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Messages - MarkTeruya

Quote from: Gizmotron on August 24, 2016, 03:58:46 PM

You really are a Captain Spandex Boy aren't you. Come to save us all from the horrible scammer.
Don't get to agitated, remember the old ticker.  I'd have sympathy for you if you weren't trying to steal from fellow forum members, as it is, you get none.   
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 11:10:21 PM
Quote from: Babu on August 24, 2016, 05:50:28 PM
Ditto.  I came across a couple in the casino that bought the premium package from Iplayforaliving.  Besides it being a losing system, hey were denied the training that they paid for. No replies or when he does, it's nasty.
I feel vindicated, as well as receiving a ban (thanks esolito) for saying as much at the time.

All anybody needs to do is grab a set of truth tables, spend some time with them (esolito), it will quickly prove there is no bet selection solution to the game of Baccarat, because everything resolves to a 50-50 state.  There is no possible solution, not now, not ever, because mathematically it simply can not exist.  So the next snake oil sales person that appears trying to sell / promote any Baccarat system, some of us feel justified to adopt a knee jerk reaction.  No doubt the same applies to Roulette, but of course Gizmo is going to the the world's first since the history of the game, to prove everybody wrong, once he receives a few $200 payments (only $200??).

FYI esolito I loathe system sellers, because I know how hard it is to win in a casino, I am acutely aware of the tactics they will employ to trip up anybody who is ahead, can hold their own, does well.  It is a difficult battle, while others winning or losing has no bearing on me, I applaud others winning, because casino staff are sharks and can be utterly despicable at times, the last thing I want is fellow players also ripping each other off.  Hence my strong anti-seller stance I like to think I do have morals.     
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 03:46:44 PM
Quote from: Jake on August 24, 2016, 01:10:20 PM
Bingo! Just like no one would ever admit to being the victim of a Nigerian prince email scam, although amazingly some poor suckers fall for them.

Good question. The characters who promote these systems don't seem to mind the negative attention either. I suppose any publicity is better than none.
It begs the question why Iplayforaliving was given a free rein for so long, maybe esoito can answer.

In truth I always assumed VLS was above letting scammers on his site, but it appears not
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 03:42:28 PM
Quote from: TheLaw on August 24, 2016, 01:00:33 PM
See......now Kimo is smart!

He thought of every angle before pulling this scam.

Wish everyone would put in this much effort..... :-\
Agree totally, All avenues covered so he can't be discredited.  Not the first to do so, (oh you didn't play it right, you misunderstood), even a moderator of this forum has a history of that behavior.
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 24, 2016, 12:42:30 AM

There will come a time, a very interesting time for some, if this betselection.cc board is still available and these sections are still here for everyone to read. Everyone will be able to read in retrospect what I placed right under everyone's noses. Your presence here will be noted as how passionate some people can get, excusably of course. Yep, society will let you off the hook, without consideration for your own grace too. You are a whiny little pipsqueak of a cheapskate. Enjoy your legacy as well.
If what you claim is true, I will send you $200 so you can buy some groceries. Some of us know, you are stone cold BROKE, and this is one of few chances you have left to keep your head above water, assuming you haven't sunk already.
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 12:08:45 PM
So where are these students?

Kind of reminds me of the bad old day when silly people sent Izak money for systems that didn't work and wrote it off due to embarrassment and being ashamed to request their money back, they would admit it behind the scenes, but never publicly. .

So esoito name me one system that has been sold that worked, which justifies not jumping to conclusions with "knee jerk" reactions!  No need for the increased red font, this is a gambling site, not some school, lots of thread go off topic so chill out cobber.       
Spike exposed you for what you are years ago on other boards.  You're a nickle and dime player just like him, both with winning systems, yeah that figures.
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 23, 2016, 09:55:41 PM
Quote from: Jake on August 23, 2016, 01:09:57 PM
Yeah but Gizmo says he's in it for the fame, not the money.   :o :-X
That is absolute BS, it is just a ploy to get some fool to send him $200.  IF he was just in for the fame, he could pass it to somebody to stress test, but no, there would be no exchange of money doing that.     

This method which he has had for years, is so great, he was selling off his US coins a few years back, now any sane person would automatically think.  Roulette winning system, in need of cash, go to a casino, nope that would be too easy. 

Plain and simple and this applies to all systems sellers since the year dot and forever more (unless a new version of  mathematics is invented).  If any proven winning system existed, the LAST thing the creator would do, is broadcast the fact, secondly offer it for sale.

When is the last time you frequented a casino?  How many consistent winners did you find? Where do you think these sellers originate from?  They appear to help you cos' they are good natured, want to share their good fortune¿  Nope, they have been stripped bare by a casino and no longer give a damn who they con, because they feel hard done by themselves, that is the truth of the situation.  How dense are some people?

QuoteBTW, you asked for just one example of pimping a method that works. I give you Ed Thorp and "Beat The Dealer." He could have made millions too. But he had his big laugh and then went back to his academic life.
He published a book and didn't go around hawking others for money.  So where are these mystery students for yours?  They must have had a significant internet presence before signing up, are we to expect strangers whom nobody recognizes to turn up in the next few days to give you their blessing? 
Just checking has everything been "put on the line" yet?

General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 23, 2016, 12:08:42 PM
It doesn't make sense to sell anything (not for one minute I believe there is any merit, other than just another individual consumed by gambling), certainly makes less sense to lower the price from 500 to 200. 

If such a solution existed you would be in a casino, milking it for all it's worth, taking a break and traveling elsewhere and getting the local casino to pay for the trip.  But common sense doesn't really exist does it with sellers, they will go to inordinate lengths to get you to part with a paltry $200, opening themselves up for flack and telling students they didn't pay attention in class, so long as they gt their hands on your $200.   

This so called "knee-jerk" reaction is always justified, name one, just one system, pimped in the last two decades that has proven itself, just one will do.
Have you put everything on the line yet?

It's been a while!!!!

Not my for my sake, I don't play roulette, others might want to get their head around everything you put on the line?
Quote from: Bhumibol on August 07, 2016, 07:06:34 AM
This is where I bet for 123 and 567.
You are correct "from100" is wrong.

If you download the tracker sheet from this thread and enter that sequence, you'll see I'm right.
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 06, 2016, 01:26:27 AM
I already taught 10 students the rudimentary basics of what I do.
Where are they then, let them come forward, no newly created ID's please

Quote from: esoito on August 06, 2016, 01:41:58 AM
Why haven't you read the Rules?    http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/our-forum's-very-straightforward-*rules*/
fair dinkum cobber, I assumed, I never read rules on any site.  Can't reflect well on the board owner that he is going to allow people to sell snake oil in their own sections.
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 05, 2016, 07:33:54 PM
BTW, I am milking the casinos. It's just that it takes a lot of time and driving too. Imagine if I could sell it for ten bucks and sell a million copies. That might be cool. Maybe I could sell an eBook and give the algorithm away in a free app. The book supports the app, and the app supports the book.
Highly unlikely, because you would be camped out within range of a few casino's, paying for accommodation out of your winnings, you're not and you can't.  However Imspirt or Nickmsi could test it for you.  As soon as you sell a few copies, things get passed around, so you wouldn't even sell a 100 copies never mind a million.   You're fooling nobody.
I thought this was a non-selling site, no matter how the poster tries to dress it up.