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Messages - Mr J

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 04:18:56 AM
@Turner >> I'll give you my short answer, I'm not gonna post the entire thing again. Yeah, I still love playing on RE. I feel its the SAME dealer 24/7, never spinning against us etc.

RE is great for playing repeaters. I honestly feel there are more repeaters compared to an actual wheel.

I did an experiment awhile back, not sure if I posted it already?

I went at 6am, I wanted to be the only person playing RE. I bet $25 on 11 numbers for 200 spins, I kept the same 11 numbers for every spin. All 11 numbers were on the SAME side of the wheel. I kept track of every spin in my notebook. 95 spins were on MY SIDE of the wheel.

A hit or not does not matter, it was on the same side of the wheel. I had those 11 numbers spaced out pretty evenly. Anyways, you would think if there was ever a program, it would of hit the OTHER side much more than it did but that was not the case.

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 04:06:48 AM
What? What does losing a post have to do with winning or losing at the casino?

BTW.....(this is gonna sound funny) I put a couple pieces of duct tape over this stupid button.

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 03:50:07 AM
I have this new mouse (which I hate)......there is a button on the SIDE of it. If you hit it accidentally, it goes to your previous site that you were on.

YEP, just got done with my post and hit it, LOST EVERYTHING!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 03:45:02 AM
That took the wind out of my sail, going to bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 03:43:07 AM
UNREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just spent 30 minutes making a post on this subject and lost the entire damn thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Discussion / Too funny
September 19, 2013, 08:50:57 PM
Too funny, have to post it. With Roulette Evolution here, there are 8 seats. I see this once in awhile..... a guy is having a bad day playing so he SWITCHES seats, he feels his luck might change. WTF?

I would even ask him/her (for all I know, maybe his terminal is not working correctly) but he does state...... "I'm switching, this seat is bad luck".

Pure comedy.

General Discussion / You may disagree
September 16, 2013, 12:21:24 AM
This is the way I do it but I'm probably in the minority and that's fine.

Most of my methods these days are flat betting. Lets say in the first three hours I'm really kicking a**, I'm on fire......... with most likely five more hours yet to play. I do NOT raise my bets. I know some bettors will say you should but I disagree. I'll leave it at the same level of betting until I leave. Granted, on my next visit, my bets WILL be larger (assuming its the same method).

I raise or lower my unit sizes on the NEXT visit, not on that day. That's my two cents for today folks.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 15, 2013, 06:54:48 PM
You don't change AFTER the 45 spins, you change DURING play as needed. After every NEW number hits, cross off the 46th number. Lets say the 32 is the "leader" but you've been watching that 14, its been catching up. The 14 hits (or one of the 32's drops off) again and is NOW the leader. Switch to the 14 until its time to switch again.........OR.......... another way is to have a re-set number of spins and I don't mean 350.

Maybe keep track of 80 spins (betting the top 2 hit) and when you get to a count of 80 spins, stop and start over again. Point being, the route you don't want to go is to have an endless number of tracked spins and bet that top number.

That number *WILL* slowly die out while another hot number plays catch up but you won't have a chip on it with your current rules. Every hot number will eventually die out and alot (not all) warm numbers get hotter.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 15, 2013, 06:31:45 PM
Yep, that's the OLD way I use to do it.

Now, (for example) I bet the most hit number(s) but crossing off after every 45th new number. That way, every HOT number is *CURRENT*, you are not betting what was HOT 200 spins ago.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 15, 2013, 04:19:41 PM
What is leader of the pack? I think I know but just curious.

I'm glad I don't have these issues.

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 09:42:51 PM
15 minute drive to my casino.

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 08:49:01 PM
For a couple years now, I've been thinking about moving to Reno. (no more winters and more than one casino etc.)

Plenty to do there but in a smaller package. that's more my style.

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 08:10:00 PM
I learned something new. I did not even think it was offered anywhere on a 00 wheel, interesting.

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 07:51:10 PM
00 wheel......every bet is 5.26% except the 0 00 1 2 3 (7.89%).

Here in my crappy city, no single zero wheels and I think (not real sure) not every 0 wheel OFFERS  En prison or Surrender. I'm not real sure if that's an automatic offer/rule or if its up to the casino????

I'd like to know.
