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Messages - Mr J

General Discussion / She Has Crabs Method
August 17, 2014, 10:42:44 PM
(Any examples will be for the 00 wheel). I apologize ahead of time if something similar to this has been posted over the last 15 years, I don't read it all. This is flat betting, 2 numbers, side by side on the wheel.

It helps a lot if your history board is working. This is quite basic, re-betting a SMALL section (2) of the wheel if temporarily hot. When starting off, look at the history board for the MOST CURRENT 2 numbers next to each other, NO GAP between them. Lets say its the 8/12. (not the 8/29)

We bet the 8/12 for a minimum of 15 spins. During those 15, keep an eye out for the next POSSIBLE bet. Two other numbers side by side but we do not include a new number with an old number........such as, the 19 and the 8.

Anyways, if no hit after 15, pick a new set of 2. You might have to wait a few spins but its kind of rare to sit around and wait long.

On the hand, lets say you get a hit during the 15 spins. Does not matter if its the first attempt or the 15th attempt........ you add 12 more spins to your total, still betting that 8/12.

We'll say the first 10 spins were no wins, you now get a hit. You have 5 spins left (from the 15), a win does NOT count towards your spin count. You add 12 with the 5, you now bet the 8/12 for the next 17 spins. After 17 spins, no hit? that's fine, drop the 8/12 and choose a different two. The 8/12 CAN be used again with future betting if it starts hitting again.

During those 17, it hits again.....you now add 9 more spins to your total. We are always subtracting 3 after a hit.......15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0....DONE, 45 POSSIBLE total spins but a minimum of 15.

Do NOT switch the 2 numbers during your session. Ride it out until its time to switch pairs. This betting takes advantage of 2 side by side hitting a lot while limiting it to only 15 if it fails to hit again. I like this method a ton and no, I can not NAME methods very well (lol). Questions/comments? Try to be civil with your remarks, we are adults. Well, most of us.

General Discussion / Re: Temporary Casino Ban?
August 06, 2014, 04:20:20 AM
Was it TEMPORARY, that's what I'm looking for.

General Discussion / Temporary Casino Ban?
August 06, 2014, 03:53:09 AM
(B&M only), Question.... Have you guys ever heard of being banned, temporarily? If so, under what conditions and for how long? Curious if any of you have witnessed this first hand. (No, I am not banned, lol)

General Discussion / A good view
July 26, 2014, 03:38:59 PM
This is a 46 min. video regarding Las Vegas (general) and casinos there (general), I found it kind of fun. Its hosted by Piers Morgan (I hate the guy, sorry). >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xniZHvkEK4Q
General Discussion / Let me run this past you
July 25, 2014, 02:07:51 AM
Okay, I've been doing quite "well" lately playing a certain method. Last Monday, they threw 7 different dealers at me in two hours, just to piss me off.

My question/concern is this >> (00 wheel), I would PREFER to have the same dealer for hours and hours. However, what is your view on this.....

Lets say we lined up 190 DIFFERENT dealers in a row, they all get ONE spin (its pretend, play along). In addition, we'll say three different ball sizes. So, 190 dealers and the ball switches every spin. Should we get ROUGHLY THE SAME stats after 190 spins compared to one dealer doing all 190?

During those 190 different dealers, I ASSUME we'll still get a couple numbers that are very hot and a few numbers that are quite cold? (non-bias wheel BTW)

I know its an odd question but its still important to discuss (imo).

General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 21, 2014, 01:45:55 PM
"WHAT   Albalaha mean, is,..
u should rephrase your question,
Not what the NEXT TOSS probability" >>> They are not my words, per say. I quoted the guy I was debating with, what he said. This way, HE can't say I asked the question wrong. Point being, I was correct (thanks to you guys BTW, thanks!!).  :rose:

General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 21, 2014, 02:52:41 AM
Well......I sometimes post questions if I know I'm right, I post to get a bit of assistance. Meaning? I got into a huge arguement (at another board) so I thought I would post my question to many others so this other moron can read the "results". Thanks !!

Off-topic / Breaking News (Joke)
July 20, 2014, 05:27:43 PM
Just in:  Date Line Los Angeles

Police Intelligence Sources in California say that radical Muslims are
planning to kill every U.S. citizen in Los Angeles.
Police officials fear the death toll could be as high as 9.
General Discussion / Correct?
July 20, 2014, 05:16:27 PM
 If a coin is tossed 3 times and all three tosses land on heads, the PROBABILTY (odds) of the next toss coming up heads is only 1 in 16.

The "CHANCE", on the other hand, never changes and is 50% on EVERY toss.
(Its all in the wording I guess)

General Discussion / This caught my attention
July 07, 2014, 03:05:51 AM
Was playing a couple days ago........we have a max. payout of $3,500 on the inside.

A guy put $100 on the 2 and $100 on the 1-6 DS.

Granted, I don't see this too often. The dealer was confused and asked floor what to do? Dealer had to take off the DS bet and give it back (before the spin of course). I'm not sure I agree with this and here's why >> Lets say the 2 did hit, give the guy his 35 units and take the losing chip from the DS. Why?

Yep, what I thought (and was hoping) did happen, the 6 hit. Is it fair, now this guy gets nothing. They should keep the black chip on the DS, so he at least has 5 other numbers to maybe get a hit and its in the best interest of the casino. That DS is really only covering 5 numbers instead of 6 (with max bet on #2).

Any thoughts?

http://listverse.com/2010/01/24/10-gamblers-who-beat-the-casino/ << Not sure I like the title but its kind of cool. If this has been posted before, sorry.


(If links are a no no, delete this, that's fine).
Real simple Esoito >>> "there are 38 numbers and we get paid 35:1, its impossible to win".

THAT PERSON, can not and will not understand what thinking outside the box means.

@Crow >> I agree 100%. I also compare this "thing we do" to a fine painter. I suck at painting, always have and I don't care what schools you send me to, I will never have/learn that talent. (When I say painting, I don't mean the kitchen walls, lol). ACTUAL ART !!!

If you suck at playing pool, you can LEARN the game and with much practice, get much better but to learn how to think outside the box?

In my opinion....it can't be done.

Learning how to play a certain method from another poster is far different from creating that method.

General Discussion / After years.....
June 30, 2014, 02:12:08 AM
If I'm repeating myself, ignore this, I'm talking to myself. After so much playing/testing, playing/testing etc....... I feel 100%, you have to have rotating bets.
Meaning, NOT sticking with the same numbers until "such-n-such" happens.

In my opinion, 1-3 consecutive spins of the same numbers (2-4 numbers max), if no hit, move on. You can keep the SAME reasons (style) for the next bets but different numbers and all flat betting.

This thread is not about WHAT or WHY to bet, its more about, how long to bet it. Also, I am not stating, don't bet those numbers again in the session, just saying, don't sit around and WAIT for your numbers to hit. Only my viewpoint fellas.


Previous post..... I don't agree. I think roulette was designed for the idiots (such as) in order to play lucky numbers, birthdays etc.

As long as 99.5% of roulette players toss their chips on ANY stupid numbers for ANY stupid reason, the casino will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh!!!!
