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Messages - Mr J

I have my bet selection already, not an issue. It's the HOW to do it is my problem.

Got a question fellas. What do you think is the best way to bet ONE number per spin (not the same number)...... not using a progression?

What I mean is, up or down a unit after "X" number of no hits...... then maybe up or down a unit after a win etc. What is the best approach to this? (BR is not an issue).

Turbo was/is a good buddy, I owe the guy. The ONE thing I have posted many times before and I still stick to it...... he created methods (some) that are not playable at an actual casino. Some are great in theory or have passed a test of 200K spins. Well, that does me no good.

Also, many numbers are required to bet along with FAST calculations.

Worse case >> you are playing at a table with one other person. That person lays their chips and BAM, its time to spin and no time to figure out what/how much to bet next. You have to stick to a method (imo) where you know in FOUR seconds, what/how much to bet next.

 http://www.freewebs.com/turbogenius/raindropscomments.htm << I don't understand our bets? I understand the analogy of raindrops, I get that. Can someone RE-WORD this? I'm sure it might be easier than I give it credit for.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 20, 2013, 09:06:53 PM
I stopped YEARS ago trying to convince others regarding my VIEW, the best way to play roulette. These days? I could careless how others play, way too many other things going on in life. If someone wants to only play the red numbers because red is a pretty color.......let them.

General Discussion / 10 Questions To Ask Yourself
October 20, 2013, 07:22:20 AM
I found this by accident....these may or may not be my views >>

Do you manage your bankroll?
This question shouldn't be reserved for only the roulette players. This is an overarching gambling question that any player should ask themselves. Most of gambling is money management. The ability to weather the downs and remain solvent so that you can enjoy the ups is just as important as strategy or luck.
2 Do you make too many bets?
Some gamblers are fine with grinding out smaller pots to earn a living, others really just like the action. You have to know that if you are spreading your bets too thin, you are diluting your profit margins. In many cases, these extra bets are contradictory to others, ensuring a number of losses.
3 Are you too focused on one aspect of roulette?
You may be in a rut as it relates to your playing style. This isn't to imply that the universe is conspiring against you, but rather you may have become robotic in your playing style. Try mixing things up and broaden your horizons.
4 Do you take too much risk?
If you are always trying to chase the big pots, you will more than likely end up on the losing end. Getting paid for your risk is the key to any strategy, but having too much risk means that you have to be okay with losing much more often than winning.
5 Do you try different wheels?
Don't plant your feet at one table, be okay with moving around should you not have much luck at one wheel. Don't be shy, mingle.
6 Have you ever mixed up your betting style?
This is a lot like some of the other questions. Basically, learn to employ different tactics every once in a while. Play some hunches, see how things go.
7 Do you even enjoy roulette?
Do what you love, and the rest will come. The same holds true with gambling. If you don't actually enjoy a game, you are going to be able to suffer through the losses.
8 Do you play any other games?
Is roulette the only game you play? If so, try something else every once in a while. Variety is the spice of life.
9 Have you ever kept a daily log to know your actual results?
Are you sure you lose all of time? If you aren't keep the records, then maybe you are just a Debbie Downer and think you lose more than you do.
10 Should you consider a different game?
Perhaps you really are just unlucky at roulette. Don't be afraid to walk away from something that isn't giving you a payoff.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Appropriate BR
October 15, 2013, 05:24:53 AM
Another thing I forgot to add.......have enough of a BR
for 100(min)-150 bets = spins.

For example: If you bet 4 numbers per spin @ $5 per number ($20)...... you'll need 3K (in my opinion).

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Appropriate BR
October 14, 2013, 01:30:38 AM
I'm breaking this down to $5's........ ($3K)........ under 1K in terms of UNITS (in my opinion). and this is PER visit, not some goofy lifetime BR.

To be FAIR to everyone, I really only come out with something (decent) 1-2 times per year. Either too busy etc.

I am *ADDICTED* now to testing/playing repeater methods. Numbers that are temporarily HOT, tons of issues of course.....

A) Flat betting? (I think so)

B) How long is temporarily hot, the definition?

C) How many hits on a given number(s) = HOT?........and in what time period of spins?

D) How many HOT numbers to play?

E) How long to play them?

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Not many people (even the AP goofs) will deny that some numbers take-off like wildfire. Even anti-method people can NOT say no to this........but there must be ROCK SOLID RULES to follow?!?!?!


General Discussion / Re: rare event at dublin
October 09, 2013, 03:12:41 AM
(lol)....You guys see four 22's. I see a complete street.....22, 23, 24.

As soon as the 23 hit, the 24 would be a bet and BAM........one spin later.

General Discussion / Re: Food For Thought...
September 24, 2013, 01:10:06 PM
 Do casino chips also count? Yes is my answer.

General Discussion / For the rookies
September 22, 2013, 08:14:43 AM
I have two pieces of advice, mainly for the rookie players >>

A) When you are testing (or playing), please know the difference......... good results vs. bad luck. (or bad results vs. good luck, same thing).

If you are testing an idea and it is failing after 150 spins, so what, your sample size is way too small. Keep on testing and see if that is the NORM or if those losses are simply temporary !!

If it becomes the NORM for that idea/method, kick it to the side and never mess with it again. Same thing if you have a bunch of wins early and often but still, too small of a sample size. Don't get too happy or sad after only 150 spins.

B) The simple truth...... lets say you are playing and you are up $200. That $200 might be a big thing for you, I understand that.

It is a FACT, if you walk out that casino door, you will have a $200 PROFIT for that day....vs........ if you stay and continue on, you have now been downgraded to >> it's a POSSIBILITY you might leave with a profit. I know this sounds like common sense but for too many casino patrons, it has to be pounded into their heads.

Straight-up / Re: Good Wheel Bet?
September 21, 2013, 02:34:15 AM
General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 12:50:00 PM
"they don't have any kind of dealer influence" >>> BINGO........and it does not have a dealer change or get upset if we don't tip or even expect a tip or the ball is spinning too fast/slow etc.

As far as it might not be 100% random, who cares?? that's a good thing in my book. If something is "off" with RE, great for us.

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 04:20:51 AM
     "I mean losers often blame the seat, machine,croupier etc to be unlucky than introspecting into what they are playing" >>> Got it.  :thumbsup:
