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Messages - KungFuBac

Good Morning Albalaha

Thx for  your posts--Im watching your new project(millionaires plan) with interest/intrigue.


"...To do this perfectly, I need a table limit of 1-1000 to be safest and surest but I would try to finalize it in a table limit of 1-100 too..."

     That bet spread is my dream scenario. I most commonly see $50--2k, with occasional 25-1k and 25-2k, occasionally travel to get a $50--5k,...etc.

"...to win at least 100 units per session with a risk of like amount of loss and probability to get a losing session should not be more than 20%. Once accomplished, nothing will be left for me but to play, play and keep playing fearlessly.
             It is a hybrid type MM (positive aided with negative progression) and could be trigger based. Playing with trigger will ensure this 80:20 win: loss sessions..."

     I like your ideas/ the implementation of 20% rule as I find that applicable to many things(gambling and nongambling alike).

     I utilize this metric (>=20%) quite often within a variety of PosPro wagering approaches. I like to set it as a my initial /lowest win (and session exit) stages, along with >=50% and >=100%, as i find it beneficial to set trailing stops and never leave a winning streak. 

To verbalize,  as I enter a session my thought process: "I think I can win >=20% of my buyin "first" as in "before" the casino
can win 100% of my buyin.  The best odds for me are obviously at the very beginning of the session when my balance is : -0-  .

In an even-chance game with weighted wagers I like our chances.

Continued Success to you Albalaha,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 05, 2021, 04:59:57 PM
Hi AsymBacGuy

In your first post on 3/30 you state:

"...Normally card distributions will produce "more likely" back to back ITCPs, as the average key card distribution itlr will make a huge impact over the final two-card point results (not final results!).
It's true that key cards could easily combine with a second low or worthless card, anyway itlr it's way more likely to get a winning point whenever a key card had fallen on that side than to face the opposite situation.
Whenever no key cards are involved in the process, the propensity to get higher ITCPs remain the same at different degrees, meaning it's restricted within measurable (then exploitable) terms...."

To clarify: When you say "KEY CARDS" do you indeed mean 8/9 as in main cards to keep P from drawing. OR Do you mean key cards as in side-favoring cards such as 6/4  that may or may not keep P from drawing? thx in advance .


AsymBacGuy: "...Whenever no key cards are involved in the process, the propensity to get higher ITCPs remain the same at different degrees..."

     Respectfully, my opinion differs on this---OR--- maybe Im just not understanding what youre saying. Can u elaborate a little more on this sentence.

Thx/ Continued Success,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 26, 2021, 04:29:43 PM
Greetings AsymBacGuy

On pg 14 of this thread you stated:

"...Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
« Reply #205 on: October 14, 2020, 09:49:04 pm »
Instead of thinking as baccarat as a BP outcomes game, we should consider the average probability to get a shoe composition prompting certain degrees of math advantaged situations..."

?On average how many "math advantaged situations" do you typically find per shoe?

     IOW what is the Mean and Mode # of wagers for you per shoe----"on avg" ??

Thanks in advance,
Good luck Albalaha with your newest project: Millionaires Plan.

"...I got excited to read the book, "13 at the bank" but.."

I agree it's a good read--david vs goliath.

Continued Success,
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 23, 2021, 04:41:42 PM

"...discipline doesn't turn an EV- game into a profitable one.
Probability to win as disciplined players is the same as being undisciplined.
Discipline intended as a way to restrict the field of operation probably helps to lose less but surely doesn't help to win itlr..."

Thanks Albalaha for your thoughts/opinions. Always appreciated..

Continued Success,
Thx Albalaha
Appreciate you always promptly responding /answering my questions as best possible. I know at times they may be generic in nature, already addressed in old posts...etc/ you could easily just respond with a "well it depends" reply. Many Thanks.

You have several new ideas (or maybe just new and improved), that have inspired me to dust off some old wagering regimes.

?1)Since your preference is to wager P in Bac--Do you try to wager in shoe sections that may have a tendency to indeed provide optimum opportunities for a P win?

?2) Do you have a predetermined # of wagers per shoe that you will attempt (Wins and or L), and abandon the shoe because you lost X# of initial wagers( Or won X# of initial wagers)?
     For Example: Lets say you won your first 12 wagers on P and P is also now ahead by 12. Obviously, if we had to make a one time wager I think the majority of us would guess the final tally is more likely to have a difference of 2 vs 22.
??Or do you would you just view as its all random /one big shoe and continue playing that shoe wagering on P to continue its domination?

Thank you,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 18, 2021, 06:38:30 PM
Hi AsymBacGuy
Your following sentence from (March 15, 2021, 11:43:38 pm) caused a pause.

"...it's quite interesting to notice that "homogeneous" sources of shuffling (i.e. same shoes shuffled manually or shuffle master machines working at the same deck) tend to provide more constant and regular median values. It's what we name as a "fair or strong" propensity going far from a perfect randomness..."

I've evaluated various shuffling methods for other variables. However, I have not considered the affect on Shift Median Values(SMV).

Good ideas/research AsymBacGuy

All the best,
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 18, 2021, 06:25:08 PM
Greetings Alrelax

on: March 15, 2021, 05:52:50 am »Insert Quote
"...More so in the first half of the shoe then the second half. And more so with the player side than the banker side. But don't take that for players side only, because it will happen to the banker side as well, just more-so with the player side.

Particularly the prelude will be extremely choppy or very much equal for a pretty large section..."


In simplistic terms do you feel its partially because starting on the first draw(without knowing burn cards) and obviously unknown order, that all the GOOD cards for Player are still  100%  avail in the shoe, only at this exact moment(GOOD meaning cards more likely to prevent P from drawing 3rd card)?? Coupled with the slight P advantage of having first dibs and said GOOD cards. Obviously after P draws , then B might  make same proclamation depending on the card drawn by P. This very slight and briefly enjoyable stage for P immediately starts diminishing, though minutely,  from the first card onward. Yes?

b]Particularly the prelude will be extremely choppy or very much equal for a pretty large section..."
Do you agree this prelude(chop/equal) is also often seen immediately after the streaks are observed. Yes? ??? ???

Thx as always.

All the best,

Thx Albalaha. I appreciate your various threads/sharing of research.

It seems much of your earlier research(e.g., >=3 years ago) focused more on Roulette et al EC games vs the recent attention to Bac(just my perception).

Q1: Do you indeed mostly focus on Bac?
Q2: Was it the lower H.E. vs say Roulette et al? or the overall outcomes profile for Bac that seemed a better fit for your research?  Other?
Q3: In earlier years did u also pursue other EC games while hunting for the HG?

I frequently see/hear statements from players referencing Bac b/p  in comparison with Craps Dp/Pl. I recognize that both sets
of outcomes are considered similar re: H.E. However, in the example of craps i do NOT see a comparable profile for PL vs DP re: overall outcomes profile as well as streaks. Though Bac B vs P very similar, IMO.

Thx in advance for your answers/addendum thoughts.

Happy Pi Day To All,


AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 15, 2021, 03:50:46 AM
Thx AsymBacGuy .

"...Tomorrow our "bac walker" example..."

Looking forward to the Bac Walker

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 13, 2021, 10:20:01 PM
Thanks AsymBacGuy. Excellent last two posts/thread.

"Third card/s, besides the important asymmetrical hand factor, are just there for entertainment and to confuse things."

"Any random succession must provide independent results on every step of the original sequence and on every other possible subsequence derived from the original one, that is for each step whatever considered and for every random walk considered a x result will be proportionally equal to the expected probability."

I like that sentence.

All the best,
Thx Albalaha

I appreciate your replies. I did indeed notice a couple years back(2-3 maybe) you seemed to have hit a higher gear.
I continue to find gold nuggets in your essays (in your recent/as  well as older posts) as all your time/research is much appreciated.

My great grancester Confucius once say: " Do not seek all the answers at once, for a path is formed with first stone."

All the best,
Hi Albalaha

Thx for your time/reply to my inquiry. I will email u by the weekend as I play bac most days mon-fri. and don't return home til early a.m. ,....etc.

"...You might be new to forum world(or might be there with some other name).."

     This is only bac forum ever joined. I started reading this forum about 8 months ago. I've briefly skimmed through a few in past 10-15 years.
"While reading through some of your posts here I recently realized I had actually read some of your writings (under the Albalaha name) from about 2012--not sure when/where I had copied them from."
You were doing similar studies back then  :applause:

All the best,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 05, 2021, 06:50:25 AM
Thx AsymBacGuy
Your last two posts have stimulated a couple thoughts/questions that I will follow up on within a couple days.

Im in the process of reading several of your back posts/threads (not all 1000  :nope: , yet) and may find some of the answers there.

All the best,