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Topics - Mr J

General Discussion / You may disagree
September 16, 2013, 12:21:24 AM
This is the way I do it but I'm probably in the minority and that's fine.

Most of my methods these days are flat betting. Lets say in the first three hours I'm really kicking a**, I'm on fire......... with most likely five more hours yet to play. I do NOT raise my bets. I know some bettors will say you should but I disagree. I'll leave it at the same level of betting until I leave. Granted, on my next visit, my bets WILL be larger (assuming its the same method).

I raise or lower my unit sizes on the NEXT visit, not on that day. That's my two cents for today folks.

General Discussion / Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 07:09:24 AM
I had an odd conversation tonight with three other people while playing roulette. I already know the answer but I'll swing this past ya'll. I'll give two options >>
On the 00 wheel, the worst bet is the 0, 00, 1, 2, 3, we all know this. Lets say we have 5 $1 chips.

A) If we wager $5 on the above as ONE bet and hit, we get $30 net plus
our $5 = $35 TOTAL.

B) If we bet $1 on each of the five numbers and we get a hit........ we get $31 net ($1 more) plus our $1 = $32 TOTAL.

So with "B", we net more (by $1) but with "A", we'll end up with a total of $35.

So which is better and WHY or are they both the same?

General Discussion / Winning day but a loss?....Yep
September 09, 2013, 03:01:18 PM
This is my opinion, not sure if you agree? I played on Friday, started with a 1K BR. Had a terrible day playing a certain method and was down to around $300.

I gave up with the method but decided to "play around" with the last $300. I still only played 2-3 numbers, did not base my bets on anything worth noting. Anyways, I finished with $1,100 and went home.

I keep track of everything at home, in detail, in notebooks. I jotted the day down as a LOSS. The method failed (at least that day) so why LIE and pat myself on the back? I felt like s**t leaving the casino even though I made $100.

Do you see how goofy I am regarding this game? (lol)

Straight-up / A Complete Street
August 26, 2013, 01:04:54 AM
Some may call this an UPDATED version, some may not even care to look it over and some might be reading it for the first time. Every decent method (like this one) should be looked at for some tweaking. Its our GOAL to improve our methods!! The method is a bit boring/slow but if your unit size is large enough, well worth it (in my opinion).

Anyways, most of the time we will be betting on 2 numbers with this method (not a system). Sometimes, 0-1 numbers. All flat betting, no progressions please.

Your history board MUST be working and working correctly, you'll need it. Most boards hold the last 10-15 numbers, I PREFER the last 12 hit. We will be betting to COMPLETE a street within the last 12. (I'll use the last 12 as my example because that's what our boards here post). 

VERY, VERY often, a complete street hits in a short period of time (like 12 spins).
I did not say it always hits, try not to attack me.

Lets say we have the 17 & 18 hit within the last 12. We bet on the 16 UNTIL either a win or the 17 or 18 DROPS from the board, then stop betting on the 16. We do this style of betting for a max of TWO incomplete streets PER the last 12.

Sometimes there will only be one number to bet on and sometimes, NO numbers to bet. What if there are 3 or more, what is the tie breaker? I choose the two that will be on the history board the longest BEFORE DROPPING. Always choose the two that last the longest on the board !!

Lets say you got a hit on that 16....a couple spins later, the 18 drops off. Yep, bet on that 18 now. The 34 & 36 might be on the board, bet on the 35 UNTIL either a win or the 34 or 36 drops off. I'll give an example >>

00......What do we bet? The 32 (until the 33 drops off) and the 19 (until the 20 drops off). Next spin >>

22.....What do we bet? The 1 because the 2 will remain on the board longer than the 33 AND still bet the 19. A bit tricky but here is our next number (33) >>

21......What do we bet? Its now BACK TO the 32 and the 1. Sometimes that 19 will then hit and it ain't so funny but that's roulette for ya.

Pay attention to what just hit and what number dropped off, easy as pie.

(Not sure if this is the correct section?)

Most know of the cancellation system for the even bets......add the two end numbers together etc etc.

My question is, what if you are only left with one number? Are you then done (start over) or do you just bet whatever that amount is, it might be $6. I hope my question makes sense.

Off-topic / Request to Victor
August 23, 2013, 02:30:44 PM
I thought of something kind of cool but it might be a pain in the a** to do on your end. >>>

You have the symbols for MALE or FEMALE, which we all can see BEFORE opening a persons post. Half of the time I'm commenting on certain aspects to guys that only play (by no fault of their own) on RNG. I'm thinking about 4 different symbols and perhaps dropping the MALE, FEMALE thing.


symbol? A) B&M casino
symbol? B) RNG
symbol? C) Actual casino (ie: DublinBet) online (not RNG)
symbol? D) A mix of all from above.

There are certain aspects that RNG guys (never set foot in a casino yet) will not understand OR won't need that info from B&M players and vice versa. That does NOT mean don't share methods with EVERYONE. Does this idea of mine sound alright or goofy?

General Discussion / The saying.....
August 21, 2013, 03:49:49 PM
I LOVE this saying but it means different things to different people. Do YOU agree with this? >>> Its not gambling if you can afford to lose.

General Discussion / DublinBet.....question
August 21, 2013, 04:22:15 AM
I live here in the U.S. Is there a tricky way I can deposit money and play at DublinBet? I don't mean through another person doing me a favor. Any ideas?

General Discussion / Again....hello
August 20, 2013, 09:45:28 PM
My blogs are just that, a blog. Kind of like tweeting. I blog regarding roulette life, what happened at the casino, venting after losing, strange things I've seen at the table, the WHAT IF situations of roulette etc.

Will this be mind blowing information? No and if you've read it at any of the other 26 boards I'm on, it'll be here as well.

Stay tuned folks.
