of the main attributes of my overall game. This is one of my best moves as I seek to limit my losing shoes/sessions and win on the upper end knowing my losses can only go to –0--. In other words I want my losses on the really bad shoes (say –3 SD) to be <= to my losses on the reallyreallyhorriblebad shoes (say –4.5SD) as I will be busted and not be around that shoe when and if it ever does approach a
Variance of (-4.5SD, -6sd,-8Sd,...etc.). I also know I will also see shoes in my favor (+2 , to +3SD, to +4.5SD,...etc.). So set limits on my downside and never ever try to tame the Variance (or volatility) on the upside. We shall see both regardless of one's skill set. It does not matter if one is doing progression, regression, flat bet, or anything else we want to call it.
It's my opinion winning (or losing) with a progression compared with a regression or with a flat bet , or any other has more to do with one's tolerance for volatility than it has to do with a person's statistical capacity to win money. If one has an advantage greater than the H.E. (most of you do), then we want as much money as we possible wagered as often as we can. I'm not talking about being a gunslinger and just slinging bets of all shapes/sizes without a focused goal in mind.
How I handle bad shoes: My Best Move.
When I bust a buyin (regardless of if in one shoe or three or more) I do the following. I force a dry smile and state to my table comrades: "Good luck everyone sees you in a little while". That's nothing else.
I stand up, scoot my chair in, remove any water bottles, and start walking away. As I walk away, I take my R hand and reach over my L shoulder to give myself two pats on the back. WHY?
I congratulate myself for not going on tilt and limiting my loss on a very bad shoe to <=1 buyin. I have never (n-e-v-e-r) rebought into a lost-buyin shoe the second time. I simply note how long until a new shoe will be opened at that table or any other table nearby and take 10-15mins to go to restroom, walk around, ...etc. THEN, I go to the cage and get another buyin and look for a table (even the previous one) that is prepping to open a new shoe.
We are constantly "exchanging" Ws/Ls streaks with the casino: WLWWLLWLLLWWWLWWWWW,..etc.
Winning and losing is all about the order. Regardless of the order of my W/L I want to be slightly better (moving toward my Win Goal) with each W at the end of these exchanges of L series. If Im losing (LLLW) I want that W to put my stack in a better position than prior to its commencement. Example: -60,-60,-60,then win @ +65= Net –115. That $5 may seem miniscule. However, that is 5/60 =.083 , or another way of viewing is if I lost 3iar =180 so 5/180= .0277 . Recall H.E. is approx .012 . So, in the above exchange the Cas did not receive its full compensation. Nor did that measly $5 jeopardize my buy in.
Same with a win streak of WWWL or any other variation of W/Ls. I never stand still (meaning I don't flat bet with 0 fluctuations on steaks of W or L), and after another 3:1 or 1: 3 , streak I want more in my stack vs prior to when this exchange started.
My M.O. is to do an aggressive Pos pro and slow negpro as I attempt to "nick" away at the Cas win/ compound my streak of winning series. We will see W/L streaks both the same as forum alumni albalaha has diligently told us. I concur.
*I will preface the following paragraphs with: I'm constantly monitoring my stacks, so I always know if Im below even or ahead and by how much. Though I never wager less than my base unit I know I can't get ahead until I get even. I never wager less than my base unit as I don't want to be in a position where I need more Ws than Ls to be even. If I'm ahead I still wager at least my BU. I strive to keep more than 50% of my L wagers near my base unit. One way I do this is to not start a pospro if I'm in a signif deficit or let's say I haven't won very many wagers yet, or maybe I lost my first 3-4 wagers and then finally get a W. . I don't start a pospro if I just lost three and won one. Im still in a losing streak, not in sync with outcomes yet, and simply stumbled onto a W.
Striving to keep Ls at or near base unit. This an easy task and I'm fairly good at this. Meaning we are likely to lose approx ½ of our wagers the first time they are wagered. So, approx 50% of first-time wagers never get out of the gate.
My goal is press to my win. Meaning I press through the win. I do not press a couple times, stand still a couple times, reduce $5, add $5, wait until I collect at this or that level, start pressing again and after a 10streak of consecutive Ws Im almost even. W streaks are difficult to come by and IMO a pospro player must press early and often(meaning press something every single time, even if only $5)).
The pospro bettors' success is determined by what we are doing on wager#1 and wager#2 and press#1 as everything out a say t + Wager#4/#5 and the compounding spinoff, is largely determined by what we were doing at Press#1. WHY?
My personal view is as follows and I think all will agree with the obvious on wins in a row:
We will win 1iar >= win 2iar >= win3iar>= win 4iar >= win 5iar ...etc.
So IMO: We should make Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
*Reminder: When doing a pospro remember we will need two more Wins to be where we are right now (regarding net W monies). So, I'm not suggesting never ever stop doing a pospro. Im just saying get to where your going as fast/efficiently as possible. Then if one must do a stutter step, or regress , just make sure one always handles this stage the same way (throughout the whole buyin).
Re: changing directions. Regressing is a fine tool, however, I'm against changing directions more than once such as presspresspresspressRegressPresspress, ...etc (See car example in earlier post above). Also, I would want to make sure that peak wager was as a minimum sufficiently above our "avg" wager size (and optimally >=50% of buyin size or we have a net >50% BI), prior to changing directions. At least get to our predetermined win goal (even if < 50%BI, whatever yours may be). Mainly, be consistent with this through the whole shoe and that buyin.
Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
I like everything after my base bet to be a function of that base bet size (unless one wants to implement an exponential press regime—which I will talk about later if enough interest). The point I'm trying to make is don't change our gameplan (and goal) at mid game.
An example of the above press regime and why I either start or make my wager quickly get to an increment of 60. For example, let's say at a 50min table I had wagered a base unit $55 I would likely just press to 120, ...etc. So any future presses could follow a smooth curve.
I like the starting series to be an increment of 60(LCD for 1,2,3,4,5,6), and because of the ease in wagering a fractional press with more precision in the early stages.
Let's say I start with a base bet of 60 and win. Looking above I see press#1% >=press#2%. Therefore, I wouldn't lead with a press of $5 as I would be locked into never pressing more than $5 (and since I like to press something on every W, I don't want to limit my pressing options). So,
Let's say I press 100%: Bet 1=60, bet 2=120, (See rules above) so I know bet 3 must press but can't press > than but could press =% the first press. I could press to 240 but let's say I'm ahead in this shoe, hit my win goal, so I shall press 50%. So now :bet1=60,bet2 was 120, bet 3=150(+50% of my base unit=$30), I win this 3rd bet IAR and my net-to-my-stack so far on this initial investment of $60 is: +90,+150,=+240, and I still have a $150 wager and "my option" as to what I do with it. Note I didn't collect anything on first hit(nemesis).
I will press ($20 which is 33% of my base unit—Not a function of the current wager size), so my next wager would be $170. So as we can see the wager is getting larger/larger, with my addendum monies getting smaller/smaller fast.
I view each wager as "what is my investment in this wager, what is casinos investment in this wager, and what is my potential win. I want the casino to be invested >50% ASAP as I'm willing to let them win that last wager. However, I want them to be mostly winning their own money back "AFTER" they have paid me several times on my initial investment as well as their initial investment. I don't have to let them win that final bet, however, IMO we have our investment out of it. Furthermore, after that 3rd hit the final press anywhere on down the line where we would lose has been generated by the earlier compounds.
*Note: When I speak of Win streaks seldom do I mean consecutive wins on one event ( same side, opps, ..etc) as I find longer W streaks by catching a couple here, setting it aside, and jumping into another event, or shoe, or casino, as I keep that Winning wager going as long as possible. I also caution you again not to change your gameplan midstream. That is, don't win several times like above (& press in a decreasing%), and after 5-6 wins go "WTH" Im ahead so I shall parlay the whole thing and see what happens---We just gave back all our compounds if it loses as the casino negates each level with one single W. My thinking is to play in the short term but know we are playing a long term game.
My main premise is to press in a methodical manner so that press curve(if plotting on a graph) is a smooth curve and not jagged. You can design whatever decreasing angle of curve you want but if we make it jagged then we are making it all about timing (pulling it down or press big) at just the right time. I find the above very efficient as it gets our money out quick yet keeps that wager growing.
The main metrics I keep in my mind's eye as I go through a shoe:
Buyin, ½ buyin, 20% of buyin, base unit size, , press%, win goal, H.E. Everything I do is designed with these objectives at the forefront.
*Im not saying I always press exactly as shown above. However, regardless if doing something like above or an exponential regime, et al, the following is always the underlying foundation.
Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
Most importantly press so that you hit "Your" target more often than not. I recommend utilizing our whole buyin--Exhaust your buyin. In other words use the full force of your buyin in our battle with the casino. A mistake I made early on is that I would unknowingly or unintentionally utilize only about 30-40% of buyin yet try to win a substantial amount. I had a very high winning-shoe %, yet seldom won > half my buyin(though risking 100% of BI), and or I sliced/diced myself to a loss trying to protect my buyin.
When I lose a buyin(and I do ), I want the casino to know they have been in a battle/ they had to fight me tooth/nail to extract it from me. So when that casino CEO looks down from his windowed office and sees us entering the casino. We want him to say:
"Oh Sheat!".
Continued Success To All,
Bac Money Management
In the following I will present my personal thoughts/preferences for MM of my buyin. I will try to avoid some very important and related subtopics from this very broad subject:MM. They too are part of my overall game but will i sidestep these other areas of MM so I don't make a long post longer.
To my thinking MM is extremely important and that along with the above subtopics must "fit" ones "own" overall gameplan. All the parts must fit together like a glove so our money (each wager) can work as a team (buy in) and not as separate individuals. Just like a basketball, soccer, or football team. If one player (wager) is performing poorly we need another to overperform.
Most importantly and first/foremost. Identify your win goal for this buyin and this buyin only, and every single action we take must be in pursuit of that goal.
As I've mentioned in previous posts most of my casinos only have one or two tables and often the only option is $50--$2K Tmax. A couple offer 25—1K, and a couple $50/100--$5K, and a couple Cas offer 10K Tmax . Though the 5K is often only on Fri/Sat night and very seldom during the week or days. The 10K tables are 6.5 hours away so not relevant for most of my daily play.
Thus, my methodology is based on the 50—2000 table unless stated otherwise. Any variation and I simply raise (or lower) the Buyin and base unit proportional to Tmax at the respective table.
So, my buyin is 2K and I make my base unit $60. If at a 100—5K table buyin/base unit (150) is proportional and so forth.
I like my BU (base unit) at increments of 60 (I.e. 120,150,180,240,...etc)because its an easy metric for some of my wagering regimes, compounding, and fractional betting scales ( 1,½,1/3,¼,1/5, et al). More on this fractional betting later on when I speak about compounding along a smooth curve.
The selection of a buyin for $2k at a 2K Tmax table, and $60 base unit is mainly due to my theseis: The max I can win on any one W is $2K and the max the casino will ever win from me in any one shoe is 2K. Though it will take the Cas more than one win and often at least three or more consecutive bad shoes to extract that from me.
My modus operandi. How can I most efficiently win >= my buyin >=once PRIOR to the casino winning my buyin <=once, when I run across several consecutive bad shoes.
This brings me to my next topic (How I handle bad shoes), and a very important part of my M.O.
The next paragraph is one of the main attributes of my overall game. This is one of my best moves as I seek to limit my losing shoes/sessions and win on the upper end knowing my losses can only go to –0--. In other words I want my losses on the really bad shoes (say –3 SD) to be <= to my losses on the reallyreallyhorriblebad shoes (say –4.5SD) as I will be busted and not be around that shoe when and if it ever does approach a
Variance of (-4.5SD, -6sd,-8Sd,...etc.). I also know I will also see shoes in my favor (+2 , to +3SD, to +4.5SD,...etc.). So set limits on my downside and never ever try to tame the Variance (or volatility) on the upside. We shall see both regardless of one's skill set. It does not matter if one is doing progression, regression, flat bet, or anything else we want to call it.
It's my opinion winning (or losing) with a progression compared with a regression or with a flat bet , or any other has more to do with one's tolerance for volatility than it has to do with a person's statistical capacity to win money. If one has an advantage greater than the H.E. (most of you do), then we want as much money as we possible wagered as often as we can. I'm not talking about being a gunslinger and just slinging bets of all shapes/sizes without a focused goal in mind.
