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Messages - Mike

General Discussion / Re: How We Think: Thought Patterns
February 28, 2016, 08:22:48 AM
There is very little evidence that de bono's methods are effective, as indicated in the article on wikipedia. And here:


Personally I think the man is a charlatan, and his techniques little more than gimmicks.

The book on "How To Invent (almost) Anything" looks interesting though. Thanks for the link.
Quote from: celescliff on February 27, 2016, 06:17:35 PM
Reyth is a man. He goes under the name Reyth77 on YouTube.

Breaking news: Two people can have the same name (and in fact, the names Reyth77 and Reyth are not the same).



Because Kavouras pay him/her.

So you reckon Kav is paying Reyth (who is a man) to make it look like he is a woman?

Do you have the slightest evidence for this?, and I repeat the question -- Why? Why should it matter to anyone whether Reyth is male or female? If it's because they decided that a female would have more credibility than a male then why go to the trouble of putting fake photos on youtube when it would be so much easier to make it known on the forum? And those youtube vids were only posted AFTER kav sold his system, so if he wanted Reyth to somehow add credibility by being female why wasn't it suggested before?

If that IS Kav's /Reyth's intention it obviously isn't working very well, since you both assumed Reyth is a man.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 27, 2016, 03:38:03 PM
seems this time you are right

I'm always right.  :cheer:

It's unusual though, to be sure.

@ TheLaw,

Yes, very few roulette forum members are female, but Reyth (I'm certain), is one of the few.

QuoteWomen don't tend to be interested in repetitive activities........and if you look at Reyth's posts, there's a ton of repetitive work involved

Seems like a bit of a sweeping statement for half the world's population, and doesn't bringing up kids involve a lot of repetitive work?

QuoteReyth is notorious for using graphics of all kinds......specifically pics and gifs in his posts, so this might just be smoke and mirrors

Possibly, but I doubt it. There are head shots in most of the vids on Reyth's youtube site -- why go to so much trouble and for what reason?

Then there's this:


And Reyth just isn't aggressive in the way that most guys would be when having to put up with the constant sniping and criticism myself and Real dish out, LOL. For me, it all points to him/her being a member of the fairer sex. I think it's kinda refreshing, and I like her (even though she's dead wrong about roulette).
Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 27, 2016, 01:22:14 PM
Indeed Kavouras was trying to cover Reyth but he shouldn't because Reyth provided false information, however, I think Kavouras is good person, not like Reyth.


How do you know Reyth provided false information? If you're so certain the system can't fail, why do you want it coded?

BTW, I'm pretty sure that Reyth is a she, not a he. Not that it really matters or means anything.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 24, 2016, 04:46:35 AM
From my perspective there is not such a thing as independent results, if it was the case we would experience statistics which have never occurred in roulette's history and the casinos wouldn't be able to establish payouts according probability.

BA, you still haven't understood the meaning of statistical independence. It doesn't mean outcomes can "do what they like". I've already explained this on the roulette30 forum.
Roulette Forum / Re: Testing Roulette Strategies/Systems
November 26, 2015, 04:09:37 PM
Quote from: Xander on November 24, 2015, 08:28:14 PM
8. If you're going to put your system out on a public forum, then you should be willing to accept some criticism.  Don't block comments once you've presented the method...it's weird.

Far better not to actually post the details because then nobody can show that it doesn't work. Just stick to no. (5) and make grand claims. Someone's bound to pm you and make an offer.
Roulette Forum / Re: Testing Roulette Strategies/Systems
November 24, 2015, 08:46:50 PM
Good advice. Not addressed to anyone in particular, of course...   :P
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 23, 2015, 04:05:06 PM
Now I get it. You are saying that without an advantage you can't leave the casino with your winnings enough to make up for your eventual losses. Is that right?

Correct. Have you actually done any simulations to test your theories in the long run?

And if you say "I don't play in the long run", I'm going to scream.
Quote from: soxfan on November 22, 2015, 11:03:18 PM
Years ago there was a cat on the gambling glen who claimed he was winnin regular using the jack kennedy roulettes style. He did say he was usin a progression with it, hey hey.

Claims like that are easy to make (and highlighting them in red doesn't make them true, LOL), but impossible to prove. Those who make them are either being fooled by randomness or have some agenda which is served by fooling the gullible.
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 21, 2015, 04:33:39 PM
I'm betting that these actualities will continue. There are no mathematical statistics for short term continuation of positive results in the very short term.

Fine, you can bet that they continue all you like, but it IS possible to calculate the probability that they will continue, and the calculations show that the trend will break just as often as it will continue, so there is no advantage in following the trend.


How about actually staying on topic instead of resorting to psychobabble and personal attacks?

You said:

QuoteI'm taking advantage of circumstantial coincidences that naturally occur.

Then why the need for "triggers"? A trigger is not just "taking advantage of coincidences", it's an indicator which signals that a supposedly "favorable" event is imminent.

QuoteMy secret triggers cause the thing I'm looking for.

And actually, this makes no sense. A trigger cannot "cause" anything.
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 20, 2015, 08:17:57 PM
Keep asking. I don't care if you ever discover that the earth is not flat. You said: "why should I expect any group of numbers to continue "trending" or not? "  Anyone must acquire knowledge and experience on how characteristics act to have a clue what it is that I claim I can do. You only have your excuse and your one-manned advocacy to grand stand on a soapbox with for why you won't confirm anything for yourself.

I have confirmed it for myself, I'm just interested in why system players continue to believe that past spins indicate future spins. And it has nothing to do with math, just simple logic.

As usual, I get nothing but evasion and obfuscation, or irrelevant waffle like "everything is connected". Sure it is, but not in a way that helps you predict future spins from past spins.
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 20, 2015, 02:49:08 PM
Probability can't predict anything in just 300 spins.


I hear this a lot from system players. The suggestion is that probability doesn't "work" in the short term so is useless. Here's the thing though: what do you propose as the alternative? presumably you have found some way of "cracking" the short term, otherwise you wouldn't be making the claims you are. So how have you found these triggers which yield a positive expectation? numerology?, astrology?, the magical ether?

If you reply that you've found them from analysis and research of actual roulette numbers, then how is this not probability? Suppose you choose not to call these results "probabilities" but something else, say "propensities". OK, so these "propensities" hold in the SHORT term, but if that's the case, how can they NOT hold in the long term, since the long term is just a succession of short terms? And if they hold in the long term then they must behave just like "regular" probabilities. And if they ARE regular probabilities why is it mathematically impossible to find them and the events to which they are attached?

The simple answer, of course, is that there are NO such events or probabilities. You are inevitably led by reductio ad absurdum to this conclusion.

And I'm not an "absolutist" but a rationalist. All I'm asking for is a reason why any of these systems or methods should work, given that past spins do not indicate future spins. Absent advantage play and physics, why should I expect any group of numbers to continue "trending" or not?

I think it's a reasonable question.
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 19, 2015, 06:39:03 PM
Can you see it phasing in and out of winning dominance streaks? I can. This is typical of what I see, using my three triggers.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Quote from: soxfan on May 22, 2015, 01:45:15 AM
I just gotta make sure I've got plenty of guinness and cashew when I purchase and read yer book. And I think the Frank Barstow also mention "decline in probability" in his book, yes, hey hey.

There is no such thing as "decline in probability". The odds are fixed on every hand.