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Messages - Mr J

General Discussion / Re: Big Time Profits
January 02, 2014, 09:30:17 PM
I broke a record 2 days ago. Played roulette for 22 hours straight.

Had a NICE day/night with profits.  :nod:

"Internationals take notice in the USA we use spouse instead of her because of political correctness" >>> Even that's old school now.......... PARTNER is the correct word. That covers the gays and straights. I hate the term but oh well.

This will sound goofy but I'll give it a shot.......Leaving at the CORRECT TIME is the key to "winning", not roulette itself. The "winning", actually has little to do with roulette.

ThomasGrant / Re: Welcome Tom!
November 15, 2013, 01:44:03 PM
Hi buddy. Great to see you (or read you)..... [smiley]yahoo/yahooparty.gif[/smiley]

"roulette is solely luck based 0% skill" >>> Oh, oh......got a live one. The "you can't win" crew is back. (lol)

General Discussion / After dealer change?
November 10, 2013, 09:00:09 AM
Wanted to know if anybody does this or not?........ Lets say you have aquired some stats at the table, past spins etc.

Its now time for a dealer change (shift is done). Do you START OVER with new stats? Completely forget about what you have jotted down.... HOT numbers etc.

If yes, how do you handle a dealer going on break (usually 20 minutes). Would you use the same stats for the relief dealer spinning or WAIT until the original dealer gets back?

If yes, it sure does suck if he/she is hitting your numbers and you have no chips on them. Myself, I have the shift schedules written down (they are a bit different from weekdays & weekends) and I usually plan on starting my play a little after the NEW dealer starts. How many people do that? (LoL)

Geez.... Have a blast fellas. I have no time for that. Why?

I'M AT THE *casino* PLAYING, 4-5 DAYS A WEEK.  [smiley]aes/money.png[/smiley]

Sports Betting Forum / Re: MNF
November 05, 2013, 05:55:36 AM
Packer season is over.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: MNF
November 04, 2013, 10:34:57 PM
Packers !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 04:25:15 AM
Hmmm, how much time involved is kind of an issue but for me..... I'll take a 1K NET profit, with a BR of 4K.

Thanks for that link esoito !

"No good player IMO would be reducing his bets when he is winning" >>> I kind of agree but that's part of the problem. If you up your bets after a win, then what do you do after missing for 25 spins? Also up?....or even lower the bet after 25 misses? There are different choices for this, that's why I asked.


Well, Turbo said this >> 1) we are playing 5 numbers.
2) we increase +1 unit on all 5 numbers after any 5 spins
without a win.
3) we decrease -1 unit on all 5 numbers after any win.

So that's based on 5 numbers. So maybe for one number, I'll up it after 25 misses instead of 30. Him and I do agree, down a unit after any win.

"Are the answers thus far answering your very specific question" >>> Well, no.

This is what I was thinking, as of now >> Start out with "whatever" unit size. Every 30 spins without a win, up ONE unit.

On a win, down ONE unit but never going under the starting out unit size bet.

This I read years ago but I don't like it >> Every 30 spins without a win, up ONE unit AND with every win, up ONE unit. So, your unit sizes will never go down.
