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Messages - Mr J

March 15, 2014, 11:56:26 PM
"I use a pen and a piece of paper" >>> Sounds like me.

Years ago at my casino here, we did not yet have roulette. The closest drive was just under two hours to the next casino. I went there 2-3 times per week, a four hour drive per visit. Keep in mind, this was BEFORE the laws were changed.....at that time, we could bet on-line and I still chose to make the drive.

Great question for you on-line guys >> why would you choose RNG over DublinBet, I don't get it?

Give me the choice of RNG or nothing.....I would choose not to play. 

Yeah, if your country allows you to play for REAL money via RNG, why not play at DublinBet?

RNG?  :nope:

General Discussion / Re: What's your call on this?
March 07, 2014, 05:06:15 PM
Yeah....I'm on the fence, I just don't know.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
March 07, 2014, 03:06:27 PM
That's a cute comback. Perhaps more pics of unicorns, maybe more members will take that road to nowhere with you. It's a lonely road, you'll need company.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
March 07, 2014, 02:33:53 PM
Listen, some (not all) of you guys are just not catching on. When Xander, Snowman, Caleb, Farnsworth, Keyser are ON SCENE, there is not much point of posting a method (as you see).

The "you can't win" & "you'll never win playing methods" will be STUFFED down your throat until you are foaming at the mouth. You're better off keeping your IDEA to yourself (imo). Besides, you really don't need approval from others, correct? That's one thing that took me years to figure out.

Oh, Bob Smith doesn't like my method? Well, f**k Bob Smith and the horse he road in on. (lol)

Xander, Snowman, Caleb, Farnsworth, Keyser has NO PROOF he does well with his AP (cough) tactics, so, why listen? Fair question, again, its only my opinion. The other ODD thing.....some of the members that AGREE with him.......DRUM ROLL........ play methods!  ???  Pure comedy.

General Discussion / Re: You only need.....
February 24, 2014, 10:41:05 PM
"it's a bit like a prostitute (lol, stay with me) who never kisses clients. She saves that for her boyfriend" >>> Yep, good point, I like it.  :nod:

General Discussion / Re: You only need.....
February 24, 2014, 10:04:49 PM
Well, you would still know it, you would of just figured it out later in life. I know your point (I think), better to learn it today rather than four years from now. 

I'm only saying, speaking for MYSELF mind you, I'm at a STAGE of "cruise control" (as I call it). Anything I now play is OFF OF mistakes from *MY* current methods. If you have a real good method but it needs to be tweaked a SMALL BIT, I think YOU and ONLY YOU can make that tweak. 50 other people reading your method can not make that call. Again, that's my opinion.

Its kind of like......somebody buying you a Christmas gift. (lol, stay with me) There are certain items that only you yourself would prefer picking out. It's a PREFERENCE, sort a speak. Do you want grandma picking out clothes for you? Your best friend buying you underwear? A goofy analogy maybe but I think it matches. Only YOU know what YOU should be betting and the best way YOU should go about it.

General Discussion / You only need.....
February 24, 2014, 09:43:23 PM
As I was saying.....in a way, you really don't need "help" from other forum members, that's NOT a rip on anyone!!!

Lets say you never set foot in a casino and know nothing of the game. What do you need to get started? >>>

Watch YouTube videos on how to play, where to place bets etc., have a chart of what the payouts are.
Have notebooks, colored markers, pens, pencils, calculator. Have cut-outs (copies) of the layout and the wheel order of the numbers to practice on.

That's it, that's ALL YOU NEED. Your roulette career has just started. You will need to put in HUNDREDS of hours of trial & error (as I did). Its not that important to post your method, then ask.....hey Bob, do you think this might work?


Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 24, 2014, 08:50:55 PM
@Biagle >> (lol, what?) As already stated, my post has NOTHING to do with Bayes, XXVV, Xander etc.

I'm speaking in general terms and I back up my gripe to the fullest. Nothing to GAIN by posting a method and only headaches if you do. Now don't get me wrong....... if a person does post a method, I respect that choice.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 24, 2014, 04:03:11 PM
@XXVV >> A bit of advice (its really for anyone). I know most here will jump on me for this, it may even get deleted. I have been posting for MANY years and have come to this conclusion a couple years ago...... don't post methods/systems/ideas etc., there, I said it.

This has NOTHING to do with Bayes, Xander etc.

A) You may get attacked for simply posting an idea you have. (afterall, we are not suppose to do well with roulette).

B) Results of testing might suck and people reading it then question your "skill" as a player.

C) Someone may post fake test results to make you look bad.

D) If the method is "decent" and playable, you may get no THANK YOU or worse, people not even registered go play your method.

E) Instead of posting the method and answering 329 questions, you could be spending your time doing other non-forum related things.

The list goes on.

F**k it, if you have something of value, keep it to yourself, just my opinion sir.


Off-topic / The Parent Rap
February 16, 2014, 09:26:28 PM
Hey Xander (I see I have to go on point again), with your AP (cough) skills, do you have PROOF that you do well with it? (just like old times, hey buddy?)
