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Messages - Mr J

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 15, 2014, 05:12:30 PM
 "I have given a huge amount of information for free and I don't think anyone has yet said, hey thanks" >>> I did.


Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 15, 2014, 06:18:30 AM
"However most items you (Xander) have posted seem to want to discredit someone or other, and yet promote your own views" >>> Ohhhh, he's just getting warmed up.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 13, 2014, 11:00:27 PM
Who is that? Me? You mean that thread like 4 years ago regarding RE here? that's kind of vague, could I (we) get more info? I don't HIDE nor do I get embarrassed, tell us more man. I'm off to look at new appliances so the floor is all yours.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 13, 2014, 10:44:37 PM
"I found a few right in your back yard at your reservation" >>>

Of course you did and I found a purple duck at a bowling alley eating pizza while singing AC/DC tunes.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 13, 2014, 10:37:19 PM
"The only problem is,there are not dirty wheels around anymore" >>> that's when the real fun begins. You fill up the car with gas and start your journey driving thousands of miles all over the country IN SEARCH OF A WHEEL and that's even if, one is out there AND the casino does not switch it out or level that wheel at 6am.

Guess what? Back in the car and START OVER AGAIN. (lol) Talk about.........illiterate, or a drunken imbecile with a gambling problem.  :P


Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 13, 2014, 07:52:18 PM
"we all love 'a Quest'. I think we are hard wired for it and nothing beats searching, and there is never an end, because there is always more to seek" >>> BINGO, 100% correct. Find/create a decent method, then TWEAK the f**k out of it until it bleeds cash.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
February 13, 2014, 07:43:08 PM
@XXVV >> Thank you very much for this method. Been reading it all, looks promising!!

Thanks again for all your hard work and also thanks to Bayes. You guys rock.  :cheer:

You admit it, I have to give you that much.

Why don't you post your PAST user names from other boards or should I do that for you?

"and that's the name we'll use from now on" >>> From now on? Speaking for myself, its the ONLY word I have ever used but you are kind of right, we can call it whatever.

I play.....fruitdogpens at the casino (lol).

My job is to win, you (we) can call it whatever you desire. You are in the wrong decade sir.

"He is preaching something that could have work in last century" >>> and I agree. From maybe(?) 1990's on up, no way and certainly not 2014.

Gambler's Fallacy is a TERM coined by UNSUCCESSFUL gamblers to validate their 
reasons for losing ! :nod: ! :nod: ! :nod: ! :nod:

I don't play systems, I play methods. As for yourself, all you preach is THEORY, nothing more.

In your perfect world, B happens after A,
C happens after B etc., but in REAL WORLD CASINO SITUATIONS, your thoughts hold nothing but hot air.

Don't believe this guy fellas, he's leading you down a dark and lonely road. Try putting more than 9 hours into the STUDY of methods, you would be surprised what you MAY come up with.

"and dive into real biased wheel play" >> If it was 1923, I might agree with you but not today.


"You're getting closer to biased wheel play" >>> Slowly, slowly...... (am I stupid or something?)

Come on, out with it. Get it off your chest, "my friend".

General Discussion / Re: Any takers for this challenge
February 03, 2014, 08:34:41 PM
"Randomness is the "black ice" on the bridge to success" >>> Very cool, I'll be using that one.
