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Messages - Mr J

Roulette Forum / Out of Boredom
May 13, 2017, 05:27:02 PM
What I do quite a bit if I have the extra time.... I go to C. Casino. I write down the top 10 hottest numbers (in order), then write down the top 10 cold numbers (in order). No need to play if I don't feel like it.

Anyways, I set a timer for 4 hours later, I go back to C. Casino and look again. Sure as heck, most (not all) of the cold are now hot and most (not all) of the hot are now cold. Its about one spin per minute.

I just felt like posting this, heading to the casino shortly.

Meaning..... (as most already know), ALMOST everything is in CYCLES. I have tracked this at least 300 times over 1.5 years, yes I need a life but roulette IS my life (lol).

Roulette Forum / Different Ball Sizes
May 07, 2017, 03:53:56 PM
Here, they have 3 different ball sizes. Okay okay, Ken is nutty again (lol)

I have been playing for YEARS. Why is it, the smallest size (beebee ball), I get my butt kicked, just like last night!! The medium size I do alright and the bigger size, I do my best, great results!!

This is over years of results mind you. When I sit down, yep, they switch ball size to the smallest.

Coincidence? I understand I can leave when ever the heck I feel like it, I don't need to hear the speech.

I think I stay in order to "show them", I can still win!!.....but most of my results, I lose. I seriously drop my unit sizes when I'm playing against the beebee ball. Thoughts?

It seems(?)....SHORT sessions, few numbers bet, NOT sticking with the same numbers and of course the biggie......you are choosing those numbers WHY? Session is over, plus or minus, start again.


   What sucks about this game (roulette), your numbers will either hit on that visit *OR* they won't.....then go home. What an unreliable way to earn money (lol). That 11, 7, 20, 32 you need to hit, well, it may not.

    Regardless if you are playing dollars or black chips, makes little difference. You either profit for the day or not. Tough to pin your "knowledge" of the game on....your number(s) might hit (lol).

Roulette Forum / Re: Gambling, not gaming please
March 22, 2017, 01:55:54 AM
Here in WISC., the casinos and the lotteries have been around for decades.

Roulette Forum / Re: Gambling, not gaming please
March 20, 2017, 07:59:21 AM
....and the other states, not Nevada?

Roulette Forum / Gambling, not gaming please
March 20, 2017, 01:39:26 AM
I am so tired reading/hearing various casino ads calling it gaming instead of gambling. Gaming is for the younger loons at home playing video games for hours on end (lol).

I know why they (casinos) don't call it gambling, it sounds too addicting or bad for society etc.

The political correctness upsets me off I guess. Who refers to roulette as GAMING? What a damn joke!!!

Roulette Forum / Audio in addition to cameras?
March 11, 2017, 07:48:37 PM
Was curious if you think SOME of the tables also have audio capabilities in addition to the cameras regarding security? Meaning, they can hear your conversations.

Roulette Forum / 6 different dealers?
March 08, 2017, 05:19:55 PM
Let me ask your opinion on this beauty......lets say we had 6 different dealers, each spin 30 times. We also have ONE dealer spinning 180 times. Should we roughly get the same stats?

Just to verify, none of the 7 dealers are out to get us. (lol) None of them even look at the wheel when spinning, nor do they give stuff where the ball lands. I have this method I use...... I compile quite a few numbers but then it might be dealer change, I hate it.

It almost seems as if I tracked numbers for no damn reason with a new spinner on scene (no, its not playing cold numbers).

Quote from: gr8player on February 25, 2017, 03:44:19 PM
  I'd think twice before committing any real dollars to rather phony on-line betting services.

GREAT GREAT point !!!!!

Gizmotron / Re: my online school
February 22, 2017, 11:03:18 PM
You help a lot of people Gizmo, you should be thanked for that!!

Quote from: RouletteGhost on January 28, 2017, 04:29:18 PM

bet against the pattern

It won't work long term. Sorry rookie.

General Discussion / Re: B&M casino players?
January 23, 2017, 01:12:47 PM

Maybe 3 of the 649 members here play at a B&M casino (rofl).   :nod:

Quote from: VLS on December 03, 2016, 10:59:33 AM
After all these years, the only thing that matters is what YOU have obtained out of the forums (that's plural, forums).

Have you improved your game thanks to your forum reading and interactions? Are you winning more and losing less? This is what really matters.

Do not get carried away by the small stuff. Focus on improving your game.


imo.....write down the date of when you started your roulette career (lol) at an ACTUAL casino of course. *EVERY* one year anniversary..... your game results, overall net profits, bet selection etc., should be IMPROVING.

If it does not and you are in the SAME SPOT as one year earlier (meaning you are terrible at learning), my advice is to quit roulette. You'll never make it, constantly playing the same BS with hopes that your ship will soon come in, it won't.

Improve, learn and adapt, if not, perhaps switch to BINGO or slots.

Money Management / Re: Money Management Advice/Help
December 30, 2016, 07:01:44 PM
Quote from: alrelax on December 30, 2016, 12:19:57 PM
for getting somewhere in a live casino table game.

As opposed to where?
