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Messages - MarignyGrilleau

So how many placed bets  will be needed to be accepted as proof.?
Off-topic / Put your money where your mouth is...
December 31, 2012, 03:51:01 AM
BTW - This will be my last bets in this competition. Stopping for health reasons.

And I'm right again. I sent Bombus a PM yesterday that
said if Gizmo loses 1 more bet, he will have a flimsy excuse
for quitting. And here it is. Its odd that your 'health reasons'
never stop you from writing long posts about your methods.
But figuring out a couple spins a day, which should be easy
for an expert like you, its just totally draining. Odd indeed.


The slow pace is effecting me. I'm waking up at 4:30 in the morning and I'm anxious
about it. I'm sure that two spins a day would be the same. When I was an active
computer programmer I would keep algorithms in my head until a function was
completed. I know that I'm attempting to hold these sequences too. It's not real.
That's why I know its effecting me. I'm trying to stay in rhythm. I shouldn't  be
doing this.

I tried that demo a week ago with Iggiv as the NP. That was one spin every hour. That drove
me crazy too. I had better stop. I'll  gladly do anything in real time. Here in America we can't
log into real gambling sites because of federal and state laws. If someone can post real spins
out of Wiesbatan in real time then that might work. I guess a chat room is the best. Does anyone here have experience trying that?


Earlier this year Public Competition on the old VLS forum.
Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 03:47:42 AM
It is correct. :thumbsup:

All other repeats qualify too.




Thank :cheer:  you for all your efforts.


Observing states of an EC distribution and getting two Series of singles in a row constitutes a small imbalance. -There are lots of singles with only one single series between them and then it ends, compulsory, at a series again.
One option for speculating on the verified imbalance would be to aim for series.
It is a way of observing the random flow and interact with it with a clear basis for conduct: -A playing model.
I know that one can win consistently flat betting.
Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 12:12:38 AM
There is something i would like to point out. I downloaded the last version of the worksheet. It bets only on RR triggers?
Or @ all 4 patterns repeats?
Also it does not seem to work as i tried to explain before. I will try to post clear example of play. [attach=2]



Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 04:54:53 PM
Quote from: nickmsi on December 30, 2012, 04:40:55 PM
Hello . . .

I like Simple Systems.

I have expanded it to include all 3 EC (Even Chances).

Attached are two Excel Trackers/Testers for your use in exploring this short term attacking method.

It is set up for a progression of 1 on the first attempt and if it is a Loss then 2 units on the second.  You can easily change this to a Flat Betting by changing the "2" located in Row 6, Column AY to a "1".

I have included 2 Trackers, one the Manual Version for inputting your own numbers and the second for testing with Excel's RNG.

Cheers .  .


WOW! YOU'RE FAST!  :thumbsup:
Did not check the files yet, but i am sure it will be of great help. Thank Yo  :pirate:
Been testing @Random.org the full month.
30 days with 300 spins each.
Here is the Graph for the balance.

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 03:54:47 PM


Trigger for correction can be adjusted depending on stacking plan chosen. This examples use static intervals of five units in balance:

-From Zero point to -5 or 5 (trigger)

After this you can go ALL IN  >:D
1 unit for correction until Win 5 or loose 5...
2 units until -10
4 units until -15

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 03:40:47 PM
You can try this and apply it to any Bet Selection also...


Session from 01.12.2012


Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 11:13:04 AM
Today's Session example:


1   2         
1   1         
1   1         
2   1         
1   1      L   L
1   2         
1   1         
2   2         
1   2         
1   2         
1   2         
1   2         
2   2         
2   2      W   
1   1      L   W
2   2      W   
2   1      W   
1   2      L   L
1   1         
2   2         
1   2         
2   2         
2   1         
2   1         
1   2         
1   2      W   
2   1      L   L
2   1      W   
2   2      W   
2   2      W   
2   2      W   
2   1      W   
1   1      L   W
2   2      W   
2   1      W   
1   1      L   W
1   2      L   L

One must also try flat bet to grind or to explore with mild progressions building a convenient stacking plan.

Or +1 on a Loss, Same unit value bet on a Win until even or ahead -Foolproof.

Even chance / Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 10:55:15 AM
Using Even Money outcomes, notate them in clusters of two.
4 possibilities


When one type of cluster repeats itself, wait until it stops repeating, then place one or two bets against it.
You have the option of ridding all hits or play to win once.


RB --> next bet Vs RR so Bet BB
Rx-- Win

For Relaxed Playing i suggest that one must try it with 50 units bankroll divided into 5 * 10 units smaller banks.
The goal is to win another bank or loose a bank: +10 or -10.

If the attack is 1-2 a complete loss will be minus 3 units as any win will be 1 unit.

I tried the above @ Random.org 300 spin session a day since the 1st of December. Doubled Bankroll.


I miss Drazen
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 24, 2012, 12:52:46 AM
Quote from: Gizmotron on December 23, 2012, 04:57:25 PM
Lies are the mainstay of this forum.

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 03:15:14 AM
@ Gizmotron
The above post is directed to JohnLegend.
Confucius - "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."

I present data to backup up my claims. that's all.

I will explain better: find all the permutations of 300 spins of a binary distribution. it is something like: 2.03703597e+90
Apply PB bet to each of them.
All the permutations will describe the well known bell curve.
And if you then take small samples from each of them and make a collection of bets, only in less than 1% of the possible cases you will get a std >= 3. Which would grant you the safe use of a progression to survive against average fluctuation.
I don't know how to explain it better.

:no: Gibberish is your way of directing to others with such paternalism and lack of modesty.

Quote from: Gizmotron on December 22, 2012, 04:55:35 PM

Having you take me literally is nothing but childish. Look in the mirror Bub. You are the one claiming "we will all see, just you wait."  I've been around for years. I've seen lots of claimers just like you come and go. When you come back as alias Number Three would you please first take a big number two. Cause you are full of it.

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 02:32:27 AM
If you take 300 spins sessions and randomize all permutations, you do the stats and you get a distribution no different than the original ones.
Then you randomize short bursts of 10 spins or so, to simulate HIT, and then you run.
Why and for how long will you escape fluctuation?
don't you think PB is a method with flawed principles?

I will tell you the truth in what you will find.
You can ride a good tram for a while but then everything will correct. There is no escape. It is like time. Everything gets older.
Thinking that you can slalom the bad results is ignorance.
You have the wright to have faith and hope. What you can not do is defy the nature of a system, and others intelligence too.
I have written to you you before that if you can present any logical corroboration of HAR you must do so, otherwise your insistence, for me, is at the fringe of disrespect for our minds.
We are not always correct, and truth is a relative thing. But there is a line, we can discuss ideas and exchange arguments.
So please, do not take this as persecution, open your mind, your eyes and your intellect to a sane, fair and objective discussion.

Best Regards.