How I handle bad shoes: My Best Move.
When I bust a buyin (regardless of if in one shoe or three or more) I do the following. I force a dry smile and state to my table comrades: "Good luck everyone sees you in a little while". That's nothing else.
I stand up, scoot my chair in, remove any water bottles, and start walking away. As I walk away, I take my R hand and reach over my L shoulder to give myself two pats on the back. WHY?
I congratulate myself for not going on tilt and limiting my loss on a very bad shoe to <=1 buyin. I have never (n-e-v-e-r) rebought into a lost-buyin shoe the second time. I simply note how long until a new shoe will be opened at that table or any other table nearby and take 10-15mins to go to restroom, walk around, ...etc. THEN, I go to the cage and get another buyin and look for a table (even the previous one) that is prepping to open a new shoe.
We are constantly "exchanging" Ws/Ls streaks with the casino: WLWWLLWLLLWWWLWWWWW,..etc.
Winning and losing is all about the order. Regardless of the order of my W/L I want to be slightly better (moving toward my Win Goal) with each W at the end of these exchanges of L series. If Im losing (LLLW) I want that W to put my stack in a better position than prior to its commencement. Example: -60,-60,-60,then win @ +65= Net –115. That $5 may seem miniscule. However, that is 5/60 =.083 , or another way of viewing is if I lost 3iar =180 so 5/180= .0277 . Recall H.E. is approx .012 . So, in the above exchange the Cas did not receive its full compensation. Nor did that measly $5 jeopardize my buy in.
Same with a win streak of WWWL or any other variation of W/Ls. I never stand still (meaning I don't flat bet with 0 fluctuations on steaks of W or L), and after another 3:1 or 1: 3 , streak I want more in my stack vs prior to when this exchange started.
My M.O. is to do an aggressive Pos pro and slow negpro as I attempt to "nick" away at the Cas win/ compound my streak of winning series. We will see W/L streaks both the same as forum alumni albalaha has diligently told us. I concur.
*I will preface the following paragraphs with: I'm constantly monitoring my stacks, so I always know if Im below even or ahead and by how much. Though I never wager less than my base unit I know I can't get ahead until I get even. I never wager less than my base unit as I don't want to be in a position where I need more Ws than Ls to be even. If I'm ahead I still wager at least my BU. I strive to keep more than 50% of my L wagers near my base unit. One way I do this is to not start a pospro if I'm in a signif deficit or let's say I haven't won very many wagers yet, or maybe I lost my first 3-4 wagers and then finally get a W. . I don't start a pospro if I just lost three and won one. Im still in a losing streak, not in sync with outcomes yet, and simply stumbled onto a W.
Striving to keep Ls at or near base unit. This an easy task and I'm fairly good at this. Meaning we are likely to lose approx ½ of our wagers the first time they are wagered. So, approx 50% of first-time wagers never get out of the gate.
My goal is press to my win. Meaning I press through the win. I do not press a couple times, stand still a couple times, reduce $5, add $5, wait until I collect at this or that level, start pressing again and after a 10streak of consecutive Ws Im almost even. W streaks are difficult to come by and IMO a pospro player must press early and often(meaning press something every single time, even if only $5)).
The pospro bettors' success is determined by what we are doing on wager#1 and wager#2 and press#1 as everything out a say t + Wager#4/#5 and the compounding spinoff, is largely determined by what we were doing at Press#1. WHY?
My personal view is as follows and I think all will agree with the obvious on wins in a row:
We will win 1iar >= win 2iar >= win3iar>= win 4iar >= win 5iar ...etc.
So IMO: We should make Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
*Reminder: When doing a pospro remember we will need two more Wins to be where we are right now (regarding net W monies). So, I'm not suggesting never ever stop doing a pospro. Im just saying get to where your going as fast/efficiently as possible. Then if one must do a stutter step, or regress , just make sure one always handles this stage the same way (throughout the whole buyin).
Re: changing directions. Regressing is a fine tool, however, I'm against changing directions more than once such as presspresspresspressRegressPresspress, ...etc (See car example in earlier post above). Also, I would want to make sure that peak wager was as a minimum sufficiently above our "avg" wager size (and optimally >=50% of buyin size or we have a net >50% BI), prior to changing directions. At least get to our predetermined win goal (even if < 50%BI, whatever yours may be). Mainly, be consistent with this through the whole shoe and that buyin.
Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
I like everything after my base bet to be a function of that base bet size (unless one wants to implement an exponential press regime—which I will talk about later if enough interest). The point I'm trying to make is don't change our gameplan (and goal) at mid game.
An example of the above press regime and why I either start or make my wager quickly get to an increment of 60. For example, let's say at a 50min table I had wagered a base unit $55 I would likely just press to 120, ...etc. So any future presses could follow a smooth curve.
I like the starting series to be an increment of 60(LCD for 1,2,3,4,5,6), and because of the ease in wagering a fractional press with more precision in the early stages.
Let's say I start with a base bet of 60 and win. Looking above I see press#1% >=press#2%. Therefore, I wouldn't lead with a press of $5 as I would be locked into never pressing more than $5 (and since I like to press something on every W, I don't want to limit my pressing options). So,
Let's say I press 100%: Bet 1=60, bet 2=120, (See rules above) so I know bet 3 must press but can't press > than but could press =% the first press. I could press to 240 but let's say I'm ahead in this shoe, hit my win goal, so I shall press 50%. So now :bet1=60,bet2 was 120, bet 3=150(+50% of my base unit=$30), I win this 3rd bet IAR and my net-to-my-stack so far on this initial investment of $60 is: +90,+150,=+240, and I still have a $150 wager and "my option" as to what I do with it. Note I didn't collect anything on first hit(nemesis).
I will press ($20 which is 33% of my base unit—Not a function of the current wager size), so my next wager would be $170. So as we can see the wager is getting larger/larger, with my addendum monies getting smaller/smaller fast.
I view each wager as "what is my investment in this wager, what is casinos investment in this wager, and what is my potential win. I want the casino to be invested >50% ASAP as I'm willing to let them win that last wager. However, I want them to be mostly winning their own money back "AFTER" they have paid me several times on my initial investment as well as their initial investment. I don't have to let them win that final bet, however, IMO we have our investment out of it. Furthermore, after that 3rd hit the final press anywhere on down the line where we would lose has been generated by the earlier compounds.
*Note: When I speak of Win streaks seldom do I mean consecutive wins on one event ( same side, opps, ..etc) as I find longer W streaks by catching a couple here, setting it aside, and jumping into another event, or shoe, or casino, as I keep that Winning wager going as long as possible. I also caution you again not to change your gameplan midstream. That is, don't win several times like above (& press in a decreasing%), and after 5-6 wins go "WTH" Im ahead so I shall parlay the whole thing and see what happens---We just gave back all our compounds if it loses as the casino negates each level with one single W. My thinking is to play in the short term but know we are playing a long term game.
My main premise is to press in a methodical manner so that press curve(if plotting on a graph) is a smooth curve and not jagged. You can design whatever decreasing angle of curve you want but if we make it jagged then we are making it all about timing (pulling it down or press big) at just the right time. I find the above very efficient as it gets our money out quick yet keeps that wager growing.
The main metrics I keep in my mind's eye as I go through a shoe:
Buyin, ½ buyin, 20% of buyin, base unit size, , press%, win goal, H.E. Everything I do is designed with these objectives at the forefront.
*Im not saying I always press exactly as shown above. However, regardless if doing something like above or an exponential regime, et al, the following is always the underlying foundation.
Press#1% >= Press #2% >= Press#3% >= Press#4% >=Press#5%, ...etc.
Most importantly press so that you hit "Your" target more often than not. I recommend utilizing our whole buyin--Exhaust your buyin. In other words use the full force of your buyin in our battle with the casino. A mistake I made early on is that I would unknowingly or unintentionally utilize only about 30-40% of buyin yet try to win a substantial amount. I had a very high winning-shoe %, yet seldom won > half my buyin(though risking 100% of BI), and or I sliced/diced myself to a loss trying to protect my buyin.
When I lose a buyin(and I do ), I want the casino to know they have been in a battle/ they had to fight me tooth/nail to extract it from me. So when that casino CEO looks down from his windowed office and sees us entering the casino. We want him to say:
"Oh Sheat!".
Continued Success To All,