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Messages - Mr J

I have a few threads that I like to re-post every couple years because I find the answers interesting, this is one such topic.

In order to "create" a DECENT (not a H.G.) method, you can NOT think like the masses do, you MUST look at roulette differently. Be creative, almost like a painter before he/she hits the canvas.

If this is you.... we get paid 35:1 and there are 38 numbers (throws hands in the air),

"That's it, no point in playing. We can't win". << If this is you, you will NEVER be able to think outside the box, trust me, you are doomed and don't even know it. You can't ask me..... "Hey Ken, how can I also think outside the box"?

I can't answer you, it can not be taught (imo). A person either has it OR does not have it, no middle ground (imo).

So what do you think? Can thinking outside the box be taught? Keep in mind please, I NEVER said, thinking outside the box will bring you riches, that's a different thread for YOU to start if you choose so don't ruin MY thread please.

Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 21, 2014, 06:06:48 PM
can't....it conflicts. The 13 hitting, then betting the 14 and 15 (same street).

Across from the 13 is the 14. I can't have ANY same number from more than one idea. I have my three styles already, testing something out.

Pretty much the entire Saturday (casino is too crowded anyways). I'll test this for 13 hours straight, no breaks.

"Are most folk simply empty vessels waiting to be filled?" >> Yes.

Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 21, 2014, 03:37:48 AM
Thanks guys for all the help. To be HONEST, I did not reveal everything.

It appears I'll be using a few of the posted suggestions *BUT* not exactly how/why you think. My method (in testing) is 10 times more complex than simply betting the 7, 9 because the 8 hit.

I'll post results if things turn out decent !!

Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 19, 2014, 03:23:02 PM
Here is a HALF idea. I need the other half. Betting the number that just hit along with......?

The 35 just hit, bet the 35 and? Like I said, something that can be spotted FAST, without charting and does NOT conflict with the other ideas.

Roulette Forum / Any ideas?
June 19, 2014, 04:36:47 AM
I'm bad at explaining things but I'll try to tell you what I'm looking for.

(00 wheel only)....... 2 numbers only please. I'm looking for any ideas regarding event betting AND it has to be something *EASY* to spot while looking at the history board. Something you can see in a couple SECONDS (nothing you would keep track of).

Whatever number just hit, then the NEXT number is either a win or no win.

Two examples are >> The 17 just hit, betting the two numbers in that street on the NEXT spin, 16 and 18. Another example >> The 29 just hit, betting the two neighbors on the NEXT spin, 12 and 25.

I need a third option (or even a 4th option) but like I said, it has to be seen in a couple of SECONDS. Also, no over lapping of ideas. Meaning >> The 18 just hit, bet the number before and after it, the 17 and 19. NOTHING like this because its too close of an idea regarding the two numbers in the same street. The 17 would be in TWO different betting styles, I don't want that.

If you have any thoughts, I'm all ears.

Thanks, Ken
General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 16, 2014, 12:36:42 AM
I would not have this opinion if >>> there was human interaction, an OBJECT I could look at for changes and (most important) the video (feed) of the wheel *NOT CHANGING* angle/size !!!

General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 16, 2014, 12:27:47 AM
"an extensive video library of results, with sophisticated software editing programs that cut the video stream between actual spins and stored spins. You might see the cut stream switch as a tiny glitch or lag in the video you are watching and think little of it, as this happens all the time anyway. The result given could be any result the casino loaded into the video stream" >>> I just said that. The "tiny glitch" is when the wheel shifts from the upper left to the center (without zooming I might add). You can NOT follow the zero (or the ball) because of this shift. You don't know if you are viewing the same feed from 5 seconds earlier.

General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 16, 2014, 12:17:51 AM
An experiment I wanted to do but can't..... Also notice, during TABLE CLOSED, the pic size of the wheel get bigger (a close up) and it shifts from left to right. There is a REASON for that. What I wanted to do......use a pencil and write on my monitor, the wheel size (a circle).

When it gets blurred out during "table close", using my finger and the correct speed, follow the ZERO around (its the easiest number to track) and when the pic comes back, my finger should be PRETTY CLOSE (not perfect) on the zero but they are CLEVER......that's why the angle and SIZE of the wheel changes.

General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 16, 2014, 12:00:34 AM
Here is my OPINION after watching. I say, NO magnet BUT what I don't like......during "Table Closed" the camera shot changes.

Always a no no with LIVE on-line, too suspicious. Meaning, there is a record of course of EVERY number being hit with NOTHING in the picture that can change, like.....a hair style of the dealer etc. (small things)

With this, its ALL the same, I would not trust it. Lets say there is a ton of action on the table but very little on the #23, and the 23 hits via a pre-recorded 23 hitting. Just so I understand this....you can NOT stand there (not talking at home) and watch it spun, correct?

I was reading the link above (at GG) regarding the WoV board and that goof M.S.

I wish I had never lost my password for GG, I would comment. Anyways, its amazing how some people eventually catch up to me.

A couple years ago I went on a RANT regarding the BIAS attitude at WoV and the same people that said I was WRONG, are now seeing the light. His moderating there is very BIAS and if you are NOT ON BOARD WITH THE MASSES, you will be gone or a few bans might knock you into place. Independent THOUGHT will not be tolerated. THANK GOD I am not there, too much BS for me.

General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 15, 2014, 10:51:54 PM
@Flat >> Are you sure the pocket is not in a V shape? Also, what about the hundreds of posts I read over the years.....they don't cheat because they don't have to, roulette has its built in house advantage. So now, this little fact means nothing?

General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 15, 2014, 03:20:05 PM
Are we talking about the Roulette Evolution game?

Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
June 15, 2014, 01:29:31 AM
Where do you find all these pics? Google/Bing pics?

Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
June 15, 2014, 01:17:36 AM
I think it takes balls to start a thread like this, hats off to Gizmo.

It does not mean I agree (keep that in mind), just sayin, to KNOW you will be slammed regardless, I give him credit.

That said, of course any moron knows when a streak is over, HOWEVER, to know before it starts (at the moment of starting)? Hmmm, that's a tough pill to swallow.
