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Messages - MarkTeruya

Quote from: Gizmotron on August 05, 2016, 04:34:00 PM
I mentioned only a while ago that I would be willing to tutor the once in a while person that comes along about every two months and asks me for a guided tour through my disclosed statements here at this forum. Then a few days go by and Mike comes off like this place is his personal command post. Then he tries to intimidate me into giving him all my secrets so he can write his own algorithm. Then he fails to respond to my request asking him what he would do with my secrets.
That's your interpretation, if you had any valuable secrets, you wouldn't be auctioning them around for $500.  We both know you're probably broke, in need of cash and you can't do what you're trying to teach, but no worries I've met loads just like you in casinos, too far gone with their beliefs.  If it works, good luck go and make some money, quit wasting your time phishing for an unintelligent to give you $500.

QuoteTo prove I don't need the money all I have to do is build the app and write a sophisticated tutorial that teaches and proves my concepts. I could sell it to a few people with the full knowledge that I will give it to the world for free in a short time, or I could just give it away from the start. Some of you just can't understand that I want the recognition more than I want money. I just don't want it stolen. The thought of proving so many mathematics experts wrong is quite compelling.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on August 05, 2016, 03:50:05 PM
Halloo Mr Mike,
With due respect,

Since u a newbie in betting,
I suggest u ,
Go to Albalaha web, and read with open mind,
Spend a few hundreds hours there, and absorb, as much,
Gambling theory, and understand what he taught there, as u wasting your time here.

Btw, I not selling anything, and never, and will never ask for money,
Just love for ruolette,
That I post here, for love of roulette. And betting theory.
What are you smoking over there?  Alibhaha's site  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  hilarious.
I gambling for a living mat8, I've been around the forums since 2004, far from a newbie sunshine.

It's also spelt roulette, not ruolette.
It's amazing those holding the codes for personal casino ATM's, go around asking others for money (no matter how hard they try and dress it), yeah that makes a lot of sense.

If anybody had such 'codes' you would guard them securely, wouldn't sell or pass them on to anybody, other than family.  Of course the attraction of $500, is overwhelming in the grand scheme of things. 

If people wish to share to keep everything a secret, no harm in that.  But please don't insult our intelligence by requesting money for tutoring, go make the money you need at the table, should be easy shouldn't it?       
Quote from: Blue_Angel on July 31, 2016, 03:06:41 PM
It doesn't pick any 35 random numbers, but bets against the last 2 frozen numbers.

In order to lose it has to hit those 2 frozen numbers back to back, in 2 consecutive spins!!

Those 2  frozen numbers could be missing for hundreds of spins and suddenly will arrive 1 after the other?!
Huh?  While that maybe true, it doesn't really help

1 number hits, you lose 35 chips, 2nd number doesn't hit you win 1 chip, still minus 34 chips and a long way back 1 chip at a time.
Off-topic / Re: (Lost to) The Annals Of Improbable
July 28, 2016, 01:16:53 AM
The problem is, you have to choose one or the other.  Who is Hillary's running mate?. 
Quote from: Albalaha on July 26, 2016, 07:43:47 AM
             I do not go for voodoo type ideas and look only for mechanical ways to play roulette/baccarat that can be played online too.
Yeah you're right, you need to bet at least $25 units, before you'll be noticed.
Quote from: Albalaha on July 26, 2016, 06:09:57 AM
In my experience, people lose to casino due to two main reasons:
1. they are not prepared for unfavorable sessions
2. They lose huge in such cases blaming their luck.

You omitted "skilled croupiers" (house burners).

If you haven't come across them or don't believe they exist, then you haven't gambled in B&M casinos enough, or play at a level that they just don't care.   
Quote from: ozon on July 25, 2016, 04:28:04 PM
The situation is such that, with me as a player who has a lot of time on the game, but does not have a long term winning strategy. It is easier to try and buy such strategies than wasting my time and money on a multi-year experience. I've tried with some reportedly with the success  players ,2 times  pay for strategy, in other cases offered% from winnings.All their strategies have failed.
After hearing assumptions Albalaha strategy, I think it might be a good  system.

It is better to pay for something that can work, than to lose it without a system in casino.
Well you better contact him then pronto, send him your money, but it won't make you a winning player according to the feedback, alternatively give up gambling.  Of course he could simply post his solution here and share for others to evaluate, but he won't.
Quote from: ozon on July 25, 2016, 03:40:14 PM
Everyone just criticizes, but no one really knows whether the Albalaha system works.
No one here who criticizes,  did not see on his eyes  the strategy.
And all they call it a scam, and no one in fact did not check whether work.
They could work, but so do other betting methods, which he deletes. What does that tell you?
Quote from: Blue_Angel on July 25, 2016, 02:42:00 PM
The common sense says that if you had such a solution which is able to beat such harsh sessions, you would be able to win every session and make as much money as you want.
So why bothering with profit from sales??!
It doesn't make sense, doesn't it?
Of course it doesn't make sense, he has run these types of threads in the past, solutions have been posted, such as Izak's MM, Sure-Win, but he doesn't like those answers as it deflects people from thinking he has something nobody else has, so deletes the replies.   

These replies will also get removed, so I will have to re-post them in a separate thread which he doesn't have editorial control over.
The thing to remember about threads such as this by Albalaha, is that solutions are posted and then he proceeds to delete them, no doubt like he will do with this post.   Albalaha is here for one purpose only, he is phishing as far as he can for fresh meat, i.e customers, he is a seller, has been for over 10 years.   
Quote from: Gizmotron on July 22, 2016, 04:26:36 PM
"At first, the neurons don't get excited until the juice is delivered. The cells are reacting to the actual reward. However, once the animal learns that the light always precedes the arrival of juice, the same neurons begin firing at the sight of the light instead of the reward. Schultz calls these cells "prediction neurons," since they are more interested in predicting rewards than in the rewards themselves."
I don't recall which forum I posted it on and I doubt I would find it again. 

Some brain study was done on habitual gamblers in the UK, it was discovered they actually get a bigger buzz (endorphin ect) from losing a bet than winning a bet.  Yes that sounds crazy, the article was pretty conclusive. 

Thanks for that read, I know one or two I can pass that on to
Quote from: tdx on July 22, 2016, 01:22:31 AM
Can anyone post the Lou Halloway progression ?

I think it was a very long conservative progression.

You can find it in his thread:
